Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 126 Disaster Forecast

"...Forbidden Army?"

The rising star of the Second Legion clenched his teeth and squeezed out disbelieving sounds bit by bit from between his teeth. Hector frowned: Even if he was beaten thousands of times before, When his opponents were besieging him, the Emperor Fang, who was famous for his talent and will, did not show such a look.

"Now is not the time to make jokes. Teacher, are you really...sure?"

"A... Custodes?"

The ancient warrior Kailon was now extremely serious. He had a straight face and said nothing. His brown eyes were staring at the strange, tall and terrifying opponent in front of him: Hector. The team has been fighting on the front line of the dispute with Ran Dan for almost ten years, and such an opponent is unprecedented for them.

It looks extremely tall, maybe even four meters high, and even the Astartes look dwarfed in front of its fans: Although Randan has always been a tall and strong alien race, such a striking individual is also the first time the Empire has ever seen it. Never encountered before.

This terrifying opponent neither attacked first nor avoided the battle. It just walked slowly ten meters away from Hector's team. Like an extremely arrogant silent giant, it casually looked at the four soldiers. Astartes warriors of the Second Legion.

It is wrapped in a layer of black armor that exudes an ominous atmosphere, hiding itself from head to toe in the strange shadow. It is arrogant, and it is rightly arrogant, and the reason for its arrogance is also very clear. In front of Hector and the others: There were several spikes standing on the back of its helmet, and stuck on them were the broken blood-stained helmets of Astartes warriors, and on its limbs and bones were also Covered with wounds and blood.

Hecht could tell that there were blue, purple, iron gray, and even black among them. He also saw the honor marks belonging to company commanders or elite veterans on the best-preserved helmets, and the blood stains on those helmets Some of them weren't even dry yet. Apparently, before encountering Hector's team, this extremely weird alien [Forbidden Force] was enjoying one killing ceremony after another.

Hector also discovered that there were some obscure but seemingly exquisite reliefs and carvings on the alien's armor. Obviously, it held a high position in its own race and organization.

And now, this powerful alien warrior raised his head and glanced at the sky that was constantly burning with flames. A low and fast voice sounded from behind its visor. Hector found that he could understand: In such a long period of time, After the war, both humans and Ran Dan have more or less mastered some of the words of their mortal enemy.

Hector could barely distinguish the alien's words: [Resolve] [Task] [Escape Test Subject] [Hunt] [Capture Alive]...

Hector bent down, breathing, taking a deep breath. He held the indestructible sharp blade in his hand tightly, and moved his center of gravity forward, at the front of his team members. He narrowed his eyes and stared closely. Looking at the unhurried alien in front of him, he slowly spoke and asked his teacher for the last time.

"Sir Kailong, are you sure?"

The ancient warrior did not immediately answer his proudest disciple. He stared closely at the too-tall alien. Under the cover of the other three people in the team, his mind could temporarily go through the mists of time and go to where he once was in the Holy Terra. Pulling back time to the glorious days when he had fought side by side with the Emperor's greatest creations, he spent a few moments recalling those first battles and the memory of those mighty golden warriors in his mind. impression

Finally, he shook his head.

"It's not the Imperial Guard, at least it's definitely not the Emperor's Imperial Guard, but it does exude something similar to the Imperial Guard. I don't dare to think about the reasons."

"But we need to kill it anyway, and it would be better if we could bring it back."

Listening to the teacher's words, Hector couldn't help but smile. It was the purest bitter smile.

"What an incredible goal..."



[Where did he and his legion go? This incompetent person has caused more damage to the empire than a thousand Randan fleets combined. He should be sent to a military court or hanged directly. ! 】

When Causwayne came to his genetic father with a new batch of the most important military intelligence, he could hear the low and dark roar of Caliban's lion, like a trapped lion. The ancient beasts in the bottomless abyss kept roaring at the only ray of moonlight that could shine into the cave.

The King of Knights of Caliban is now in a dire situation. His hair is messy, and the messy golden hair is stuck to his ears and cheeks, setting off his scarlet bloodshot eyeballs. It has been a long time since his beard was shaved, and his armor has not been changed for a long time. In fact, in the past few Terran Standard months, apart from fighting on the most critical front lines, Zhuang Sen has basically never left this place where he is constantly being attacked. The command room was filled with more and more bad news, without leaving the scarred "Indomitable Truth".

Coswayne was not affected by this angry wave. As one of the most trusted sons of Caliban, he knew what a heavy burden his genetic father was shouldering now, and how much loss, failure and loss he shouldered. Multiple distress caused by dereliction of duty.

He just waited quietly and patiently, waiting for the anger of his genetic father to gradually dissipate. Then, Coswayne looked through the thick stack of literature in his hand and began to recite each letter one by one. , reciting these messages from various fleets, various fortress worlds, and even from Holy Terra, these messages have the highest priority.

The son of the Lion King deliberately placed the most inspiring part at the top.

"Good news, my lord, good news from Holy Terra."

"They have learned about Ms. Morgan's situation: she is in good condition now. She is operating with Zahariel's company. The number has not yet been reduced. They are now with Lord Horus's Luna Wolves Legion. Fighting in the western part of the galaxy, she is unable to escape immediately for some reasons, but once the matter is over, she will soon be able to return to the First Legion."

Coswayne reported the good news in one breath, and then, like the most perfect knight sculpture, he stood aside and waited for his genetic father's reaction.

As he expected, the moment after hearing the news, the gloomy atmosphere that had been lingering on Zhuang Sen for several months dissipated a lot at a speed visible to the naked eye, which made the lion king's most trusted heir secretly breathe a sigh of relief. Tone: Your Majesty, ever since Ms. Morgan disappeared inexplicably in the strange storm caused by Randan, the original body of the Dark Angels has been shrouded in the most gloomy and terrifying aura. During those times, the entire "Unyielding Truth" remained silent under this powerful gloom.

【Sure? Is she still safe? Is it still within control? 】

"According to the message sent back from Holy Terra, Lord Horus was full of praise for Ms. Morgan's ability and attitude. He said that he would eliminate the aliens in front of him as soon as possible and personally select a battleship to carry her back to the First World with all the Dark Angels. A legion.”

"His Excellency Horus also mentioned that if Holy Terra agrees, he is willing to immediately mobilize all his troops to support Ran Dan's front line as quickly as possible. He also hinted in the letter that we can... take the initiative to Holy Terra Terra mentioned this."

[Hmph... Horus...]

[The most beautiful thing about him is his mouth. 】

The Lion King snorted lightly, but his mood had become much clearer to the naked eye. Caliban raised his head and let his eyes wander around the room for a few seconds, and then focused on the exam again. On Swayne.

[In this case, we don’t have to worry about Morgan anymore. She can take care of herself and my heirs. 】

[Next, Cowes. 】

Dark Angel nodded, and then he continued to flip through the pages, his words flipping through the bad news one by one.

"The 446th Expeditionary Fleet and the 932nd Expeditionary Fleet have been proven destroyed. They were swept into Randan's control area by the subspace storm. This is already the sixtieth fleet destroyed in this Terran Standard month."

"The fortress world of Yoval has been proven to have fallen. According to the last message sent back by the garrison commander there, the people of the empire who were once ruled by Ran Dan seem to have been infected with a strange virus, which will accompany Ran Dan. Riots arose at the approach of the fleet.”

"The tug-of-war in the Duarte sector continues, mainly centered on the struggle for control of two habitable worlds. Admiral Astra encountered the support of several forces that escaped from the warp storm, but he still Requesting direct orders from you to allow him to destroy the entire sector at any adverse moment."

"The battle in the Smresler sector..."

Coswayen briefly talked about the most anxious war zones. Every word in his words passed over the lives of millions of soldiers and the cries of the people. Along with his words, Jonson tightened his voice. Staring at the star map of the Sun Star Territory in front of him: the last line of defense in the northern part of the Galaxy has been breached, and Ran Dan's vanguard troops have begun to encroach on the rich world of the Sun Star Territory.

Zhuang Sen began to think about whether he needed to make a big gamble: he needed to gather strength, gather the strength of at least three legions, and conduct a strategic battle on a certain road that Ran Dan must pass through to stop Ran Dan's footsteps... …

With the birth of this idea, the Caliban Lion's gaze began to roam among the thousands of stars. His gaze passed over the important traffic thoroughfares and screened the most critical part of them.

At this moment, some discordant words appeared in Coswayne's report.

"There is another message, sir. This was intercepted by me personally. I think it may contain some... different situations."

Jonson's eyes came to his heir, and he looked at Coswayne in silence for a few seconds.

【explain. 】

"According to intelligence, shortly after the disappearance of the Eleventh Legion, the Sixth Legion, the descendants of Lord Leman Russ, sent a small force to Lord Mengele's home planet. So far, no news has been returned. until……"

"Until five Terran Standard Days ago, Lord Leman Russ began to summon all his great companies, seemingly preparing to launch a...conquest against Lord Mengele's home planet?"

【...Does Terra know? 】

"The conquest fleet was specially sent there by Holy Terra."

"According to the information we received, the exploration force of the Sixth Legion seems to have encountered Mengele on his home planet..."



A low curse came out from Hector's clenched teeth. Morgan's hand-chosen heir was feeling numbness in his arms, and scars appeared on his body, like sharp storms scratching boulders.

Hector breathed heavily. In his memory, this was the first time that he had the upper hand in the purest confrontation of strength. You know, even when facing the famous Black Knight Sigismund Germany, his power also has an absolute advantage.

This [Forbidden Army], Ran Dan's [Forbidden Army], is like a moving, living mountain. It silently delivers the heaviest blow, crushing Hector's body in both strength and speed. squad.

In just the first round, the [huge] Ajax was knocked out before anyone could react. The blasphemous weapon was pointed directly at the throat of the Astartes. Fortunately, the alien [Custodes] In other aspects, it is far from comparable to the human Custodes. At the very least, Hector and Chiron can keep up with the rhythm of its battle: although the strength and speed of this terrible opponent are indeed comparable to or even surpass those of the Emperor's golden creations. , but it is obviously insufficient in terms of response speed and skills.

At the very least, when Hector rushed forward without fear and struggled to hold on under its crazy offensive, it indeed failed to deal with the talented fangs in the first place, and when the four-person team When fully assembled, this blasphemous alien creature did not panic at all. Its claws and its blasphemous blade made a harsh grinding sound, and the light of psychic energy echoed in its head and vision.

The next battle lasted perhaps ten minutes. They fought desperately on the desolate hills, spraying the same blood-red blood under the blood-red sky, as well as other things: spit, acid, Sweat, broken bones, scolds, curses, smoking bolt muzzles, hissing blades, and those tears that are either sour or salty, the battle is so intense that it makes people forget it. It is suspected that it will awaken sleeping underground monsters.

Hector forgot how they survived. He only remembered that the alien blade was like a roaring storm. Every swing of it would leave a real heavy wound on the Astartes. They could only avoid it. , had no choice but to escape, and could only rely on Kailon's constant command and taking turns to bear the injuries to survive.

They survived.

That's all.

He still remembered Ajax's painful curses. Just a moment of absence, one of his hearts was pierced, and only half of the other one was still beating; he still remembered that Salieri's spiritual breath was constantly beating. Fading, his right hand was cut off again, dripping with oozing blood; he still remembered breathing, the breathing of him and Sir Kailon. They took turns rushing to the front, exchanging scars for the life of their companions. Output opportunities.

He still remembered the Iron Warriors, those friendly forces who joined in the middle of the battle. They obviously didn't understand the horror of this alien. Before Hector could say a word to remind him, the heads of eight Sons of Perturabo were flying high.

He still remembers it, but he has also forgotten it.

He forgot how the battle ended. Only in the blurry fragments, he could see that Ran Dan's [Forbidden Army] seemed to be disgusted with this game of exchanging injuries for injuries, and its attack changed in an instant. It was so fast and violent that some kind of strange spell was wandering on its body. It seemed that it just swung the knife lightly, and Hector fell heavily to the ground, feeling that some vicious spell was invading his body.

But then, an unknown force beat in his heart: it was a force that made him feel inexplicably warm. He supported himself and stood up, ready to continue to pounce on the opponent who could kill him.

Then, he heard [howling].

A howl that would make any Astartes' hair stand on end.

He heard the powerful Ran Dan alien constantly pouring out some curses. It threw them away, as if it was facing some unimaginable opponent.

Hector heard it.

Hector saw it.

That's a [monster].

An unimaginable monster, a monster hundreds of times more terrifying than Ran Dan's [Forbidden Army].

It didn't know where it drilled out of the ground, and allowed its fat, flesh-colored twisted body to wander in the sand and dust. It looked like a flesh and blood Titan made of minced meat and bones. A living mountain range that can be walked, it is constantly rolling on the sand dunes. The ferocious face with more than 20 eyes of different shapes is staring at the Ran Dan alien, accompanied by an indescribable sound. Roaring, it grew its two huge mouths, revealing hundreds of sharp or dirty deformed teeth.

Its body seems to be spliced ​​together from various corpses. They are twisted into a ball without any order, only large and small broken arms and tentacles are exposed. Dozens of such disordered limbs accompany it. It moved and waved continuously, and at the bottom of the twisted body, densely packed hooves and feet were vaguely visible, advancing like a deformed centipede.

It roared, it went crazy, it started a battle with Ran Dan [Forbidden Army] without hesitation, and feverishly inflicted its pain and hatred on the only creature still standing.

Hector couldn't remember much about what happened after that. He only remembered that he was seriously injured and was buried in endless yellow sand. He could only hear the same abominable twisted roars of aliens and monsters. They were fighting. They bit each other heartily in the constantly boiling flesh and blood.

Kill each other.

Hector did not remember how long he had been unconscious. In fact, his memory of the battle had been completely fragmented: after the ferocious stitched monster appeared, he could no longer remember the details of the battle.

He only remembered that Lord Kailong pulled him out of the yellow sand. He saw that half of Kailong's face had been completely torn apart by Narandan's blade. The pupils that once rolled with brown eyes were now only dead.

Just as he was about to say something, he saw Kairon pointing at a piece of rotten meat in the distance and motioning for him to go over and take a look.

Hector was a little confused, but he still did as he was told. He forced his almost falling apart body and came to the stinky piece of rotten meat. He quickly recognized that this was the man who suddenly entered the room. Monster, as for Ran Dan’s [Forbidden Army]...

He saw the heavily corroded armor in the acid, as well as the cracks where the monster was disemboweled from the inside, and chose not to dwell on what happened.

Then, his eyes were attracted by another figure. He stepped in, tore open the rotten pieces of flesh, and walked step by step from the stomach to the chest, where a highly decomposed Astartes The corpse was lying there: or in other words, this monster seemed to be pieced together bit by bit with this Astartes as its core.

Hector squinted his eyes, and he discovered that the armor had not been completely corroded. He picked up a fragment of the Astartes' shoulder armor, which had faint marks on it.

He took a look.

He froze in place.

"Your Majesty, the Emperor..."

Hector was stunned, his arm hanging down feebly, letting the fragment fall into the sand and rotten flesh. Through the light of the scarlet sky, the almost disappearing traces on it could be vaguely seen:


——————Volume 2, End————————

The Primarch of the Eleventh Legion is named Mengele. As for him...how should I put it, there is an allusion to his name.

Interested readers can look up Joseph Mengele, and you will probably know what kind of person Old Eleven is.

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