I just learned that there is a work testimonial on Qidian that is free of charge (face covering)

I apologize to the readers who were deceived by me ten points before. I will change that notice into a side story as soon as possible. Well, when I think of a suitable idea, please start supervising me here.

As for the incident in Chapter 118 two days ago, I also formally apologize to all readers here. The situation was indeed special that day. I had a cold that day and was not in good health, and then there was a problem with my mobile phone when I was typing. , it won’t charge. I bought this phone in 2017. It’s indeed a bit too old. I plan to replace it tomorrow.

In short, I would like to apologize to everyone here, and I promise that this problem will not happen again.

Well, if you still feel a little dissatisfied, you can make some requests that are not too excessive, and I will see if I can satisfy you readers (weak, pitiful and helpless)


Let me talk about some of the questions and thoughts about this second volume. Well, right now, the main feeling in my heart is anxiety.

Because personally, I feel that my writing in the last few pictures has not been very good. Many things, such as the defeat of the empire in the battle with Ran Dan, have not been written. I have not written much about the power of Ran Dan’s empire. Motali Ann's deeper personal feelings and Horus' shrewd character were also poorly written. All in all, I felt these were quite a failure.

And I'm also afraid of being criticized. After all, the setting of Ran Dan is too confusing. Who knows whether Ran Dan will be written as a local power instead of such a powerful opponent, so I am very confused.

There are many places that I actually want to write about in detail, such as Ran Dan’s power, but I’m afraid that you might think it’s unfair, so I have a rather tangled feeling. In fact, I feel that I wrote some parts in these two pages in a hurry, such as Talking about the first meeting between Mortarion and Morgan is too general, but I was a little afraid that I might be suffering from literary youth syndrome, so I felt like I was in a dilemma.

Then I actually feel that the entire second volume may be a little worse than the first volume in terms of rhythm. After all, this second volume is much longer than I thought. I originally expected that the second volume might only be about 20 pages. With ten thousand words, I could write the entire Ran Dan War, but reality proved that I thought too much.

Also, don’t think that the author is the strategist. I, the author, was also beaten by my own plot. Many times, I didn’t expect how the plot developed like this.

For example, in The Lion King, in my initial conception, I didn’t even know how to write the relationship between Morgan and Jonson. At that time, Jonson’s character was a third- or fourth-tier character, and he didn’t have a good relationship with Morgan. , at most it feels like you can speak well.

It wasn’t until I was writing that I discovered when Morgan raised Lion King’s bond value to such a high level. The Lion King, who I expected to be a passerby character, is now working hard in some strange direction. Stop it. !

I don’t even feel that I have any systematic way to get Morgan and Lion to have a relationship. I don’t know why it’s like this (face covering)

As an author, I was so beaten up by the characters and the plot, it was so sad.

There are also other issues, such as Morgan’s eldest son Hector. I want to make him a more charming character, such as a less dark character like Sevita, but I feel that I It can be difficult to do this.

As for Hector's affairs and many other characters, I wanted to use their perspectives to enrich the plot, but in the end it became a rather long-winded and boring episode that readers may not like to watch. Think about it this way It's also quite sad.

After all, it’s because I don’t have enough writing skills.

There are also some places that test logical thinking, and there are also many problems. For example, the Ran Dan Forbidden Army in the first two pictures, I just wanted to write about its power, and then I didn’t want Hector’s team to suffer casualties. , after all, they will still be useful later


Sorry, Iron Warriors.

In fact, apart from that, there are quite a lot of problems in this volume, such as the issue of frequent switching of multiple perspectives during the 50-plus pictures, and the issue of Morgan's combat power expanding to a certain imbalance. There may be some aspects of his character and interactions with other primarchs that I didn’t describe very well. Many battles may be written in a stinky and long manner, without any interest or attraction, resulting in a less good rhythm of the article.

And I will habitually describe in detail some places that I think are very important, and even add some memories and switch to other people's perspective to describe side by side. I personally think this is a way to enrich the plot or highlight the importance. Thoughts, but I think this is also a kind of literary youth disease...

Well, I will try to correct it in the future.

There are also typos. There is really nothing I can do about this. After all, I use my mobile phone to code, and the coding time is not that long. It is basically the speed of life and death. You can also see it from my update time, so many times I didn't have time to correct the typos at the time...

Well, when I have time, I will summarize these previous articles. Some places really need to be filled in or deleted. In short, I will definitely do it next time.

In short, this volume actually has a lot of problems. My instinct was to write about the unfolding of a grand work, but now it seems that my writing skills may not be able to control such a huge plot so well.

And how can I put it, many readers may know that the author used to write books in Hedgehog Cat. The reason why he came to the starting point was firstly because of a period of silence before Hedgehog Cat, and secondly because the author did have something in his heart that he wanted to prove himself. Or the idea of ​​attaining enlightenment and becoming a god.

Although I was quickly hit by reality...

But I still want to really finish this book. After all, judging from the current plot, this book may have several million words. I tried my best to keep the rhythm of the whole book from breaking down.

Then comes the next volume, which is the third volume. Generally speaking, the third volume should be a stage similar to challenging a boss. Generally speaking, there are two bosses, Ran Dan and the 11th Primarch.

Then I will add a lot of my own private settings in this volume, which are my own private settings that will only be used in this book. Of course, you can be backstabbed by GW anytime and anywhere. I can only hope that they will take action. Be gentle.

There is also Old Eleven, also known as Mengele. I originally wanted to design it as a prototype that was close to the aliens, but was tricked by the aliens and defeated by Ran Dan. But I later felt that for a prototype To me, this ending is too sloppy, hasty and stupid.

So I had an idea and gave him a very crazy ending and a strange relationship. In general, Old Eleven is also a very vicious person. How vicious can he be? The comments from readers in the comment area are far from reaching that level. The real bottom line of Lao Eleven.

The information that can be revealed to everyone now is that Old Eleven has inherited the Emperor’s talent and power in science and technology. Most of the things that the Emperor can make can also be made by Old Eleven. You can understand him as a super-enhanced person. Version of the old Chinese medicine practitioner.

Then because of some accidents, Old Eleven has no humanity at all. He is different from Morgan. Morgan had most of her emotions wiped out by the Emperor, while Old Eleven has no emotions at all. He is a socialist. He is a real social leader, and he has a growing environment that is comparable to Coze in a sense.

You can imagine what kind of valuable this would be.

That’s all for now. Well, this post is mainly to talk to readers about some of my thoughts and ideas, and by the way, apologize for what happened a few days ago, and then summarize some of the issues in this volume. In fact, I have many questions. I take note of everything, especially those raised by readers in their comments. I read both book reviews and chapter reviews. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them, and I will work hard to correct them.

In fact, I wait for comments just like you wait for updates. I buy every one and read the comments. Although the author can also read it in the backend, I don't have that feeling, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask them and I will work hard to change them. .

Okay, I'm going to code. Today's update is not yet available. If you have any questions you want to ask in detail, you can directly join the group. The group number will be pinned to the top of the comment area.

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