Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 141 Purgatory (1)

As Randan's first battleship finally tore through the curtain at Mandeville Point, Morgan's will was echoing throughout the Tuckers system.

Her soul and mind turned into a gluttonous dragon in the endless void. With the power brought to her by her talent and plunder, she grasped the world in her eyes tightly in her hands in an instant.

Her breath became the gentle breeze in every world, her eyes observed every corner like scattered meteors, she whispered, and her words twisted into invisible arrows in a moment, piercing The mist raised by Ran Dan's wave shrouded the entire galaxy, the vast Imperial army, and countless battleships and steel engines under her protection and rule.

When she relaxed slightly and allowed her thoughts to sparkle like little sparks of light, from the brightest center where the star could shine to the dark corners with almost no light, every battleship had its own light. Every navigator felt a moment of depression and trembling, like a lop-eared hare hiding in the grass, trembling under the heavy breathing of a passing tiger.

Every astropath and correspondent on every vital point was quite strange. They either stroked their third eye, or tapped the communication device in their hands suspiciously: because there was a sound that seemed to be there but not there. After a chuckle, the chaotic elements in the void were cleared away. The communication between battleships was clearer and faster than ever before. Every command, every sentence and even every word could easily span the distance between the world and the void. appears clearly in the receiver's ears and mind.

While the psykers belonging to the Eighteenth Legion and the Mortal Fleet were still extremely surprised by this, the warriors from the Dark Angel Legion had long been used to it. In their timely reminders and scoldings, , the entire empire's fleet was once again operating at full strength. This time, their rhythm had been improved visibly. The unprecedented communication environment made all public communication platforms busy.

"What's this?"

After all, some of Vulkan's descendants couldn't suppress their curiosity and asked the Dark Angel beside them, while the sons of Johnson often just patted the dust on their armor and tilted their heads.

"Ah, it should be Ms. Morgan, the [Soul Drinker]."

"There is no need to be surprised by this. No matter what she achieves, we will not be surprised. Being able to fight alongside her is something to be thankful for and commemorate. She always brings victory."

"...Ah, by the way, if you meet her in the next battle and she asks you to do something, do your best to do it. If you really can't leave the combat post, contact the First Legion. , we will execute it.”

The Dark Angel named Zahariel rubbed his neck and answered to the dark-skinned allies on the side. The son of Vulkan was silent for a while, but after all he did not suppress the questions in his heart.

"You seem to respect her very much?"


"All Dark Angels respect her strength and achievements. Some regard her as a powerful secret weapon, some regard her as an alternative high-ranking official of the Legion, and some... regard her orders as the original That level of the body.”

"...That would be a bit exaggerated."

"It's a bit exaggerated, but we have at least ten Terran standard years and no less than a hundred battles accumulated experience, and these experiences tell us that obeying her orders in battle is not a bad thing."

"Have some respect for Ms. Morgan, my battle brother."

"She's stronger, smarter, and more reliable than you think."

"More loyal."


Even the two closest planets in the universe are far apart from each other beyond the deepest senses of mortals.

While the guardians on Tuckers 5 were still continuing their conversations in an increasingly tense atmosphere, at the northern edge of this desolate galaxy, in the darkest corner where stars could not shine, a war had broken out. .

Thousands of miles apart, the third eye in Morgan's soul allowed her to clearly see the war at the edge of the galaxy from the First Legion's "Unyielding Truth". Her will hung high on every line. On the battleship, it was like gods in the clouds watching the kingdoms on the ground fight endlessly in their own name.

The originally peaceful Mandeville Point is trembling in a silent roar at this moment, struggling in the phantom distortion. These subspace portals should have been opened cautiously without interference from the gravity of stars or other celestial bodies. But it was like a huge sail bathed in fire rain, constantly melting and creating strange gaps. One after another loopholes and cracks kept pouring out at the edge of the galaxy. The curtain between subspace and the real universe was because of this madness. It is constantly weakening due to its behavior, and distortion and disillusionment appear in the vast starry sky.

Along with these crazy scenes, there are dozens or hundreds of vanguard ships of the Randan Empire. Their deformed hulls are without exception shrouded in a strange dark green shield. These Never-before-seen technology protects the alien ships, allowing them to pounce directly on the Empire's first line of defense without waiting for the time necessary to stabilize themselves when jumping from subspace to the real universe.

But these alien technologies are not perfect and come at no cost. Morgan witnessed with his own eyes no less than twenty alien ships breaking through the curtain between subspace and the physical universe. Their dark green shields suddenly seemed to be crushed on the ground. It shattered like foam on the spikes, and the already crazy subspace waves backfired on these poor creatures in an instant, tearing their solid hulls cleanly.

But in front of Randana's continuous fleet, such losses were almost negligible. The alien black ships came like a swarm of hungry locusts. Countless ships appeared in Morgan's territory every moment. In the field of vision, they appeared, roared, and rampaged, smashing those friendly forces who were stuck in place and still struggling in vain into iron filings scattered in the dark void.

The empire's first line of defense, more than a hundred warships, faced this invincible opponent without hesitation. The frigates and drones were as endless as a flock of migrating birds. There was burning steel silently in almost every second. Exploded in the universe, the ship's gunfire was even grander and more brilliant than the most splendid opera in the Eldar Empire. The steel behemoths were torn apart in the silent fire, and then were destroyed by the never-ending friendly forces behind them. The fleet was torn to pieces.

Behemoths are dying every moment, and fights are ringing every moment. The breathing of countless mortals stops in the roar of firing at each other again and again. The roars of light spears and macro cannons are like those fired by the God of Thunder. The world-destroying arrows shattered armor, tore throats, and strangled tens of millions of loyal or blasphemous lives in a wave of blood.

What's more, as more and more battleships from the First Legion join this fierce battle, the light that is rampaging in the void has silently changed colors: those familiar red and bright white ones. The light was slowly decreasing, pouring out of the Dark Angels' battleships a light that even the most experienced Imperial Navy captain had never seen before.

Pure black darkness, glancing missiles, twisted waves, entangled energy, and even those sharp arrows that exuded an inexplicable coldness like dried blood.

All kinds of strange means emerge from the Dark Angels' battleships, each of which is more deadly than macro cannons and light spears. Even the most magnificent Randan battleship, as long as it dares to stay in the battle for even a moment, He will be shattered into pieces in the pouring rain of angel blood.

Anyone will be impressed by this scene: the Imperial warships, which have been reduced to dozens of ships, are like heroic, greedy and cruel shrikes, flapping their fragile wings, facing opponents like two-winged dragons in the sky. , under its lightning-like offensive, even the nightmares of countless races and civilizations were bruised and bruised in the short confrontation.

But all this was just Ran Dan's vanguard force. When the Dark Angel's warships roared and tore apart a hundred alien warships, at least five hundred more terrifying, more blasphemous, and more crazy opponents had already surged up. Fighting for the weak Imperial warships, tearing apart their torsos and lives amidst savage roars.

Morgan stretched out her hand. In the few seconds she observed and thought, there were already hundreds of thousands of roaring pure white souls wandering around the edge of the galaxy. Each one of them was a greedy spider. The burning heroic soul that ladies fear, give a headache to, and stay away from.

Her eyes were temporarily withdrawn from the endless bloody battle, and she waved her hand. Once again, her will could cover the entire galaxy, and once again, the emotions named [Courage] and [Determination] in her mind would be removed from those at the forefront. She found it in the hearts of the soldiers. She looked at these immortal fighting spirits that were enough to ignite soaring flames in the subspace. She opened her lips lightly and shot countless sharp arrows at the countless people who were watching for these powers and souls. Greedy eyes.

Those thieves who had just stuck their heads out in the shadow of the subspace and looked at these noble emotions with malicious intent. Feeling this irresistible power, they could only mutter vicious words to themselves, and were no longer seen.

The front lines are fighting and contending, constantly devouring every force from both sides that rushes for help, just like two greedy giant beasts plundering the mountains and forests while using their fangs and claws to make each other bleed.

And when everything in the real universe was burning, Morgan's gaze did not stop for a moment. Her keen senses realized something was wrong at the first moment the war broke out: in many places in this galaxy, especially those most Near the center of the star, the curtain of the subspace is being weakened endlessly, as if something is about to break out of the shell.

The Primarch thought of countless possibilities in an instant and selected the one that Randan was most likely to benefit from.

They were crazier than she imagined.

【Jonson! 】

【D-28! 】

When Morgan's soul roared in the Primarch's ears, telling one of the countless plans and possible scenarios they had formulated, the Lion of Caliban did not hesitate to grab his communication instrument, his voice accompanied by Morgan's soul call, played in the ears of countless Dark Angel captains.

Amid the roar of the original body, the Dark Angel battleships located in the center of the galaxy started their engines one after another, raising all combat preparations to the highest level.

And just when even the dullest battleships were barely ready, the silent alien mechanical scream exploded in the sea of ​​souls, and all the astropaths and navigators covered themselves in pain. ear.

Even Morgan couldn't contain this force in the first place, because it came from the craziest move in the subspace: countless small cracks emerged from the center of the galaxy, and the curtain of the subspace had reached a precarious level at this moment. To the extent that even the existence of all stars and planets began to distort.

And in those cracks, the Randan battleships that had been prepared emerged one after another, and they rushed out impatiently. A large part of them were destroyed by the firepower of the imperial battleships in the first moment, and some were destroyed by the subspace. It was torn apart by the waves, swallowed up by the gravity of the planet, swept up by the restless power of the star, and turned into a pile of burning scrap iron.

But after paying countless casualties, more Randan battleships still emerged from these cracks. The alien's blasphemous technology showed its power at this moment, and the several lines of defense carefully laid out by the Dark Angels were riddled with holes in an instant.

Zhuang Sen's deep roar and the terrifying sound of grinding his teeth slowly sounded.

The next moment, the engine of the [Indomitable Truth] began to roar.

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