Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 142 Purgatory (2)

"The communications environment here is very unfriendly to us, Ullsbro."

"I know, Tatok, these humans have obviously made certain preparations. They don't intend to give up here. They want to resist and struggle here."

In a haze on the edge of the Tuckers galaxy, two tall Randan nobles stood side by side on the bridge of the battleship. They were wearing different costumes: one looked like armor used for charging into battle, while the other They are no different from the Ran Dan crew on the battleship.

"I can no longer contact Roslow and his fleet. I can't even contact the battleship right next to me, let alone the task force that attacked the center of the galaxy as planned. After the initial notification, No news came back, and our communication network is now as noisy as a honeycomb. There are only endless noises and electric currents rushing around my ears, and I can’t even contact my adjutant.”

"Everywhere is a mess. These newly recruited guys don't know how to operate the war machine. I would rather they give me two thousand people who have fought in the war than hundreds of thousands who have never even fired a gun." new blood】."

"I know what you are complaining about, Ullsbro. My troops are the same. They found a bunch of [elites] for me from schools and nursing homes. I have to take them to invade those human fortress worlds. , to face the demons named Astartes under the Mad King."


The lord of the legion spat, and the slime spurted from his mouth corroded the floor beneath his feet.

They raised their heads and saw only the burning world and endless darkness in their eyes.

The battleship was advancing, amid the wreckage and ruins accumulated by countless companions. The originally majestic torrent of steel turned into a devastating disaster in almost an instant: every battleship could not contact its companions. The smooth communication fell into complete chaos after a certain sarcastic laugh.

The officers could not contact the soldiers, the sailors could not find the captain, and there were helpless screams and confusing messages everywhere. Before the Randans could restore communication with the countless new influx of psykers, the entire vanguard fleet was disastrously communicating with each other. Advancing in collision, the only thing that orders them is the iron-clad fact: once they stop moving forward, they will be crushed into dust by a steady stream of latecomers.

This chaos may have only lasted less than an hour, but the damage it caused was even greater than the previous bloody battle. Hundreds of Randan battleships collided into a ball, torn to pieces by each other's hardness and gunfire, and then , and then disappeared into the rolling iron flow.

Ran Dan is still moving forward. This is bad news that no one can deny, but at the same time, they are also bleeding, bleeding all the time.

"Such psychic energy... is that special human individual, the [Soul Drinker]."

He was obviously a brutal general who commanded millions of troops, but when he mentioned this name, Tatok's tone was unconsciously filled with trembling and fear.

"She's here...dammit."

"That [Soul Drinker] is here, and we will all die!"

"Shut up! Don't shake my military morale at this time!"

Its companions refuted it, but its trembling words, heavy breathing, and unconscious movements of licking and grinding its teeth all showed how terrifying this name was.

"That gluttonous, crazy, never-satisfied demon, shouldn't she have died in the subspace storm long ago?"

"I don't know, but all I know is that we're going to bleed more."

"Bleeding? It's not that simple!"

"How many warships have we lost? One hundred? Or two hundred? But we haven't even touched the edge of the star."

"Okay, save your complaints. You know what this action means. We have no retreat. Once we stop advancing, there will be only massacre waiting for us. The nature of the human emperor and his servants, you and I know it all very well.”

"What will become of the world they conquer? In the past ten years, haven't you and I seen enough? They are man-eating demons without mercy, outright murder fanatics, and the scourge of the entire galaxy. Terrible disasters, they will destroy our civilization, burn our world, and devour our compatriots."

"They are madmen! They are beasts! They are the living dead taken from the grave!"

"We have to beat them, otherwise we will lose more than just honor and victory."

"We're going to bleed here, maybe a lot, but it's what we have to bleed."

"You know, the [Engine of Destiny] is in the big fleet behind us. Our great lord is protecting it. It is our last hope to win this war."

"For it, to create this [Engine of Destiny], we have paid so much price and pain, the blood of the entire empire has been drained, and each of us is burdened with the greatest pain and determination, because this is our last An opportunity, an opportunity bought with hope, dignity and future.”

"Capture that world, destroy the resistance here, destroy all the resistance and struggles we encounter, until we reach the galaxy called Terra, we must not stop, even you and me, and the people under our command All these millions of soldiers died in this place, and it was only a necessary price."

"It doesn't matter if we all die. Everything in the empire is in this war and in this fleet. There will always be someone to take over our position and burden. For the final victory, for our emperor, we will fight bloody .”

"As long as the [Engine of Destiny] appears in that place called the solar system, the victory of this war will belong to us, and the crazy evil tyrant and his beloved empire will drown in the lake of blood of division. Everything we have achieved so far will All sacrifices will be rewarded.”

"Victory belongs to us."

"Destiny belongs to us."

"The Milky Way belongs to us."


The greatest rhetoric supports the craziest, most futile, and bloodiest offensive.

No one knows how many alien empire warships disappeared in the blood, because in the brief moment when Morgan diverted his attention, dozens of brutal confrontations and fighting broke out across the galaxy.

From the brand-new rifts torn at the edge of the star, no less than two hundred fearless alien war engines emerged. They rushed from the waves of subspace into the strangled vortex of the real universe, guns and guns in unison. , the engine roared, like ferocious evil ghosts swarming out of the deepest purgatory, eager to ravage the world again.

The fastest Ran Dan warships did not even fire at all, but like bloodthirsty dogs, they rushed desperately towards the imperial warships closest to them, using their desperate assaults and entanglements to fight for the friendly warships behind them. Buy more time, and when the Dark Angel warships used artillery fire, light spears, gang jumping and various unimaginable means to wipe out these crazy dead soldiers, those in the front row of resisters were They suddenly discovered that their originally intact battle line had been shattered and was crumbling under the alien charge at all costs.

At this moment, the [Unyielding Truth] rushed into Ran Dan's battle line like a flaming angel. No weapon could compete with this greatest battleship. From its noble hull, Continuously spitting out hundreds of deadly tongues of fire, sending challengers who were overconfident one after another into the eternal underworld.

Facing it will be scary.

Challenge it and you will die.

The appearance of the [Indomitable Truth] was like the Emperor of the Mortal Empire personally on the front line of the war. Countless shouts and war cries rang out from the bridges and decks of all the First Legion that could see it. The Imperial Warriors' The cheers were accompanied by the wails of the last Ran Dan dead soldiers, and in the brightest light of the star, the first massacre of this war began.

The slaughter, the slaughter is endless. Whenever the clock in the subspace beats for a moment, tens of thousands of souls will rise into the sky, and tens of thousands of corpses will collapse. The remains of countless warriors will accompany them. The battleships turned into burning supernovas together, and when thousands of fires were ignited one after another in the endless void, even the darkest world was as bright as day at this moment, and even the great scorching sun was shining brightly at this moment. Eclipsed.

The stars dimmed, and at this moment, only the souls of the brave men lit up the entire sky.

And this is just an insignificant glimpse in the real universe and this war.

The most powerful weapon of the [Indomitable Truth] is not its gunfire, but in the deepest part of its cabin, a terrifying figure like a god in the sea of ​​souls.

The war in the soul world is even more grand, crazy, bloody, and twisted than the battle in the physical universe. When the first battleship of the First Legion and Ran Dan's vanguard had just exchanged fire, the Spider Queen of the Human Empire had already Harvested the souls of tens of thousands of Randan wizards in the sea of ​​disillusionment.

The wizards of the alien empire were even one step ahead of their fleet. Just when Morgan's energy was slightly distracted by those crazy rifts, tens of thousands of Randan wizards were like neighing vultures pounced on the carrion, from the galaxy. Edge poured into this battlefield.

Their shrill screams tore at the souls of countless Imperial warriors, and their twisted evil magic turned one Imperial battleship after another into blazing torches. They called out to their kind with screams unimaginable to the world, Ordering their troops, the chaotic alien fleet quickly restored order, crushing and devouring the empire's defense lines one after another.

Morgan frowned.

As more and more cracks continued to emerge around her, the waves of subspace were eagerly pouring into the real universe. She even felt that her power was constantly expanding in a vigorous manner.

So, she turned her head and looked at the edge of the galaxy again.

As for those cracks…

She waved her hand and smiled, and millions of alien souls were incinerated at the same moment without hesitation. The waves of subspace were swallowed up and driven by her, like gentle water splashes. Her soul accompanied her will, lightly She lightly snapped her fingers, and in an instant, countless powers burst out from her fingertips, even more dazzling than the brilliance of a thousand suns.

All Randan wizards, all Randan psykers, all those pitiful grasshoppers who dared to challenge and fight her in the sea of ​​psychic energy, their souls all let out a shrill wail at this moment. , their lives were held in the hands of the evil god, roasted by the endless flames, burned by the sacred high temperature, and turned into ashes in an instant, never to be seen again.

Morgan breathed, and the breeze she exhaled turned into a deadly vortex in the blink of an eye, accurately cleaning the cracks in the center of each galaxy, and rolling up a violent small storm in the subspace connected by those cracks.

Crazy, crying, struggling, stunned, crying, ending...

When Morgan stopped her smile and withdrew her gaze, everything in the subspace was over, and all the cracks could no longer spit out more battleships, because they had been filled with countless wreckage, Use burning and blood to scare away more comers.

Those Imperial psykers who were not affected even forgot their mission. Their proud and powerful souls were trembling in all the shadows at this time, thankful that such a powerful existence was not their enemy.

Only the bravest and most reckless psykers dare to stretch out their will and carefully look at the radiant figure on the "Indomitable Truth", and the vast majority of these reckless men are here. After being offended, he immediately closed his eyes, covered his smoking third eye, howled in pain, and enjoyed the price of overestimating his own abilities.

In that reckless glance, they only saw the most brilliant and dazzling silver-white light occupying the center of the entire galaxy. They only saw millions of alien souls wailing in unison and being thrown into endless flames. Among them, the original driving force that turned into those terrifying moves that destroyed the world and destroyed the earth could only be seen. The faceless lady was sitting on a throne made of nets, and the endless twisted souls piled up into mountains at her feet. its consumption.

That's a queen.

It's a trap.

Those are countless distorted faces...

It was destruction and catastrophe.


Morgan is burning.

Burning all the time.

After ten years of war and ten years of fighting, the tens of millions or even more alien souls she had saved were burning right now.

And she, sitting on top of the burning, felt unprecedented power and authority.

She has never been so wasteful, so extravagant, so squandering her savings. Now, every breath and smile, every wave and every scolding of hers are burning countless souls. Like a storm stirred up by a manic star, it cleanses the galaxy over and over again.

Ran Dan's wizards rushed into the galaxy without hesitation, thousands of them.

Then, they die.

Then, he continued to rush in.

The next moment, it disappeared into ashes.

Time and time again, the essence accumulated by the alien empire for thousands of years was casually crushed in her wanton laughter, just like an extremely boring dragon slowly torturing the desperate kingdom and its knights.

Until another group of wizards rushed in.

Morgan blinked.

Each of these new aliens was strong enough to become an officer in the Thousand Sons Legion. She even saw dozens of figures that were as powerful as Ahriman or even more powerful. A third of them cut themselves open without hesitation. The soul exploded from his throat and turned into a bloody mist, covering his companions.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining powerful wizards were like warriors rushing into the sea of ​​fire, rushing towards the queen in the spider web without hesitation, and in the shadows behind them, more and more equally powerful wizards were emerging continuously. Repeating the same action: slit the throat, filled with blood mist, embarked on the road of no hesitation in the silent madness, turned all his knowledge and pride into a one-time assassination, and rushed towards the invincible existence.

Their strength is not stable.

Their breath is not steady.

They exude a twisted and painful psychic energy, their pupils tainted by the colors of the Warp.


Jean Morgan.

Licking the corner of his mouth.


She felt hungry.


At this time, Ran Dan's vanguard fleet was already within easy reach of the last line of defense in the orbit of Star Tucker 5.

I really can’t write about fleet battles and long-distance psychic battles...

There are no novels to learn from gw, sad...

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