Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 143 Purgatory (3)

The sky is burning.

And above the sky, the fortress is falling, burning, falling, turning into a meteor shower of steel, being captured by gravity, and falling into the endless desert.

The fortresses in the sky were buried among the fortresses on the ground, and with their fall and death, Ran Dan's armies came one after another.

The last Imperial Navy fleet is gathering in the orbit of this world. The defense line built with the two Glory Queens of the two legions: [Unyielding Truth] and [Flaming Forge] as the core can be said to be unshakable. Any alien warship can challenge them, supplemented by hundreds of tenacious war engines and impregnable void fortresses, defense arrays, and the First Legion's hidden bombs mixed in among the meteorites. This is a card specially designed to release A trap prepared with the blood of Qian Randan.

The giant beasts are fighting and fighting for their lives. Countless aerial Death Gods as big as nests are destroying each other in the endless void. Any one of them is enough to easily suppress the entire world on another occasion, but in this final In the bloody steel tomb, their lives and struggles are just the most insignificant chips in the scale of war.

But now, such chips are everywhere on this battlefield. Tens of thousands of creatures are driving the smallest warships, shuttling and fighting in the shadows of countless void beasts, like midnight moths rushing towards the blazing fire. , on this nightmare-level battlefield, people are dying one after another, but there is a steady stream of newcomers to fill their positions. Every fire that looks so smiley is harvesting the lives of tens of thousands of warriors. They are destroying the expectations of tens of thousands of mothers, and they are sublimating tens of thousands of immortal heroic souls.

The fighting continues, expands, and intensifies. Neither the King of Knights of the First Legion nor Ran Dan’s fleet commanders have the slightest intention of retreating. No matter what they feel in their hearts, they must stand firm at this moment. Belief: kill the other side, kill the other side's fleet, kill the other side's hope, kill everything of the other side.

No matter the cost.

Till death.

This is the most direct collision of the orders of two empires, the obsessions of two races, and the two destructive wills that can never reach any reconciliation or cooperation. Every spark they create is tens of thousands of warriors. And the creatures are consumed at will, and every order they give is something that even the most powerful people cannot disobey in the slightest: kill the opponent!

So, the war is still going on, blood is still flowing, countless battleships and steel engines are still turning into burning ruins in the smallest conflicts, and priceless war machines are just squandered at will, in exchange for Even if there is only a moment of advantage, to accumulate even a slight chance of victory.

No one knows how long this war has been going on. The timers in the subspace have been faithfully fulfilling their responsibilities, counting the time bit by bit, but no one cares about it.

People only know that all the forces must be put into the fight at the front line. Generals and sailors die at the same moment, battleships and destroyers burn in the same place. There is no longer nobility and lowliness, no importance and humbleness on the empty battlefield. In the face of burning destruction, end and death are weighing every warrior and coward equally on the battlefield.

People only know that every order issued from the "Unyielding Truth" of the First Legion is still the most calm and trustworthy. Caliban's King of Knights proved it in just a few rounds of confrontation. He proved his ability, and in the long tug-of-war that followed, he fully proved that his success was not the result of temporary luck.

The Lion King is like a military god who was born for war. Even on the battlefield in the endless void that he did not care about and was good at in the past, his performance is still unmatched by anyone. The knight from Caliban The King seized every detail of this war, every opportunity, and every slight possibility that could allow the Empire to continue its persistence and bring the Empire's victory closer.

Zhuang Sen's orders were clear and unquestionable. Whenever his voice sounded in the extremely clear communication channel, even the noisiest officers would subconsciously silence their throats and listen to his orders, even if it was The officers of the 18th Legion who had never seen him would subconsciously obey and execute these orders, and then be astonished by the huge results.

In the thirtieth round of fighting after the war began, everyone on the Empire side, whether they were subordinates of the First Legion or not, whether they had seen the King of Knights of Caliban himself, they were already in their own Instinctively, based on what they see and hear, they will obey any order from this voice, no matter how cold, cruel or incredible it sounds.

Battleships are dispatched, death is ordered, and fortress after fortress frequently changes its position in the ever-changing battle situation. At this moment, it will be the most critical point in determining this battle, and it is worthy of any degree and casualties. Protection, but in the next moment, it will fall out of favor with the sudden change of the battle situation, and can only use its own strength to protect itself.

Under Zhuang Sen's command, countless deaths occurred in every corner of the battlefield, and countless abandonments and uses echoed equally over the heads of every Imperial soldier. But it was also with this most cold and ruthless order that the Empire The front line has always been maintained, and the Dark Angel has always held some kind of initiative.

Although on the surface, under the intimidation of the endless and continuous Ran Dan fleet, the empire's controlled area has become increasingly sluggish, and even some airspace on Tuckers 5 has been locked by Ran Dan. He is firmly in his own hands, but if you look carefully, you will find that the sky above the most important main fortresses is always guarded by the fleet of the First Army. No matter how fierce the offensive is, it cannot shake it.

When the Fire Dragon Lord and his descendants raised their heads, the huge figure covering them was painted with the symbol of the Imperial Sky Eagle, which made any warrior of the Empire feel extremely at ease. The First Legion's [Indomitable Truth]: Jonson is up there, and he personally guards the sky above his blood brothers. The only way to make this place no longer safe is to defeat Caliban's King of Knights himself. Any Everyone knows that this is something that cannot be done.

As of now, there may not even be 500 imperial warships surrounding Tuckers 5 and the nearby airspace, but Ran Dan's large fleet is still coming in a steady stream. It can even be said that until this time, Ran Dan's real main fleet has just appeared in the light and shadow of this galaxy, and those imperial back fleets that also stay in the shadows are like light ships under the huge waves compared to these vast opponents. paper sailboat.

But despite this, some areas of Tuckers are still firmly in the hands of the Dark Angel.

No one knows how these First Legion soldiers did it.

If you really want to find a suitable reason to answer, it would be:

They are the Dark Angels.

They are the First Legion.

But this does not mean safety. In other places, in other places where Ran Dan relied on his absolutely superior military strength, the Ran Dan ships transporting the landing troops had already braved the imperial defenders to vent out. The violent storm rushed to the relatively safest airdrop area. Most of them would be torn into pieces by the artillery fire of the First Army, but the lucky few who arrived still dropped the first batch of landing troops.

In an instant, it rained on Tuckers 5, a rain of steel.

Tens of thousands of airdrop pods were quickly thrown down. These steel tombs, which were larger than similar products in the empire, turned into twisted meteorites one after another under the overwhelming artillery fire of the ground defenders, smashing to the ground and splashing. Dust and smoke arose, and only the lucky few were able to break through these layers of obstacles and reach the dry surface of Tuckers.

As a result, the Ran Dan Empire's first wave of landing troops, an army of millions, caused the war in the void to burn above the ground. Before their artillery and heavy weapons were fully deployed, these troops were already in a hurry. The impatient warriors frantically pounced on the fortress and defense line of the nearest defender in their eyes, using their guns, swords, and even teeth and claws to cause damage and tear apart the bodies and wills of the human defenders.

Every soldier guarding the ground in Tuckers was a true veteran, a strong warrior who had fought against Ran Dan's army at least three times. They did not leave any time for themselves to be stunned or frightened, bullets and artillery fire. It's the only way they can respond to the alien's shrill roar.

They opened fire.

The ground began to burn.


Everything is burning.

In the void, thousands of warships are fighting desperately, igniting the twisted souls of warriors, butchers and executioners in the cold and ruthless universe.

On the ground, waves of Ran Dan's army were dropped. Hundreds of thousands of aliens were ruthlessly killed during the landing, and millions more would fall on the ground. They would Death from bullets, death from artillery fire, death from the anger of the defenders, death from every moment of these endless battles of attrition.

And outside the void and the world, but in the soul and will, on the third battlefield that ordinary people can't see, everything is burning.

Morgan is burning, and she is enjoying the most powerful state that she can theoretically achieve now: the surging subspace energy is assisting her, and the alien soul that has been accumulated for ten years is being consumed crazily. These two points The Spider Queen is now terrifying and fierce. Her lips and teeth are dripping with invisible blood, and countless wizards are piled at her feet.

But despite this, she was not satisfied.

She was craving more.

More souls, more quality alien souls.

She could eat it, eat it all.

Anyway, at this moment, she didn't need to stop eating because of the swelling and nausea in her soul sea later.

As for the problems that will inevitably arise from eating too much...

Let her have the headache later.

I will briefly write down the war plot as quickly as possible. The protagonist here in Tuckers is actually Hector in the early stage. He will go through an adventure. In this adventure, I will write the general style of the Second Legion... …I try my best

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