Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 144 Purgatory (4)

【Unyielding Truth】

Caliban's King of Knights stood alone in front of his holographic tactical projection. Behind him, there were only some low-level legion liaison officers and mortal officers walking around, constantly conveying important or cumbersome orders.

Coswayne and Astlan have already gone to the front line. They have their own battleships and companies to command. The talents and strength of these best people can only be best utilized when they are alone. What they need To be responsible for the fate of an entire formation, rather than to stay by the side of one's Primarch and obey orders.

And at this moment, Zhuang Sen doesn't actually need them. He has help that is more magical, more powerful, and more difficult to explain and express with simple science and technology.

The Primarch of the First Legion stared closely at the fortune teller in front of him. No one could notice that his green eyes were flashing azure light from time to time, which was the spiritual energy coming from his blood relatives. , every time this color slipped by, the King of Knights of Caliban would frown unconsciously: he had never been accustomed to the feeling of being cast a spell on himself by a psyker, even if that person was his blood relative.

But in the face of the genuine functions and benefits, he still temporarily compromised.

Perhaps to outsiders, the holographic projection in front of the Lord of Dark Angels is no different from other similar products: the chaotic battlefield is outlined with rough beam lines and densely packed bright spots, representing the two sides of the Empire and Ran Dan. The dirty light of power flashes all the time, stimulating every pair of pupils staring at the projection. The dotted lines symbolizing the changes in gravity and the scope of the explosion are also filling every inch of the fighting area all the time...

Everything constituted the chaotic three-dimensional projection in front of Zhuang Sen, and the [Indomitable Truth] belonging to the First Legion was also constantly sending out radar-like signals to the vast battlefield to recover the most timely information. Situation on the battlefield.

There is no doubt that this method is extremely slow, chaotic and unsafe, because the void has now become a battlefield intertwined with countless levels: the battle of blood and fire in the real universe is only the most superficial layer. And in those places that no living thing can witness with their own eyes, whether it is the First Army or the Ran Dan Fleet, they are not hesitating to invest a large number of electronic waste codes and interference signals into this battle. These invisible The weapons were even more deadly than the screaming shrapnel, but neither side paid much attention to it, and just blindly made every corner of the world a meat grinder in every sense.

The battle continues: In reality, in communications, and in the soul, no one knows how long this battle lasted, and no one knows how many lives died in the last moment. Perhaps a hundred Ran Dan's battleships have already Turned into the wreckage orbiting the star of Tuckers 5, perhaps there were already a million random dead soldiers who were hit by the artillery fire of the Imperial defenders during the emergency landing. They danced with friction and flames. Howling in the ruthlessness, they turned into charred corpses.

But Ran Dan still has not broken through the defense line of the Human Empire surrounding Tuckers 5, even though they have not stopped oppressing and attacking for a moment, even though they have spent an unimaginably long time in the sky above this desolate world, even though they have once Once again, they tried to bypass or avoid this lonely world, or simply blow it to pieces, but all efforts and arrogant attempts were eventually stopped by those commanders who still had reason.

After a long, careful and dangerous pre-war effort by the Dark Angels, manipulating their ancient relics unknown to anyone, Tuckers V had become an elaborate trap: Jonson's The heirs activated the equipment buried under the surface of this ancient world and temporarily stopped the rotation of the world. In this way, only one side of Tuckers 5 faced Ran Dan's fleet, and this side had been destroyed by fire. It was completely occupied by the Lizards, Dark Angels, countless elite Imperial auxiliaries, and a vast sea of ​​fortresses and artillery positions.

And in the sky above the dark side of Tuckers 5, there are void traps placed by the Dark Angels. Invisible micro artificial black holes, gravitational anchors and asteroid belts ready to detonate at any time make every huge warship almost nowhere to go. Escape is like burying an entire minefield in the void on the forward trajectory of the Ran Dan fleet. The First Legion even frantically expanded this minefield to most of the galaxy. All attempts to bypass the tower The Randan battleships on the planet No. 5 all suffered the fate of shipwreck and loss of lives.

You know, Jonson and his heirs have been preparing for several Terra standard months in this galaxy intermittently. No one knows what they have turned this ordinary place into, not even the Space Wolves and Salamanders. The fleet could only move its position carefully under the guidance of the First Legion.

Vicious curses and curses continued to be heard from the alien command room. Every failed attempt gave the alien generals a deeper understanding of the unfathomable bottom line of the First Legion. After suffering no less than the cost of battle losses on the front line, the alien generals in charge finally put away all their thoughts and began to go all out to carry out the remaining strategies.

Attack, destroy, land, occupy, and eliminate every servant of the Mad King, and end the battle before their great master and the [Future Engine], which is related to the future of the entire race, arrive in this galaxy.

No matter what they have to pay.

Then the craziest offensive began.

All Randan battleships: no matter what their previous missions were, no matter whether they could still join the battle, they were all thrown into the next offensive. Every Imperial battleship could observe everything. Every angle of view has been occupied by endless alien war engines. The fleet loyal to Holy Terra is like a white sail in the storm, crumbling and in danger.

But facts have proven that no matter how violent and powerful the wind and rain is, it cannot sink every warship that dares to challenge the sea.

What greeted Ran Dan's frenzy was the most heroic warriors, the most fearless resistance and the most violent artillery fire. The fleet of the First Legion weaved the most splendid death net in the pitch-black void, with hundreds of The battleships accurately filled every blank space in terms of firepower, creating a colorful and bizarre space post-modern painting in the most monotonous and dead starry sky. The roars of the soldiers and the roars of the battleships were like the most cunning paintbrushes. , painted the blood and death of the aliens into the most glorious scene of art in the great expedition.

Every shell fired by the Dark Angels is the most deadly, as deadly as themselves. Even the void shield and hull armor of the strongest Randan battleship are like a heavy rain in the face of such an offensive. The shriveled fallen leaves in the tree are generally fragile.

And more small battleships and drones are always ready. They surround the battleship, like loyal hounds lying at the feet of a hunter. Even if Ran Dan's battleship can luckily break through the firepower net of the First Legion and greet Their fate is just to be guarded by these sparrowhawks who are afraid of death, and then to be entertained by hundreds of cannons and light spears.

Unable to break through and decompose, countless Randan warships hovering at the edge of the fire range were waiting hard for the imperial defenders to show even a hint of negligence, but until they were driven towards the endless enemy by a steady stream of friendly forces and higher-level mandatory orders, Returning to the place of death, they did not wait for the mistake from the Dark Angel.

The First Legion was like a perfect piece of music played by the gods in the clouds themselves. Every move they made did not leave even half a chance for Ran Dan's fleet to make a breakthrough. Zhuang Sen's heirs cooperated tacitly and in unison, just like An indestructible shield firmly held most of the air superiority of Tuckers 5 in his own hands.

But that's not all. Under the alien empire's offensive at all costs, a part of the airspace was eventually captured by Ran Dan's fleet. Hundreds of twisted warships pounced on these results at all costs, and the most cumbersome ones The battleships covered the transport fleet carrying millions of troops. One after another, the steel behemoths whimpered and were completely torn apart by the Dark Angel's gunfire. The wreckage was captured by the planet's gravity and turned into burning scrap metal. As they fell to the ground, tens of thousands of airdrop pods were like a sudden meteor shower, leaving streaks of blood-red light that tore apart the curtain on the gray sky of the desolate world.

Before, there were only hundreds of thousands of people, and the small fight that occupied a few fortresses on the edge of the fortress community was finally over. Relying on the relatively safe and reliable login locations left by the vanguard troops, countless Randan airdrop pods After experiencing the baptism of empty artillery fire from the defenders, cage after cage of human-shaped warriors who had been "inspired" were thrown onto the soft sand of the desolate world.

In the blink of an eye, the gray-white desert had completely disappeared. Ran Dan's army, like a storm of black sand on the grassland, emerged from every inch of the defender's field of vision without warning. The tenacious Ran Dan warriors were like trapped animals that had broken free from their cages. Their roars became one, and hundreds of thousands of them roared together, which could be heard clearly even from more than ten kilometers away.

Vaguely, various armored equipment can be seen appearing in the dust raised by this army. Artillery, fighter planes and even vicious war engines modeled after Titans are also attacking the invaders one after another. The frenzy was looming, testing the psychology and body of every defender.

The real war has begun.


"According to reports on the ground, Ran Dan's army has officially landed. Mr. Zhuang Sen, this time it is no longer the vanguard and reconnaissance forces with only hundreds of thousands of people before. We have found a large number of troops in Ran Dan's array. Armored vehicles and heavy firepower.”

The sergeant's voice came from behind the Primarch. Jonson did not look back. He just nodded slightly to show that he understood.

All the Primarch's eyes have been devoted to the holographic tactical projection in front of him, and his pupils are constantly flashing a blue light.

From the moment the war broke out, Caliban's King of Knights was issuing orders. Although he did not receive any detailed reports from the front line, he could always easily point out any point on the front line. Omissions and misunderstandings, he never stopped for a moment. Countless orders poured out of his mouth continuously, and were conveyed to every high-ranking officer or captain on the front line through the busy liaison officers behind him. .

His orders were always accurate, direct, and even predicted in advance, which caused more and more admiration and admiration to turn into silent sights, converging on the King of Knights of Caliban.

But only he himself knows what is going on.

Perhaps to outsiders, Johnson was just facing a holographic tactical projection, reasoning about the direction of the war from the fuzzy, confusing and delayed information above, but in the eyes of the Lion King, it was not like this. .

Psychic energy, the spiritual energy from his blood relatives surrounds him, and with the blue light years constantly passing through his eyes, Zhuang Sen has reached an information exchange with his blood relatives in a sense. shared.

While Morgan was busy crushing the Ran Dan wizard who dared to challenge her into pieces of soul one after another, she did not stop her role as an assistant: every soul accumulated in the past ten years was now In burning for Morgan's power, the Spider Queen is capable of far more than anyone imagined.

Just like a real tarantula, waiting and watching for its prey, Morgan's senses drifted over the battlefield over and over with the rhythm of the battle. Her keen senses were better than the best radar and information gathering devices. Thousands of times more sophisticated and powerful. When she patrolled the battlefield over and over again, all the information she captured was reflected in Zhuang Sen's pupils through advanced psychic perception.

Therefore, when the King of Knights of Caliban looked at the holographic tactical projection in front of him, he could not only see where each of his battleships were, he could also see where it had been for a period of time in the past. What it has done, what it is doing at this moment, each battleship has been specially marked and explained: which squadron of which fleet it belongs to, what is its current situation, and even the ships it carries. Is the morale of the soldiers high, or is it on the verge of collapse?

Even the ambush pockets set by the Dark Angels in advance were marked one after another, allowing Johnson to clear out the enemy ships surrounding them in advance.

Who, where, what is the situation, which unit it belongs to, what it was doing just now, how is its morale, what is its status, whether it will be threatened, whether it can withstand the next round of damage and surprise...

When the blue light flashed in Zhuang Sen's eyes, he knew everything.

When he looked at this extremely detailed star map, the bloody war in front of him became some kind of difficult grid game.

He controlled, deployed, and ruthlessly sent worthless individuals to the most dangerous and outer positions, bit by bit eroding the strength and morale of the alien fleet, dividing the endless void into grids one after another, and slowly Defeat them one by one.

When the liaison officer once again reported to him the war situation on the ground, Zhuangson did not even listen carefully: he believed in Vulkan's power.

For the current Primarch, what he needs to do most is to win this boring grid game with the ever-present and powerful assistance of his blood relatives.

The manuscript was actually eaten halfway through, and I almost had a mental breakdown.

Ah... I'm going to bed first. I will decorate this one every day.

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