Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 195 Morgan, the Goddess of Victory

In the eyes of the knight Bayar, his genetic mother is not a mortal, but a armored god walking in the mortal world.

The first time he saw her, the amiable knight from the ancient bloodline of the continent of Europa thought of the ancient myths in his family's collection: those people on the mountaintops who walked among the world, those who were surrounded by eagles and thunder. , the heroic goddesses who rule over every bloody battle and duel. They are powerful, intelligent, and possess the same strength and faith as their reckless and violent blood brothers.

Athena, Minerva, Durga, Valkyrie, Sekhmet...

The distant names symbolizing the glory of war, killing and victory kept singing in Bayar's heart, just because when he first saw his genetic mother, he had already seen these gods in ancient myths. Bloodline walked out of the yellowed scrolls and stone statues and stood vividly in front of him, becoming the object of allegiance he was destined to follow to the death.

Yes, with just one glance, he could swear to any solemn existence that the mother of his genes was absolutely extraordinary.

She is not an invincible commander, she is not a king with overwhelming power, she is not an alchemist and inventor with extraordinary power who can light up countless miracles under the moon.

She is not the great in these bustles.


She was far better than that.

She is much greater, nobler and nobler than these ordinary people. That gap cannot be described in any human language or description. It is just like the sun that slightly emerges from the top of the mountains, looking down at the land comfortably. The world is full of ignorance.

This is not a lie. Bayar can use all his experience and glory: the glory of being the first batch of Second Legion soldiers, the decades of bloody fighting under the Lord of Mankind to unify Terra, the The tens of thousands of alien bones cut down by one's own hands during the expedition, and all the real sword duel victories captured from the hands of hundreds of champion warriors and veteran company commanders of all twenty legions of Astartes, are solemnly sworn.

His original body, his genetic mother, is the greatest existence in this ethereal galaxy. He is a human demigod who transcends the real universe and swims in the ocean of will and spirit.

Perhaps, only the boundless light of the Lord of Humanity can slightly obscure her existence and eclipse her divine aura.

Bayar was convinced of this, and the more he looked at his genetic mother with reverence, the more convinced he became of this idea: the training and suffering of the Legion was so worth it, because they gained The reward is such a great heir to the Emperor.

In the eyes of Bayar, Marshall, and Diarmait, these most serious warriors who were once divided into the First Fleet, their genetic mother is a perfect appearance, a uniformed goddess who conforms to all glory and prowess. .

Morgan: She stood there, standing on the vast and ancient tarmac of the Polaris, pacing slowly with a kind of leisurely arrogance, inspecting the Daybreakers lined up in front of her.

Hundreds of people in front of her: without exception, they are legends and heroes with outstanding achievements in the legion, and founders of glory enough to set off an upsurge of worship among those young warriors. But now, they and a group of new blood who have just completed the transformation There is no essential difference: excitement and joy, worry and trembling are all equally reflected on their weather-beaten faces.

In front of them, their great genetic mother was only a stone's throw away from them. Every warrior could clearly see the appearance of the Lord of the Second Legion, and they could clearly see the shining colors that symbolized force and authority. .

She stood in front of them, like a goddess of victory stepping out of a painting: she was taller than ordinary Astartes warriors, but not the kind of intimidating giant. When she looked at them, her gray-blue eyes The colored pupils undoubtedly contain all the promises, wisdom and prowess in the world.

The original body has a solemn expression, an oval-like face with a straight Greek nose, thin and tight lips, and on the ivory skin is bright silver hair pulled up into a bun. She is not wearing armor or a shield, but she has a A helmet crown, holding a spear decorated with night owls and snakes, silently tells the law of war.

This is what Morgan looks like in the eyes of these veteran knights, and this is the mother of genes in the eyes of the warriors in the First Fleet: a god who coexists with mercy and bravery, a saint who holds the flag high, a woman who can serve them It is a symbol of victory that guides the direction and future and plays a triumphant song in the most arduous war.

There is no doubt that for these purest warriors, this is the most perfect Primarch in their hearts and dreams.

To them, this was what Morgan looked like. She had always looked like this since they first laid eyes on their Primarch on that unnamed planet.

From their reunion until now, she stood in the belly of the Queen of Glory, slowly inspecting her overly excited heirs.

But she didn't seem happy about this. Although on the surface, she seemed to be walking in front of each warrior with the most amiable and majestic attitude. Her pace and trajectory were carefully calculated to ensure that Every soldier being reviewed can proudly take a step forward when she passes by, and loudly report his name, number, position and company.

She nodded, listened, looked at her offspring one by one, and gave responses and answers. She repeated this hundreds of times without any dissatisfaction, showing unprecedented patience and compassion for a Primarch.

But only the most sensitive warriors: such as Marshall and Bayar, who always followed the Primarch, could tell from the gentle tapping of Morgan's fingers against each other that she was actually not satisfied with this event.

This can't help but make them feel the long-lost shock and panic in their hearts, which have been fighting for more than a century.

But fortunately, their genetic mother persisted with impeccable gentleness until she listened to the last soldier's passionate self-introduction, then slowly stood in front of everyone, and softly gave the order to disband and return to their posts. The command.

Only the two knights, who were a little uneasy, were still following their Primarch all the way into the inner corridor of the Polar Star.


Compared with the famous [Emperor's Pride] and [Red Tear], the ancient flagship of the Second Legion is like an ancient castle that has lasted for thousands of years: majestic, solemn, and filled with the atmosphere of glory and time, but On the other hand, it is undoubtedly a rough war machine that is monotonous and lacks aesthetic art.

The wide and long corridor is painted with a cold color that remains unchanged forever. Its color is infinitely close to the stones used to build fortresses and city walls. Perhaps only the purest knights and non-commissioned officers will like it. This cold and hard color stretches for thousands of meters.

The columns used as support and only decorations have the same skin as the walls, making it impossible to tell them apart immediately.

Underneath these stubborn things is an even colder reality: the floor is made of pure hard steel and stone, and only in the outermost corners are there some rough decorations such as the Imperial Skyhawk, showing pragmatism. The ruthless beauty of philosophy.

And in this corridor, which has no rest and glory at all, and is enough to make even the strongest warriors feel heartfelt breathlessness, it also contains some wonderful treasures: when Morgan walked slowly under the eyes of the two restless heirs, When she reached the middle of the corridor, she smiled and greeted the Dawnbreakers who were lucky enough to be stationed here at this time. Other than that, all her attention was focused on the figures that suddenly appeared on the wall. 【treasure】.

Reliefs, paintings, texts...

All the artistic methods and means that humans can imagine are like the playful sun jumping out from behind the dark clouds. When no one noticed, they suddenly appeared from the bare wall, and the first work was Placed in the middle of the corridor, it depicts the hardships and victories of the Battle of Relis decades ago: In that battle, the Emperor personally protected his wounded child Horus, and persisted until even the Second Legion including A strong army inside came to help.

One of the most exquisite reliefs told all this clearly, vividly showing the heroic battle of the Second Legion at the side of the Emperor and Horus before Morgan's eyes, and in the next work, time seemed to move forward again. After some changes, I came to Neptune...

In this way, in a way that slowly rewinds time, the ancient history of the Legion flashed before the eyes of the Primarch. From the Great Crusade to the solar system, from Mars to Terra, countless battles and sacrifices were made under the leadership of the Lord of the Legion. The slow flow in her pupils was like letting Morgan swim upstream in the long river of time, exploring the regrets and glory that she would never be able to experience in person.

This time, there was no abrupt end. The dazzling statues and portraits extended all the way to the other end of the corridor, all the way to the Siege of Samarkand in the Terra Unification War: that was the debut of the Second Legion, who as the Dark Angels The inexperienced allies and students fought on the battlefield for the first time in the name of the Emperor, and among the most heroic warriors, there were the faces of Marshall and Bayar.

Seeing this, Morgan already understood what was going on: when the battleship had just become the flagship of the Second Army, the first relief sculpture appeared at one end of the corridor. At that time, these artworks were in the same place. This kind of ambition was born: every soldier believed from the bottom of his heart that the statues and scrolls they used to record and recall past victories would extend from one end of the corridor to the other.

But God failed: when this grand and long epic only extended to a small part of the corridor, disputes and misunderstandings tore the legions apart, and there was no longer a great battle to fight side by side. More stories and The record also disappeared.

Thinking of this, even Morgan didn't know what expression to use to express her feelings about all this. She just maintained that ancient and unwavering face, and pushed out of the corridor amidst the excited salutes of the two guards. The door at the end leads into the true core area of ​​the battleship.

What appeared in front of her was an unprecedentedly huge hall: it looked like a magnificent annular theater, with thousands of seats extending from high to low along the terrain, all the way to the podium in the center. Except for the difference in location, there is no difference between these seats. However, those further forward obviously have traces of activity, while those further to the edge have obviously not been used for a long time.

The two knights still followed their queen closely, with a faint uneasiness lingering around them: Bayar was more obvious at this point, and as for Marshall, it seemed that nothing could scare him.

The leader of the Second Legion was not in the mood to play charades with his two heirs. She randomly chose a seat in the middle and sat down. She raised her head and admired the conference hall with almost no decorations while waiting for her. The heir stood in front of her.

"grown ups."

Marshall was the first to speak. His old face and snow-white hair formed an extremely sharp contrast with the handsome Bayar beside him: It is hard to imagine that as Astartes warriors, they are of the same age, even Bayar. Yael is the older one.

Morgan did not reply immediately. She waved her hand casually and created two seats in front of her. Then, in a silent but firm manner, she let her two heirs sit on the seats. The second The Primarch of the Legion looked at his two children silently, and then smiled.

【Do I look scary? 】

【You are always so serious. 】

Marshall was still there with a straight face: as if he only had this expression, and the handsome Bayar was shaken by the words of the Gene Mother. He changed his position on the chair a little uneasily and opened his mouth. Prepare some words of respect.

But before that, Morgan had already raised a finger to indicate silence.

[I know what you want to ask. I am your mother and I understand you. 】

She smiled, and the smile was a little mischievous: but in the two heirs' vision that changed reality, it was the kind smile of the graceful goddess.

[If you want to ask what I thought of that review, then I can give you an accurate answer: I didn’t like it, although I can understand it. 】

She spent about a second to carefully watch the flash of darkness and loss on the faces of the two heirs, and then she leisurely changed the subject.

[However, I can understand your intentions and good intentions, and I am also very satisfied that I can use this way to know and remember my best children, relying on having a real first impression with them. 】

[Here, I thank you. 】

[Marshall, Bayar. 】

[I express my gratitude to you. 】


That's not good.

Morgan sighed inwardly.

She found herself almost liking this feeling: this feeling of watching her heirs, with her words, with the faintest shift in her tone, the sun rising in their chests, the storm rolling up, The feeling of continuous sudden changes is really fascinating.

Even interacting with her blood relatives could not make her feel this rather interesting mentality: it was as if teasing the hearts of her descendants could make her feel a sincerely despicable joy.

She likes this.

But deep down in her heart, Morgan is also secretly reminding herself not to take this mentality too seriously: every Dawnbreaker is her precious private property, unless they are so bad and stubborn that there is no cure, otherwise, There was no need for her to incur losses.

Morgan knew she didn't love them, she didn't love her heirs.

They were just her wealth, a treasure that needed her careful care.

That's all.


[As a thank you, let me tell you something. 】

She smiled and moved her fingers casually, as if playing with an invisible coin.

[Perhaps you have met my other blood brothers? Oh, you must have seen it. 】

[Then you should also know that every descendant of the emperor has different hobbies and personalities. We are not exactly the same template products. In our hearts, we have our own tendencies and identities. 】

[Compared to my brothers, I am a more practical person. 】

[I don’t care much about the glory and praise of others. My children, although your sincere words will still make me feel sincerely happy, there are some things that will make me feel more joyful and happy. 】

[That is a pragmatic attitude, that is the real progress of facts, that is the style and connotation of seeking truth from facts. 】

[Every completed job is the best compliment to me. Every practical plan will make me feel happy and satisfied from the bottom of my heart. I know very well the love and respect you have for me in your heart, and I I can also tell you that the best way to express this kind of respect is to complete tasks and events one after another. It is a glorious building visible to the naked eye. With the joint efforts of all of us, it rises from the ground. . 】

[Fate has brought us together in this dark midnight, and it has also made you feel worried and worried. You are worried that I will be sad for those less than glorious past. 】

[But I won’t, my child. 】

[Wouldn’t it be too sad if I were reduced to the point where I needed to rely on the support of my descendants to find my place in this galaxy and the so-called glory? 】

【past? lonely? disappointment? 】

【No! 】

【do not mind. 】

【all! do not mind. 】

[I have no contempt for the past glory and the traditions you adhere to. I know that the things that can be left behind in these difficult years must be precious treasures and must be worth learning and affirming. of fine wine. 】

[And for those past, those mottled memories, those years that are no longer worth looking back on, let them disappear at this moment, be forgotten, and be swept away by the breeze brought by the reunion between you and me. . 】

[Those were the lost decades. 】

[But it doesn’t matter. From this moment on, let us join hands to create new memories and future. This is the greatest meaning of my coming to you. 】

[In the boundless darkness, we will move forward supporting each other until the light of dawn appears on the skyline. 】

[I don’t know when that light of hope will appear. 】

[But before that, I will stand at the front of all of you, because I am your mother, this is my birthright and obligation, and I have been absent for too long, so long that I don’t even want to do anything. Meaningless conversation, let our family affection be picked up and recalled little by little while fighting side by side, my children. 】

【Now, let's start our work. 】


[First of all, I hope you, Marshall, can summon the leaders of other fleets. They should come here. I need you to bring the real leaders among them, which is you and Bayar in each fleet. 】

[I will meet them, and then I will give you and them a mission, a real mission. 】

[This is going to be a long and arduous task, Marshall. 】

[Our fleet will go south, across the solar star field and the maelstrom, to the home planet where I was born. With that as the center, I will build a foundation and everything needed for the legion to grow and develop again. 】

[During this period, as we advance and fight, I will not make any big moves on my legion. I don’t like to build it while exploring. I will first observe and evaluate the legion. 】

[So, I need your power. 】

In the old knight's impeccable surrender etiquette, Morgan's words seemed a little light.

[I need you to reorganize the legion’s council, reunite the forces from various fleets, and once again make the legion’s internal management organization operational. During this period of my observation and assessment, I will still entrust the legion to There you go, Marshall. 】

【You deserve my trust. 】

[Don't be confused, Marshall. 】

[I said, I don’t care about the past and dark years, and I don’t care about your failed plans: that’s nothing. No one can never make mistakes. A failure does not mean that I deny your ability or deprive you of your loyalty. reason. 】

[Let me say it again. 】

[From the moment I returned, from the moment I accepted my children: your allegiance, I have decided to bear everything about the Legion: the past, tradition, loss and glory, and I will bear it with you. In the face of all this, I will do my best to let you accept the past of the Legion and let you accept the new trend I bring. 】

[From this moment on, from that moment on, each of you does not need to be sad for the so-called past. Everyone is a new blank paper in my heart, a child waiting to be observed and loved. I We will give each of you enough trust, enough tests and enough stages so that you can show your best side. 】

[Since you have chosen to be loyal to me, I will naturally reward all your efforts and tolerate all your past. 】

[After all, I am your mother, the mother of your genes. 】

[What mother wouldn’t sacrifice and expect for her children? 】

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