Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 196 The Lord of Dark Angels and her Champion Swordsman

Morgan discovered something interesting.

For now, compared to the Polar Star, which she was not very familiar with and had no idea of ​​changing its name to, the flagship of the First Legion made her feel more familiar, and even felt some inexplicable peace of mind. .

After all, she had actually spent more than ten years on this battleship that had always been cold and hard-hearted, and for most of that time, she had been the second-in-command on the battleship, the de facto legion commander.

Moreover, since a certain period of time during the Randan War, the King of Caliban Knights has increasingly focused his energy on the purely military command field, and those things that in his eyes are secondary priorities will naturally The land was given to Coswayne and Morgan.

Over time, under the influence of the far from equal abilities and energy of the Astartes and the Primarch, Morgan became the dominant party in the duo, the de facto manager of the daily affairs of the First Legion, and the leader of countless high-ranking The knights and fleet commanders also became more and more familiar with the silver hair resting on the throne of the original body. They were accustomed to reporting information to her that did not involve secret matters, and regarded her comments and requests as original body discourse.

As for Cowes, he was indeed an excellent assistant, a reliable talent, and a symbolic overseer.

Cooperating with Coswayne, in many cases, is even more comfortable than working with Jonson. This Lion King's confidant does have a broad mind and reliable reason. He can even discover the hidden secrets in Morgan's plan. Vulnerability, and formed some sort of friendship with the Primarch who was temporarily lodged with the First Legion.

Morgan would also call him [Akao], which even made Zhuangson a little dissatisfied.

Thinking of this, that kind of pleasant bad happiness flashed through Morgan's heart. She opened her eyes and found that the "Unyielding Truth" was close at hand.

Since this was not a formal visit, Morgan was too lazy to go through the motions on the huge tarmac of the Queen of Glory. After notifying Johnson via private communication, she ordered the Storm Bird to turn and fly towards [Unyielding Truth] There is an inconspicuous shadow on the flank of the No. 1 Legion. It is a secret entrance that only a few people in the First Legion know.

As soon as he got close, a sad and joyless voice replaced the public communication channel, asking for the customs clearance password, and Morgan did not hesitate at all, and gave the correct answer: After all, most of the secret locations on this battleship have to be cleared. The password has been set and changed by herself in recent times.

However, this does not include the real secrets: Jonson would never entrust Morgan with the true details of the First Legion, and Morgan never cared about or asked about them:

She had never seen the nightmare objects used by the Dark Angels in the war against Ran Dan, which were enough to make the gods cry, and she had no impression of the vicious metals that were rampaging on the battlefield. When she saw, When those strange battleships that could survive the most terrifying gunfire without any damage docked next to the Indomitable Truth, she would take them as a matter of course and regard them as the most ordinary destroyers.

It is in this seemingly ignorant tacit understanding that the bond between the two Primarchs can continue stably and thrive unknowingly, growing into a form that even the most ruthless knight will not easily let go. A towering tree of provocation and vacillation.

Thinking of this, the Lord of the Second Legion blinked her eyes. The huge figure of the [Indomitable Truth] made the Storm Bird like a fragile chaffinch in the shadow, but it also made Morgan feel a kind of heartfelt familiarity and adaptability.

Yes, adapt.

She knew she was adapting.

Although she had never lived in any deep forest for a long time, the First Legion and her blood relative Jonson had unknowingly engraved the depth and verdure of Caliban into a corner of her heart. It was as if she had quietly integrated the being named Morgan into the seemingly flawless hundred-refined steel armor of the Dark Angel.

Influence and change are always two-way things.

When the Spider Queen was letting the ruthless Lion of Menela adapt to herself, she was also adapting to that lion silently, adapting to his brutality and silence, and adapting to the violent anger beneath his cold appearance.

She knew this very well.


She has always been aware of this and has always been cautious because of this:

Jonson is a beast, a beast that has not been tamed by the stars and civilization.

He will only think about the most profound issues with the simple thinking of a beast. He will only use the brutal attitude of a beast to deal with those difficulties that are enough to torture a wise man. He will only torture his hatred with the brutality of a beast. Stretch the love in your heart with the silence of a beast.

If he really had one.

Watching the Storm Bird fall steadily and land on the sword and wing logo, Morgan only felt a sense of humor that would always make her laugh.

In Morgan's eyes, there is nothing more interesting than this: the Dark Angel, the leader of a group of great knights and beast hunters, is an outright beast, and in many cases, he doesn't even bother to pretend to be this.

However, it was precisely because of Zhuangson's unique laziness that Morgan finally found a way to get along with him, and Morgan finally learned of his goodwill and friendship.

Let Morgan change him.

And was changed by him.

Morgan and Johnson.

They are like two equally deadly beasts, entrenched in their respective territories. Although they know each other, they will not give in or be generous at all when it comes to issues related to their hunting grounds.

But occasionally, but when they are satisfied, they will carefully come to the area where the two territories intersect, to the clearings in the forest that do not belong to either side. The clearings will not be large, but they will be enough to accommodate the two being guarded and protected. A mind filled with vigilance.

They will meet each other, they will roar, and they will be separated by a suitable distance that is neither far nor dangerous, crouching on the ground, putting away those threatening tricks of showing their teeth and claws, and just quietly enjoying the afternoon sunlight penetrating the fine tree canopy. , warming their cold fangs and hearts, just like putting a warm blanket on their bodies.

In this unrecognized place, at this unrecognized moment, the two beasts are the most docile beings. They keep the closest distance to danger and safety that their hearts can bear, and sleep in a kind of half-sleep. In a semi-awake state, An Jing looked at the all-too-familiar counterpart across from him, his every subconscious move, the new scars and marks on his body, the scratched fangs and claws: That's it, Silence.

The deep breathing, the retracted fangs and claws, the repressed heart of the beast that longs to kill and defend its territory, the closeness and silence under acquiescence, the recognition and friendship in the silence.

This is Jonson's kindness.

This is the only and all Jonson can give Morgan.

That's all.


The Storm Bird landed on this secret apron without any hindrance. After seeing the familiar silver hair, the Dark Angels guarding here paid tribute to Morgan. They had long learned to use breath and those regular psychic powers. Fluctuate to confirm the identity of this distinguished guest.

The Lord of the Second Legion nodded to the familiar Dark Angel and slowly walked into the passage opened to the side. Behind her, the Storm Bird carried the Dawnbreakers who didn't know much yet. , returned to the real battleship landing pad, and their mission was to transport the personal belongings of the Gene Mother on this battleship.

Morgan walked into the passage, and as the Storm Bird left, whether it was the opened passage, the apron, or the Dark Angel guarding here, they all disappeared with the slowly closing metal door. In the sight of the ignorant, it once again became the most insignificant one among the countless secrets of the First Legion.

As Morgan walked, she breathed in the air in the passage that was like melting glaciers, and felt a long-lost freshness.

In the secret passage, the dim light flickered over the Lord of the Second Legion from time to time. Although for the Primarch, there was no difference between light and darkness, this dim environment still made Morgan feel A certain degree of relaxation and comfort.

She enjoyed the moment.

After all, before this, the meeting between the genetic mother of the Second Legion and her various high-ranking officers had lasted for about three Terran standards, which even made Morgan feel a little bored.

It is indeed a very interesting pleasure to watch her children burn their hearts for her smile, but this happiness cannot last long: just like eating a kind of delicious food continuously will make the mouth taste bitter, she Although their descendants have their own characteristics, their surrender and awe are similar, and there are no more surprises that make Morgan's eyes brighten.

Resistance and disobedience are impossible things. The Primarch itself is the most domineering mortal king. Every Astartes warrior will involuntarily surrender to these kings and fathers who have given them power, not to mention, for the Dawnbreaker For us, Morgan himself was not a difficult ruler to accept.

Her demands were formal and reasonable, her attitude was tolerant and gentle, she brought new hope to the legion, and she was willing to hold it high and carry it on her shoulders: think of those who shared their heart and soul with their genetic father. The reunited Legion, what else do they have to complain about?

Therefore, Morgan's takeover of the Dawnbreaker Legion was smooth enough to make her heart that took pleasure in being bad feel boring. She did not encounter any real challenges. All pauses were due to technical problems. All commanders The high-ranking officers of each fleet eagerly saluted her and begged her for orders and requests: then, any words that came out of her mouth were naturally resolved as quickly as possible.

When Morgan temporarily left her legion, in the hall where she summoned her heirs, the high-ranking officers who had reunited after a long separation had already begun their first meeting in an inexplicable embarrassment: The thought of these once quarrelsome cubs having to sit together in harmony under her orders made Morgan's heart flash with vicious joy.

And amidst this happiness, Zhuang Sen's command room is already close at hand.


Morgan pushed the door open and entered. The guards on both sides looked at the overly familiar original body and chose to ignore it after a period of silence.

Compared with before, the lair of the Caliban Lion has not changed much. In this empty and somewhat scary command room, only the various flags symbolizing the legion and honor behind Jonson are decorated with different colors.

The Lion King sat on his throne, his brows frowning slightly, not because of Morgan's arrival, but because of another person in the room: Kaos was standing in front of the Primarch's desk, reporting what.

Obviously, the debriefing didn't go well.

Because just when Morgan walked into the room and quickly closed the door, her ears caught the content of Coswein's somewhat stuck report and Jonson's dissatisfied voice squeezed out from the depths of his throat.

Through the senses and thinking of the Primarch, which is comparable to any high-tech instrument, it took Morgan less than a moment to restore everything before her arrival, and recalled and speculated on what work Coswayne was reporting.

Then she smiled.

[Spare Akau, Zhuang Sen. 】

The Spider Queen blocked the anger in the lion's chest with a whisper. She walked leisurely and slowly came to the desk of the Primarch of the First Legion. Coswayne had already asked him knowingly. He moved aside and looked at the silver-haired visitor with his genetic father.

Psychic energy danced on Morgan's fingertips, transforming into a chair, allowing the Lord of the Second Legion to cross his legs and sit opposite Jonson. Morgan's arms were on the chair and he turned his wrists. , with his palms facing up, silently asked Coswayne for the electronic board filled with thousands of things about the First Legion.

The Lion King's confidant almost subconsciously wanted to hand it over to her, but realized the current situation belatedly, but after getting a look from Zhuang Sen, the electronic board came into Morgan's hands.

The Spider Queen placed the electronic board on her raised knees, took out a pen from the table, looked at the lines at a glance, and kept writing and drawing. The two top leaders of the First Legion watched silently. A Primarch of the Second Legion was writing casually, but their faces had a look of course.

A moment later, the electronic board, which had been mostly modified, came into Zhuang Sen's hands, along with Morgan's words.

[Those matters that I grouped in the upper half are what you should let Coswayen report on. As for the tasks and things in the lower half, it is impossible for him to know: because you hand over these matters one after another. Gave it to me. 】

[However, I marked the corresponding archive room at the back. You can just ask Coswayne or anyone to check it. 】

[Every time I sort out these documents, I will organize and group them to ensure that any successor can understand them most easily. 】

Morgan's assurance was accompanied by a smile on her face, leaving Jonson speechless. The Primarch of the First Legion just gave the electronic board to Coswayne with a cold face, and the latter clicked on it. He nodded, turned around and left. Almost the next second, there was the sound of the door being opened and then quickly closed.

As a result, there were only two Primarchs left in the huge room.

At this time, even a table full of documents could not take away Jonson's attention. The Caliban stared at his blood relative in silence, but his gaze did not receive even the slightest feedback: Morgan had already left the Lion King. He pulled out another electronic board from his desk and quickly wrote and drew on it.

A moment later, just when Jonson's patience was about to run out, an electronic board filled with various words and symbols was thrust into his hand. Before the Caliban could react, Morgan Then he picked up a new blank piece of paper and continued writing.

The Lion King blinked and looked at the electronic board in his palm with some confusion. Through the code words and symbols on it, he successfully identified the numbers of files and archives, which were necessary to maintain the daily operation of the Dark Angel Legion. Caution and thoroughness: Just a common electronic board is already crowded with hundreds of events and projects.

And for records like this, Morgan is still producing them at a rapid pace: one piece, one piece, another piece...

It wasn't until a while later, when Caliban's front was filled with electronic boards filled with information and text, that Morgan gently put down the last piece and sighed.

[This is where the files of all the projects I have hosted for you over the years are located. I remember their codes very clearly. Each electronic board contains exactly one thousand items. I have already processed them for you. 85% of them, and the remaining ones still need to be supervised. 】

Zhuang Sen glanced at the vast sea in front of him and made a slight estimate of the number: Then, very rarely, a trace of sadness flashed in the heart of the Primarch.

He hesitated, hesitated, and spoke, but his voice was a little fragile.

"Really...there are so many?"

[It’s just five digits, it’s trivial. 】

His blood relative showed a bright smile, and his heart was already filled with a happy feeling of revenge.

[You know, my dearest brother Zhuang Sen. 】

[Do you know the tasks and projects you have given me over the years? 】

[Five digits? Just the tip of the iceberg. 】

[My dear Zhuangson, what a great and dedicated commander you are. When you devote yourself to the war with Ran Dan, except for the battle on the front line and the things the emperor personally entrusted to you, you have nothing to do with it. There is only one attitude towards everything else. 】

[Throw it to me. 】

[Oh, there are some logical problems with this sentence. You would still throw it to Causwayne or Arajos, but given that their brains as Astartes are limited after all, and you would not give it They take no time off, so when they fall...]

【This is still my job. 】

[I don’t even know when you developed this habit: Do you know the scene when I see things that are not within the scope of my mission at all, being delivered to me by your innocent-looking cubs? 】

[At what point, faced with all the documents you need to review, did you start to respond uniformly: Go find Morgan? 】


When will it come?

Jonson blinked. He felt that Morgan's tone was somewhat resentful, but when his eyes swept over the electronic board in front of him: the original body's brain clearly told him that the sum of these things and the projects in front of him was called : Legion.

This is all the affairs of a Legion. Except for the battles on the front line and the secrets handed down by the Emperor himself, everything about the Dark Angels is written on these electronic tablets.

He gave them all to...Morgan.

When did this start?

Zhuang Sen wanted to ask questions, but faced with the aggressive words of his blood relative, he could only choose to remain silent temporarily.

Part of him wanted to retort.

But his mouth doesn't seem to light up the corresponding skill points.

[Without planning, without rest, without considering the terrible pressure that accumulation and multi-threading will bring, the only thing you know how to do is to knock on my door when you need files for one of the projects and ask Where did I put it. 】

[It’s really strange, isn’t it? 】

[When I first met you, you were obviously a very hard-working lion. 】

Zhuang Sen coughed slightly, and he wanted to say something, but just as he was thinking about the words, Morgan's voice easily interrupted him.

[Don't think about it, don't expect to utter any rebuttal. In the last ten Terran standard years, every word with depth and literary content that you can say, whether in communication or in... In the dispute, there is only one production channel. 】

【that's me. 】

Zhuang Sen was silent.

Johnson thought for a moment.

Jonson discovered: She was right.

Under the unusually rare and evasive glances of Caliban people, Morgan changed her sitting position. She was lying across the chair, with one side of her waist resting on the handle, and the other side of her legs crossed on the other side. On a handle.

Zhuang Sen's command room made her relax, even more so than her own battleship and her own room.

For the past ten years, she has been working here all night long with countless documents.

[You know, Jonson? 】

[During the years when the Randan War was at its most intense, when you basically didn’t go back to your office and ignored any daily affairs and diplomatic documents, I basically never left your office. 】

[Every day, when I open my eyes, if there is a five-digit file to be resolved in front of me, then I will simply feel that I am a lucky person, because most of the time, it is a five-digit bottom line. Also mixed with some little surprises you gave me. 】

[It’s fun to use up three Titan legions at once, isn’t it? 】

【It is indeed very enjoyable. 】

[It’s just that I was inundated with a room full of accountability letters from the Forge World, the Knight World, and the War Council of Terra. 】

[And before I wrote the last reply, you used up three more. 】

[Oh, there’s another thing. 】

[One thing that I will almost never forget: I will never forget the look on Akao’s face when he handed me the documents for the latest round of material mobilization with a look of death from overwork. Galaxy-level material deployment and transportation , mixed with different answers and unexpected situations from hundreds of fleets and thousands of worlds. 】

[You gave me that task. 】

[Then, fifteen minutes later, you rushed into the office and dragged me to the battlefield with Ran Dan: You should remember that I did not miss any war under your command. 】

[The war lasted for three months. It was a sleepless three months. To be precise, it was just you and me. The soldiers were twisted into twists, demolished countless battleships and fortresses, and rescued four religious orders that were on the verge of collapse. 】

[Three months later, I returned to my office and began to deal with the somewhat outdated document: In the three months since I left, others only gave me the most crude plan, and One hundred thousand feedback letters. 】

[Then, specifically, if I remember correctly, twenty minutes later, you kicked open my door again and asked me why the material document hadn't been processed yet? 】

【Um? Any impression? 】

Morgan's voice was raised, and the only answer she received was a low cough.

Zhuang Sen's eyes were lowered, and he kept scanning the electronic boards that occupied his desk. He looked at the files that had been processed and those that had not been processed, and thought about the corresponding workload.

A sense of crisis that was more terrifying than Ran Dan's war came to his mind.

He moved his throat and uttered the deepest voice, interrupting the unfinished narration of his blood relatives. Caliban's big hands wrapped around these electronic boards, piled them hastily into a tall tower, and put them aside.

"OK OK……"

"Let's talk about..."

【Not yet. 】

This time, what greeted him was a sigh from Morgan.

[Just now, it was just some complaints. Now, this is what I want to say to you. 】


[Before the Battle of Tuckers, I have tried my best to deal with these files. There are not many things left. You can solve it if you pay attention to Coswayne's ability and attitude. 】

"I see."

[However, don’t use Akao and the others to death. Get proper rest. You know, for Astartes, reviewing massive documents is no easier than war. You need to give them a proper work rhythm and don’t stress them. Too tight. 】

"I know."

[Also in external interactions, don’t always use so-called authority. When necessary, you can compromise. Don’t be too deliberate. Consider the other party’s thoughts and demands, and just put forward a level of mutual understanding. You should be very Get good at this. 】


[Those Terra veterans, they are indeed powerful and reliable, but don’t always throw them into the most dangerous battlefields. Whether they are Terrans or Calibans, they will be dissatisfied in the long run. You can’t count on a Cosway En can fuse them. After all, you are the original body of the First Legion. 】


[Speaking of Caliban, when you lead the army back to Caliban to rest this time, take a closer look there. Luther has mentioned it many times in his letters to me. The Calibans don’t seem to be satisfied. Even if you don't want to cater to the changes brought about by the empire, you still have to listen to the complaints and make preparations in advance. 】




Morgan's voice was very soft and weak, like the most fragile gust of wind in the valley.

But in this room, but in Zhuang Sen's ears, it was so loud, so impressive to him.

He listened to Morgan's words: some of them were remembered, some of them were not. After all, Zhuangson did not pay attention to some of the advice given by his blood relatives.

But even so, he still listened carefully to every word of Morgan, and listened to the final sound made when the soft syllables fell on the ground.

It wasn't until the Spider Queen touched her throat and stopped that Caliban moved around with some hesitation.

He thought for a while and seemed to want to say something, but as always, Zhuang Sen didn't say anything.

In the end, he used his best expression: the Primarch of the First Legion opened a drawer on the side and took out an electronic board that had been written long ago. What was written on it was the gift he gave to Morgan. .

That is a general scope, and specific matters require Coswayne or even Luther's follow-up planning.

But this didn't hinder it: when Morgan took the electronic board, he just glanced at it casually and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Although as the de facto manager of the First Legion over the years, as a kind of joking real master of the First Legion, Morgan is very aware of the powerful background of the Dark Angels, and also knows that Jonson seems to have a completely private top-level casting The world, and the scientific research and production system that is completely different from the Mechanicum: Although she knew that her blood relatives were so wealthy, when she actually saw Zhuang Sen's [gift], she was surprised as a bystander. .

She has never been to the Dark Angel's forging world: Gramaya, but she can roughly guess the production capacity of that world, and based on the content on the electronic board in front of her...

Did Zhuang Sen give her several years of the Forging World's production capacity?

The understated materials and equipment on this electronic board are enough to arm three Dawnbreaker legions at the same time.

[Well... let me ask first, Zhuang Sen. 】

[I don’t need to pay these back, right? 】

This time.

It was Jonson's turn to laugh.


The gift of supplies and equipment was just a small episode, but it was enough to give Morgan a new understanding of his brother's wealth.

Enough for her to be fully armed with hundreds of Terminators and so on...

Especially when he thought that because the equipment of the First Legion and the Adeptus Mechanicus were completely different, these gifts were basically disposable consumables that were used once and were scrapped. Morgan actually felt that his blood relative was quite handsome.

She smiled, with countless thoughts running in her chest, urging her to raise a question to her blood relatives in a half-joking way.

[Aren’t you going to send some corresponding supervisors? 】

Zhuang Sen was silent for a moment.


[It can also be understood as an envoy, or something else. 】

[You know, Johnson, this is a business matter. You need to send someone to supervise the use and destruction of these weapons. Such a business matter will only increase the friendship between us and ensure that it will not be used as a personal relationship. Corrupted by harboring and dark thoughts. 】

The Lion King thought for a moment.

This felt right to him.

[Anyway, I quite like having some Dark Angels go south with me. A few hundred people will be enough. The black armor will give me a familiar and comfortable feeling. 】

Looking at Morgan's smile, Zhuang Sen thought for a while before deciphering his blood relative's riddle-like request.

"Who do you want?"

【Luthor. 】

Morgan didn't hesitate at all.

Jonson frowned.


Morgan touched his chin and thought for a moment before speaking out his answer.

【how to say……】

[I need a think tank that is stable and alert enough to give me some advice and experience when I build my legion base. His brain is more important than his sword. 】

"...What's the real reason?"

[If I take your Coswayen away, how are you going to face this? 】

Johnson glanced at the electronic boards pointed at by Morgan and fell silent.

"Are you going to make him your think tank?"

[Depending on the situation, he might be allowed to lead an army alone to do some work of conquering the world or something. I think he might enjoy this very much. 】

The Lion King smiled.

"Wrong, Morgan."

"If Luther really desires these so-called honors, he can't possibly not tell me. However, the fact is that he has no complaints about his current position as Logistics Director."


【Maybe. 】

[However, I can still borrow your Luther, right? After all, apart from him and Coswayne...]

[Do you have any other envoys? 】



"He is a bit old. Remember not to let him get too close to the front line."

Although it was a bit strange why Morgan wanted to ask for some soldiers, Zhuangson didn't think much about it. He regarded this as a friendship and interaction between certain legions: the First Legion rarely carried out these activities, but if If it was Morgan and her legion, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Luther is indeed suitable as an excellent envoy, and there is nothing wrong with letting him relive the experience of war. However, in his reserved heart, Jonson still cautiously warned himself: No matter Luther is on a mission, Whatever he did when he was in the Second Legion, when he returned to the First Legion, he should have sent him back to Caliban immediately.

He was too old to fight in the storms of the Great Crusade.


Luther is indeed very reliable.


It only took almost a moment to discuss official matters: after all, the two Primarchs had already known each other and the First Legion in general, and they would not raise anything that would embarrass the other party. It was not so much a discussion. Rather, it was a handover full of tacit understanding.

And it wasn't until Morgan stuffed the heavy electronic board into her clothes that she showed a playful grateful smile to her blood relative.

[When I go back, I will leave a few barrels of wine in my room as a thank you gift to you, Jonson. 】

[Don’t worry, they are normal. 】


[Ah, I have a variety of ways and means to make wine, depending on my mood at the time and the recipient of the gift, for you...]

[Of course it is the most stable one. 】

The Lion King snorted softly. This gift filled with personal feelings also made the Primarch of the First Legion think of it for a moment.

Yes, this is a farewell.

Soon, he will be separated from his blood relatives: separated for many years, separated by those beautiful but cold stars, in different worlds, experiencing blood and wind and frost.

This is not a deployment, nor is it a short mission, this is separation.

From then on, getting together was a rare indirect situation, and separation would become a long time between him and Morgan after this seemingly inconspicuous conversation and laughter.

A feeling that had never happened before, but was so weak and clear at this time, took root in the lion's supposedly cold heart.

Jonson was silent for a moment. He seemed to always like to be silent in front of Morgan.

He thought for a while, then got up and walked to the other side of the room, rummaging through the weapon racks filled with swords. After a while, he took a sharp sword full of Caliban's atmosphere and placed it on Morgan in front of.


He paused.


【...a sword?】

"It has always been placed in the castle of the Knights of Caliban, placed in the deepest basement. It is said that it is related to a legend on Caliban: But now, it is just a gift, a A gift of ancient power."

[Is it very powerful? 】

Morgan sat upright, gently looking at the sword in his hand.

"Yes, it has some power, but this power only exists in legends, but I personally recommend putting it in the safest place you can imagine."

【...The safest place? 】




The Lion King blinked and watched as the sword was pushed back into his palm by Morgan, followed by a smiling face.

【The safest place. 】

Seeing the Lion King's heavy hands holding the sword, Morgan showed an innocent and relaxed smile.

【You are it. 】

[At this moment, you are the safest place I can think of at the first moment. 】


Zhuang Sen's face was a little distorted. His expression seemed to be smiling, but also seemed to be sighing helplessly. He was silent, holding the sword tightly in silence, and stuffed it back into Morgan's hand. in hand.

"This is no joke."

【I'm not kidding. 】

Morgan's face became serious, which left Jonson speechless. He could only lean on his seat, keeping Morgan's sword out of reach of him.

Thousands of thoughts burst out with this small push, and countless memories and thoughts rushed through his mind, causing the lion's clear thoughts to fall into such chaos for the first time.


It was as if these words appeared in Zhuangson's mind for the first time, making him feel an unpreventable irritation. Only Morgan's action of putting away the sword made this irritability slightly alleviated.

They are going to separate.

Zhuang Sen thought this, and he looked at his blood relatives quietly.

...blood relatives...

They were blood relatives to each other long ago: in Sisyphus, in Moloch and Duran, in Taxus...

A series of fragments of places and time danced in his mind, making Zhuang Sen's brows furrow more and more tightly.

Blood relatives...

They are blood relatives, comrades-in-arms, and partners who share weal and woe...

Then what?

Then what?

A chaotic community? A messy mix of multiple relationships?

In the future, when they are the masters of the legion, how should he call her? Should he call her by her name?

Like him and Luther?

Luther, Morgan.

In his mind, these two words now have almost the same status.

Luther is one of his hands, but he is also his father, brother, and heir...

He didn't even know how to address Luther and how to face him. This problem was exactly the same as Morgan in front of him.

He couldn't think of the answer, and he couldn't think of anyone who could answer the question.

Except for the person in front of me...

Should he ask?

Asking such a... personal, weak topic?


Maybe just this once?


He spoke.


"What do you think your relationship with me is like?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Zhuang Sen completely regretted them.

Especially when he saw the genuine surprise on Morgan's face.

The Spider Queen froze in shock, then slowly sat down, trying to keep her face calm.

She thought about it and quickly understood what Zhuang Sen meant: Thanks to more than ten years of getting along with him, she is very good at this.

[You want to ask, what am I to you? 】


Morgan smiled.

She blinked her eyes, almost without any hesitation or thinking. An almost instinctive emotion and sigh came out of her mouth, which made people believe it.

[Blood relatives...comrades...partners...]

[It does cause confusion, my Jonson, and it’s not your fault. 】

She smiled, and her smile made Zhuang Sen subconsciously feel that her answer must be an extremely sincere promise.

[But, Johnson. 】

【Speaking from the bottom of my heart. 】

[I don’t want to be your blood relative. 】

【Your comrade. 】

[Your partner. 】

[Or any existence with decorations and indicators. 】

[In a sense, I am a very greedy person. 】

【how to say……】


[I don’t want to be anyone or the shadow of any words in your heart. 】

【I want to be your Morgan. 】

[The one and only Morgan. 】

[I want to be: the one without any homologues or modifiers, the one without any comparisons or classifications, the unique one, Morgan. 】

[I want to use the name Morgan to carve a mark in your heart, a mark so profound that no one will forget it. 】


【You did that to me. 】


【...It's too much, isn't it? 】

【but. 】

[I am such a selfish woman, Zhuang Sen. 】






At that moment, the whole room was extremely quiet, and the two Primarchs looked at each other like two beasts that knew each other thoroughly, telling thousands of words with their own pupils.

I don’t know how long it took.

A crisp sound broke the deathly silence.

It was a laugh.

I don't know whether it was Morgan's or Jonson's laughter, whether it was intentional or unintentional, whether it was a mocking or sad laugh.

It was the purest form of laughter.

Morgan smiled.

Jonson smiled.

The two Primarchs laughed like this, for their own thoughts and thoughts, for their own stupidity and innocence.

They laughed.

At this point, speechless.

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