"I hear the sorrow in your heart, my sister Morgan."

"I am willing to feel the same as you. If I can do it, I will definitely do this: I am willing to let your tears flow down my face, instead of letting them continue to ripple in my pupils and pollute yours. Atrium.”

"I am willing to do this for no other reason than that we are relatives."


"But before that, sister, I'd like you to answer a question of mine."

"A small question."

"Your words, your tears, your sadness, the cry in your heart: I know they are not false, and I know you are not lying to me."

"But at the same time……"

"I don't think they're real either."

"At least, it's not completely true."


"You didn't lie."

"But you didn't tell the complete truth and truth, did you?"

In the cold, dead room, Sanguinius narrowed his eyes and stood quietly, his amber pupils jumping back and forth between extreme sadness and cold rationality.

At this moment, he seemed to be a mortal.

In the next moment, he seemed like a god.

In the constant struggle and exchange between humanity and divinity, Sanguinius seemed to see through some of the truth in the matter. Although he still could not find enough evidence, and he still could not convince himself in his heart, but out of With some kind of instinct and primitive wisdom, he began to question the correctness of Morgan's words.

Until Morgan turned her back to him, raised her head calmly, let the last drop of tear fall back into her pupils, and then turned around, so that Saint Sanguinius could clearly see the scarlet color in the corners of her eyes. Although the suspicion in the angel's heart was extremely shaken, it still did not completely collapse.

He just looked at his blood sister quietly, waiting for her to answer his question: whether it was anger or curse, Sanguinius was waiting for a response from Morgan, and he was willing to bear this wait. the price it brings.

But to his expectation, his sister showed no stagnation or hesitation, let alone any surprise or anger: facing the archangel's words that were almost accusatory, Morgan seemed unusually calm and calm.

She just turned around completely, raised her hands to straighten her appearance, and then moved closer to Sanguinius until the bitter smile on the corner of her mouth could clearly appear in the archangel's pupils. .

Her voice was a little sour.

【how? Now, is it your turn to defend our father? 】


These familiar words made Sanguinius's eyebrows jump. Fortunately, he still had plenty of confidence on this topic.

"No, quite the opposite."

The angel turned sideways and looked at the statue of the Blood Angel. He was very sure that his next voice was firm and gloating. He was also very fortunate that he had conducted sufficient exploration before: just like himself, His blood relative had no more favorable impressions of their common genetic father.

She is a more independent person.

Therefore, the archangel's tone was somewhat relaxed and sarcastic.

"Rather, it's because our genetic father's image here is a little worse than you think, so I can detect some clues."

【……? 】

The angel smiled.

"I know him well, Morgan, and I know our father well, so I know very well that if he really forced you to do something like this, to trade your offspring for you to kill another of your brothers, If so, then he will definitely try his best to keep you silent about it, or even erase your memory and lock your soul."

"For his good reputation and so-called higher-level considerations, I won't be surprised no matter what behavior he does, but no matter what, you are destined to be unable to stand here and tell me these things openly."

"To put it simply: if this is really a dirty deal between you and the Emperor, then with the character of our genetic father, you will never let you remember all this."

"He regards these secrets as his own treasures, and no one is allowed to touch them."

"And since you can stand in front of me and talk about all this, you can only explain the truth of the matter. In fact, it is not as bad as you just said."


[Perhaps, our genetic father is just a little worse than you think? 】


"It's not impossible."

The archangel blinked his eyes. He tried his best to maintain his calm mood and focused his gaze on the statue of his legionnaire: deep in his heart, Sanguinius still did not fully trust Morgan. But he couldn't stop the conversation immediately. After all, he had two important questions that he had yet to get answers to.

Then, the archangel smiled again.

Based on his previous experience with each other, Sanguinius has realized that his smile is not a weapon for Morgan to kill, but even so, it is still useful: at least when he smiles, Morgan's words are heard. It always sounds more sincere.

"But I still choose to believe in another fact: Although we haven't gotten along for a long time, I don't think you are a bad person, my dear blood relative."

When the Archangel laughs, he is unstoppable.

"Morgan, you are my blood sister, a family member with the same blood as mine. Maybe you in my heart are much kinder than you are in reality, which is not true, but I am willing to believe in your kindness."

"I want to believe that you will not be a person who points the butcher knife at your brother for the sake of your own heirs: you are a smart person and a person with good nature. If you really face such a choice, You have to try to find a balance."

"And if you can't find such a balance, and you have to reach out to one of your brothers, then I can definitely understand the sadness and despair in your heart: this despair is so huge, so huge that you can't It could have been so easy to say it.”

"So, either the truth of this matter is not like this at all, or you did not do this at all: you are not the murderer who killed our brother, or you did not actively want to be the murderer?"

"I want to believe this. I want to believe that you just lied to me. You chose this kind of white lie."

"You're going to do it, of course you're going to do it, you're not going to tell a true lie."

"Because you're not a bad person."

"Right? Morgan?"


When an angel smiles, you can't even see the cunning in his heart.

Morgan realized this.

It's just that it's a little too late.

The heat waves blown by Sanguinius had already slapped her forehead, the sharp edges on Sanguinius' wings were already gently touching her shoulders, and the smiling amber eyes of Sanguinius The colored pupils were looking straight into her eyes: no one could refuse such a pair of eyes.

No one can reject the sincerity and kindness from the archangel: even if you believe it is a disguise, even if you know that it is not his complete intention, you just can't resist him, just like a mortal can't resist the real one. Angelic.


The same goes for Morgan.

In the light of Sanguinius, she didn't even dare to adjust her deep breathing too obviously, because that would make Sanguinius discover her inner tension.

It wasn't until this moment that Morgan fully understood Conrad, why he hated the brother who had not returned so much, and the ability he possessed to be contained in the shadows.

After all, she felt it.


Just what if.

If she could have the same appeal and charm as Sanguinius, everything would be so much more interesting.

Unfortunately, this is just a hypothetical.

She does not have such charm, and she even has to become an enemy of this charm to face the wisdom and traps under this charm: The Lord of Avalon was almost knocked unconscious in the first moment, but The moment his mind returned, Morgan realized the trap that Sanguinius had laid in his words.

The archangel gave her two choices, two completely opposite and not complicated choices, but equally full of malice.

Under the archangel's logical system, either Morgan is a kind person: and since he is a kind person, it is naturally impossible for him to really kill her other brother for his own selfish desires, and still be able to If you say all this openly, then Morgan's words must be lies, white lies.

Either, Morgan is really a sinful person, a villain who will really kill his brother and admit it openly. In that case, anything said from the villain's mouth, even if it is the truth, is It is reasonable to treat everything as a lie if it is not worthy of trust.

Sanguinius gave her two options and waited for Morgan to choose one of them as the explanation for his words.

One is a lie.

The other one is also a lie.


Morgan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at his angel brother. The two Primarchs maintained a tacit smile.


The Lord of Avalon muttered in her heart.

Compared to the brothers she had met before, whether it was Magnus, Perturabo, or Jonson and Conrad, the Sanguinius in front of her had a good reputation.

They are really not on the same level as them...

The difference is too great.

Always bombing low-level fish ponds like Jonson and Conrad, she subconsciously ignored that there were also such human spirits among the Primarchs: this time it was indeed a mistake.


Fortunately, she was not unprepared.


[I have to admit, my brother Sanguinius, you are more intelligent and perceptive than most people I have met: if the word angel is only used to describe your appearance, rather than Your inner words are too superficial. 】

"You are ridiculous, sister."

Facing Morgan's compliments, the archangel just responded to his blood sister with a smile, but even this false smile, when it was on his face, was that damn, hateful, perfect !

How is he so perfect? !

Morgan gritted his teeth while the angel continued.

"Even among our brothers, I am not the one known for my intelligence or inner strength: Horus is far more perfect than I am, Dorn is more determined than I am, Ferrus is wiser than I am, If I really want to say it, the only thing I can praise is maybe the outer skin, and I can't understand those more complicated things."

"Just like I can't fully understand your previous words, I can only wait for you to give me an answer: So, don't you tell me your answer?"


Damn, I didn’t change the topic...

Morgan muttered in her heart. The Lord of Avalon spent a moment reviewing the dozens of backup plans she had prepared in her heart. This was all the preparation time involved in the trash talk, so she chose among them. The simplest, but also the cleanest one.

Question: When you are walking in a dirty quagmire, how do you keep the soles of your shoes as clean as ever?

The answer is simple: as long as you have a stepping stone big enough for you to step on, that's it.

Based on some of the views expressed by Sanguinius just now, Morgan easily found this stepping stone.

[I think I can’t answer your question, brother: Regarding the genetic disease and the missing brother, no matter how many times you ask, the words I can give you are the same. 】

Morgan once again put a sincere smile on his face, which surprised Sanguinius somewhat: although the archangel caught the loopholes in Morgan's words through wisdom and instinct, he himself was really not good at it. In this aspect of the game, it was impossible to pursue victory, and when facing Morgan's counterattack, he was still somewhat in a hurry.

He could only ask, handing over the initiative of words.


[Don’t you know the reason? 】

Morgan chuckled. Instead, she moved a little closer to Sanguinius. The two Primarchs, who were already very close to each other, now had their foreheads almost touching each other. They could feel each other's hair and breath. breathe.

Morgan said every word.

[All I can say is this: no matter how many times you ask, I can only say that after the Emperor gave me the solution to the Legion's genetic disease, I killed one of my brothers. On this issue, I can only say are allowed to say such things. 】


【you understand me. 】

Looking at the archangel's thoughtful face at that moment, Morgan just stretched out a finger with a smile on his face, and then pointed towards the non-existent ceiling.

[That's all I'm allowed to say. 】


[Like I said: you should know our father very well. 】


Sanguinius hesitated for a moment, but still nodded: when such a mysterious and buried order came from the Lord of Mankind, the Archangel instinctively chose to believe it.

After all, the image of the Lord of Mankind in Sanguinius's heart has always been one of mercy and nothing to do with it.

But despite this, Sanguinius still did not forget his original purpose. He perfectly fixed his face in "disbelief" mixed with a little "compassion", so that his next question seemed extremely... Of course.

"But I still can't believe it. Like I said, I don't believe you would kill one of your brothers for Legion's genetic disease. Morgan: There must be some nobler reasons for you to join this group. Action, or something he did that made you hate him?"

[No, I don’t hate him. 】

Morgan shook his head.

[You know me, Sanguinius. I will not hate any of my blood brothers. Even for Mortarion, I am just disgusted. 】

"I believe that."

The angel smiled, striking while the iron was hot.

"You are indeed a good person, my sister Morgan. Maybe you had something wrong in the past, but I believe you are working hard to be a good person now."


Morgan paused, looking at Sanguinius's shining amber pupils, wondering whether he was sincere or pretending: the Lord of Avalon would rather believe it was the former.

[And you have to understand, brother, hate is a more lasting, more powerful and crazier emotion than love. It also requires more bonds than love. Our brother and I have never even met. If you can't even love him, how can you hate him? 】


Sanguinius leaned forward again, and his wings spread slightly, forming a huge shadow that directly enveloped Morgan. At this moment, even the bright lights and the reflection of countless crystals , could not save Morgan from the face and breath of Sanguinius.

"Why on earth do you want to join such a war?"

"What did our brother do to make you determined to kill him?"


Morgan paused, and the instinct of the Lord of Avalon told her that Sanguinius cared more about this question than any other question he had asked before.

So of course, Morgan will also pay attention to this issue.

[First of all, it was our Gene Father who decided to erase him. He issued the order, and I was only responsible for executing it. I was not even the executioner: the person responsible for the trial was Jonson, and the one responsible for the execution was Leman Russ. 】


"But the one whose soul is stained with the smell of blood is you."

The archangel narrowed his eyes. His voice was not cold, but even gentle and hoarse, but it made Morgan break out in a cold sweat.

"As early as when you took that photo at the entrance of the Terra Palace, I was looking at you from a distance: I was not looking at your appearance, but at your soul."

"Your souls are different: Jonson is stable with a hint of chaos, Conrad is chaos with a hint of stability, and Leman Russ skillfully maintains the balance between the two, but is also trapped in it. Can’t make a choice.”

"As for you, my blood relative, I don't even dare to look directly into your soul for too long, because I smell something on your body that scares me."

"I smell the Emperor's breath, and I smell blood: the blood of the Primarch."

"But not your blood."

"It belongs to another Primarch."


"Why don't you explain it to me, sister."


Morgan was silent for a long time, long enough for the Archangel to be convinced that this time he could hear the real answer instead of being falsely confused: and Morgan's sigh made the Archangel even more convinced of this.

[Put your hands out, bro. 】

The Archangel was silent for a moment, and then did as he was told: the next moment, Sanguinius's fingers were tightly intertwined with Morgan's cold fingers, rubbing together like two graceful white snakes. .

The two Primarchs remained silent at the same time, focusing all their attention on the intertwined index fingers. Certain memories were drawn from Morgan's soul to Senge through physical contact. in Les's soul.

This great ritual consumes a lot of money in the ocean of psychic energy, but in reality, it often only takes a moment.

As a result, the archangel understood everything in an instant: his amber pupils dimmed first, and then turned into an ashes-like indifference, without even a trace of anger or excitement.


"You're right, Morgan."

"I won't ask that question again."

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