[Best you think so, bro: I'm glad we came to an understanding. 】

When Morgan narrowed her eyes and once again put on the flawless smile mask, her fingers entangled with Sanguinius exerted slight force, grasped the archangel's well-joined palms, and pressed heavily Shake it twice: Although to Sanguinius, Morgan's force was no more different than a touch.

"Consensus is always the most important thing, it can prevent us from falling into the fate of fighting each other again."

The Archangel of Baal used his passionate tone to speak words that even he himself did not believe. He easily kept up with Morgan's rhythm, which only made Morgan feel a seamless and indescribable discomfort. .

Incompatible with the softness on his face, Sanguinius's palm was like a hard iron. Although it was hot, it was not as soft as expected. Whether it was the stubborn knuckles or the rough jaws, they all told the story of this man who came from The archangel in the world of death undoubtedly possesses the soul of a powerful warrior.

He is definitely not a vase who wins with charm and temperament. He is far more determined and savage inside than what the world sees: even Morgan took a while to realize this, and Avalon The Lord paid a small price for this.

Fortunately, she adjusted back in time.

But despite this, the meeting with the Archangel was still a test worth remembering for Morgan: the reason why she could vaguely surpass Sanguinius verbally was not because her wisdom and conversation were stronger, but because Because she has a far richer intelligence system than this archangel, she knows more about the truth than Sanguinius, that's all.

Using the archangel's desire and fear for certain unknown truths, and then selectively concealing or telling these facts, Morgan took control of the conversation to a certain extent, but even so, Sanguinius occasionally The counterattack was enough to make the Spider Queen break into a cold sweat.

After all, Morgan can be regarded as a [Jiu Shu Battle Formation]. It has been a long time since she last used words to fight against an unknown brother, and Sanguinius is indeed the Lord of Avalon in the battle of words. On the other hand, a powerful enemy has never been encountered before.

For a moment, Morgan even had a real suspicion.

Is such an eloquent archangel really the emperor's biological son, rather than a random guy he picked up somewhere outside? Or maybe, just like her, the archangel got a few warp evil gods. special attention?

After taking into account the powerful combat power and the boundless charm that she did not envy at all, Morgan was even able to determine that there seemed to be a lot of evil gods who were paying attention to Sanguinius. : At least it should be more than her Morgan.

Thinking of this, the Lord of Avalon couldn't help but pause. She narrowed her eyes and let the thoughts in her heart continue to run: As a person who already has a little understanding of the power of the evil god, the nature of the original body and the emperor's plan, in the consciousness After realizing that the uniqueness of Sanguinius might be related to the powers of the subspace, Morgan naturally thought of many things.

The most important point among them is their genetic father's attitude and treatment of Sanguinius.

If Morgan were to speak from the Emperor's point of view, there seems to be no need for Sanguinius to be saved by death: apart from his extraordinary charm, there is nothing particularly outstanding about him, and neither is the Blood Angels Legion. They are a unique legion like the Clover Legion, which means they are not irreplaceable.

Taking into account their genetic father's deep hatred for all inhuman characteristics, and the genetic mutation in the Archangel that is so obvious that it cannot even be concealed, the fate of this most sacred Primarch is really sad. The future is uncertain.

You know, the former [purest Primarch] now has nothing left except for Morgan's soul being stained with blood: the one that was personally escorted to the underground of the palace by Leman Russ and the Imperial Guard. The body was really just a body. The only remnant of Heydrich was held by the Emperor. Although the attitude of the Lord of Mankind was still a bit ambiguous, Morgan felt that she would never see this person again in her life. A brother.

This came from her hunch: and her hunch was always intended to be accurate.

Thinking of this, Morgan couldn't help but look at Sanguinius with a hint of mourning. Although there was no conflict between the archangel in front of her and her, let alone any relationship of interest, when Morgan took a bath When she was in the glory of Sanguinius, the balance in her heart was still unconsciously tilted towards the archangel of Baal.

It's so damn charming.


Although I have long known that this archangel possesses extraordinary charm, I don’t know why. This charm seems to be extremely lethal to Morgan. Morgan is obviously aware of this, but still can’t admit it in his heart. Completely resist her.

Big enough to scare her.

However, the sorrow in Morgan's eyes was not noticed by Sanguinius. Because the current Archangel is lowering his head, immersed in what he just saw: the Lord of Avalon did not tell the Archangel anything more, but only for the scene in Heydrich's laboratory and his The glimpse of the [Last Creation] was enough to make the Archangel of Baal realize the seriousness of the truth.

That kind of thing can make people understand everything just by looking at it.

Not to mention, at the end of the consciousness transfer, Morgan even thoughtfully conveyed the final conversation and interaction between the Emperor and Heydrich from his own first-person perspective: That monstrous golden flame was the Holy Spirit. Gilles' last memory of everything.

This kind of brutal straightforwardness naturally has its benefits. At the very least, Sanguinius will no longer consider anything about Heydrich. He is not an overly curious original body, and he also has A cautious heart, after fully witnessing the memory Morgan gave him and confirming that it was not false, the Archangel knew that this was definitely not something he could know now.

It's time for him to stop: although the Archangel has always taken pleasure in slandering the Emperor's various behaviors, in this matter, he absolutely understands the difficulties of the Lord of Mankind, and can naturally understand the Master of Mankind's actions in this matter. He was determined to kill without mercy, and he did not want to become Heydrich's burial object.

In fact, the archangel had already begun to think about another thing: the moment Sanguinius opened his eyes, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he looked at Morgan, with a bit of false emotion in his pupils. Pretense, but with a hint of real emotion and pleading.

"You know what, Morgan."

"Before I arrived, I heard that Guilliman and Dorn had taken the initiative to find the Emperor and the Sealbearer, asking them to erase the memory of our brother, and even requested that this kind of memory erasure be promoted. To all the Primarchs: apparently our Gene-Father finally agreed to this request."

"When I just heard this story, I even complained about the two of them in my heart: At that time, I thought that we should retain the right to remember our brothers no matter what, and our brothers should not be completely removed from our minds. disappeared, but now, this complaint has turned into understanding of them and ridicule of myself.”

"Donne and the others are right. We should completely forget all this: that person should be reduced to a tomb, a thing that should not be mentioned by anyone. We should forget him and throw him into the torrent of history. .”

"If you want, please feel free to laugh at my overestimation, sister. I have already had those terrible memories cleared once with kind pleas, and now, I have to ask you to help me clear them for the third time. Twice.”

"Let him disappear from my mind, I don't want to remember him anymore: I know you can do this, so please help me: I don't want to go to our father or the bearer, That’s really embarrassing.”

Sanguinius bent his knees, actually in a half-crouched position, so that he and Morgan were at the same height, and then his amber pupils looked directly into Morgan's eyes, glowing with sincerity. , and his face showed just the right amount of sadness. His flawless smile looked like a classical tragedy.

Sanguinius was pleading.

Who can refuse his plea?

[Of course I am, brother. 】

Morgan laughed, and she felt a little relaxed. At least now, she and Sanguinius were temporarily out of the state of intrigue, and they could talk to each other like a pair of real blood relatives.

[But first, brother, I have to remind you something. 】

Morgan's pupils were filled with light, and she stared closely at Sanguinius's focused and unquestionable face: In the previous conversation, the Lord of Avalon had noticed certain shortcomings in the archangel.

In fact, the character of this archangel is not perfect. He has a domineering, reckless and weak side in his soul, which makes him easily affected by temporary difficulties or temptations and makes long-term consequences. Bad decision.

In a sense, Sanguinius is an impulsive person, a Magnus-like figure, but the pure nobility in his heart makes him fundamentally different from Magnus. No, but as long as the operation is good, the archangel will be misled and make a fatal mistake like Magnus.

Morgan secretly remembered this, and she felt that she should use this weird knowledge in the future, but now, she still needed to remind Sanguinius not to make such a serious mistake in this regard.

After all, she is half a party involved.

So, Morgan looked directly into those amber pupils.


What a pair of eye-catching gems.

[I must warn you, brother. 】

[If you just ask me to erase your relevant memories, then after five seconds, you will forget everything about him and return to the state before I connected with you, and you at that time, for us That blasphemous brother also has endless curiosity and fear. 】

[Then you will ask me and make insinuations again. 】

【Like a reincarnation. 】

"you mean……"

Sanguinius looked thoughtful, while Morgan smiled and shook his head.

[What I mean is that you'd better leave some signs, or reminders, something that can avoid ridiculous reincarnation, special symbols that can make you realize the seriousness of this matter in your heart. 】


[Yes, I know this is a more personal thing, but you should set up such a symbol, and then, every time you see it, you will think of it, and you should no longer think about this aspect. thing. 】

"An unforgettable scar?"

【...It can be understood this way. 】

Morgan's pupils were aroused: the aesthetics of her blood brothers always seemed to conflict with hers. These primitives always seemed to be immersed in some words such as pain, legend or greatness, while Morgan I have little interest in these words.

But then again, in this regard, the other primarchs are closer to the overall aesthetic concept of the entire human empire, and Morgan is the one who is separated from the masses: she knows this very well.

Anyway, the Lord of Avalon will never understand why the entire empire is accustomed to using eagles, thunders, and even human skulls as aesthetic models: it is said that this aesthetic comes from their father.

Yes, that old Anatolian hater who sees pure gold as the perfect color: Although Morgan also loves gold, she prefers it as a slight embellishment, surrounded by other purples and reds. , instead of painting an entire huge building in gold like the Lord of Humanity, giving people an indescribable, rough and vulgar feeling like a rich country man.

Like a nouveau riche.


The Emperor is considered a nouveau riche to begin with, right?


Morgan suppressed the smile in her heart and raised her head, waiting for Sanguinius's reaction.

The archangel did not hesitate for too long: after nodding and agreeing with Morgan's concept, Sanguinius looked around at the crystal statues around him, and then looked at the ceremonial armor on his body. But these things that are destined not to stay with him for too long do not seem to be satisfied with Sanguinius's concept of the word unforgettable.

Until he looked at his hands.

So, in the next second, in the astonishment that Morgan had no time to react, the archangel raised one of his palms and extended it to his lips.

Next, open your mouth.

The white and flat teeth were smoother than Sanguinius's neck. In just a moment, he bit tightly on the palm that Morgan had just held tightly. The next moment, deep bite marks were left. , there was even a drop of blood left along the wound, spread to the hanging fingertips, and fell to the ground.

The angel bit himself.

Nothing had ever surprised Morgan so much. She even forgot to keep breathing and thinking at this moment. She seemed to instinctively let out a scream to stop it all, but she didn't seem to. But her ears caught the sound.


Finally, Morgan subconsciously stretched out her hand, letting the drop of blood fall on her outstretched fingertips, gently sliding down her slightly raised fingers, and finally flowing onto the palm of her hand, and then along the Following the intertwined palm lines, it splashed, melted, rose, and finally merged with Morgan's palm, and no trace of blood could be seen anymore.

The only thing left is pure white, as white as snow.


"You don't have to be like this, my brother Sanguinius. 】

It took Morgan a full second to come out of her daze. He subconsciously saw Sanguinius's palm, only to see a clearly visible wound there.

Although under the charm of the angel, this hideous wound also shows a unique and cruel beauty, but at least in a short period of time, if Sanguinius wants to, this wound may not be able to be eliminated. of.

Indeed, unforgettable.

"Only painful wounds can make people remember mistakes, right?"

"Since I will definitely forget everything you just told me, then I really need an unforgettable memorial, so unforgettable that when I see it and touch it, I will feel pain, and I will know that I What should be done.”

[This way of yours...is this Barr's tradition? 】

"If you think it is, then it is."

Sanguinius smiled. This smile was paler, but also more charming. The bleeding fingers did not seem to have even the slightest negative impact on the archangel's state. The archangel was still an archangel.

"Okay, now, do what you should do, my sister, I'm really sorry for causing you trouble."

【Where's the matter? 】

Morgan responded with a smile, she stretched out her hand first: out of instinct, she stretched out her other hand, the one that did not catch the blood of Sanguinius.

The archangel was just stunned for a moment, and then showed a knowing smile: It was only then that Morgan discovered that the hand she stretched out corresponded to Sanguinius's still bleeding hand. palm.

This was a rude move, but the archangel did not intend to give Morgan a chance to make amends: a sly smile flowed from the angel's amber pupils, and he stretched out his bleeding palm. Before Morgan could react, He grabbed the Lord of Avalon's hand slightly arrogantly and held it tightly.

This time, it was Sanguinius' turn to give Morgan's hand a firm squeeze.

Just like that, Morgan also felt the archangel's blood on her other hand. This time, she felt it particularly clearly, for a long time, and with authority.

She discovered something interesting.

Unlike Sanguinius's warm palm, Sanguinius's blood is extremely cold: when the blood flows on Sanguinius's hand, it is like a cooling river of magma flowing through the spring. lush hills.

The blood of archangels is cold.


And sticky.

It stayed on Morgan's palm.

This time, the blood is dry and cannot melt itself.


Maybe she needs to wash her hands.

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