Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 457 Something is starting to go wrong

Chapter 457 Something is starting to go wrong...

[Yes, I personally think it is necessary to try. 】

[If we don’t try some things, we can’t be sure whether they can be realized: as long as the cost is controllable, then having the courage to try is definitely a great advantage. 】

When she finished this sentence in a relaxed tone, the queen of Avalon laughed out loud, put one hand on the table, stood up her shoulders and elbows, bent her long fingers, and pressed the knuckle of her index finger against it. With a dimple on her face, her other hand was shaking the wine in the glass, clinking glasses with Ms. Youton sitting next to her.

"I find that you all seem to like talking about these great truths."

Guilliman's adoptive mother faced her close friend and winked mischievously. This slightly sarcastic remark was a symbol of the strong friendship between her and Morgan.

【us? 】

Facing the original body's inquiry, Ms. Euton just blinked again and showed an unspoken evil smile to Morgan. At this time, her eyes turned to the man standing not far away, who seemed to be upright. While pondering over the wine glass, they had actually been paying close attention to a certain Lord of Macragge on their side.

"You don't know..."

The Primarch's foster mother smiled, her smile so meaningful.

"At the beginning, not long after I raised Guilliman: according to the time on your Holy Terra, it was probably the third to fourth year after he landed. He had already grown larger than an adult. He is even taller and has a more stubborn temper than adults."

As he spoke, the adoptive mother of the original body leaned forward and came close to Morgan's ear: This table is not big to begin with and cannot even accommodate a third person. When the two ladies gathered together to whisper, Just such a gesture was enough to make the leader of the Ultramarines who was eavesdropping next to him anxious.

"When he was a child, he called me mother, and the calls were so sweet. But when he grew up, when he found out that he was taller than his adoptive father, he never called me mother again, but he didn't know where. I learned it and started calling me Ms. Youdun seriously, and it still remains the same today, making us feel like strangers working together."

"Ah, when he was angry, he would still keep a straight face and call me a woman; but when he got over his anger and realized that his actions were very rude, he would come to me and formally apologize and say Why would I never be so rude again?"

"But it didn't work. He'll still be like this the next time he's angry."


It felt like I heard something I shouldn't have heard.

Morgan smiled, but said nothing: as a blood relative of Guilliman, it seemed not a good thing to hear these embarrassing childhood stories about him, but as Ms. Euton's close friend, she still had to listen.

Vaguely, Morgan's ears could catch the sound of a wine glass being clenched by suppressed power not far away: She didn't know for a moment who was more embarrassed, between herself and Guilliman.

"Besides, when he called me Ms. Youton, he started to like to tell me those big principles: just like what you just said, various philosophies and allusions, or When talking about the so-called outlook on life and values, he talks endlessly and quotes from classics, as if I, the mother, don’t know how outstanding his son is."

[It is normal. This is the normal psychology of children when facing their mother. When my children face me, they are always afraid that I will not notice their achievements. 】

Morgan lowered his eyebrows, pursed his lips, nodded, and tasted the wine absentmindedly. He echoed Ms. Euton's words word by word. Instead, he focused more on Guilliman, who was only five or six meters away from them. On the body.

There was nothing he could do. Guilliman was standing there with a glass of wine in one hand. He was obviously embarrassed, but he still pretended to be calm and relaxed, making Guilliman look a bit funny. It was really rare to see him. scenery.

Not to mention, when the Lord of Macragge once again [unintentionally] turned his eyes to them, but happened to meet Morgan's eyes, the awkward feeling that almost overflowed the screen, in Killie The best color was painted on Mann's face, and the Lord of Avalon had to use all his willpower to keep himself from laughing.

She simply couldn't imagine how Guilliman could turn around so calmly on the surface and greet the new mortals who were entering the hall one by one.

However, Ms. Youdun, who had her back turned to her adopted son, had not noticed this yet. With a hint of drunkenness from the wine, this respectable lady was still happily talking about her to her close friends. What happened with Guilliman in the past: From a mother's perspective, isn't this a way to vent her depression?

This is why Morgan will sit here and listen quietly, and Guilliman has never interfered here. Both Primarchs know very well that there must be a lot of pressure in Ms. Euton's heart, and her noble status makes She couldn't even find a suitable confidant on Macragge: since the conversation with Morgan could make the primarch's adoptive mother choose to vent her feelings, other things would not seem so important now.

Thinking of this, Guilliman even cast a grateful glance at his blood relative: until he discovered that his adoptive mother was still planning to continue talking, the face of Lord Macragge finally became a little touched. .


"Cough! Cough!"

Accompanied by a loud cough, before his adoptive mother could reveal more of his childhood embarrassments, the Lord of the Five Hundred Worlds finally lost his nerve. He took a quick step and came to the two ladies, gentle but firm. He took the alcoholic drink from Ms. Youton's hand.

"You shouldn't drink too many alcoholic beverages on this occasion, ma'am."

Guilliman tried his best to make his words sound as serious as possible, while Ms. Euton just looked at her adopted son helplessly, then smiled at Morgan, then turned around and responded to the original body of the Ultramarines.

"You know, these few drinks won't make me drunk."

"Of course I know."

The primarch nodded.

"But this is a public place after all, and we should discuss some more valuable things: and not long ago, my pharmacist just did a full body examination for you, and they said it is best for you to have less contact with alcohol."

After saying this, the original body turned around and shouted to the waiter in the distance.

"Bring a few cups of tea, or a non-alcoholic drink."

Ms. Euton didn't care much, she just winked at Morgan.

"Look, he always likes to make a fuss about these things."

[It can also be understood as being cautious and doing things in an orderly manner. 】

Morgan smiled.

[This is undoubtedly an advantage. 】


Ms. Euton's tone was vague, but the proud smile on her face could no longer be suppressed. When she spoke again, she deliberately made her voice louder so that Guilliman, who once again stepped aside, could hear clearly. arrive.

"Okay, okay, let's discuss something serious so as not to shame this sacred public occasion: I remember you just told me, Morgan, that you signed at least thirty cooperation documents before the dinner, Which one is the most representative?"

【for me? 】

"for you."

[That is of course the Ultramarines Legion’s investment in my academy. 】

Morgan raised his glass and saluted in Guilliman's direction.

[The signing of this document is a great achievement for me. 】

"Did you also pass constant attempts?"

【certainly. 】

Morgan smiled proudly.

[This political achievement I mentioned was achieved through constant attempts. Since I ended my visit to Holy Terra, I have tried its possibilities through various means: the first four results are all It doesn't satisfy me and my collaborators, but the fifth result is very feasible. 】

[And it is based on the fifth result of this attempt that I have the great plan in my hands now: the Imperial Subspace Technology Research Institute, a think tank designed to teach the think tanks of each legion how to use their souls safely. Ability, the highest institution of higher learning in the field of psychic energy with dual functions of teaching and scientific research. 】

"A research institute."

Ms. Euton nodded and took the hot tea from Guilliman's hand.

"On Macragge, I have never heard of a school or research institute on psychic powers. I guess this is also a very new concept for the empire?"

"The resistance is bigger, which is normal."

Morgan nodded.

[It’s a bit big: These attempts took me twenty years. 】

[As early as twenty years ago, when I first wrote the Psionic Scripture, I had already thought about its establishment in my mind, but it was not until today, twenty years later, that my work had established its foundation in various legions. With a solid foundation, and I have reached a consensus with Terra, this school has transformed from a fantasy in my mind into a miracle in reality. 】

[This will be a national-level unit independent of each legion, directly under the jurisdiction of the War Council. For it, I have written enough memoranda in the past twenty years to fill the entire library, and then I extracted what I have said before. The fifth result mentioned: Now, this proposal has been approved by the Emperor, and the Seal Master and the War Council have also passed all official procedures required to establish this academy, as well as the corresponding material dispatch. 】

[In addition, at the beginning of its establishment, this academy will be jointly authorized by the twelve Astartes Legions: including my Dawnbreaker Legion, Guilliman's Ultramarines, Dark Angels, and Iron Warriors , White Scars, Space Wolves, Imperial Fists, Night Lords, Blood Angels, Thousand Sons, Luna Wolves, and the Salamander Legion. 】

[Getting rid of these brothers of mine is not an easy task. Of my previous four failed attempts, two were unable to reach a consensus with the Emperor or Terra, and two were unable to join forces with each legion. To achieve the greatest common denominator among interests: However, after several years of hard work, these are no longer problems, they have been solved by me. 】

[I have received strong support from twelve legions, including mine. On the day when this think tank academy opens, think tank representatives from these twelve legions will also become its first The first batch of students will study for about fifteen years. 】

"So, Guilliman's signature is the last brick?"

【Also the most important piece. 】

Morgan blinked.

[After all, Robert is the second largest shareholder of this college. The materials he provided for the establishment of this college are even more than those allocated by Holy Terra: As required, I have to write an annual report for him Woolen cloth. 】

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Ms. Euton laughed.

"Believe me, Morgan, Robert means nothing else: it's his habit."

[I'm pretty sure of this. 】

Morgan's pupils reflected cunning.

[When he took his support list and told me how much he would donate to this college, I thought I was facing my logistics director: the way they looked when they recited those numbers was exactly the same. 】

For a moment, the laughter of the two ladies made Guilliman's brows jump.

"Then I have a question."

After the laughter, a look of seriousness appeared on Ms. Euton's face: Perhaps no one had ever told this woman how similar her seriousness at this time was to her adopted son.

"How do you plan to run this... psionic academy?"

【I thought about it for a long time. 】

Morgan's eyes were a little empty.

[In view of the fact that the number of students in this college, especially the first batch of students, will not be very large, I do not plan to place them in a certain world, but plan to place the college directly on my ship. Above: And I will be the principal of this school and select some think tanks that I have personally taught before to serve as my assistant lecturers, such as Ahriman. 】

[All teaching materials and teaching aids are hand-made by me, including the venue for classes. In short, just like all the policies I implement in the Far Eastern frontier, because they are not large, I can It's easy to do it myself, and as long as I do it myself, there won't be any serious problems. 】

"Then what if the number of students enrolled increases in the future?"

[...It is essentially a research institute. 】

Morgan shook his head.

[After the first batch of students successfully graduate, the college itself will not be bloated: these students will naturally return to their respective legions, become mentors of other legion think tanks, and imitate mine in their own legions. In this way, we set up think tank schools affiliated to our respective legions, and select the best students to study with me, so that this inheritance can continue, and my college only needs to accept those new international students. 】

[The important thing is not the academy, but the teaching of the academy so that the psionic teaching system I designed can be spread to other legions: thanks to the psionic scriptures I wrote before, this kind of The dissemination of the system will get twice the result with half the effort. 】

"……indeed so."

The Primarch's adoptive mother nodded, taking a moment to digest the novel concept.

"But whether it's a college or a graduate school, tutors and assistant lecturers are not enough. You still need more people to run it: have you considered the answer to this question, Morgan?"

[For now...yes. 】

The primarch tilted his head.

[When I designed the system of this academy, my brother Conrad helped me a lot, and in the process of maintaining the operation of the academy as I envisioned, my star maids will become an important part of it. . 】

"Conrad... Maid of the Stars..."

Ms. Youdun chewed these two names softly, her pupils getting brighter and brighter, and she seemed to be completely attracted by these novel words.

"I heard from Robert that your brother Conrad should have come to visit Macragge with you: why didn't I see him?"

【Right there. 】

Morgan pointed, and the original body's adoptive mother followed her guidance and saw only a tall figure on the edge of the square, happily fighting against the life-size tower made of fresh fruit. A vacuum zone naturally formed beside him where no mortal dared to set foot.

[The banquet hasn't started yet, so that kid has many reasons to stay there, but after the banquet starts, he will come over and pretend to say hello to you. 】

Morgan spoke of Conrad in the voice of a mother: Ms. Euton could certainly hear it.

"He seemed very polite."

【It’s far worse. 】

The original body's adoptive mother smiled, successfully making Morgan feel a little proud.

"So, Morgan, what are those star maids you just mentioned?"

【my daughter. 】


Faced with Ms. Euton's sharp voice, Morgan just touched her shoulder in a soothing manner.

[To put it simply, it is a bionic robot made of steel by one of my brother who is proficient in mechanics and I: You should have heard of those combat soldiers on the forged world, they are essentially the same thing. 】

"That's it..."

Ms. Euton nodded, tentatively believing Morgan's half-truths.

"You call them, daughter?"

【certainly. 】

The primarch smiled proudly.

[I am their mother and their creator. There is a real mother-son relationship between me and them, just like me and my sons. I know this sounds incredible, but this is the reality. 】


There is no doubt that the Lord of Avalon's face was filled with the pride of being a mother, which deeply attracted the adoptive mother of the original body. A strong desire began to accumulate deeper and deeper in Ms. Euton's heart.

"Can I meet them?"

【sure. 】

Morgan thought for a moment and finally nodded: she knew that Virgo should be transporting her late night snack here at this time, but considering that in this situation, that kind of transport truck could not be placed beside Morgan openly, so It's not impossible to let Virgo place the delivery truck somewhere outside first, and then let her come over and let Morgan show off the baby in front of Euton.

With this in mind, the Lord of Avalon called her hurried eldest daughter through the bond between mother and daughter: and received a response soon.

Then, she smiled at Ms. Youdun.

【Wait a moment. 】

【She will be here soon. 】


"It won't take long: just a few minutes."

"So, watch it!"


"I will."

Savita hesitated for a moment. He looked at the little girl who ran towards the square quickly, but did not forget to stop in the middle, turned around, and waved to him. He recalled her previous warnings and instructions, so he decided to do it again. A guarantee was given somewhat against one's will.

Although the Prince of Crows had never doubted the correctness of his genetic father, he never thought that what Conrad said would be so correct: when he was patrolling around the outermost edge of the square, it actually turned out that I met a little girl of fourteen or fifteen years old, hurriedly dragging a big car. After discovering him, the Night Lord, she dragged him aside without hesitation, and then stuffed the handlebar into his hand. inside.

"I'll be back in a minute."

"In the name of Ms. Morgan, and your genetic father, watch it."

She said this, and then hurriedly left, leaving only Sevita in the same place, falling into silence: If this little girl could leave a few minutes later, she might still be able to hear Sevita's voice. My stomach is making a growling sound.


Frankly speaking, the Prince of Crows hesitated for a few seconds before opening the truck. Part of his hesitation was due to his own shallow morality. After all, stealing food is not the right choice, and the other part was that It was out of confusion about Conrad's words.

Why would his genetic father tell him that he is destined to be a little girl like this?

Savita touched his chin. He still couldn't figure out the answer in the end, so he could only shake his head, turned around, and opened the delivery truck. The aroma of tortillas gushed out wrapped his whole body in the next second. .

The Prince of Crows licked his lips. He did not intend to go against his father's wishes: since his father asked him to take a portion here to fill his stomach, he would do it. As for the oath he just swore...

Go to hell.

With this thought in mind, Savita reached out and grabbed a dozen tortillas and stuffed them into his mouth in an orderly manner.

While eating and taking a rest, the Crow Prince began to think about what he should do during the rotation: What else did his father say?


Oh, yes, let him have a good relationship with the other guards present.


Build a good relationship...

what can we do about it……

Savita thought for a moment.


Then, he looked at the food truck next to him.

Turning his head again, he was able to see an Ultramarine and a Dawnbreaker walking not far in front of him: they also looked a little tired and a little hungry.

Sevita hesitated: only for a moment.

Then he waved his hand.

"Hey, guys."

"Are you hungry?"

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