Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 458 Anya Lupekar

Chapter 458 Anya-Lupekar

"Is this your daughter?"

[Yes, I call her Aniya. She is... fifteen years old this year. 】

Fifteen years and sixty-six months.

Morgan blinked and recited the number silently in her heart. She never forgot the day she personally created this eldest daughter: while thinking about it, the original body bent two fingers and squeezed it lovingly. The cheek of Virgo sitting in her arms.

Her Aniya was as good and reliable as ever. Less than two minutes after the original summons, the Star Maid had already passed through the bustling crowd. Not only did she appear in front of Morgan and Ms. Euton, but she was also able to Perfectly maintaining the necessary etiquette gestures: When Virgo slowed down not far away and passed through the bustling crowd with grace, Ms. Euton's subconscious nod and praise were enough to arouse boundless pride in Morgan's heart. of springs.

So, the Lord of Avalon stood up directly, walked a few steps in the direction of Virgo, picked up her eldest daughter, let her sit on her forearm, and held her with her other hand. Virgo's back.

Perhaps in Ms. Euton's view, this was Morgan's affection for her daughter, but the Lord of Avalon knew very well that she was just adjusting those automatic defense templates by gently patting Virgo's back, and using psychic powers at the same time. The strength makes Virgo weigh as much as a fourteen-year-old or fifteen-year-old girl.

After all, whether it is the weight of the countless steel structures in Virgo's body or the automatic defense mechanisms on her body, it is determined that if Ms. Euton wants to hug this little guy on a whim, then in five minutes, this person will The respected Lord of Palace Affairs will appear in the emergency room of Hera Fortress.

As for whether it was a massive burn or a ruptured lumbar spine, we could only leave it to fate.

Thinking of this, the original body's smile became a little forced, but Ms. Euton didn't care about this: she could clearly see that when the Lord of Avalon's eyes passed over the pink-haired girl, the pair of The blue pupils reflected a light that was extremely familiar to Guilliman's adoptive mother.

That was exactly how Lady Euton herself looked when she looked at Guilliman.

That is: true family affection.


After realizing this, the Lord of Palace Affairs almost immediately turned his gaze to Guilliman, who was standing aside, a little confused by her gaze: As a mother, even the mother of the original body, Ma The palace lord of Kurag is not exempt from many things.

For example, from the moment Ms. Euton saw Morgan, she would naturally compare the Primarch with her Robert: comparing her children with outstanding peers, this is probably the case for everyone. It’s a common problem that happens to all mothers.

No matter what kind of good qualities the Lord of Avalon showed or what good things he took out, Ms. Euton would start this comparison and secretly hope that her adopted son would be better.

But soon, when she thought of those Ultramarines, Ms. Euton could only shake her head sadly: she did not deny that these descendants of Guilliman were all great guys, but compared to the intimacy between the Morgan mother and daughter in front of her. The posture, between Guilliman and the Ultramarines, is still a bit too official.

Can't compare, can't compare...

The adoptive mother of the original body smiled bitterly and accepted the defeat. She stood up and walked in front of Morgan: This sincere mother-daughter affection almost instantly dispersed the slight depression in Yudun's heart, and she stretched out her arms. Take action, not forgetting to pick up a few pieces of candy for the child on the table.

And her every move was naturally watched by the original mother and daughter.

"How should I deal with her, mother?"

Virgo leaned on Morgan's arms, her arms just enough to hold against the two fat dolphins that were kept free by the original body. From time to time, her confused hair brushed her snowy neck like a morning dream, waiting. Morgan bit her ear with hot breath with a smile on his face.

【Just treat me the same way. 】

"Treat...you the same?"

【Yes. 】

The Primarch's eyes stayed on Ms. Yuden and Guilliman, and he would look after Konrad from time to time, or the most important mortal bureaucrats: there were too many things that required Morgan's attention, and she She could only instruct her daughter absentmindedly, just like an ordinary mother who was busy visiting relatives during the New Year and could only roughly order her children to behave more obediently later.

She didn't even see it: when she noticed that she was left out, Virgo bit her lip playfully, her voice was slightly heavy, and she seemed to hide the cunning in her words in her shining pupils.

"You mean, I can treat her how I want to treat you?"

【certainly. 】

Morgan glanced impatiently at Conrad in the distance: The boy was concentrating on destroying the sixty-fifth apple he had killed at this banquet. The waiter on the side looked at the Midnight Ghost as if he was looking at him. Just like the ogre that comes out of the legend.

"Leave it to me, mother."

Inadvertently, the Lord of Avalon only heard this sentence clearly, so she patted Virgo on the back boldly, then put him down, and watched her daughter walk toward You with a shy gesture. Ms. Dayton.

"Are you Aniya?"

The adoptive mother of the original body squatted down, showed a kind smile, and touched the little guy's head: She then realized that for a child of fourteen or fifteen years old, the height of Virgo is really too short. Look, He doesn't even stand up to 1.5 meters tall.

"Ms. Yuton~"

Virgo narrowed her eyes. Her sweet voice and the slightly narrowed expression of enjoyment when being touched made the adoptive mother of the original body show a real smile. Youton simply picked up the little guy and took out the candy. , watching this little guy bite it off bit by bit, casting loving eyes on the bulging cheeks.

"Little guy, tell me: Did Morgan really not lie about your age? You look much younger than I thought. I think you may have been in your early teens."

Virgo just rubbed Yudun's shoulder affectionately, and her soft voice was enough to make even the most suspicious person subconsciously soften their hearts.

"You're younger than I thought, too, Ms. Youton: if I hadn't called you Ms. You, I wouldn't even know whether I should call you aunt or sister."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The adoptive mother of the original body laughed, she touched Virgo's cheek affectionately, and received an equally enthusiastic response from Virgo. Although this enthusiastic response surprised Ms. Euton, as a slightly older mother Of course, she would not refuse intimacy with these children: you know, those women of her own age who were barely friends were already enjoying family happiness.

In Yudun's heart, it is inevitable that there is no trace of envy and expectation.

So, Ms. Euton rubbed Virgo's little head, and Virgo rubbed Ms. Euton's shoulder. The two ladies, who had just met, walked towards their seats affectionately, discussing whether they should A little tea or a little milk: leaving behind them, both Primarchs were confused.


When Morgan looked at Guilliman, she saw on Guilliman's face...


The Lord of Macragge blinked his eyes almost in disbelief, and there was a little sourness in his heart: How long has it been since Ms. Euton was so close to him?


In his mind, Ms. Euton had never been so close to him.

Why is his Ms. Euton so close to the Virgo he just met?

With such doubts, Guilliman turned his attention to Morgan, eager to get an answer from his blood relatives. But unfortunately, he saw it on Morgan's face...


At this moment, Morgan was no less confused than her brother. The Lord of Avalon even forgot to take a step to keep up with Ms. Euton and her daughter: the pupils of the original body loyally recorded Aniya and Gong. Those intimate gestures of Lord Wu, and in turn, gave birth to confusion in the Spider Queen's heart.

Why is her Aniya so close to Ms. Euton, whom she just met?


However, unlike Guilliman, who was so pitiful that he didn't know anything, Morgan quickly remembered what Virgo had just said to her: Although she didn't pay much attention at the time, she did listen and could indeed remember it. .

However, thinking of this, a huge wave of absurdity arose in the heart of the Lord of Avalon.


This is what Ania wants, how she and Morgan get along...?

Hold her? Rubbing around? And the sweet smell all around?

Like a mother comforting her crying and fussy little girl?


No way?

Her Virgo…

That won't be the case, right?



"Of course it does: that's what it is."

The Midnight Ghost came to his sister's side carelessly, with the sixty-sixth apple in his mouth: he had learned to eat the apple with only his teeth, leaving only the core of the apple. World skills.

"You don't realize this, do you?"

Conrad touched the Lord of Avalon's arm with his shoulder teasingly.

"From a certain point of view, you are still very similar to our genetic father: the first offspring you created all have a strong... um... sense of belonging to you?"


Morgan's eyebrows were lowered, and there was only Conrad's nagging voice in his ears.

"In other words: I think my eldest niece can completely change her name. For example, she can be called Ania Lupekar. In this case, you should understand, right, my dear queen sister?"

【certainly. 】

Morgan took a deep breath. She tried to get rid of her previous shock and quickly adjusted her demeanor: she didn't want to lose her composure for too long in front of Conrad. That would be embarrassing. She felt so bad that it would only be worse if she lost her composure in front of the Emperor.

【I know this. 】

Morgan's voice was hoarse.

[Even if I didn't know it before, I know it now, so I'll figure it out: don't think of me as our stupid genetic father, I haven't been like him, deaf and blind, that happened in The problems of his own children will not be solved. 】

"That would be best."

Conrad moistened the core into his belly.

"Don't be too difficult for him: what do you expect an old man over 30,000 years old to do?"


Morgan was silent for a moment, and she did not continue this meaningless topic.

【Are you just going to stay with me? The party has just begun. 】

"For me, it's over."

Midnight Ghost yawned.

"I can stand here and tell the people attending the banquet that I am present. That is all my mission. Even if I get out of the way in the next second, no one will care: Do you still expect me to go to the party? Ichiban? Those mortals in Macragge are scared to death of me, they are not as smart as your people."

[Then you can also go to Guilliman, or Ms. Euton. 】


Conrad pouted.

"I don't want to be compared with Guilliman in that lady's mind: If you say it, there are probably many places where I can indeed surpass our Macragge brother, but I am about to be compared. She is worthless."

【Do you still care about this? 】

"I also have self-esteem."

【……Is it. 】

"As for Guilliman... ha!"

Conrad laughed sharply, raised his hand and waved to the Lord of Macragge standing in the distance, while the Primarch of the Ultramarines nodded to his brother with a serious look on his face. Consider it a return gift.

"See, Morgan: For Guilliman, it is the best situation for me to keep this distance from him. If I take a few steps closer to him, this guy will act nervous."


[Then what are you going to do? 】

Morgan took a sip of wine, and then she felt her brother bend down and put his arm on her shoulders. His joking tone was accompanied by hot air blowing to her ears, and the floating hair tips made her neck feel soft. Somewhat itchy.

"Of course to fulfill the great mission you gave me: I have not forgotten them."

Conrad chuckled. He did not speak anymore, but was talking to Morgan through the psychic power in his mind: after all, their Macragge brothers were not far away from them, although Guilliman was chatting with those mortal bureaucrats. , But this does not mean that this multi-threaded person cannot hear everything.

Morgan glanced at Conrad, slowly took another sip of wine, and then turned his voice into an invisible wave, directly into the heart of the midnight ghost.

[According to the original plan, Trazin will arrive in fifteen minutes, and he will hide those things in the designated location: I hope you found a good place for them. 】

"Of course, don't worry."

Conrad slapped his chest.

"I tell you: I have found a safe, stable, great, seamless, flawless, perfect place that no one can find except me."

【...That's best. 】

Morgan took another sip of wine.

[Remember, no matter what, those things must not be discovered by Guilliman and the Ultramarines: Otherwise, even if the treaties signed by Five Hundred Worlds and I can be preserved, the relationship between the two parties will never be restored. 】

"What I'm curious about is..."

Conrad narrowed his eyes.

"Obviously they have such side effects, why would you steal them?"


Morgan's face darkened.

[In the final analysis, I still don’t trust Guilliman. 】

【I don’t believe him. 】


"But I believe it."

"I believe in him……"

In the shadows, Konrad sighed and ended his conversation with Morgan. He avoided everyone's sight with ease. Neither the mortal bureaucrats nor Guilliman, who was also the Primarch, noticed Midnight. The black ghost of the ghost disappeared silently into the brightly lit banquet center.

In just a few breaths, Conrad had already touched the edge, walked slowly towards the hiding place, and made one last check: then, he soon discovered that he still had plenty of time.

Abundant to...

Can he go see Sevita again?

Thinking this way, the footsteps of the Midnight Ghost had already taken a step forward. Soon, the back of the Prince of Crows appeared in the eyes of the Primarch of the Eighth Legion: Conrad was even pleased to see that in the eyes of Sevi Beside the tower, a dozen warriors had gathered at this time. They seemed to be this group of warriors taking turns, and they included the three Astartes legions present.

As expected of his Savita.

Pride flowed rapidly in Conrad's chest. At this moment, Midnight Ghost even understood the arrogant smile that Morgan showed when discussing the Dawnbreakers.


Since Midnight Ghost did not cover his steps, the resting warriors soon noticed his presence.


Before the words could be spoken, Conrad's voice stopped abruptly, like a crane being strangled by the throat.

The scene in front of him caused his heart and lungs to stop.

I saw a dozen warriors taking turns leaning together in the dim forest. There was a brief friendship, introducing each other's names and service experiences, and building an initial friendship between combat brothers: this should have been a pleasing moment.

However, after hearing the footsteps of the Primarch, more than a dozen warriors turned around in unison: their faces were either weathered, or a little immature, some had hateful scars, or they were so handsome. Envy, but no matter what, one thing is extremely the same.

I saw that they were all holding a portion of tortillas in their mouths, and in their hands, they were also holding at least a dozen or as many as dozens of tortillas: Take another look at the lunch not far away About one-third of the car had been eaten away.

These guys are really hungry.

Somehow, this was the first thought that came to Midnight Ghost.

Then, his eyes caught sight of his big boy, Seveta: he saw the Prince of Crows standing next to the dining car, not only holding a tortilla in his mouth, but also holding another large stack of tortillas in his hand. , being distributed to the two battle brothers next to them: Judging from the way the three of them were talking and laughing happily, it was obvious that a firm foundation of friendship had been laid.

After hearing the call of his genetic father, Sevita suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Conrad in surprise: beneath those somewhat ignorant Nostramo pupils, Sevita's thick He still had a corn tortilla in his mouth and was chewing it into his mouth conscientiously.



Oh ho.


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