Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 472 Three-meter original body, two-meter legs

"Mother, do you feel that your temper has become very bad recently?"

【How to say? 】

In the rising heat, Morgan's hair was a little damp and stuck to her forehead, making the original sharp blue pupils of the original gene look blurry.

"Conrad just scolded you: but his internal organs were able to leave with him intact, and his arms were not removed by you this time. It was an itch: even a few days ago, this For me, it’s something I can’t even think about.”

"Don't you always insist on maintaining...the dominant position in front of Conrad?"

【Ah...there is nothing we can do about it. 】

The original body stretched lazily, then kicked off the iron boots that were in the way, pulled off the foot socks that had also become damp, and threw them into the destruction furnace nearby: those who suffered the same fate, There are also the sweat-stained elbow-length gloves of the original body. They were previously wrapped in the gauntlets, and now the inner walls are covered with traces of tears due to the tension and fatigue of the original body when commanding the battle.

Morgan struggled to pull these small objects on her body. She already regretted why she added these useless embellishments under her arcane cloak: but the reason was actually known to the Lord of Avalon himself. This was what she had already done. A habit developed during the mortal period.

Morgan was always used to covering himself up. Even after becoming the original body, this habit did not change. Instead, it became a symbol of majesty: just like the original body had not told anyone, compared to Power armor, arcane cloak or one-piece dress. When it comes to outerwear choices, she actually prefers cardigans or ponchos. Windbreakers and leather jackets are also good choices.

But she rarely chooses these clothes because these clothes are not [majestic] enough: this was seen from the fact that Morgan wore a white poncho before and attended a company commander meeting within the legion, and those Terran veterans saw With this warm and breathable tassel blanket, the eyeballs that are about to bulge will be best reflected.

Therefore, in formal occasions, the original body can only choose to dress tightly, even though Morgan actually prefers cool or easy-going things on the inside: just like what Virgo asked about Conrad, these There is nothing we can do about it.

Speaking of Conrad, though…

[Don’t forget, he truly made a contribution in this matter. 】

The Lord of Avalon shook his head.

[Whether he sent people first and took away the four rebels, leaving a thought for Angron and used it as bait to lure him away from the battlefield, or it was after the last rebel died. Finally, before Angron's situation could change, he was forcibly brought back by thunderous means: he had indeed made great achievements. 】

[As he said before, no matter what the process is, it is enough that Angron can be in our hands now: this must be Conrad's credit, he is the hero of the empire . 】


[On Nuceria, I entrusted almost all matters related to Angron to Conrad: If Nuceria is compared to a war, my Nostramo Brother is equivalent to a giant who is responsible for commanding an entire front alone, and he really completes every task assigned to him neatly. 】

[This kind of credit is enough for him to gain the immunity to act freely here for a period of time. He himself knows it: wait and see, after we leave Nuceria, this kid will be like this in front of me. He will be as honest as before, as well-behaved as a space wolf. 】

The Spider Queen smiled helplessly.

[I will tolerate him: just as the Emperor tolerates me. 】

"So...this is a deal?"

[It is a reward. 】

The primarch blinked.

[After all, I don’t really need to pay anything. 】

[And Conrad is indeed worthy of this reward: if nothing else, he leads his descendants to work hard, without any credit, and looks like hard work, no better than the one who squatted on his battleship the whole time, Is it strong for an old bastard who does nothing but stand there stupidly? 】


[What's wrong, Anya? 】

"Well, I was just thinking..."

"Perhaps Conrad's rudeness to you is actually a... family tradition?"

【Tradition? 】

Morgan snorted.

[I have never heard my genetic father greet his genetic father. I am not even sure whether our great lord of humanity was born in the womb: to be honest, a person as powerful as the Emperor , it is hard for you to imagine that he has parents like normal people. 】

[There is a high probability that the Emperor is also a child of the original genetic form: without a father or a mother. 】

"Well, that is to say..."

Virgo thought for a moment.

"Conrad actually learned bad things from you?"




#Morgan used【bra】#

#Morgan sank the Virgo#

[What are you thinking about all day long: Go get me a dry bath towel. 】

"Um...Okay, okay."

Virgo's response was accompanied by her tiny footsteps, which gradually drifted away on the snow-white tiles decorated with silver suns, like the muffled summer thunder echoing in the empty valley.

Behind her, the Lord of Avalon remained silent for a while. After watching her daughter disappear, she lowered her eyebrows, casually untied her intimate clothes, and hung them on the statue of the Goddess of Victory. On his wings, he stepped onto the marble stairs.

The Primarch first tested the water temperature. With his right foot first, he slid into the clear water. The rippling ripples dragged away the two blue water lilies closest to the Lord of Avalon until one of them was held up by the toes of the original body. Use force and hook back.

The Spider Queen grabbed hold of the unfortunate pool creature and fiddled with the dark purple spots on the back of the blue sepals, muttering to herself in soft confusion.


[Did I teach Conrad bad things? 】


"However, I am still confused about a question, mother."

[Say it. 】

"...Wait a moment."

Virgo suddenly frowned. She turned her head to one side, raised an arm, pinched the muscles under her armpits with two fingers, and adjusted them carefully: After handing over the dry bath towel, , the eldest daughter of the Primarch needed to find a special one-piece swimsuit from the locker next to her before she could enter the Lord of Avalon's private bath.

After all, Morgan's bath is no different from a swimming pool to Virgo: although even if she is thrown into the real sea, this combines the hard work of two primarchs and experienced Morgan for twenty years at the same time, without interruption. The Star Maid who has been upgraded on the ground can also swim to the nearest shore at a speed of more than 60 kilometers per hour.

However, even such a mermaid lady in the water, when she swims to her genetic mother, still has to lean on the side of her mother in awe and ask her question: This question is accompanied by the one outside the porthole that has been completely transformed. For Nuceria, the land of death.

"Now that we have determined that everything on Nuceria is the conspiracy of the Blood God, why do we bother to issue an extermination order to this world: If the Blood God's sight has been transferred back to Asia along with the failure, As for space, isn’t there nothing in this world worth destroying?”

【You want to know the reason? 】

The primarch glanced sideways at his daughter.

"Well, it's better to say I'm a little weird."

Virgo scratched the side of his ear.

"If everything on Nuceria was created by the will of the Blood God, then why can we obtain so many creations and technologies from it? If not, then why did those people above disappear?"

[Because the gods can only guide, not create, the real universe. 】

As Morgan answered, she slowly sank into the pool. Her shoulders leaned on the special cushions. The sound of crackling bones came from her skin, and the scattered silver hair fell away. Some rise and fall with the fluctuations of the water flow, while the rest are attached to the two oily and slippery harp seal pups, allowing them to collide with each other, like two full moons on the lake.

Virgo's gaze inadvertently crossed the two seal cubs, and she also became resentful: these two fat and strong [little guys] who were raised by the original body under their necks, any one of them is better than Virgo. Her head was still big: the only thing that comforted her was that it was indeed very comfortable when she rested on it.

It wasn't until the crest of the surging waves began to slap her collarbone that the original body stopped sinking. While signaling her daughter with her eyes to get the hot towel placed next to her, she tucked the wet hair behind her ears with a light voice. She explained the truths she had just learned: these truths were her biggest gain from being deceived in Nuceria.

[Listen, Anya. 】

[Existences like the Blood God can influence the real universe with its will, for example, allowing those high-level riders to invent, find or inherit things such as Butcher's Nails and anesthetics for various reasons: But since these things They already exist in the real universe, so it is naturally impossible for them to disappear out of thin air because of the blood god's shift of sight. 】

"Then why can those Nucerians disappear into thin air?"

Virgo placed the folded hot towel on the primarch's forehead.

[This involves the demonic realm and the projection of gods in the real universe. It is not something that can be explained in a few sentences, nor is it something that you need to remember: remember, Anya, if you encounter something you cannot understand , as for things about subspace, then don’t think too much, thinking will also bring danger. 】


Virgo nodded, not disappointed by Morgan's words: after all, she was not the commissioner in charge of subspace among the Star Maids. Besides...

In the case of Enukelia, it is only reasonable that something unreasonable and unexplainable should happen, right?

【It’s good to know. 】

The original body raised his head, closed his eyes, and enjoyed himself.

[Don’t study the strange things on Nuceria, or even pay attention to the world itself: although I have obtained many advanced technologies from Nuceria, I do not intend to use them on a large scale. These drawings would be the perfect bargaining chip in my dealings with the Forge World, nothing more. 】

[As for Nuceria itself. 】

The primarch smiled.

[The extermination order is the best answer. 】

[We choose to destroy it: No matter what it will eventually become due to the indifference of the Blood God, but before that, we must use the Extermination Order to completely destroy it. 】

【Nothing else. 】

[Just asking for peace of mind. 】

[Whether the world of Nuceria is empty or not is not important: after cutting off all its connections with Angron, it is important to let it disappear completely. Anyway, the empire has a great cause, so it is not bad. This extermination order is not inferior to the resources of such a slave world. 】

[Life is the emperor’s currency, but sometimes, we just have to spend a fortune. 】

These arrogant words flowed from the mouth of the Lord of Avalon, symbolizing the end of the topic: When Morgan raised his hand and snapped his fingers, the breath of psychic energy spewed milky white smoke throughout the room, covering the entire room. When he saw the dim Nuceria outside the window, the primarch's last interest in this world disappeared.

Angron's homeworld will be completely forgotten by Morgan and her empire: perhaps even the Sons of the Mountain and the Warhound Legion will not remember this place in the future. They may become a unique place that is missing. The legion of his own legion’s home planet.

Just let it be a thing of the past, it's a good thing for anyone.

This thought determined the next move of the Primarch: she activated the phantoms in the room with a snap of her fingers, letting them adjust their luster above the bath, and finally formed a skylight that enveloped the entire bath. Outside this skylight, the thick milky white fog finally spit out the dark night and heavy snow.

They are false, of course: but enough to pass for false.

Lying in the warm spring, looking up at the real skylight and the fluttering begonias falling overnight, it is indeed a somewhat refreshing artistic conception: but this false thing cannot replace reality after all. It only takes a few minutes to get boring, and for the Primarch, this was just one of several backgrounds he prepared for himself and his daughter to relax.

Compared to this one, Morgan actually prefers the [Dessert Army] background: the War Dog Titan made of donuts and cheesecake, it is so spectacular that it can make people drool.

But now, the snowy night was better: what they needed was rest, a wonderful rest.

Morgan likes to rest.

At this time, she and Virgo don't have to do anything: the former is not the Primarch who takes care of everything, and the latter is not the administrative secretary that the Primarch relies on. They can just like ordinary blood mothers and daughters, putting warm hands on their foreheads. Hot towels, herbal tea and apple cakes were placed on the steps behind them. They leaned side by side in the rippling spring water, watching the rising heat and the various water lilies looming in the heat. In the comfort, Have a casual, off-the-cuff conversation.

As for why water lilies can still survive in waters where the original body can feel [warmth]: these so-called water lilies were specially created by the biological sages of the forging world Reza and presented to the original body as a gift, and even They can thrive in the boiler room of the Glory Queen-class battleship, but who knows what is inside them?

Morgan needs this kind of comfortable time to rest now, because she actually knows very well that Angron's matter is far from being solved: no matter how troublesome the war on Nuceria is, it will only make Angron more troublesome. Gronn was temporarily freed from the influence of the Blood God. If he wanted the Son of the Mountain to be completely safe, Morgan would have to fight for a while longer.

About...a few months?

After all, if the original body wants to fully understand and reverse engineer the necromancy technologies brought by Trazin, even with the help of the Emperor, it will not be an easy task: several months of research time is just a matter of Morgan's inner self. This is just the most optimistic estimate.

Rest now, if you can; she will be busy in the future.


Thinking of this, the Lord of Avalon couldn't help but frowned and shook his head in a self-deprecating manner: She had clearly promised to rest, so why did she start thinking about these work matters again without knowing it? What a fool of yourself and others.

The original body spurned herself in her heart, but Virgo beside her did not notice this: she hugged her mother's shoulders affectionately, leaned on the soft body of the fat dolphin, and took a nap for a while. Finally, Virgo opened her eyes, and her fingers were keenly aware that the skin of the Mother of Genes seemed to have become much rougher than the last time she took a bath.

If you think about it carefully, Morgan did lack maintenance during this period. The 224 kinds of bottles and jars in her dressing room have been in the cold palace for a long time: although the lazy Lord of Avalon did not use them often before, but She rarely goes without dressing up for a long time like she does now, relying solely on her "Born Perfect" psychic special effects to support her external image.

From this point of view, Morgan really does not look like a woman: but from this point of view, she really looks like the daughter of the emperor, not some son.


Virgo raised her head, her fingers followed the original body's collarbone all the way over the mountains and ridges, and finally pressed the raised arc. After confirming the suspicion in her heart, she gave her own suggestions to the mother of her genes. .

"Would you like to apply some skin cream?"

[Not in the mood for the moment. 】

Morgan snorted softly as she was immersed in the warm heat.

[Besides, it’s useless to apply this kind of thing alone. 】

"But we have recently received new goods."

Virgo glanced at the cosmetics storage cabinet that occupied half of the wall: on the other side of the wall was an extremely huge floor-to-ceiling mirror. This mirror was also a psychic product, allowing the original body to stand in front of it and see. Any corner on the [Dawn Goddess].

Virgo continued to encourage.

"That was a tribute presented by the Thalamas sector a few months ago: It is said that the raw materials of this skin care cream only come from a specific death world in the sector, and its effect is so good that it can make an Ogryn His skin becomes as smooth as that of a son of the Emperor."

【...Then give it a try. 】

Morgan was amused for a moment: she obviously didn't believe in Virgo's statement.

[But please bring me my pizza first. I'm a little hungry. 】


Virgo nodded, and then like a swift soaring in the air, she jumped back and forth on the slippery tile floor, finishing all the work quickly. The skin care ointment was tucked under her arm. As for the pizza, it was like Just like countless times before, just put the extra-large dinner plate on the fat dolphin floating on the water: this is how the original body always eats when taking a bath, and it is always very stable and can even be placed there. Put two at the same time and add a cup of tea.

In this way, Virgo stirred the skin care cream in her arms while patiently waiting for her genetic mother to finish the whole pizza. She looked forward to the moment of helping her mother apply the skin care cream with some excitement: Virgo's little actions did not escape her. Morgan's gaze, when she raised her head again, she was greeted by the smiling eyes of the Lord of Avalon.

[What, Anya? 】

【Do you want to wipe it for me yourself? 】

The original body's inquiry was met with an innocent blink from her daughter. Virgo came close to her genetic mother, nuzzled Morgan's shoulder in an unusually obedient manner, and issued a silent request: while the original body He gave her a blow, not too lightly but not too seriously.

[Don’t even think about it, little guy, how old are you and how old I am: I remember when I was making you, due to insufficient materials and initial design, the final designed height was only 147cm. 】

[You are not even as tall as my legs. 】

The original body knocked on his collarbone, and his words were not without pride. After saying that, as if to prove his point of view, Morgan adjusted his sitting posture in the spring water, and then put one leg under the water surface with a little force, and easily lifted it. Virgo was lifted up: while Virgo's two feet were suspended in the air, the Lord of Avalon's thighs were still hidden in the shadow of the body and the water.

【look. 】

The Primarch triumphantly held his daughter's whiteness in his hand: it was not even as big as Morgan's palm.

[After all, I am a Primarch. Although I am not as tall as Jonson or Horus, who are over four meters tall, and not as tall as Vulkan, who is almost six meters tall when fully armed, I am still over three meters tall. Giant, even my thighs and calves combined are more than two meters long, which is almost two-thirds of my entire height...]

"It's 64.56%, mother."

Virgo spoke, correcting the primarch's ambiguous number.

【……Um? 】

Morgan raised an eyebrow.

[How do you know this? 】

"Did you forget?"

Virgo nodded her head.

"When you were just reunited with the Dawnbreaker Legion, the Emperor's medical department conducted a comprehensive examination on you, which included various physical data: Although the weight column was erased by you, other All the data is backed up here."


Morgan raised his head and snorted.

【That...I forgot...】

[Okay, tell me, my Aniya: What did you record? 】

The original body's voice was not serious, it was the most basic curiosity. However, after her eldest daughter was put down and reported these physical data, her face instinctively turned up, as if she was reporting some confidential document. .

"As for the basic physical data, this is what is recorded in my memory array: excluding the special situation that you, as the psionic original body, can change your appearance at will, as the original body alone, your original height and various data are, respectively. Is such that……"

"Height is 320.44cm."

"Among them, the height from toes to navel is 206.89cm."

[Well, maybe a little taller than my Hydra brother. 】

Morgan smiled.

"As for the bust and underbust, they are 165.08 and 134.45 respectively."

"The waist size is 108.48."

"The hip circumference is 172.68."

"These are in centimeters."

"And the foot size: the iron boots you ordered were size sixty-six."

[...Dangerous numbers. 】

"Maybe, it's just a coincidence?"

[No, I would rather regard this as some kind of dangerous "coincidence". 】

Morgan narrowed his eyes.

[Let's do this, Anya: after we finish our trip to Nuceria, you go and throw away all my boots and replace them with a batch of size sixty-seven or size sixty-eight. 】


【how? is there a problem? 】

"Well...I just think..."

Virgo hesitated.

"Instead of throwing them away: Would it be more cost-effective for us to give them to the Dawnbreakers?"


The Spider Queen raised her eyebrows.

[How come you and Conrad are becoming more and more perverted, Aniya, don’t hang out with such bad boys who make trouble for him in the future: Even Conrad will not ask for my used dental bucket, or Worn boots and stuff. 】

"Actually it will."

【……ha? ! ! 】

"He...he made a deal with your Dawnbreaker for these things."

【……ah? What? 】

"Conrad is responsible for the supply, and your heirs treat him to dinner."


[How did you know about this? 】

"Actually, not long ago, the Queen of Heaven on Avalon sent me a report."

"She said that Captain Marshall, who is staying in Avalon, is discussing with the Legion Council to build a church on the satellite of Avalon, which will probably cover an area of ​​200,000 square meters and can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people at the same time: However, Well, because that satellite is a military satellite, there is actually no permanent population on it except for the Dawnbreakers and their servants."

[...So, does this have anything to do with this matter? 】

"Do you know what that church is called?"


"It's called: The projection of the sacred and noble living room of our great genetic mother."


"By the way, according to the investigation, every time you invite the Dawnbreakers to a meal, the bowls and plates you serve them with your own hands will be sent to the church in various ways after they take them back. Inside: They are so tired that they are almost as tall as Vulcan.”


[So: Are they going to lick those plates all over again? 】

"No, they're stacking those plates and bowls in a weird way so that when the daylight shines through the skylight of the church, the statue can project on the ground what it will look like when you serve them food."

【……so? 】

"Then, the Dawnbreakers who stay in Avalon will gather in this room in the church every meal time, and gather around the projection where you serve the meal..."

"Then: watch it... and eat."

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