Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 473 A certain calm, generous and talkative lord of mankind

"...Ready for dinner?"


"Oh, yes, they will gather around your statue for daily company dinners. They will indeed do this: many Dawnbreaker companies have slowly developed such a tradition, especially those garrisoned troops scattered outside. "

Facing the Spider Queen's question, the Overlord of Solenums was stunned for a moment, then nodded and gave a positive answer: its sight was on the original body's indifferent face and hair still stained with water drops. I scanned it to make sure that this was not a serious topic.

Then, the Necron, who was looking at the list in his hand happily, silently put away the list in his hand that was already vertical to the ground, then coughed twice and looked towards the glass sitting on it. Beside the small table, the Primarch was drinking tea with his legs crossed, explaining this trivial matter.

"I think you should remember that the Second Legion has had a tradition since a long time ago: before you reunited with them, these Dawnbreakers had the habit of holding an internal collective meeting from time to time."

Trazin's hands were crossed and clasped behind his back, and the words driven by the metal engine were full of authority: In terms of the ancient traditions of the Dawnbreaker Legion, Trazin's words were even better than those inside the Dawn Goddess. The opinions of those wandering sweeping monks need to be more credible.

You know, [Technical Sergeant Trazin of the Dawnbreaker Legion] was the first false identity used by the Lord of Solernamus when he infiltrated the emerging human empire. In his countless collections, he even has a Thunder Stone. A clear photo of the church before it was destroyed: And relying on the technological level of the Necrons, which has almost reached the pinnacle of the physical universe, this clone of the Infinite can also clearly remember almost everything he has experienced about the Second Legion. of the ancient past.

And this is the main reason why it can stay with Morgan as one of the most important advisors to the Lord of Avalon: its rich experience and preference for [Lawful Neutral] attributes make it a walking encyclopedia.

And when Trazin spread his hands and told Morgan about the history of a century ago, the story described in a metallic tone was also vividly outlined by its superb skills: it has to be admitted that in some cases Regarding the fields of art and history, the Infinite One is always a figure worthy of respect.

"This tradition is as old as the year when the Dawnbreaker Legion was first established: As we all know, the Dawnbreaker is an ancient legion second only to the Dark Angels, so when they were first established, the Human Empire was far from so powerful. , at that time, the emperor’s territory could only be centered around the Himalayas, extending as far as the Urals or the center of the Pacific Ocean.”

"The Dawnbreaker Legion at that time, as a mobile force, often had to travel east and west on various fronts. They lacked a fixed rear or reliable supply lines, and they did not even have regular work and rest times: Therefore, in the non-stop war, they Gradually it became a habit.

"Whenever a battle is over and the combat troops can take a short rest, all the combatants, whether officers or soldiers, will sit in a circle, put a cauldron full of food among them, and eat while eating. At the same time, a social meeting will be held to enhance the relationship between colleagues and relieve the mental pressure caused by the long battle."

"This tradition spread throughout the Legion within a year of its appearance, and compared to other Astartes warriors, your heirs seem to attach more importance to the concept of [meal]: perhaps it is the influence of blood. Maybe."

"But here, I have to make a digression. Perhaps it is precisely because of this concept of "big pot" that compared to the Dark Angels of the same period, the Second Legion has a significantly stronger sense of belonging to the collective: although this cannot This prevented them from falling into schism in the early days of the Great Crusade, but the tradition of gathering together persisted to this day."

[You mean: those bonfire parties? 】

The original body took a sip of tea, and her brows furrowed slightly. She didn't know whether it was because of Trazin's words or because the tea in the cup didn't quite suit her taste.


The Lord of Solenams nodded.

"Such as bonfire parties, large club activities, and tea parties organized by several squads or an entire company are all continuations of this tradition: but in the main fleet organized by you personally, this tradition is reflected It’s not obvious, which is the main reason why you haven’t noticed it all this time.”

[The so-called darkness under the light? 】

The Primarch raised a hand, put her fingers together, and touched her right lower jaw: Her eldest daughter was indeed right. This moisturizing cream is not only effective, but also effective quickly, and there is nothing on it that comes from The peculiar smell of subspace belongs to the miraculous craftsmanship of the Milky Way.

"It's not really dark under the lamp."

Trazin shook his head, his voice always carrying a certain smile. It seemed that the Lord of Solenamus was extremely satisfied with the outcome of the negotiation with the Emperor: this actually aroused the curiosity of the Spider Queen. , after all, she didn't believe that her genetic father would suddenly become so generous in front of this alien.

"Actually, we can think of it this way."

Trazin's metal fingers traced slow circles in mid-air.

"Morgan, do you know how many public or private restaurants there are on your Dawn Goddess built by those mortal helpers: in the past few years, they have sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain."

【Twenty-three. 】

Morgan just blinked and gave a quick answer.

[However, just some time ago, I approved three more. 】

"Yeah, twenty-six."

Trazin nodded.

"Then have you ever noticed that almost every once in a while, one of these restaurants will be chartered by a company under your command, or by several teams from the same company, for a large-scale Party dinner?”


[Company team building? 】

"That's it."

The Endless nodded.

"Many times, such company team-building dinners will also invite members from other companies, thus developing into a larger-scale friendship. They may even hold some small competitive games on a whim, or build a public building. Flea market: In this kind of market, you can even see soldiers from different mortal auxiliary armies selling their trophies, or the local specialties of their respective hometowns."


The Primarch raised a brow.

[So, without my knowledge at all: a black market has appeared on my Glory Queen-class battleship? This is not happy news! 】


The flash of coldness in the Lord of Avalon's words sent a chill down the spine of Virgo, who was preparing pastries in the distance: In comparison, the Endless One's performance was much calmer.

"No, it's not that bad."

Trazin shook its head, its words carrying undeniable authority.

"It's more like a kind of bartering with a social nature, or a hobby club: I often patronize such flea markets. Such markets have no precise time or organizer, nor general equivalents. Both parties are just satisfied with the collectibles or souvenirs produced by the other party."

"Many times, if you promise a favor or have a good conversation, the other party will give you something for free: and these so-called trophies or souvenirs, apart from the selling point of collection, actually have no value."

"I have traded there several times. Generally speaking, the mortal assistants will ask for some scattered small items from the Astartes warriors they trade with: for example, asking the Astartes to pay for They carve an orc or Eldar skull carving, or they want an old power armor helmet, as well as the signatures of famous warriors, etc. These are often used as gifts for their relatives, and Or it may be a souvenir that you will take with you when you retire and return home.”

"As for the black market you are worried about, frankly speaking, my other clones have seen the existence of the black market on many legion battleships, even on the Queen of Glory: the living environment of their mortal servants on the bottom of the battleship is beyond your reach. As you can imagine, it would naturally become a breeding ground for the black market, but here, I have only seen this kind of humorous flea market."

Having said this, the Endless One even smiled: a smile in his chest.

"After all, your management of the mortals under your command is the most bizarre of all the Primarchs I have ever seen: not only will you require your descendants and mortal servants to regularly clean the bottom space of the battleship, but also for Those low-level mortal management methods are also very..."


【……Humanize? 】

Faced with the confusion of the original body, the Endless One just tilted his head slightly.

"At least in your main fleet, even for the lowest level mortal sailors, there will be personal insurance, study funds, and a special retirement planet after serious injury and discharge: you will not think that this kind of treatment will be the same in the human empire. Average level, right?”


[At the very least, I believe that the fleets of Guilliman, Dorne or Sanguinius will do a good job in this regard: I also believe that I will not represent the best level. 】


The words of the original body were only replaced by the silence of the Lord of Solenamus, on that metal face without sorrow or joy. A kind of indulgent helplessness magically emerged: when it spoke again, Trazin chose to skip this topic and redirect the conversation between the two to the Dawnbreaker.

"Back to the Daybreakers: As I just mentioned, this kind of team bonding by booking a restaurant from time to time is an embodiment of the tradition of dinner parties, but in addition, there is actually another thing that you have overlooked. matter."

The Infinite looked at the primarch.

"Look, Morgan: you are used to inviting those squads who have performed meritorious service in the war to have dinner with you. This kind of reward is undoubtedly the highest honor in the eyes of the Astartes, and in a sense it also replaces The role of team dinners: These warriors in your main fleet only need to fight hard on the battlefield to get the honor of everyone having dinner with the original body. This, in a sense, makes them rely on ancient traditions. Sexuality is lessened.”

"But those soldiers who happen to be stationed or on duty in a local area and are not in your main fleet do not have this kind of treatment. Therefore, these companies have passed on the tradition of dinner parties very well. According to my observation, Some companies that are stationed together even have a group meal for every meal."

"And when the news that the warriors in the main fleet could have dinner with the Primarch reached their ears, this sense of lack of honor would naturally prompt them to make changes to their dinner parties: just around the It’s no longer enough to be around a campfire or a cauldron, but surrounding the statue of the Mother of Genes is a natural thing, isn’t it?”

At this point, the Endless One put its hands behind its back again, and the Primarch in front of it finally put down the tea cup. This short afternoon tea ended with the end of this afternoon tea story: just like Trazin said before. From what she felt, Morgan didn't think this was a serious matter, she just thought it was an anecdote within the legion.

But Trazin's vague murmur made the original body vigilant.

"It's nothing to worry about: a minor problem at most..."

【……piece of cake? 】

The original body raised an eyebrow.

【What is it? 】


Trazin hesitated.

"How to put it: Whether in the former society of the Undead, or in the early stages of society when you humans were still on Terra and unable to travel through space, this kind of collective dining and socializing around the statues of the worshippers All activities can actually be understood as an important...religious ceremony?"

"In other words: Have you ever heard of Holy Communion, the Lord's Supper, or the Eucharist?"


The primarch hesitated.

"However, since your country is promoting the so-called imperial truth, then there is nothing to worry about: we don't have to worry that in ten thousand years, this behavior of eating around your statue will become a certain religion An important and indivisible ritual, right?”

[That is indeed sad. 】

The original body smiled, but there was not much smile in her pupils. She stood up and walked slowly to Trazin's side.

[Just imagining such a scene for a moment, I can predict that my genetic father's head will turn into a kettle: the Emperor will definitely be furious. 】

"I don't think so."

In response to Morgan's joke, Trazin shook his head seriously.

"With all due respect, I just had a long negotiation with your genetic father on the Emperor's Dream: you can also understand it as a pleasant transaction. After this exchange, I have no feelings for him. It can be said that my senses have been greatly improved.”

The Endless One speaks with certainty.

"Believe me, your genetic father is actually a calm, talkative, generous and charismatic king inside. He is the perfect leader that any civilization would long for: if he had been born tens of thousands of years ago, and was a If he is a dead man, then I will definitely support him and become the leader of the entire dead man race."


Trazin's extremely confident words caused the primarch to fall into silence.

Well, she had to admit that her genetic father did have some charisma, but: calm, talkative and generous? Which of your electronic compound eyes can see the shadow of these three words on the emperor?

Morgan didn't ask, but the expression on her face still seemed like Trazin betrayed the confusion in her heart: In this regard, the Lord of Solenams just slightly showed the hand in its hand that could hang to the ground. The list, looking at the densely packed small words on it, the Lord of Avalon can feel what kind of wealth this is.

The Endless One is laughing.

"At the very least, your genetic father is quite generous. Doing business with him is undoubtedly a pleasant thing. He is very good at hearty exchanges of interests, or the most professional business negotiations: I believe that the two of us Everyone gets the most satisfactory results.”

"Not to mention, most of his promises were paid on the spot: the treasure trove on the Emperor's Dream is richer than I imagined, and I even thought that I could gift the ship a [Little Solenamus] ]'s name."

At the end of the sentence, Trazin even proudly launched a huge electronic projection in front of Morgan: the other end of the projection was an extremely exquisite antique, with not only a bright double-headed eagle on it, but also a string of symbols written by the Emperor. It was an autograph, but there was something about this antique that made the Lord of Avalon's expression become a little subtle.

In Morgan's ears, the words of Lord Solenams echoed for a long time.

"Even after our successful business negotiation ended, in order to thank us for our happy cooperation in this negotiation, your genetic father excavated this machine from Holy Terra and owned it for at least tens of thousands of years. A precious relic of history: a large clock born in early human civilization, given to me as a free gift."

"You see that line, that's what he signed on it himself, and he also wanted me to put this big clock on the most important display cabinet in the Solernams Museum: of course I will do it, it With such value, I would place this Emperor's Bell among my most precious collections."


The Endless One was elated, the Endless One was talking endlessly, and the Endless One's expression when it looked at the gift it had received could be described as elated: after all, for Trazin, this may be the very few it has received in its long life. See, a true gift.

Beside it, the Primarch just witnessed the Emperor's gift: despite the thick electronic projection, Morgan, as the Emperor's daughter, could still see the so-called "True Meaning" of this big bell at a glance. .

So, Morgan narrowed his eyes and raised his lips slightly, trying his best to suppress the smile in his heart.

[Okay, my friend. 】

【congratulations. 】

[Please also give me this gift...]

[Put it into the deepest part of your Solernams Museum. 】

[Just like the emperor said. 】


The primarch paused, her conscience struggling for a moment before being suppressed by the endless evil in her heart: her last words were so sincere that no one could doubt them.

[Believe me: This great gift will definitely give you a great surprise. 】

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