Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 535 My money! ! !

"I still remember that when the original body called us here and entrusted the Far Eastern Frontier to us, she told us: work for the original body, work for the legion, work for the entire Avalon, and pay attention to integrity and honor. Same dust."

"What is light and dust?"

"Being in harmony with the light means: we, do our things; mortals, do the things of mortals; warriors, do the things of soldiers; as for the friends and allies of the Legion, they should also do what they should do. ”

“Everyone has something to do, everyone must fulfill their responsibilities, everyone must fill their share of responsibilities, complete the goals visible to the naked eye, and then receive the benefits and feedback they deserve: In this way, we held hands with each other to set up the stage.”

"As the saying goes, there is me among you, and you among me. As long as everyone can stand under the same flag, then everyone can hold up this flag by putting in a little effort and doing their part. It’s tall and straight, and everyone under the flag will naturally feel cool.”

"But then again, the fundamental reason why this flag can stand is that before everything started, the mother of our genes had already arranged each of us into the most suitable position: so we only Just keep your head down and do things at your job, there is no need to think about other places. "

"Under this banner, no one will be so important that they cannot be replaced, but no one will be despised because of their incompetence. As long as they do their best to complete their work, then everyone will be a part full of glory. Everyone It will not be a foil next to the sharp edge, and the so-called cruel internal disputes will naturally be out of the question. "

"This is the light and dust."

"What do you think, you three?"

When Bayar turned around and asked about the other people in the room, his fingers reluctantly left the reliefs on the wall decorated with the ancient glory of the legion. This is the only one in this [Sword Column Hall] Decorations, they stand between the glazed tile dome and the cold air, so that this hall, which symbolizes the supreme power of the Dawnbreaker Legion, does not look like an empty tomb.

Although the Spider Queen was indeed designed according to similar standards at the beginning, in the side hall on the left hand side of her throne room, Morgan only left the necessary round table and stone chairs, listed swords, and walls. The flags and reliefs were deliberately created to make even the bravest Astartes feel the chilling loneliness.

After all, this hall located in the deepest part of the Dawn Goddess was separated by the original body for the sole purpose of accommodating several of Morgan's carefully selected heirs: when the original body's attention shifted to other things , these people will temporarily rule the entire Far Eastern frontier in her name.

As for rulers, they should not be in a leisure environment for a long time, but should always feel the biting force of power itself. This is the consistent attitude of the Lord of Avalon.

Therefore, exactly twenty years after he officially became a member of the Sword Council, when Bayar sat on the seat made of marble sculptures, he could still feel that his neck was instinctively twitching due to the cold, but this was true. It made his brain clearer.

Taking advantage of this awakening, he took the time to look around at his comrades present: The stone table in front of him was not big, and it could just fit all four members of the Sword Council. If necessary, two more swords could be crammed in. The chair, on the steps to the north of the stone table, is the original body's personal seat. It is also a cold stone table and chair.

On the side close to the original body, sat two taciturn members: the chief of Mordred's guard, the former leader of the Old Guard group, and the chief guard of the original body, Lana, naturally occupied a position. , when the Primarch was away, he was the temporary leader of this small team, using his rock-like accent to arbitrate everything under Avalon's rule.

Sitting next to Rana was a young man. At least Bayar thought that this little guy named Bernard, who was recruited after the Legion left Terra, was far from mature enough, but he had to Admittedly, this kid's internal affairs ability is very good, and he has already been unanimously recognized by everyone, including the original body. In addition to his position in the Council of Swords, he also serves as the auxiliary military attache of the original gene: any person in Avalon has Regarding internal affairs issues, they will ultimately pass through Bernard's hands.

As for Bayar himself, he is not interested in these twists and turns. During the fifty or sixty years that Morgan has been in charge of the legion, he has never shed his identity as the (real) chief champion swordsman of the legion. No one among the Dawnbreaker colleagues has ever been able to challenge him. Therefore, his responsibilities in this council are also very simple: when something not simple needs to be implemented, someone has to take the knife and someone has to come. Keep these knives.

Therefore, Rana, Bayar and Bernard are the unshakable regular members of the Sword Fence Council. As for the final fourth seat, it is an unfixed position that changes depending on the situation: maybe It may be a powerful company commander in a certain legion, or an archbishop from a certain forging world, or even a mortal officer, a clerk, a deacon, or even an imperial governor. At the most special time, he still sits in this position. Maid of the Stars.

And this time. Sitting here is Hector, who is in charge of the 11th Company. He is obviously not yet accustomed to the reality that he can set foot in the highest palace. He sits on the somewhat ill-fitting chair and is timid: Such an appearance makes Bayar, who had always been calm, inevitably had the idea of ​​teasing him.

So, he first looked at this junior.

"What do you think, Hector: How do you understand the word "harmony with light and dust"?

"……Ah I?"

Morgan's proud son, who was as tall as his three other brothers put together, was stunned for a moment after being called, and did not react at all. Then, he pointed at himself belatedly, and after getting Baya After Er nodded affirmatively, Hector just pondered for a moment before choosing a universal answer.

"I have no idea."

He shook his head.

"I... wasn't here either..."


Bayar raised his eyebrows, just feeling a little bored, but he did not force his juniors, but turned his attention to the two guys who seemed to be concentrating on their work: after working together for twenty years, of course he could tell at a glance You can see who is fishing.

"What do you think, Bernard?"

"I also……"

After the Primarch's Attendant was called, he immediately put on his unmistakable smiling face. Then, just as he was about to follow Hector's skills again, he was beaten by Bayar with a wave of his hand. broken.

"Are you like this newcomer?"

"……of course not."

After a moment of silence, Bernard resumed his smile.

"I don't quite understand this word. After all, it is an ancient heritage tens of thousands of years ago. But if you ask me to say it, I feel that the harmony in the original body's mouth does not refer to us: it refers to us being responsible for the entire Ava. When you are prosperous, you must show your attitude to the outside world.”

"You mean, an Avalon who shares the same dust with the Empire and Light?"

Bayar touched his chin. He had never thought of it this way. After all, as Bernard said just now, "Heguangtongchen" is a word extracted from the complicated language of Gu Terra. I'm afraid it's just Even the original body didn't quite understand what it meant.

"Avalon looks no different from other imperial territories. It is ignored by everyone or drifts with the crowd. The evaluation of outsiders is not important. But will their eyes be focused on Avalon and will they see the difference in us? Clues, but very important: I personally think that this is what the original body means.”

"Don't you want us to look unique in the eyes of outsiders? Why?"

Bayar stared at Bernard, who just shook his head slightly.

"Only when you have something bad or troublesome, you need to find someone. If you have something good, you just need to wait and someone will come specifically to find you: after all, there is never an airtight wall in this world."


The champion swordsman nodded, absorbing this point of view in his heart, and then he looked at the last one: the silent Lana was at work, his face was so rigid that it reminded Bayar of Rogal Dorn. , but he still had the courage to disturb this brother, and he was sure that Lana was listening.

"What about you, Lana?"

"What do you think of that word?"

"I don't think much of it."

Bayar waited for a full minute before he received Rana's reply: The head guard calmly finished reviewing the document in his hand, pressed it aside, then raised his head and looked at it calmly. To the champion swordsman.

"If you're asking me, Bayar, I can only give you two sentences."

"First of all, I don't think the original sentence of "harmony with light and dust" has any special meaning. She has also pointed out other things for us. You can't just remember this sentence. Furthermore, compared with the word "harmony with light and dust", Our genetic mother prefers to use [everyone’s job].”


Lana frowned.

"Whether you are performing your duties or drifting with the flow, is there any necessary connection with the matter at hand: the triple Farr or the crash on the document, which one reminds you of the word "One Light and One Dust"?

"Anyone reminds me of it."

Bayar smiled carelessly and waved the document in his hand.

"You see, it is obvious that the original body has already designed a system for jointly distributing benefits. Each role in this can get rich rewards that far exceed their efforts as long as they perform their duties: but even so, The three-level Fal still don’t know how to be satisfied, and they still don’t understand the simple truth of [harmony with light and dust].”

"A word that even the Emperor may not be able to explain clearly. You ask a forging world at the edge of the galaxy to understand. It is too difficult for these guys selling gears."

Lana smiled sarcastically.

"Anyway, Marshall has brought Avalon's armament reports over the years and summarized them one by one with the Primarch in the throne room. The intelligence from the Ministry of Internal Affairs is also flowing like water: the dice has been cast, and the Primarch has no intention of Give Sanchou Faer another chance to turn around."

"Our genetic mother allows others to be both light and dust. As long as she does things for her, she will treat them equally. But those who don't want to be both light and dust can only be allowed to do so. Burnt in the sun."

"Anyway, everything makes sense."

Bayar pressed the piece of paper in his hand on the table in front of him.

"With just this piece of paper, the three forge worlds can issue a death sentence. Even if the incident goes to Mars or Terra, we are in the right. Now we just need to wait for the Titan Legion sent by Triple Far to arrive at the designated location. After ensuring that it can be controlled, the action can begin, and the Emperor can't say anything."

"The Emperor can't say anything."

Rana shook his head.

"You have to know that the Victory II Legion of Triple Far has been fighting in the name of the Emperor, but since our mother discussed this issue with the Emperor on the Redemption Star, the Emperor has specially ordered this legion to come to the Far Eastern Frontier: the hidden meaning is already very clear."

"The two Titan Legions of Pride and Queen's Hand are already waiting for them. As for the two Titan Legions left behind in Triple Far, they are no match for the Warmongers. They are not even half the size of the Warmongers."

"In other words, we only need to prepare this piece of paper, one charge, and that's enough."

"Is one enough?"

This slightly doubtful voice came from Hector, of course.

"After all, there are three forging worlds, so we need to prepare more charges, right? I see the charges on this document, there are only some complaints like deceiving production and the unknown cause of death of the investigation team. If Sanchong Farr wants, they can plead guilty."

"This is not enough to constitute a capital crime."

"That's true."

Bayar nodded: Just as Hector said, the human empire must pay attention to procedural justice after all, especially when the target is the theoretical empire allies such as the forging world. If you don't give some decent reasons, even if you can force action, it will not look good after all.

"But the reality depends on the situation."

The champion swordsman clamped the thin complaint page.

"Concealing enemy information, falsely reporting production, suspected murder of the investigation commissioner, in normal times, considering the size and special status of the Forge World, these so-called evidences are naturally as thin as the paper in our hands."

"But at other times, put them in other places..."

With a smile, Bayar casually threw the page in his hand, taking advantage of the wind, the page fluttered in the air, and actually landed steadily on the stone table of the original body on the stairs, listed with the most important documents.

"Even if there is nothing important, putting them on the table can be extremely heavy."

"When it comes to the real thing, one charge is enough to be fatal, let alone one page."

"Since it is on the scale, it can't stop a thousand pounds..."

The second captain grinned.

"Besides, Hector, we are not judging, but punishing: the reason why Triple Far suffered is not because it violated a law in the Human Empire, but because it undermined the collective interests of the Far Eastern Frontier. Compared with our Gene Mother, the twenty or so Forge Worlds that cooperate with us would rather let Triple Far die."

"Because of its unique technology."

"No, because it broke the rules."

Bayar shook his head.

"The cooperation between the Primarch and the Far Eastern Forge Worlds is based on mutual trust. The Primarch provides the Forge Worlds with unimaginable abundant resources and generous returns, and the Forge Worlds do their best to contribute their production capacity to the Far Eastern Frontier: But now, Triple Far has destroyed this mutual trust. Once the cracks of suspicion appear, it will be difficult to heal."

"Take this as an opportunity. Even if our Gene Mother modifies her cooperation treaty with the Forge Worlds just for insurance reasons, the losses caused to the Forge Worlds will be enough to make them crazy enough to eat the entire Triple Far alive."

"That's right."

Rana nodded.

"You have to know that Her Excellency Morgan has always been lenient to the Forge Worlds. She will acquiesce to these guys in the treaty to do some small actions that are not too excessive. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is well aware of the private activities of each Forge World, but never speaks out, because they have always been able to do their job well, and this is also part of Bayar's view of being one with the light."

"This is the same as the invisible privileges of those mortal officers. They should be given treatment on the surface, but they should also be given some indulgence in secret, as long as it is maintained within controllable limits: the purpose of the Primarch is that people cannot become virtuous, but people can become controllable. When everyone is controlled within a controllable moral range, it doesn't matter whether they are essentially virtuous or treacherous."

"There are no truly virtuous ministers, nor truly treacherous ministers: there are only controllable loyal ministers."


Hector pondered for a moment.

"You mean, whether it's those mortals or these forging worlds, our gene mother allows them to do some not-too-excessive bad things, but does not allow any of them to do [super-class] bad things?"

"That's it."

Rana nodded.

"One person is doing something bad. Isn't that a crime?"

"Then, the Primarch tolerates a group of people doing bad things, what is that called?"


Rana and Bayar looked at each other, thinking about how to answer this question, and at this time, a voice came from the corner.

"That's called tradition."

Looking in the direction of the voice, all they could see was Bernard's modest smile.

“Old, obsolete, undesirable, but in the interest of all or most people.”

"We usually call it the ancestral method."

"That's it..."

Hector fell silent.


Lana on the other side waved his hand.

"We'll talk about education later. We still have important things to do now: How are the preparations of the relevant operational troops? Which team is currently responsible for supervising the triple Fal? Is their commander trustworthy?"

"The troops are ready. There are twenty companies and ten thousand elite soldiers. Coupled with the forging worlds who came after hearing the news, not to mention the triple Farr, even the entire triple star region can be completely razed. Flat ground.”

"As for the commander, the one responsible for security work at the edge of the triple star area is the newly established 98th Company. Although most of the 500 soldiers in the company are new recruits, their company captain is a trustworthy old man. "

"who is it?"

"Davout, from Avalon, is the captain of the company specially approved by the original body."

"Well, the Avalonian Captain..."

The head guard thought for a moment.

"It's quite rare. Although we have recruited troops from Avalon for so many years, in my impression, there are really not many Avalonians among the top leaders of the legion. However, this does not seem to be the case in other legions."

"Why do you think this is?"

"Maybe it's because Terra has left so many traditions."


The two Terrans heard the sound and moved away, causing Bernard to shrink his head.

"Bernard, what do you mean..."


But this time, the attaché of the original body was obviously very lucky, because at the moment when Lana's face turned gloomy, the door facing the throne room was pushed open, and the voice sounded very rough, and several people could not come. After getting up, they saw their original body walking into the room, leaving an afterimage behind him.

In just a blink of an eye, Morgan had already thrown herself onto the stone seat. Her expression was even gloomier than Lana's, which made the head guard turn pale. When Morgan noticed something unusual on the table, he put it on the table. When Bayar passed over the document and copied it, everyone could hear the second company commander taking a deep breath.

Just because, when the original master saw the contents of the document, the smile on his face was like Mortarion seeing a psychic wizard: and it was also an alien kind.

[This copy has expired. 】

The Spider Queen waved her finger, and the document in her palm turned into an afterimage and disappeared. Her descendants hurriedly sat back in their original positions, waiting for the order from the Mother of Genes.

[Just now, Marshall and the Ministry of Internal Affairs presented their latest information to me: After careful comparison, I discovered that Triple Farr has really done a great job for me in these years. thing. 】

The Primarch scoffed.

[With more discounts than Reza, and my charter regulations: they can keep one-third of all production capacity, and only need to contribute two-thirds to the Far Eastern Frontier, and the entire triple star region Let them take actual control, I will occupy it in name only and will not invade any of the worlds. 】

[Seriously, I have never signed such a loose treaty. 】

【The results of it? 】

Morgan's gaze swept across, and no Dawnbreaker dared to look at her.

[Look what these oil guys gave me back: a beautifully worded reply that openly praised our partnership but secretly boasted about their hard work, almost pointing their noses at me and telling me to write again. I wrote a letter to thank them. 】

At this point, the original body couldn't help but sneered.

[Let me thank them? One-third of the entire triple star system's production capacity is reserved for themselves and two-thirds is given to Avalon. In this way, they still have to take out half of the production capacity and keep it in the triple star area. It said that it was going to be invested in the defense construction of the so-called triple star area: That's good, after all, judging from the star map, the entire triple star area is also part of Avalon, isn't it? Although it has never provided me with even one soldier or one cent of tax. 】

[The best one-third is reserved for themselves, the second-best one-third is reserved for their private lands and colonies in the triple star region, and only the worst one-third is handed over to my Avalon hands. 】

[Having the same supplies as Reza, the same high position, but now, even the last third, they have to use various methods to get me cards, play word games: what can really contribute to me The production capacity is not even one-fifth of Reza's. 】

[They themselves are hundreds of interest chains and transport fleets, running around my land, carrying their personal belongings under my banner, and even dare to communicate with the outside world as Avalon. Engage in cold trade: This industrial alliance of mine seems to have been built for them! 】

The original body gritted her teeth, her fingers holding the document already trembling.

【my world! My country! Supplies provided by me! 】

[They took two-thirds and left one-third for me. Do you still want me to thank them? 】

While the confetti was flying, the four high-ranking Dawnbreakers lowered their heads.

"Your command, Mother."

Rana's voice was heavy.

"The Legion's fleet and the power from our allies are ready. Now, with just one order from you, we can raze the entire triple galaxy to the ground: Do we need to carry the Extermination Order weapons? Mother?"


【No need. 】

After a moment of anger, Morgan's voice had returned to calmness. She slumped down on her stone chair, tilted her head back, and closed her eyes. No one knew what she was thinking.

[Although Triple Fal, in the final analysis, does not have any unique technology that can make the Galaxy famous, and what they do really makes me angry, it is a very suitable place after all: although there is no unique skill, but based on production capacity alone In other words, they are comparable to Mars, and they happen to be located in the entire Far Eastern Frontier and even the easternmost part of the entire Milky Way. They are located in the belly of my Avalon. They are simply a perfect candidate for the rear. 】

[Riza is still too far away from me, and other worlds have insufficient production. Only Triple Phare is just right: even if the entire western part of the galaxy is devastated, the production capacity of the Triple Phare region can still support the entire Dawnbreaker Legion. operation, and their location can ensure absolute safety. This is the reason why I have always been gentle with them. 】

[And now, it just gives me a chance to go further. 】

The Primarch smiled, a smile that reflected ancient ruthlessness anew.

[Garadia, Farr and Thule, there are three forging worlds. Except for Thule who has secretly surrendered to me a long time ago, the remaining two choose one to be the leader of the forging worlds who came to participate in the action. The prizes, the Victor II Titan Legion, are also distributed to them, and then there is no need to give them more: they can take the technology and the origin of raw materials, but the forging worlds themselves can only be my trophies. 】

"What are you going to do with them?"

[A committee. 】

Morgan smiled coldly.

[A committee composed of Thule, as well as the remnants of Galadia and Farr, will be responsible for the rule of the entire triple galaxy. The original system will be completely abolished, and a new batch of foundry priests and bishops will be promoted. As for I have already thought of the most suitable candidate for the chairman of this committee, who is the supreme commander of the entire triple galaxy. 】

"Who is it? Rand?"

[No, he has other uses. 】

Morgan shook his head.

【It’s another person. 】

[A person I absolutely trust. 】

[She has a name I like. 】


【Morgan. 】


Facing the Scion's confused gaze, the Primarch raised his head.

[Primarch of the gene and Archbishop of Triple Fal: Morgan. 】

[The history of Triple Fal as an independent existence will be ended, and it will exist completely as private property, my private property, and my personal territory. 】

"Annexing a Forge World? There's no way Mars would agree to that."

【Who cares about them? 】

Morgan sneered.

[Lana, this is the Far Eastern Frontier, my son. 】

[Here, I am responsible, I manage things, I give orders, and I implement them. 】

[So: They are all mine. 】

"But the Emperor's side..."

[Rana. 】

The primarch shook his head.

【Guess it……】

[That sentence just now: Who told me again? 】

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