Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 536 The brother sleeping on my upper bunk

"Corax, are you asleep?"

When Midnight Ghost lay on the bunk bed he had finally found, opened his eyes and opened his mouth to ask, he immediately received a response from his blood brother.

From the bed above him, there was first the faint sound of hair brushing against the pillow, and then the slight friction sound of turning over: although Corax's movements had always been like a shadow. But even if it is a real shadow, if it falls asleep on the upper bunk, it will definitely make a lot of annoying noises.

"Not yet, what's wrong?"

The Primarch's voice reached Konrad's ears a second later: wide awake.

"It's okay, I'm just a little sleepy: I figured you might be the same way."

Midnight Ghost yawned, and he glanced at the gargoyle alarm clock next to him. The hands had just crossed ten o'clock at night, for the former Conrad. This number marks the beginning of his colorful nightlife.

But today was different. In order to cook the rice as quickly as possible and turn Corax's dormitory into a dormitory shared by him and Corax, Midnight Ghost went to bed early, not even caring about his favorite love in the past. Of course, the cost was to lie dead in this dark room with his siblings and relatives.


Corax hesitated for a moment.

"So, do you have any good ideas, brother Conrad?"

"Well, let me think about it..."

Conrad's eyes wandered around: thanks to his little niece's daily care, this room was not much different from when the Midnight Ghost left it more than ten years ago, and many objects were placed in convenient locations. superior.

"Ah! Yes!"

Conrad laughed.

"Corax: Do you want to come and have fun?"


This time, there was confusion in Corax's voice.

"What is Kaihei? Do you mean we go to work at night together?"

Conrad narrowed his eyes.

"Put away your diligent and simple laborer's perspective, my dear worker brother, on this Queen of Glory, you are a heinous rentier class: it's this point, no matter where our two original bodies go, It’s just causing trouble for the mortals on duty.”


Corax suddenly understood, and he turned around in his bed: Conrad heard the sound clearly, he could hear Corax raising his upper body, his head forward, close to the edge of the bed, and he could hear him Heartfelt admiration caused waves in the air.

"You are so considerate, my brother Conrad: you are such a kind-hearted man."

"...hiss...thank you..."

Conrad grinned and squeezed out a dry response, feeling extremely unhappy in his heart: Although it was indeed something that made Conrad proud to hear Corax, an enviable guy, praise him personally. He felt secretly happy, but the content of the compliment made him have mixed feelings.

Well, it's like a slightly sour apple peach: although it's delicious, it always tastes weird.

"So, Conrad, what are you trying to do with the black game?"

Of course, Corax was unaware of the ups and downs in his brother's heart. The Crow King just sat up, looking forward to Conrad's reply: He did need something to divert the distracting thoughts in his heart.

It’s a long story…

For Corax, after spending more than ten hours, being led by Conrad to visit the entire "Dawn Goddess", and after a few more hours of free activities, this man who was born with a careful mind The Primarch has naturally come to a conclusion in his heart.

Corax already understood: compared to most of the territories in this so-called [Mankind Empire], even the holy Terra under the rule of the Lord of Mankind, this far eastern land protected by his Avalon blood relatives , indeed it can be called a relative paradise.

Although many of Avalon's shortcomings and filth are still visible to the naked eye, compared to other imperial worlds, it is still so perfect that Corax is speechless: even the filth is milder and relatively milder than the filth in other places. It's more harmless.

He can certainly tell the difference.

After all, after nineteen months of study at the Emperor's side, the former Corax on the Redemption Planet was gone, leaving behind only a more realistic and sad Primarch: From the beginning, the threshold in Crow King's heart has been greatly raised, and the original body's bottom line for certain chaos has also risen a lot.

If it were in the past, certain [game rules] on the Far Eastern border would have been enough to make Corax frown and distance himself from his blood relative of Avalon. But now, after comparing what he saw along the way, After hearing what he heard, Corax had to admit that although he still didn't like some of Morgan's actions, from an overall perspective, the Far Eastern Frontier was still his best learning target.

Yes: he compromised.

He chose to accept Morgan's imperfections, and even planned to study and study these imperfections in detail: he believed that there must be inherent truth and merit in these imperfections.

Although... they still made him sick.


The original body sighed and rubbed his forehead with some depression. He only felt that he had mixed feelings in his heart: the Far Eastern Frontier felt to him like a rotten potato, and to him, there was a weak inner meaning. Toxins and uncertainties, but overall, it can still be used to satisfy his hunger, and it is still a priceless treasure for a hungry person like him.


Crow King covered his forehead, feeling that the original calmness in his heart was gradually losing. This inevitably made him a little annoyed, and he was even unwilling to face his heart: he needed something to divert his attention, instead of being in the dark. Whipping myself in this silence, maybe Conrad's suggestion would be a good idea?

Corax turned his head sideways, and he saw his brother getting out of bed, digging into the pile of debris in the corner of the room, and after a few minutes, he took out two Corax from inside. Unseen things: Conrad returned to the bedside, threw it upward, and the Crow King caught the thing in his palm.

"What's this?"

he asked.

"VR, or simulator, is a wonderful gadget."

Conrad sat on the bed and began to fiddle with the precious thing in his hand according to the vague memory in his mind. He slightly forgot how to open the thing, but he did not dare to go too far: after all, this is also If the work that Morgan personally researched was really broken, the head guard would have to do a kamikaze attack with him if he couldn't protect it.

"This thing was passed from Macragge. To be more specific, it was a gift given to Morgan by our brother Guilliman: the Macragge recovered this lost thing during an expedition. The technological products of the era were then given to the mechanical priests to study and produce these small models: this thing originally occupied an area as large as a cabin. "

"Our Macragge brothers regarded these small simulators as gifts and sent them to each legion. But it is a pity that because of his good reputation, less than half of the blood brothers accepted them in the end. This gift: so he gave all that was returned to Morgan.”

"Morgan processed it again, and then this thing was in my hands."

"Did you ask her for it?"

"Well, not really: it starts with my perfect score on a certain final exam."

Conrad smiled. The past times are always nostalgic, but the simulator in his hand that couldn't be opened was really heart-wrenching: and just when he was debating whether to give up on himself or not, he knocked this thing against the wall. When I knocked, I heard another noise from the upper bunk.

Then, Corax's pale head came out, like a white radish growing out of the black soil. The original body's full head of black hair was combed back for easy management. Became a ponytail.

But these are not the point. The point is that Corax’s outstretched fingers are grabbing the simulator that Conrad threw to him. It has been turned on: the excited blue light and the floating startup symbol are in the dark. A square inch of light exploded in the room, shining on Conrad's face, making the look of the midnight ghost look extremely...


"How...did you do it?"

"I just pressed it twice based on my feeling and the instinct in my mind, and it opened."

Corax answered honestly, but Conrad only felt a tightness in his chest and shortness of breath.

Midnight Ghost looked at the simulator that had been started, and it turned out that the one in his hand seemed to be broken. He once again felt that he seemed to be in some fields related to [IQ] or [talent]. , was severely crushed by his dear brother: Although he had long accepted the fact that he was not smart among the original bodies, being hit by this little crow in front of him really made Konrad a little bit nervous. Incompetent rage.

Why didn't his radiant genetic father design him to be such a bastard who was born with knowledge? ! !

Conrad roared in his heart. Although there was still a smile on his face, the movements of his hands became more and more rough: until Corax stretched out his finger and pointed at a button.

"You should press here, bro."

"……I know!"

The tone of the clenched teeth was inevitably vicious, which made the sensitive Corax raise his eyebrows: So, the little white carrot who had just poked his head out of the black earth, in the midst of the mania of his blood brother, Then he retreated silently.

Corax lay back on the bed and played with the novel object in his hand: This simulator given to Conrad by Morgan was full of educational and entertaining game programs, and some of the paintings looked bloody and weird. , presumably added later by Conrad himself.

"Which one are we going to pick, bro?"

The original body asked, and Conrad's answer was obviously delayed: he had just opened the damn simulator, and there was already some self-destruction in his voice.

"Let me look for it..."

"Ah, third from the left."

"The third……"

Corax whispered the name.

“The Burning Galaxy: Is This It?”

"That's right."

The Crow King could hear a stirring sound coming from the bed beneath him, as if Conrad was looking for a comfortable position. Under the guidance of his blood brother, Corax put the simulator on his head. , the illusory world made him a little uncomfortable, but the Primarch quickly mastered the techniques.

"Is this a game, bro?"

"That's right, a game program I developed when I was bored."

There was pride in Conrad's voice, as if he was deliberately showing off.

"To put it simply, you can understand this game as a fighting simulator, but when I designed the fighting objects, I [slightly] made reference to our brothers: just in time, you can also get to know them by the way, and prepare to enter Connected? Corax?"


The Crow King was leaning against the wall, and he could detect that Conrad was in the same posture.

"Which one do we choose first?"

"Well, pick the easy one first."

Midnight Ghost thought about it.

"Have you seen that arrogant golden lion head? Just choose that one: I have the most experience in fighting this Caliban bastard. It just so happens that I will take you with me. I will find the feel for you and you will adapt to it. Let’s get through this game once and for all.”

"Okay...which brother is this?"


Corax heard Conrad's giggle from the lower bunk.

"That's a super bastard: a top-notch prodigal who can make people like you hate him till the roots of his teeth, and a gifted social expert. I am the most advantageous in the position of [Champion Swordsman of the Dawnbreaker Legion]. And a damn contender.”


Did Brother Conrad just say that remarkable thing again?

Corax blinked.

"You mean...Jonson?"

"Who else could it be?"

Conrad smiled contemptuously.

"Jonson is not so bad, right? My father mentioned him to me. He had a very high opinion of our brother: He told me that Zhuangson is a trustworthy person. If the matter is left to him, he will never do anything. Something will go wrong."


I don’t know why, although Corax felt that what he said was very serious, Conrad couldn’t help laughing after hearing it: first he snickered secretly, and then he rolled around on the bed, Instead, the Crow King felt a little embarrassed.


It would be better for him not to judge these blood brothers of his in the future.

The original body made up his mind, and just when he was about to enter the game, he heard the Midnight Ghost roll out of bed again, walked straight to the side of the communicator, and muttered something to the other end of the communicator.

"Hey, Sevita, are you there..."

Conrad asked first, and then communicated a few words with the guy named Savita on the other side of the phone. Then, he turned his head and looked at Corax with a smile on his face.

"Hey, Corax."

"What's up?"

"Supper, what would you like to eat?"

"……night snack?"

"Don't worry, I beg you."

Conrad patted his chest proudly.

"My Savita is very rich."


The Crow King could hear an unexplained muttering on the other end of the communicator.

"let me see……"

Corax didn't want to refuse his blood brother's kindness, but he really couldn't think of what to eat: for him, food was a very vague concept, and he had never had the habit of eating late night snacks.


"Potato-roasted ant beef?"

The Crow King hesitated to speak, but his Nostramo brothers were like prophets, telling what the Crow King wanted to say in advance: Looking at Conrad's determined smile, Corax could only nod in admiration.

"That's right..."

"And fried rice with corn: it's for three people, right?"

"...How do you know, brother?"

Faced with Corax's inquiry, Midnight Ghost just smiled mysteriously.

"Of course I know that for guys like you, beef and potatoes are a belief, even if it is ant beef, corn is just the right embellishment: I am your brother, Corax, how could I not understand? What about your preferences? Even if I observe a little bit, I know what you like."

"...That's it..."

Conrad's smile actually made Corax a little embarrassed.

"Sorry to trouble you, Brother Conrad."

"You still call me brother?"

The Night Lord shook the communicator.

"I paid for the meal anyway."


The Crow King coughed.


"Hey, that's pretty much it."

The Midnight Ghost raised its neck.

I don't know why, but he seems to enjoy this title very much.


(Note: I came back late today and ran out of time. I will write a chapter first to let me think about what to write next.)

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