Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 581 I want to see a river of blood!

[That’s right, Leman Russ, I’m not kidding you. 】

[Immediately, immediately, pick up your Dionysus Spear, walk up to Magnus, and strike his heart, neck, spine or any fatal part as hard as you want. , strive to make his soul return to heaven in the next second: use the momentum you had when you beat that bastard Zhuang Sen. 】

[Of course, don’t stab it in the head, it won’t cause fatal injuries. 】

"Why? Because he has cerebral defenses in his head?"

[No, I just doubt whether he has a brain in his head. 】

[So, find another place: try to kill him once and for all, and preferably let him enter the revolving door of life directly. 】

[Believe me, this is the best solution for the empire. 】

"You...are not joking?"

[Does my appearance make you think I'm joking? 】

Morgan pointed at her face. Since she was very close to Leman Russ, she could force her Fenris brothers to look directly into her pupils and face: the Wolf King did so, and he carefully looked at Morgan's current situation. expression.

Two seconds later, the Fenrisian looked away with some fear.

"Well, it looks like you're serious."

"...Can you please stop looking at me, Morgan, you scare me a bit..."

【Is it? 】

The Spider Queen blinked curiously.

[But Zhuang Sen said that he liked my state very much. He felt that I was the most serious and reliable in this state and would not refuse any of my requests: he did this many years ago. . 】

"Tsk... I'll just ask."

The Wolf King grinned, he did not believe this sentence 100%.

"In what state do you usually show this expression to Zhuang Sen?"

[When I was standing in a pile of expense reports holding his collar. 】

"Can you reach his collar?"

[Just stand on the table, or knocking Astlan down is enough. 】

The Wolf King was silent for a moment. He suddenly didn't want to discuss this topic. The original rich imagination was raging in the minds of the Fenrisians, making him involuntarily imagine the picture described by Morgan.

Morgan was standing on Astlan's [corpse] holding onto Jonson's collar. There might also be a few high-ranking knight commanders of the Dark Angel standing next to him, as well as expense lists scattered all over the place...

"Cough cough cough..."

The Wolf King coughed heavily.

He hated his imagination.

"Forget it, don't change the subject."

Leman Russ regained his seriousness: this was not easy for him, and it took several seconds.

"Why did you think it was a good idea for me to stab Magnus here...?"

The Wolf King was surprised that he was not so resistant to the idea of ​​killing his brother.

[Do you want to hear the words or the truth? 】

"... Let's talk a little bit about the scene first. It will give me some confidence."

【All right. 】

Morgan turned sideways and pointed at the two legions in the distance who were at war with each other.

[To put it simply, I can’t see through Magnus now: If I still had the confidence to check and balance or even control this brother of mine on my own before, then now, I have to call you or Ange Long, to ensure a 100% chance of winning. 】

"You mean he's become stronger?"

[Too strong: He almost certainly gained power in the subspace, and directly absorbed the ready-made power from a certain subspace entity: Only in this way can he explain his sudden increase in strength. I even doubt it. He could now fight two or more Luo Jia on his own. 】

"Change the comparison object: Luo Jia has no reference for this kind of issue."

[He is very likely to beat Jonson. 】


The Wolf King narrowed his eyes, murderous aura rising from his hair.

"Morgan, can you tell which subspace entity he has absorbed the power of? I don't know much about these things, but I think you should be an expert in this field. I can follow and rely on the conclusion you gave: you Can you tell whether that entity is safe or not?"

【Yes, I can...】

Morgan turned her head, she could easily see into Magnus' soul: it was no harder than eating three boxes of fried butter balls.


Just like the mantra of Miss Cassia, the best friend who has not come to Morgan for tea for a long time and is also the chief navigator of the Dawn Goddess: Most subspace elements can actually be represented by color, especially Those entities in subspace simply have their own fixed colors.

Just like blood and red represent the manic god of war, and all variations of blue are the will of the Lord of Change, all green reproduction can be traced back to the Filthy Garden, pink and purple represent the Silver Palace of Pleasure ’s favorite, the metallic color with cold tones belongs to the master of the furnace who has not appeared for a long time.

With this common sense, Morgan can of course easily identify where Magnus's power comes from. In fact, she has already done so. Magnus's soul is completely defenseless against her, even if it senses it. The Spider Queen's observation will also actively reveal his heart to his blood relatives.

In other words, the Grand Wizard never considered the possibility that Morgan would harm him.

But this kind of open-mindedness makes today's Spider Queen avoid it: just because when Morgan opened his third eye and looked at Magnus's soul, he found that he was lingering next to his blood brother. Color, on the other hand, is not a symbol of those evil gods.


Dull golden color.

A very, very, dull gold: it looks like it's dying.

This dark golden color is no different from the cold sun in the subspace, but it feels very unreal, especially for someone like Morgan who has had close contact with the golden sun many times: Spider Queen It is easy to tell that the colors on Magnus are just a contrast and imitation, just like the moon shines by reflecting the sun.

but no matter.

Magnus' soul: glowing.

And his psychic powers are glowing.

These are unquestionable facts.


[I think it’s better for you not to know, brother Leman Russ. 】

Morgan wiped his forehead.

[Anyway, I’ll just say one thing: Magnus now is like a fresh corpse lying in a public place. You can turn your head and pretend it doesn’t exist, but the longer you delay it, the worse the impact will be. , the plague will affect everyone at that time. 】

[So, since you have already pulled out the Spear of Dionysus, why not rush over and burn it now, sacrificing your happiness for everyone: This depends on whether you have the consciousness to sacrifice your own legion, Lu Sri Lanka. 】

"You mean, you suggest that I kill him right here?"

[It’s not good for you, but it’s good for the empire. Like I said, it depends on your consciousness and hard-heartedness: If it was Zhuang Sen who was standing here now, I don’t think I would even bother. These saliva. 】

"Quit it, Morgan."

The Wolf King was a little helpless.

"I admit, it was a bad idea for me to just pull out the Spear of Dionysus at that time, but even though Magnus has all his shortcomings, he still has a tight mouth. Neither Angron nor you are the kind of people who lack confidentiality. Conscious person: Let’s just pretend that what happened just now doesn’t exist, right?”

"not to mention……"

The Fenrisian turned his gaze back and focused on his blood body.

"Don't lie to me, my sister: I know you have the means and the verbal arts to make it happen if you want, even if I beg you, and you should know that the whole Father has sent you here for …”

[Don’t mention him! 】

Morgan waved his hands irritably.

[If that old soul ball could lift his noble ass and take five minutes out of his precious life, run over, slap Magnus on the ground, pull his ears and tell everything Let's make it clear. Do you and I still have a headache here? 】

"You have to have respect for all your fathers, Morgan."

[I didn’t tie the golden dolls under his command into turtle shells and launch them one by one into Comoros, which is my greatest respect for him: What else do you want from me? Would you like to give him a pat on the back and rub his shoulders? 】



She did not seem to be in a good mood today.


"Okay, since the scene is about sacrificing the ego for the empire, what is the truth?"

【I'm too lazy to care. 】

Morgan's face was paralyzed, and he didn't even bother to show that perfect smile that he was proud of.

Anyway, Leman Russ already knew her very well, and the Spider Queen was too lazy to pretend in front of him. Moreover, she did not lie to the Wolf King at all, that is, Morgan really did not want to be such an unlucky match between brothers anymore. The troublemaker has added a punching bag.

If she continued to hold the position, the resentment accumulated in her heart would support her in kicking the paraplegic dog-faced lunatic off the brass throne, and then sitting on it herself: Morgan could feel the sticky eyes behind her twisting uneasily, Screaming against what was in her mind.

In short, this is the situation: Anyway, the Spider Queen has understood that there is not much that the Emperor can give her, and since the old bastard is about to return to Terra, there will be no direct relationship between him and Morgan. There is a chain of interests, and the direct benefits it can bring to Morgan are not as good as Macado's old bones.

Since there is no benefit, there is no need to take this cheap father's order seriously.

Morgan smiled arrogantly.

[Everything you say, whether it’s for the sake of the empire or external influence, is actually all bullshit to fool people. I just don’t want to deal with your mess, especially Magnus. ’s: At least I don’t want to talk to you today. 】

[Think about it, I’ve been ignoring this kind of thing for almost a hundred years, and even though I’ve worn out my lip service, nothing has changed, and I haven’t benefited at all: I’ve actually done such a thankless job a long time ago. annoyed. 】

[Rather, Ruth: Who do you think can do the same thing for hundreds of years and not get tired of it? 】

"Uh... In fact, Zhuang Sen is still very active in extermination to this day..."

[We are talking about: people. 】


"What exactly is Jonson to you?"

[Persian cat that walks on two legs, the kind that can be raised remotely in the cloud: its advantages are that it is good-looking, docile and not noisy, but its disadvantages are that it is sick, pretentious and does not like to work, and it also sheds hair, and it will be washed if it falls on the skirt. Can't be washed clean. 】

"Shedding hair?"

[Ah, there is actually a handmade cloak in my personal treasury: the knot on the top is the hair that Jonson lost during the Randan War, the main material is the silk thread of the Invit blanket given to me by Dorne, the color is drawn with the ink ground by Guilliman himself, and the button is the fang I borrowed from Conrad's mouth. ]


The Wolf King felt a little disgusted.

"So, you don't want to deal with this matter, and don't want to get involved too deeply, so you just tell me all the pros and cons of this matter to me here, and hope that I can go and die with Magnus directly? Because this is good for the Empire?"

[It should be good. ]

Morgan spread his hands, then patted the Wolf King's shoulder with a smile.

[But you are right about one thing: this is my attitude towards this matter. ]

The Spider Queen gave a thumbs up.

[Go, Russ, go and fight with that bastard Magnus! ]

[Don't wait for any big meeting, solve it as soon as possible and enjoy it as soon as possible. ]

[I want to see a river of blood! ]

"Are you really not deliberately saying the opposite to stop me?"

[Part of this is my consideration. ]

Morgan pouted innocently.

[But I really want to see you and Magnus explode from the bottom of my heart. ]

[To be honest, it is much easier to collect your bodies than to persuade you to reconcile. ]

[I can only say that whether you are a coward next, put away the Spear of Dionysus, go back to complain to the Emperor, and then directly fire at Magnus at the Psychic Conference, or shed blood with him here, it will not hurt me: I think Angron will respect your personal wishes. 】

[It's up to you, Russ~]

Patting the wolf king on the shoulder again, and looking at the primarch's stunned expression with satisfaction, Morgan had already cancelled the force field shield beside her before Leman Russ could say anything, and turned away without hesitation: It was not until now that she understood Sanguinius's happy mentality of watching the fun without minding the big things.

Or, she finally returned to her true nature a hundred years ago.

Why should she wipe the butts of these giant babies over and over again? Since she could happily stand by and watch these guys tease the fire and burn themselves, and then watch them jump up and down in the heat, wouldn't it be better? Anyway, they have nothing to do with her.


Damn brotherhood.

If she continues to take on so many responsibilities, I don't know if there is any brotherhood, anyway, these guys are almost out of their minds: there is already enough single-threaded creatures in the house, one Jonson, and raising a few more would be a joke to her fragile heart, blood pressure, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems.

The Spider Queen, who had figured this out, left happily, leaving the Wolf King surrounded by a bunch of wolf cubs, and had to start painful thinking on the spot: Leman Russ didn't realize until Morgan was completely gone that this golden mediator among the Primarchs seemed to be planning to quit.

But...but...but how can this be possible?

Why is it his turn?

If you want to be angry, shouldn't you go to those bastards like Jonson or Guilliman? Magnus is also fine, and if it doesn't work, the All-Father can make do...

The Wolf King frowned, and he didn't care about complaining in his heart, and began to think about what Morgan said to him: From the perspective of the Empire, it is indeed a good idea to get rid of Magnus as soon as possible, but it is also a very reckless bad idea that is likely to bring many worse outcomes.


The wolf king bared his teeth and scratched his head in pain. As he had to honestly sort out the context of the matter and figure out various possible outcomes, the Fenrisian suddenly felt that something seemed to have suddenly appeared in his head: something that seemed to be supposed to stay here.

It didn't know when it disappeared, but now it seemed to be back.

Because Morgan's departure just vacated the original place.

So: After Morgan, the mediator who was taken for granted in the eyes of the wolf king, left, what grew again in the empty brain of the Fenrisian?



It turned out to be his brain.



"Is that what he said?"

Malcador's pen stopped, and he turned to look at his attendant, who was reading letters to the seal holder, from the four primarchs who participated in this incident: these letters from different sources together built the subsequent development of the entire Shrike Star incident.

"Yes, that's what His Excellency Wolf King said in his letter: he has grown a brain again and realized that it is not a good idea to have a full-scale conflict with Magnus now, so he decided to endure until the Nikaea Conference and report everything to the All-Father."

"Magnus is hopeless?"

"He thinks so: and the Wolf King also suggested in the letter to gather all authoritative psykers in the empire to conduct a thorough psychic examination of the so-called genetic disease of the Thousand Sons Legion. He believes that the psychic examination will give the correct results."

"What did Magnus say?"

"Magnus denounced this inspection as a whimsical nonsense. He said that this is the genetic disease of the Thousand Sons Legion itself. Although it has some mutations due to psychic power, it is still a biological science issue at the root: he called on us to believe in science. There is no need to hold a grand psychic conference, but because we are concerned about the welfare of think tanks and psychics."


"What about Angron?"

"Angron remains neutral. He calls on both sides to use peaceful dialogue to..."


"Let's talk about Morgan..."


"Rivers of blood?"


"... really interesting."

After a moment of silence, the seal holder actually laughed strangely.

"Let me see..."

"Leman Russ suggested using psychic powers."

"Magnus called for believing in science."

"Angron hopes to solve the problem peacefully."

"Morgan... wants blood to flow... just wants her brothers to die?"

"Morgen's statement is: let the Primarchs survive on their own with their own wisdom."

"Isn't that just death?"


The Sigillite put down the letter, slowly turned his head, and looked at the documents on the other side of the desk that filled the entire room. They were faintly piled up in the corridor, and the sound of steady deliveries could be heard not far away.



He finally had hallucinations from working overtime.

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