Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 580 Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up!

Morgan and Angron arrived at the scene of the incident almost at the same time.

Relatively speaking, the Spider Queen's flying eagle was more convenient. After traveling a long distance, she didn't even stain the corners of her clothes. The Great World Eater was a little closer, and the speed of his mad rush was not much better: I'm afraid the only one The only difference is their respective adjutants.

Compared with Rana who jumped off the giant shrike and immediately started to alert the surroundings, Kahn, who followed Angron's footsteps and also ran all the way, looked too embarrassed. His armor was covered with sweat, dust and dried blood stains. The heavy breathing was like a bad pipe organ.

But compared to the Devourers further back who were far behind the end of the field of vision because they were wearing Terminator heavy armor and could not keep up with the speed of Angron or even Kahn, and were simply thrown out of sight by Morgan. Compared to the Round Table Guards who were still on the road looking for people, these two original body servants seemed so lucky.

At the very least, the two of them were the only witnesses to the conversation that followed.

"Okay, Morgan."

Angron nodded first.

"I have followed your instructions and separated the two of them temporarily: I hope they will not misunderstand me, so what should we do next? Should we pull them apart, or favor one of them? "

The Great World Eater maintained the posture in which he had just thrown away the battle ax: even among the original bodies, he could nail the battle ax accurately to two people who were at war with each other at such a long distance like Angron. There are also very few people who are brothers.

This is not difficult to understand, after all, the vast majority of Primarchs have little or no practice in martial arts: the strength of the Primarch is something innate, a combination of their demigod and superhuman nature. The fusion of senses, for most of the Emperor's bloodline, they only need to rely on their own instinctive reactions and move randomly on the battlefield to achieve ambitions that even the most experienced Astartes warriors will never be able to match. great deeds.

In this context, some things that sound incredible can be explained with a reasonable explanation: for example, the wild Angron and the calm Guilliman are actually technical warriors who have reached the same goal by different paths, and just like Guilliman Just as Man is good at close range sword fighting and marksmanship, Angron also has his own areas of expertise.

Even wider.

During the decades of constant fighting in Nuceria's dueling arena, the Great World Eater had already mastered the tricks of most melee weapons known to mankind. He is also well aware of tricky issues such as achieving bloody victory in melee and how to exert all his strength in various harsh terrains.

(Unlike the stereotype, gladiatorial combat is actually a bloody art with rich content. In addition to the most basic two-person battles, there are also group battles, chariot battles, historical drama performance battles, beast battles and even naval battles, etc. Gladiators must master Various weird weapons including forks and fishing nets: So according to his own setting, Angron should actually be the only super mixed martial arts master and top weapons master among all the original bodies)

[Let me think about it. 】

Standing next to Angron, there was a hint of slackness in Morgan's expression: she really didn't want to deal with such nonsense, and she didn't seem to have any reason to get involved, because compared to Angron, Corax or even Lorgar, Magnus is not that...

It makes people have the urge to save him.

Morgan hesitated.

[What do you think, Angron. 】

"I can do either."

The King of Nothingness nodded. Most of the time, Angron maintained this state of indifference. Most of his emotions were erased along with the Butcher's Nail. Although the friendship for blood brothers existed, Not so much that he would take the initiative to cause trouble.

"I just want the matter to be resolved quickly and this war to end as soon as possible."

"What about you, Morgan?"

[Me: Much the same. 】

The Spider Queen smiled. Under Angron's somewhat confused eyes, Morgan stood up on tiptoes, patted his brother on the shoulder, and motioned for him to bend down. Then he bit his ear and discussed with Angron privately.

[Listen, Angron, since you don’t want to deal with this nonsense, then you can follow my instructions later. 】

"No problem, just tell me."

The World Eater nodded.

"Do you need me to stop Russ?"

[No, quite the opposite. 】

Morgan smiled.

[Go and stop Magnus: As for Leman Russ, leave it to me. 】


[Ah, yes, Angron. 】

[While I am talking to Leman Russ, no matter what my brother Magnus says to you, don’t listen to it. Wait for your descendants to come together and let them form a queue to stop you and your horse. In the middle of Genus, how can he block his ears? 】


[For the sake of your heart and brain and my workload: listen to me, brother. 】

[This is my experience. 】


"Talking from experience?"

"Have you often done this before?"

The wolf king tilted his neck and made a crackling sound of bones being dislocated. The wolves around him roared in dissatisfaction because they could not continue their revenge, until Leman Russ dispersed them to another place in embarrassment. In the distance, only those who are reliable remain.

After doing all this, the Wolf King observed the situation in front of him: a few minutes ago, the Spider Queen performed a gorgeous psychic trick in front of everyone, using a disguised demonstration to suppress the tense situation.

Morgan first used himself and Angron as positioning pointers, and used his spiritual energy to teleport the two original body guards who were still on the road. After they stabilized, he used his spiritual energy attached to Angron's battle ax to Positioning, let this force that cannot be underestimated stand between the two legions' tense battles out of thin air.

This small action, which can be completed with only two snaps of fingers, is actually not simple: teleportation is a seemingly basic but actually extremely advanced skill in psychic skills, not to mention the fact that it involves two original bodies and four Ten heavily armed Terminator Guards.

Not to mention, when Morgan teleported herself over, she also revealed a few hints of psychic power, easily crushing the rampant ether molecules in the Thousand Sons Array: these subspace elements, like maggot tarsals, were The pale golden flame summoned by the Spider Queen was burned to ashes.

This scene allowed Ahriman and others to finally breathe again.

This scene also made Magnus and Lemanus calm down.

Therefore, the World Eaters faced the Thousand Sons, and the Dawnbreaker faced the Space Wolves. After a period of suffocating silence, and several Primarchs communicating with each other in language and simple words, the two legions were finally temporarily resolved and continued to fight to the death. In this situation, Magnus withdrew his spiritual power, and the Wolf King chose to retreat a distance and listened to Morgan's words.

It should be said that Leman Russ still respected his blood relative of Avalon. He suppressed his anger, patiently listened to Morgan's long speech in front of him, and did not forget to ask the question just now out of curiosity.

This made Morgan blink.

【This is what I want to say. 】

She smiled and lightly drew a line in the air with her finger. The Space Wolves standing not far away frowned: they seemed to be locked out of the shield and could no longer hear. Their genetic father and Ms. Morgan were still discussing.

Many wild wolves were dissatisfied, but those rune priests who had studied abroad in the Far Eastern frontier raised their hands and gave each of the screamers a slap, forcibly suppressing the commotion, while several wolf masters looked on with cold eyes.

In the invisible shield, Morgan looked at the Spear of Dionysus with dissatisfaction.

[Tell me first, Russ: Why did you pull out this weapon? 】


The Wolf King laughed, and then pointed at the product of the mutated flesh and blood.

"Look at that thing, Morgan, that's dark magic, that's Magnus's..."

[Okay, okay. 】

The original body waved his hand disdainfully, reluctantly interrupting Nemanrus' accusation.

[It’s just the two of us. Who is following whom? Don’t go on and on about your black magic set: Do you still want to brag to me later about the rune priests you use? Are they the purest natural forces on Fenris, the souls of warriors, not tainted psychic witchcraft? Um? 】

"...Well, of course not."

The interrupted Wolf King was a little embarrassed: he really meant that.

"Sorry, Morgan, I should have remembered that you're not like Magnus."

"You are indeed... a great psyker."

Having said this, the Fenrisians' pupils began to flash with dangerous light energy.

"But in that case, you must also know what those things are: To be honest, Morgan, I'm not really sure what those things are. But the moment I saw it, or in other words, when When I saw that the warriors under Magnus turned into this kind of thing, I couldn't help but pull out my Dionysus Spear, and until now, I don't think I did anything wrong."

The gushing Wolf King didn't see the resentful glance Morgan gave him.

[That’s right, let’s talk about it later. 】

Morgan looked back: Magnus was still having a headache in front of the silent World Eaters, while some people led by Ahriman were collecting Hastur's mutilated body and exploring the great pyramid from time to time. He came out with the heads of some other Thousand Sons warriors to understand what was going on, but they were quickly pushed back by their colleagues outside.

[If you are talking about that, did Magnus tell you that that thing is a genetic disease of the Thousand Sons Legion? 】

"That's exactly what he said."

[This is not nonsense, Ruth: this is indeed their genetic disease. 】


The Wolf King's eyes widened.

"Are you kidding, Morgan? How can this be considered a genetic disease?"

[Don’t say that: Can’t Luo Jia also be regarded as the Primarch? 】

"No...that's not what I meant!"

Ruth gasped with anger. Morgan didn't give him a chance to get angry. She reached out and patted her brother's shoulder. The shock of her spirit forced Ruth to calm down and made him seem a little afraid: Wolf King Only then did he realize that he couldn't see through Morgan's strength.

In other words, although Morgan and Magnus both gave Leman Russ a feeling of almost invincibility, this feeling is also different: Magnus is more like a pure force of brute force; He is a giant who can repel the Wolf King in the most arrogant and unreasonable way.

In comparison, Morgan is more like an abyss. Although it does not look as visually impactful as the Giant, defeating the Giant can at least be regarded as an idea. Defeating the Abyss is essentially a joke: it's hard to say which would scare the Wolf King more.

"What do you want to say, Morgan?"

After Leman Russ calmed down, Morgan nodded.

[I'll keep this short, Ruth. 】

[First of all, this condition of the Thousand Sons Legion is indeed a genetic disease: don’t look at me like this, you can ask the Emperor. Before Magnus returned to the Legion, the Thousand Sons Legion already had this kind of flesh and blood mutation. This It was not Magnus who brought them the crops, and our brothers have no subjective culpability in this matter. 】

[Secondly: I’m here to help you. 】

"Help me?"

The Wolf King was delighted.

"Then, shouldn't you and Angron change things? Let Angron stop me, and then you can persuade Magnus to plead guilty: I just can't say what I say, and I will use force and evidence. of."

[No, you got it wrong, brother. 】

Morgan shook his head.

[Coming to talk to you, it seems like I am helping Magnus, but actually I am helping you]

[Talk to Magnus. It may seem like he’s helping you, but he’s actually helping Magnus. 】


For a moment, Leman Russ's brain was a little confused.

"what do you mean?"

The Wolf King bared his teeth again, showing his impulsive side.

"Forget it, I don't care what you mean: since you just said you wanted to help me, you are on my side, right? Then stop talking nonsense. Let's deal with that guy together and defeat his legion. Fall to the ground!"

【OK. 】

To the wolf king's surprise, Morgan actually smiled and nodded to him.

[How do you plan to deal with him? 】

"um, I……"

Leman Russ thought for a moment.

"Anyway, I won't be as conservative as you, sister, I am a radical."

[Then do you want to listen to my opinion as a conservative, Mr. Radical? 】


【it is this. 】

Morgan's fingers slowly touched his neck and made a throat-cutting motion.

[I will use psychic means to contact Angron secretly now, and then the three of us will pretend to reconcile with Magnus. Seize the opportunity. You use the Spear of Dionysus to kill him. Angron and I will be there. I will raid the formation for you next to you, and then let your Space Wolves legion kill all the Thousand Sons here to complete the duty of the military police. Then only one Ahriman will be left. 】

[Kill Magnus, put his big red brain on a spear, spread it to every imperial world as a warning, then roast the skin off the flesh, coat it with gold foil, make it into a chalice, and contribute it to our world. Father makes fun. 】


The wolf king grew his mouth.


For a moment, looking at Morgan's passionate eyes, Leman Russ didn't know what to say.

"Morgan...uh...your plan..."

"Isn't it a little too radical?"


Morgan sneered.

【you! return! Know! road! ah! 】

She took a step closer.

[You also know what a ridiculous idea it is to directly fight Magnus here! 】


[You also know what it means to pull out the Spear of Dionysus in front of everyone without the direct permission of the Emperor: Do you want to fight the entire Thousand Sons Legion directly here? The Emperor's military police led an army to wipe out another legion without receiving the Emperor's order? Um? 】

[Zhuang Sen didn’t even dare to do this: Who gave you the courage to act without permission? Don't forget that you are testing Magnus at the end. Has the Emperor given you the right to live and die? Did he allow you to fire freely? 】

[Just because I saw a piece of rotten meat? 】

[A piece of rotten meat that can only be explained by genetic disease? 】

"What does it mean on the surface..."

[Don’t forget what time it is now, Leman Russ, now is the time when the fucking empire’s truth is prevailing. How can the empire openly admit that there is life in the subspace or even any intelligent entity: for the mutation of flesh and blood , except that it is a genetic disease, we cannot explain it in any way. 】

[Or do you want the Emperor to publicly overthrow his Imperial truth and admit that there are supernatural beings in the Warp: for one Magnus? Believe me, he would rather skin you directly! 】

【Do you know why? 】

Morgan leaned closer.

"Why... why?"

【Because you are being stupid! 】

The Spider Queen gritted her teeth.

[Listen to me, it’s not a pity for Magnus to die. It doesn’t matter where he dies, but what matters is your action of directly pulling out the Spear of Dionysus: Do you know what this means? This means the final sentence for a brother, and you dare to sentence another legion to death without a direct and explicit order from the Emperor? 】

[Where do you get the power? You are merely a military policeman at the Emperor's feet. 】


The Wolf King opened his mouth and looked away unwillingly.

"You are right, it is indeed my problem to pull out the Spear of Dionysus rashly."

[I'm glad we reached a consensus. 】

Morgan laughed again: The speed of her changing face amazed the Wolf King.

[This is what I said just now, I came to dissuade you to help you: If I really dissuade Magnus and make him bow his head and confess, so that the matter here becomes a big deal and directly becomes the fuse of a legion incident, then you will not be able to cover up the rash actions without instructions. ]

[Believe me, brother, your end will not be much better than Magnus. ]

[A disobedient dog is worthless. ]

"That's right."

Rus nodded, looking not angry at all.

"A disobedient dog, a military policeman who does not follow orders, is indeed worthless."

"Thank you for reminding me, Morgan, I almost made a big mistake."

[Come on. ]

Morgan mocked.

[This is why I'm angry: Do you know why you made a big mistake? 】


The Wolf King thought for a while, and then he felt something was wrong: Logically speaking, even if he saw this flesh and blood change, although he would angrily accuse Magnus and aggressively demand an explanation, in theory, he would not directly pull out the Spear of Dionysus.

He knew better than anyone what it meant to pull out the Spear of Dionysus: even when he faced that bastard, he did so after a fierce ideological struggle, and although Magnus was stupid, he was definitely not as stupid as Old Eleven.

According to habit, he should have stepped forward to confront him, and then directly reported the matter to the All-Father, and dealt a fatal blow to this arrogant brother at the next meeting: that was what he should do, why did he just pull out the Spear of Dionysus?

Just like at that moment...

[Just like at that moment, your brain gave up thinking directly, right? ]

"How do you know?"

Facing the Wolf King's astonished eyes, Morgan just shook his head helplessly.

[Back to the original question: What did you ask me at the beginning? 】

"Hmm... do you often do this?"

[Yes, I often do this. 】

Morgan's smile was gentle, but it made Leman Russ feel creepy.

[You and I know it very well. 】

[You and Jonson, Conrad, Angron and Lorgar, Corax, and Dorn and Perturabo: This unlucky guy in front of you, Morgan, has always been placed between her various brothers, being bullied by both sides and speaking well for the conflicts between the brothers. This time must be no exception, right? 】

[As long as this sucker named Morgan is still here, then I can naturally give up thinking and happily become a hot-tempered reckless man and conflict party, right? 】

[Why should I think? Why should I care about the situation on the field? Isn't it better to leave it all to Morgan? Isn't Morgan's job this way anyway? No matter how reckless you are, no matter how incompatible you two are, no matter how unreasonable you are, Morgan will always persuade you to come together and listen to you taking out the trash with a forced smile on her face. Isn't that what she has been doing for so many years? 】

【More than a hundred years~】

【She should do this~】

"Ahem... I never said that..."

【But you think so! 】

The Spider Queen's face was grim.

【Otherwise, where is your brain: Did it also undergo flesh and blood mutation with them? 】


The Wolf King shrank his neck.

He suddenly remembered the methods that Zhuangsen had taught him a long time ago: At that time, Leman Russ just regarded it as a joke and casually threw it behind his mind, but now thinking about it, this advice is so useful.


"Sorry, Morgan."

The Wolf King smiled flatteringly.

"Is this all: my fault?"

【Yes, this is all your fault. 】

Morgan was still laughing, and the wolf king had goose bumps all over his back.

Jonson's method didn't seem to work...

[So, Leman Russ: Do you know how to atone for your sins? 】

"What to do?"

[It's very simple. 】

Morgan's tone gently tapped the earlobe of the Fenrisian.


[Leman Russ. 】

[For the Empire. 】

[Look at Magnus. 】

[Use the Spear of Dionysus on him! 】


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