Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 585 Morgan's Body and the Witch's Hammer

"What are you doing, Morgan?"

[Magnus? Ah: I'm looking for my blood pressure monitor. ]

"Blood pressure monitor? You're the Primarch, what do you need that for?"

[I still have to find it, brother. After all, it belongs to my personal finances. And considering that I will hold a family meeting with you and Angron in fifteen minutes, it is still necessary to find it first. ]

I don't understand.

Magnus was a little helpless, but he didn't ask any more questions.

Because he knew it was meaningless.

After all, although strictly speaking, the time the Great Wizard and his Avalon blood relatives spent together was not long, they both quickly understood each other's temperament: Magnus always felt that this kind of tacit understanding only belonged to the mutual appreciation between top psychics.

This proved that they and other brothers did not stand in the same world.

Because of this, the Scarlet King knew some taboos when getting along with Morgan: for example, his blood relatives actually hated being disturbed by some small problems, especially when all her attention needed to be focused on something or some things.

Although Morgan would not be angry if he bothered her at this time, but would respond gently out of her upbringing and character, this did not mean that the Spider Queen would welcome such behavior in her heart.

The Great Wizard abided by this because he could see through Morgan's soul anytime and anywhere and feel his true joy, anger, sorrow and happiness, which was something that neither Jonson nor Conrad could do, so they were always confused because they accidentally angered Morgan: In fact, the Lord of Avalon's anger may have been burning for a long time, accumulating in hours or even days.

The Lion King of Caliban might never figure out this problem: that is, Morgan's sudden anger at him today may come from an unreasonable request a few months ago, or an offense that was not apologized for. Things like this accumulate over time and eventually break through the Spider Queen's originally high emotional threshold.

It's funny to say that, in fact, in horizontal comparison, Morgan's temper is indeed among the best among the Primarchs. Her reputation for gentleness is partly due to rumors that are not understood, and partly due to her nature: but no matter what the reason is that she is so gentle, it makes the Spider Queen passively bear more negative emotions when getting along with her brothers.

Primarchs are creatures that push for more.

And the good reputation and the inherent impression that has always been there make this negative emotion rarely get an apology from the offender: except for a few people such as Guilliman and Corax, the Primarchs seem to lack the skills to apologize naturally. Even people like Jonson or Conrad will not apologize for those small offenses, although this will indeed accumulate pressure in Morgan's heart.

So, even if Morgan's emotional threshold is already very high, her brothers will often fill it up quickly, followed by a rage like the collapse of the sky and the cracking of the earth, and various physiological problems that follow.

Except for Magnus, almost no one could figure out the rules of this soul. Instead, they added a negative item to Morgan's external image: [She gets angry for no reason from time to time]: In this regard alone, the Spider Queen is no different from those mortals.

In fact: there is more than this.

While Magnus patiently waited for his Avalon blood relatives and his nieces to clean up the room and find things, the great wizard looked at Morgan's back, quietly turned his head, and fell into deep thought.

In his conversations with other brothers, such as Perturabo, they had discussed the problem of Morgan, especially the fact that she was too similar to mortals: Compared with the greatness and divinity of the Primarchs, Morgan's human smell is stronger, which is reflected in all aspects of her life.

Even reflected in... her body.


"I don't know if you hold the same view as me, Morgan."

The great wizard suppressed his curiosity and waited for about fifteen minutes until Morgan found what she wanted. He entrusted it to his two daughters beside him: Magnus watched Virgo's towering pink ponytails and Lynx's pale yellow cat tail disappear from the edge of his vision, and then he couldn't wait to walk towards his blood relatives of Avalon.

He raised the question in his mind: Magnus could never completely suppress his desire for new questions and new answers.

[Maybe. ]

To his disappointment, after a suspicious silence, the Spider Queen nodded, but did not give a clear answer. She did not even look at her red brother: The great wizard did not think that Morgan would be shy about these questions like mortal women, maybe for some other reasons?

"Haven't you discussed this? This involves your own safety."

The Scarlet King smiled. He saw Morgan cleaning up the mess. Although he didn't understand why the Spider Queen didn't use her psychic power comparable to his to restore order to the room in an instant, Magnus was willing to endure this: he bent down and started to clean up the room with Morgan.

Although he seemed clumsy, it was unclear whether he was helping or making trouble.

[Of course we discussed this. ]

Morgan reached out and supported a stack of books that Magnus had knocked down.

[In fact, I regularly ask my pharmacists to take X-rays for me to explore the internal structure of my body. Although they still haven't come to any authoritative conclusions, they have gradually figured out the functions of some areas: they don't know every organ in my body, but they can roughly divide which organs are used for eating, which are used for breathing, and some other key parts. ]

"What a great discovery."

The great wizard nodded in admiration.

"No wonder they always say that your Dawnbreakers are the legion with the highest level of pharmacists, and only the Emperor's Children can match them: although my descendants often give me regular health checks, they are still confused about my body structure until now, and I heard that most other legions are the same."

"Perhaps, you should share the Dawnbreakers' successful experience in this regard?"

[I think this is difficult. 】

Morgan seemed to have something to hide. She turned around to look for other things and had to disassemble many of the books and small items that had been packed. The inefficiency of all this made the great wizard frown, but he still quietly put these scattered little guys back into order behind Morgan.

"Can't you use psychic power?"

[Of course, but I don't like it. ]

Morgan turned around and blinked, leaving Magnus speechless.

[A long time ago, I also liked to use psychic power to do many things, but now I only put them into the battlefield, or do the most important things, such as: ensuring my health and body contour. ]


Magnus opened his mouth. He was about to ask more questions when he found that Morgan turned around and stuffed something into him: looking down, it was a medical perspective drawing, and the bones and internal organs in it obviously belonged to the Spider Queen.

The great wizard just recalled the perspective drawings he had taken before, and soon realized the problem.

"It's completely different: at least 40% of it is different."

Magnus shook his head repeatedly.

"I've seen other brothers', their internal structures are the same as mine, we are like replicas, and there is no difference between you and us, but you are a little different from us, 40% of the area can't be completely matched, which is a big problem: my sister, didn't you ask the Emperor?"

[I asked. ]

Morgan nodded.

[But he couldn't explain it clearly. ]

"He doesn't know?"

[Not that he doesn't know: he won't say. ]

"Well... this is very similar to him."

Magnus continued to study the wonderful picture in his hand for a while, and he soon understood where the problem was: if those Dawnbreakers felt completely confused when they first saw Morgan's internal structure, it was understandable. After all, Morgan's organs were as complex as those of other Primarchs, and even Magnus couldn't explain it clearly.

But if you look more closely, you will find obvious clues: if other Primarchs have organs that are completely different from those of mortals, like strange creatures living outside the known world, then many of Morgan's organs, or the 40% of organs, at least have a human appearance, and the outlines of many organs have a familiar feeling.

If you think about it carefully, you will find that these organs are similar to those of Astartes warriors and even mortals: thus you can deduce their respective uses, such as the stomach and liver.

Magnus also found that his blood relatives actually lacked a very important part of the body for women, and replaced it with some kind of weird hybrid: it looks more like an existence in the warp.

"It's really interesting."

The great wizard nodded.

"The 40% inside you is more like a mortal, or an Astartes than us?"

[I believe this is not the Emperor's initial plan for me, otherwise he would have said it. ]

This matter does seem to have caused a little trouble to the Spider Queen.

[What do you think, Magnus? Our father cannot explain the abnormality of my body from the perspective of biological science, but perhaps your knowledge of the warp can help me: this distortion is not excessive for the warp. 】


Magnus thought for a moment.

"I can only say that if the Emperor really added a large amount of warp elements when creating the Primarch as I thought, then the part of the warp elements targeting you is very likely to have fluctuated, which ultimately caused you to be highly similar to mortals: but within the scope of my known knowledge, I can't imagine what kind of existence can cause such fluctuations?"

"They must be very powerful, it's like the work of a god."


"Coupled with this picture and the meaning of the warp behind it, I can roughly deduce what kind of impact this fluctuation will have on you: physiologically speaking, you are more likely to be troubled by various mortal diseases. Our Primarchs are all immune to all poisons, but you may feel the pain of mortals due to some extreme environments or situations, although this pain is not worth mentioning to you."

Morgan did not speak, she glanced at the place where the blood pressure monitor was once placed.

"And psychologically speaking..."

The Great Wizard's expression was a little subtle.

[What's wrong? ]

"No, this is just a guess. I'm not sure whether he is right or not, but judging from the performance of some of your organs, your gender is likely to be the product of this distortion: some organs have changed your gender, The other part of the organ will affect your psychology, allowing you to empathize with those mortals when enjoying some mortal fun."

【Feel the same? Do you want to say that this is how my kindness comes from? 】

"No, not that, I mean while having those fun times."

"Or more addictive."


"Extreme addiction counts as depravity, right?"

Magnus shook his head helplessly.

"Well, just think of my opinion as some kind of anecdote, but if my guess is correct, Morgan, then your situation is likely to be like this: when the Emperor shaped each of us, some Powerful warp entities may have worked together to alter your body."

[Subspace entity? Hand in hand? 】

"Yes, they may be related to concepts such as disease or sensory stimulation. I have been looking for the existence of such entities in subspace. This picture of yours will become strong evidence. Maybe I can make a breakthrough in this direction."

"Can you give it to me?"

[Go ahead and take it. 】

Morgan waved his hand.

[But according to what you said: Am I more likely to be addicted to external things? 】

"Roughly the same."

The great wizard smiled comfortingly.

"No need to worry, it's not a big deal, Morgan."

"You can understand this: Mortal diseases have no effect on us, but they may have some impact on you, such as fatigue and physical feedback after long-term work, or abnormalities in blood pressure and other body indexes, but You don’t need to go to the hospital, this minor problem will be fine if you rest.”

"On the other hand, you might become addicted to trivial hobbies, like always having a dessert plate in your room. Few Primarchs would pursue such appetites, or have so many Hobbies: But it’s okay if you want to eat a few more pieces of cake.”

"Is there any other disease or god of pleasure who wants to use this to corrupt you?"


Morgan said nothing.

But the talented wizard quickly thought of other problems.

"But, if that's the case."

"I think I have thought of the origin of your witch hammer."

[Witch’s Hammer? 】

Morgan raised a brow.

【what are you saying? 】

"Don't you know?"

Magnus was a little surprised.

"On Terra, they use this to refer to the Second Legion's genetic disease: Witch's Hammer, like the Ninth Legion's Bloodthirst or the Nineteenth Legion's Black Mark, but there's a general feeling that you need a more disciplined one. vocabulary.”

【It’s really troublesome for them. 】

"It doesn't matter, mortals are always willing to think more about you, the lady holding the lamp."

Magnus pretended that he didn't hear the dissatisfaction and sarcasm in Morgan's tone.

[Is there any allusion to this name? 】

"A sad history."

The Primarch waved his hand, always enthusiastic about new knowledge.

"A long time ago on Terra, about thirty thousand years ago, there was once a popular activity called witch trials or witch hunting: people in certain areas would do it because of religious superstition, maintenance of rule, or Simply greedy for property, murdering innocent mortal women and calling them witches."

"This barbaric act itself is extremely inhumane and merciless. Their accusations are ridiculous and desperate and will not give the accused any chance of survival: it is absolute conspiracy and barbarity from the beginning."

"Those women who are accused of being witches, if they are dissolute, they are in contact with the devil; if they are pious, they are disguising themselves; if they are afraid, they are certainly guilty; if they are not afraid, they are possessed by the devil. Guarantee; if she complains, she is quibbling; if she does not complain, she has confessed; if she can withstand torture, it is the devil protecting her, and if she dies directly under torture, it is the devil letting her die to prevent her confession from being exposed. The existence of the devil.”

"What's more, if they looked around during the trial, they were looking for the presence of the devil in the crowd, and if they looked straight ahead, they saw the devil and were gazing at him: in short, they were bound There was no way a woman would survive being burned at the stake.”

"The representative of this cruel behavior is a book called [Witches' Hammer], written by two notorious missionaries to identify various witches. At that time, almost everyone had a copy, which set off a huge controversy. Judgment Event: All the crimes just mentioned are taken from it.”

[So, Tyra thinks this term can be used to refer to my genetic disease? 】

"At least the performance is consistent."

Magnus spread his hands.

"The Witch's Hammer has countless reasons for the infected women to die, and your genetic disease also has countless causes that can cause the death of those seeds that are not pure enough: just like the only way to escape the witch trial is not to be Like a witch, the only way for your genetic seeds to survive is to not carry any genetic disease elements at all, and only to be completely pure can they survive."

[I think there is another solution. 】

Morgan laughed.

[That's being a real witch. ]

"That's a good idea."

Magnus smiled.

"What, you plan to solve the genetic disease by improving your own structure?"

[A good topic for dreaming: Are you going to help me with this? ]

"Please tell me."

Magnus saluted exaggeratedly, and the laughter of blood relatives echoed in the room.

But the laughter was fleeting, because Magnus spoke again soon.

"In fact, I have always wanted to make a big move in the field of genetic diseases, or at least help you overcome various problems, whether it will affect the Legion or not: I have made corresponding efforts in Angron."


The name made Morgan uneasy.

After all, Angron is really here: they are about to meet.


[What efforts have you made? 】

Morgan approached Magnus and stood on tiptoe to hook his shoulder: this scene made Magnus laugh, and he proudly revealed it to his blood relative.

"It doesn't hurt to tell you first."

"Did you see this, Morgan?"

The Prospero took out a psychic object that looked like a pendant.


[How much psychic energy did you put on it: this amount is enough to fight a war. ]

Morgan frowned.

"After all, it was prepared by Angron: the dosage must be sufficient."

[What is its use? ]

"Do you want to experience it yourself?"

[...You should just say it directly. ]

Morgan hesitated.


Magnus nodded.

"The effect is actually very simple: we all know that Angron is called the Lord of Nothingness, because all he cherished in his previous life were the brothers who fought side by side with him in the long-destroyed wild world. Losing them made him the Lord of Nothingness, right?"

[That's right: Can your necklace bring them back to life? ]


Magnus' smile made Morgan feel the hair on his neck stand on end.

Because the Spider Queen knew that what she proposed was exactly the most terrifying point: Magnus could actually say almost, right?

"Although I can't revive those gladiators in the flesh, I can revive them in Angron's spirit: this necklace can directly read the most precious memories deep in Angron's heart, and then let his gladiator brothers appear in front of him and in his life as if they were real."

[...Illusion? 】

"Real enough: even if you touch it, you will feel the corresponding touch. The role of psychic power is to make illusions come true, to make those fantasies that exist on paper become reality."

"As long as Angron carries this, those gladiators will fight alongside him and bleed together in the Great Crusade. He can completely treat them as if they have never died, and once again feel their gazes and eyes, feel their joys and sorrows, and the frequency of their breathing. Of course, the most important thing is: their love for him."

"They will come back to life."

"And he will no longer be nothing, right?"


"What's wrong, Morgan?"

[No...just...I just...]

Morgan looked a little trembling, she seemed to not know what to say.


She took a deep breath.

[I just ask one question, brother. ]


[Have you...never experienced the separation of life and death? ]

"...What's wrong?"

[It doesn't matter. ]

[I think I'm about to experience it. ]

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