Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 586: Popularity Increase

Chapter 58g……

"They're late, Father."

"Already four minutes late."

The heavily armed Kahn stood beside his genetic father. When he looked at Angron's back with his eyes closed, he would think of the brother who made a big mistake for no reason: Kahn, who was trying to atone for his stupidity. Goos.

Kahn remembered him. Not long ago, he had just read the question about the Bloodspitter: Gargos proved during the battle that he was indeed reflecting on the mistakes he had made, so he will be sent to another place, from the miscellaneous soldiers. The array was promoted to the logistics force and he continued to atone for his sins until he could be trusted by the legion again.

These seemingly tedious steps are necessary: ​​the 4th Assault Company has proven in countless battles that they can be one of the closest escort groups to the Primarch, so Gargoth must go all out to prove his honor and loyalty. Only in this way can we continue to stay in this team that is destined to be great.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Angron is willing to give him mercy.

And of course he would.

Karn lowered his head, as the Primarch reacted to his vocal reminder.

He is always so conscientious.

"It's okay, Fourth Company Commander."

Angron's voice was a little hollow.

"The two of them may have been delayed due to something else."

Kahn nodded and said no more: because just as the original body said, he had already heard the footsteps at the end of the corridor. The two original bodies did not wait any longer. They were still there until the moment they opened the door. Discussing issues.

[Sorry, brother. 】

The person walking in front was Morgan, who obviously had some kind of initiative. Instead, it was Magnus, who was four or five times bigger than her. He walked behind his petite flesh and blood, feeling clumsy as he followed every step: When Morgan took the initiative to shake hands with Angron, Magnus just nodded stiffly as a greeting.

[I don’t want to be late, but I had to take a moment to convince Magnus: specifically, debating two issues with him that maybe you’d like to hear? 】

Kahn, who was standing aside, was sure that his father did not want to hear it, but Angron did not reject Morgan's suggestion in the end: The World Eater would always be tolerant when facing the silver-haired blood relative who saved him. , although it was still difficult for him to give Morgan a real smile.

"What are you discussing?"

[There are serious issues about sacrifice and separation between life and death. 】

Although Morgan smiled as gently and as kindly as possible, the air between the three Primarchs instantly turned cold: Angron's face became twitching, which clearly reminded him of those bad memories.

"Why are you talking about this?"

[Because we were having a discussion about psychic energy and soul. 】

Morgan's expression remained unchanged, and even Kahn felt that the Spider Queen was not lying.

Maybe this is a coincidence.

[One of the questions is: If the power of spiritual energy is strong enough, can it reverse the death of the soul or even the body, fundamentally rewrite the ending of life and death, and bring the past back to the present again: We discussed this from the perspective of ability or morality. a little. 】


Angron was silent.

He was silent for a minute, and his next move was more concise than expected.

"I'm not a psyker, so I can't give advice from a power perspective."

"But from a moral or soul perspective, I think I can help you with my past experiences and knowledge: As you said before, Morgan, separation between life and death is a very serious matter, and death is a very serious matter. A warrior is the most sacred existence, the summary and praise of his life. Only death can ennoble the souls of brave men."

"To tamper with this is to fundamentally insult them and their comrades."

[Is this worth getting angry about? 】


Angron asked back.

"To death or death: the humiliation suffered by the battle brothers is worthy of any man's bloody fight."

"Me too, I will shed my last drop of blood for their humiliated souls."

Kahn noticed that Magnus, who was standing behind Morgan, suddenly trembled: because the red hair of the original body was so thick, his trembling was particularly conspicuous, like a chicken that was shivering from the cold. Similar.

[Thanks for the explanation. 】

Morgan smiled, then glanced back at Magnus.

[What do you think, brother: This is good for the topic we are discussing. 】

"...Ah, indeed."

Magnus was stunned for a moment, and then nodded in confusion.

Then, he stepped forward and hugged Angron, who didn't understand the situation: Prospero's deep voice echoed in the ears of the Great World Eater, which was sincere and somewhat unwilling. have no choice.

"I'm sorry, brother: you have to believe that I mean no harm to you."

"...I certainly believe that."

Angron's face twitched.

Although he is definitely not smart in the original body, he is not a fool who cannot understand the situation: considering Morgan's previous words and Magnus's current actions that are obviously not right, Angron can more or less Guess what Morgan and Magnus were discussing.

Him...and his comrades?

Those who died...are they coming back?

The Great World Eater's expression changed a bit, but he suppressed it after all.

Just pretend nothing happened.

Angron took a deep breath and nodded affirmatively, which made Magnus completely relieved, and the confusing smugness returned again: the great wizard seemed to change from nervousness just now to the current wantonness in an instant, and even Kahn standing beside him could only marvel at the speed of his change.

Magnus quickly walked away to choose a seat and a glass for himself, and Angron and Morgan followed him, deliberately delaying a few seconds: so that the Great World Eater could get close to Morgan's ear and ask questions.

"What's wrong with him?"

[Nothing: our brother once wanted to help you, Angron, but it is obvious that his wisdom and sincerity were not used in the right place, but you have to believe that his kindness is pure, but his stupidity is also pure. ]

"Is this why he apologized?"

[Yes. ]

Morgan nodded.

[Like I said, sometimes Magnus can be a fool, that's why he needs to apologize to you, but Magnus has always been a good man, that's why he will take the initiative to apologize to you: maybe you guessed what happened just now, but I hope you can forget that thing, brother. ]

"For my friendship with Magnus?"

[And for my friendship with you. ]

"...I will."

Angron did not comment.

"Stupidity is worth tolerating, especially when it goes hand in hand with kindness."

Morgan glanced at him.

[You are more generous than I thought, my brother Angron. I thought you would think this was an offense and it would take a long time to appease you: after all, this involves your previous...battle brothers? ]


Angron raised his head, he first let Kahn stand outside, then slowly spoke.

"Do you know what I think?"

[All ears? ]

"In fact, the reason is very simple."

Angron actually smiled: it is more difficult for him than killing.

"At first, I did think of my gladiator brothers, and I did feel the anger burning in my heart, but I soon thought of something else: in my first half of life and the lives of those gladiator brothers, we were also wrapped in stupidity, but no kindness would come to us on our own initiative. There was only madness, evil thoughts, greed, and barbarity and meanness that asked us to fight each other for fun."

"Compared to them, even stupid kindness seems so precious."

"Magnus may not be smart: but he wants to help me from the bottom of his heart, doesn't he?"

[That's true. ]

Morgan snorted.

[And you are lucky, he is particularly obedient today. ]

"He is also lucky."

Angron's voice was a little heavy.

"If you hadn't noticed it in advance and buffered him, if he had brought that thing directly to me, even if I knew it was his foolish kindness, my anger would have burned him: it would have burned both me and Magnus to ashes, and that would have been the greatest tragedy."

[Can you beat him? ]

"In the space of a room, I can at least die with him: I know how powerful his psychic power is, but he doesn't look like a warrior. He hesitates for a long time before he devotes himself to a battle, which is too sad for the Primarch."

[His psychic power is measured in microseconds. ]

"Killing and fighting are two different things."

Angron just smiled.

"And during this time, I have met almost all the brothers. In my impression, only Lorgar is similar to him: but Lorgar will at least raise his warhammer and fight at the first moment of crisis, while Magnus' hesitation is fatal."

[Accurate summary. 】

Morgan sighed. They sat down at the table almost at the same time. Magnus was fiddling with a book he had grabbed from Angron's bookshelf. The book didn't seem to be to his liking: Angron's attitude towards books was to read them diligently. He never had more interest in learning knowledge.

"What shall we discuss first?"

As soon as the great wizard asked, Angron smiled at his two blood relatives.

"Before that, won't you tell me what your second question is?"

"Besides life and death, what other serious questions can make you late?"


The one who answered him was the Prospero.

"Strictly speaking, the second question that Morgan and I discussed was not a question, but she was seeking my opinion. I think I can also seek your opinion on her behalf: You know that the Emperor is about to return to Terra, right? My brother Angron?"

"Of course I know."

Angron was a little disdainful.

"Stupid decision, he abandoned his own army as a military commander!"

"You can't say that, brother, he will choose a warmaster for the Imperial Army."

"So what?"

The Great World Eater raised his voice.

"When the battle line is tight, I will appoint an assistant to take charge of a battle line, which is no problem, but I will not completely throw the entire war or even more things to even my most trusted officers: This is not a military issue, this is entirely a question of responsibility."

"He left the war behind: he started it!"

"And who among us is good enough to represent the Great Crusade?"

[That's what we're talking about. ]

Morgan blinked as she fiddled with the World Eaters' wineglass: it was perhaps the crudest wineglass she'd ever seen, not even as refined as those of the mortal governors, Angron still retained his extremely simple lifestyle.

[Before coming here, I was canvassing for Magnus for my support of Jonson, and he had agreed to take the same stance as me: he would vote for the Calibans, and I only needed one sentence to stabilize his stance. ]

"If the situation remains the same by then."

The Great Wizard corrected with a smile.

"I respect you, Morgan, but I don't really care who the Warmaster is. I will support Jonson purely because you want me to support him, not because he is more suitable for the position than Horus: so I also hope that you will allow me to reserve my right to choose until the last moment. After all, we can't know the future, right?"

"Perhaps Horus's performance will leave me speechless?"

[Of course you can do this. ]

Morgan looked casual.

[In fact, I also asked Guilliman or Konrad, as well as Leman Russ and Corax for their opinions, and they are all surprisingly similar to you, Magnus: they don't mind voting for Jonson, but they are also unwilling to limit their power immediately. ]

[The choice must be made at the last minute. ]

"That doesn't matter: if Jonson can prove that he is excellent, I will certainly vote for him."

Magnus smiled comfortingly.

"What about you, Angron?"


The Great Eater was a little surprised.

"You are asking me what I think about the position of Warmaster?"

"Of course."

The great wizard chanted psychic power and put the book in his hand back to its original place.

"You have to know that Ferrus has announced that he has given up his ambitions, and none of the other brothers have publicly expressed their views. Now, there are only two people who are still pursuing that position, Jonson and Horus. The gap between the two of them is not that big."

[But Horus has the upper hand. ]

Morgan pouted.

[News from a few days ago: The Wolf God personally visited Fulgrim. He has persuaded the Phoenix Lord to support his election and even tried to get Ferrus' vote: but Gorgon only gave an ambiguous answer. ]

"I think this is what Horus expected: and I heard that Vulcan supports him."

[Yes, the Lord of Fire Dragons has a very good impression of Horus, but his impression of Jonson is not so good: although he also recognizes Jonson's ability and achievements, he feels that Jonson's fighting style is not suitable for the next Great Expedition. 】

Magnus chuckled.

"I think I can probably guess what Vulcan is thinking: our compassionate brother must have thought that the killing phase of the Great Crusade was over, and what remained were the gentle years that required appeasement and diplomacy. In this regard, Jonson was indeed not suitable to be the leader."

"It can only be said that the Emperor's departure may have misled him, making him think that the most difficult phase was over, and the rest of the Great Crusade was so easy that it was not worth the Emperor's stay?"

[So Horus won him over. ]

Morgan was a little disappointed. Although she had fought side by side with Vulcan, Horus had obviously made a deeper impression on the Fire Dragon.

[That is to say, if the Primarch of the 20th Legion who had not yet returned was counted, Horus had already won six votes from all nineteen brothers: Phoenix, Fire Dragon and Dorn, as well as Khan, Archangel and Mortarion all supported him. They had all publicly stated their positions, but Jonson's supporters were mostly silent. ]

[Considering that Horus and Jonson wanted to avoid suspicion, there were actually only seventeen people who participated in the vote: six iron votes were a great number, and three more votes would secure victory, and after all, some people would waver. ]

"Like me?"

Angron finally spoke.

"Who else is like me?"


Morgan pondered for a moment.

[Actually, there are quite a few: Perturabo and Conrad have already publicly stated that they are willing to support Jonson, but Leman Russ and Guilliman are unwilling to do so, and Corax is actually the same, so he is still silent. ]

[In fact, Corax insisted on seeing Horus and Jonson in person and making a decision after comparing the differences between them. ]

"I thought Corax would follow the lead of you, the fosterer, Morgan."

Faced with Magnus's doubts, Morgan answered confidently. [If he did so, it would prove that my education was a failure: his neutrality would prove that my education was successful, because he has independent thinking, and so does Conrad, who chose Jonson because of his relationship with Jonson. ]

"Is that really the case?"

[...mostly. ]

Morgan spread his hands, only to find that Magnus across from him was smiling meaningfully.

[Okay, Angron, maybe you can tell me your choice? ]

Morgan coughed, and she forced the topic back on track, and Magnus's eyes followed: the great wizard was also curious about what decision the thoughtful Angron would make.

Angron didn't think for long.

"In that case, I will probably maintain my neutrality until the end."

【Why? 】

"First of all, I hate the establishment of Warmaster. I think no one is suitable for this position."

"Secondly, I have personally witnessed the war between Horus and Jonson: Jonson is indeed one of the best warriors in the galaxy, but Horus can think about problems from a higher level, and his ability as a commander It's convincing, but he doesn't seem to be worthy of the position of Warmaster. He lacks something... I can't put my finger on it."

[So: No one chooses? 】


Angron nodded, and he looked directly at Morgan.

"Of course, Morgan, you have helped me in the distant past, and I will be happy to change my mind in order to help you. If you think Jonson really needs my vote, I will vote for him then. ’s: I still think he is not qualified to be a war commander, but in general he is barely qualified.”


Morgan narrowed his eyes.

She pondered for a while.

[No, Angron, no need: stick to your own ideas. You can vote for whoever you want when the time comes. If you want to be neutral, no one will say anything about you. 】


The Great World Eater nodded.

"I originally thought you would be very determined to win votes for Johnson."

【Why should I do this? 】

Morgan laughed.

[Is Fulgrim running around for Ferrus’ Warmaster? Sanguinius has visited your legion before. I hope you can all vote for Horus: I just have a deep relationship with Jonson, so on the premise that I can think of this issue in time, I can win over you. It's just your attitude. 】

[It's not worth my special trip. 】

"indeed so."

Before Angron could speak, Magnus on the other end had already nodded.

“After all, at the end of the day, the Warmaster is just a trivial matter, isn’t he?

"Who cares about it."


"...It's better to say, Morgan."

After an eerie silence, the two primarchs tacitly ignored Magnus and began talking privately.

"I'm actually quite curious: Why do you support Zhuang Sen? Because of friendship?"

[Part of the reason. 】

"What about the other part?"

【Is this...】

Morgan leaned closer and she whispered into Angron's curious ears.

[Because the Emperor has already assigned the position of Warmaster to Horus. 】

"Tsk...his style."

[But if Jonson can cause even a little trouble to Horus...]


At that moment, an unusually rare expression appeared on Angron's face. The richness of its expression made Morgan stunned: she actually heard the eagerness to try from Angron's voice. This was something that had never happened before. The King of Nothingness briefly broke through his control.

"Go on, Morgan."

"I thought: I suddenly became a little interested in the war commander..."

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