Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 405 The Road to Expedition: Stab the Dagger

In the orbit of the fortress world, the huge star port rotates around the boundary of the planet. It is huge and burly, with the steel surfaces parallel to each other. This ring-like structure rotates itself in the outer orbit of the planet, relying on the slowness of the planet itself. Slowly rotating due to the force of rotation, the layers of steel decks are spliced ​​together, gradually illuminated by the rising sun on the dusk line on the eastern side of the planet.

The sun shines slowly across the surface of the silver-white armor, just like a wheat field illuminated by the dawn at dawn. The silver-gray armor turns into a light golden yellow in the sun, just like mature wheat in the autumn wind. Swaying and waiting for the seed purse to be picked and crushed to extract the edible particles.

But suddenly, the "wheat" in the golden field ruptured itself, and the armor surface that was tanned golden in the sun exploded instantly. The sky-high fire tore out from the armor surface, and the broken hole broke through the steel. , a long tongue of fire shot out from under it.

Tongues of flames rose from the surface of the star port, as if the natural gas drilled from the ground had been ignited. A huge pillar of fire rose into the sky, and soon more explosions occurred on the surface of the star port around it. , the raging fire swept across the entire golden armor surface.

Fire sprayed into the air, and several fighter planes suddenly passed through the fire cloud. Star Shark bombers painted in the colors of the Imperial Navy quickly rushed through the fire cloud. They swooped down and whizzed away, and the fighter planes dived in. A dense rain of bullets flew through the airspace. Behind the leading fighter plane, several bombers were hit by artillery fire and exploded.

But the leading bomber and the remaining fighters passed through the hail of bullets. They passed quickly through it, dodging the dense rain of bullets and rushed towards a moving warship.

The leading Xingsha bomber slid out two torpedo warheads from its belly. The twin torpedoes were launched all at once, spitting fire and spinning at high speed in the universe. They hit one side of the battleship and the other few behind the bomber. The bombers also launched torpedoes.

The torpedoes flying at high speed in the air and changing angles surrounded each other, pulled out a beautiful arc, and then hit the side of the warship. The armor surface was quickly penetrated, and the explosion tore underneath it, and it was on the hull. In the huge explosion, the Star Shark bomber turned sharply in front of the ship and flew to the side.

The bomber roared out from the hull, but its wing was instantly interrupted by a roaring anti-aircraft fire. After the fighter's wing broke, fire spurted out from the gap, and the fighter was lost in the gorgeous battlefield curtain. The balance rotated at high speed, then hit something and exploded instantly.

Under the flames of the explosion, the surface of the flashing shield pulsed brightly, and a huge battleship in pitch black sailed past the flames, its side being swept by the churning flames.

On that side the shining void shield flickered and lit up to block the fire, and on the other side of the shining shield, beneath the edge of the fading glow, where the sun's rays spread across the black surface, and under that light , several thick cannon muzzles stuck out.

A deafening volley sounded instantly, and the roaring macro muzzle instantly sprayed out a dazzling fireball. Under the fierce fire, several rotating shells roared out, and they slipped through the faint light curtain projected by the distant sun. It hit a piece of armor violently.

A ferocious explosion sounded instantly, and the huge impact of the explosion shattered the side of the sailing Imperial warship. One side of the warship was instantly torn apart, and raging fire spurted out from the inside, along with the leaked oxygen pouring into the vacuum. , the fire spread instantly and enveloped the entire side of the ship.

The flames quickly swept through the body of the battleship, and then exploded suddenly. A huge fireball expanded and rose from the fire cloud. The two halves of the battleship's body were thrown up in the explosion. From the left and right sides of the fiery cloud, After flying out, the golden eagle on the bow side reflected the luster under the blazing fire.

Under the shattered bow, a huge battleship rushed out from the fire. Its body swept out from the fire cloud, stirring the surrounding fire and rushing forward. It sailed past quickly, The macro cannon on one side fired one after another, hitting the Chaos battleship on the other side with rapid shells.

The shining void shield lit up instantly, and the fire of the explosion swept across the shield. Under the fire, there was a silver steel skull logo on both sides. The double row of macro cannons roared quickly, shooting out the rotating shells. The flames were burning in front of them, and under the roar of the heavy cannon, a group of Chaos warships behind them also began to fire rapidly.

Howling cannonballs shot through the curtain of the universe, dense warheads passed under the rays of the sun, and hit the side of the imperial fleet that was sailing against the rays of the sun. The fire and explosion instantly became brighter than the sun. It rose up and roared in the silent universe.

The Empire and the Chaos fleets fired fiercely at each other in the outer orbit of the planet. The macro cannon shells flew across the light of the sun, and the dazzling flash of light instantly penetrated the light curtain, hitting the warships on both sides of each other, violently. The flash of light exploded immediately, piercing the void shield and then bombarding the Chaos battleship itself.

The chaotic giant ship was instantly penetrated by the light spear in the back. The high-rise buildings there collapsed under the light. And directly in front of its sailing direction, in the direction of the light beam, an imperial warship was approaching quickly. The giant ship As the bright plasma thrusters spewed out from one side and flew past quickly, the side macro cannons fired simultaneously, hitting the Chaos warship on one side with the rapid shells.

The black hull shattered and collapsed under the bombardment of the cannonballs. The warhead with the Imperial Sky Eagle logo on one side rotated at high speed and rushed towards the side of the Chaos ship. The cannonball with the tip warhead penetrated the hull and smashed into it. It exploded only after entering its structure. The flames spread rapidly along the side corridors of the entire battleship, the glass was shattered, and the explosive fire spurted out from all places.

The propeller of the Chaos battleship went out instantly, and the hull slid forward feebly for a certain distance before exploding from the inside. A huge fireball burst through one side of the battleship, shining the fire on the Imperial destroyer that was rushing forward. The statue of the Silent Angel on the back was completely illuminated by the huge fireball rising from the side. The golden sword raised high also shone with a flowing halo under the flames.

The sword blade pointed forward, and the destroyer instantly fired a long row of torpedoes during the charge. The torpedoes with flashing red light spots sprayed fierce fire and quickly hit several Chaos warships that were charging parallel to the opponent. First, the void shield flashed there instantly.

The void shield on the bow of the Chaos frigate closest to the front row was instantly pierced by the Imperial destroyer's light spear. The dazzling light beam shattered the building standing on the back of the frigate and penetrated through the front of the bridge. All the long rows of buildings on the back were turned into steel wreckage floating in the universe.

The frigate floated powerlessly in the void, and suddenly hit another Chaos battleship sideways. The void shields of the two ships collided violently with each other, and then the hulls of the two ships smashed together after breaking their shields. The frigate's ship The head suddenly pierced the belly of the other boat like a dagger, and fire spurted out from the wound, just like blood.

The Imperial destroyer continued to move forward under the roar of the shining plasma thrusters, but suddenly its side was also hit hard. The void shield broke instantly after a violent flash, above the churning sea of ​​fire on the side of the ship. , the huge Dark Mechanicum battle patrol slowly passed by, and the automatic weapons array on one side turned its muzzle and fired rapidly at the Imperial warship below.

Rapid-fire cannons, multi-tube turbine lasers and light spears lit up at the same time, penetrating the entire side of the imperial battleship at an extremely fast rate of fire. Countless tunnels were punched out of the hull, and the battleship's propellers were also roared with fire. The shining light spear pierced through and flamed out instantly. The destroyer slowly stopped. The fire burning at the end of the propeller ignited the fuel tank and turned into an even larger explosive fireball.

The destroyer suddenly exploded from the rear side, and the blooming fireball instantly tore the entire ship from the end. Its whole body caught fire in the explosion and then shattered and floated away. Finally, it turned into a series of chain explosions and the flames illuminated the ship. The Dark Mechanicus battlecruiser on the side.

The huge propeller at the end of the dark red Mechanicum battle patrol was fired at full speed. It suddenly rushed past the flames rushing from the side. The flashing nova cannon on the bow of the ship quickly gathered energy and then instantly turned into a line and rushed forward. The huge beam of light suddenly penetrated an Imperial cruiser directly in front.

The battleship was shot through from the head, and a shining beam of light shot out from the center of its propeller. An explosion occurred from all parts of the entire battleship in an instant. The raging fire engulfed the magnificent outer buildings, and the macros fired fiercely all around. The artillery and automatic cannon groups fired a final round of fire before the explosion.

That last roar brought about the death of a cruiser of the same level as Chaos. The cruiser flying parallel to him exploded violently, and the armored debris flew around in the fire, smashing into the high-speed vehicles on the side like a fireball. The Dark Mechanicus war patrol came, and the Mechanicus warship rammed away the flying debris, rushing forward.

It passed between countless warships all around. The fleets of Chaos and the Empire were in close combat, firing fiercely at each other at extremely close range, just like a group of ancient cavalry caught in a chaotic battle. They waved their swords to each other and slashed at each other. The armor was dented and the rider was knocked off his horse.

The entire starry sky was filled with chaotic explosions. The Chaos Fleet never expected that since the Empire would take the initiative to launch an attack. They thought that the tired and weak Imperial Fleet would maintain a defensive posture in front of a Chaos army that was twice as large as their own, so The Chaos fleet was not preparing for defense, but for attack.

What they didn't expect at all was that just when the Chaos Fleet was about to set sail, the Imperial Fleet suddenly appeared at the dusk line of the planet, rushing over in groups from behind the shadow, charging and firing fiercely. , instantly dispersed the formation of the Chaos fleet, and finally switched offense and defense, and the huge fleet fell into a fierce close-quarters melee.

The battle patrol of the Dark Mechanicus raised its bow. It fired fiercely at each other from both sides, burning the entire star sea as it rushed between the chaotic fleets. It fired its Nova Cannon forward again.

The shining beam of light hit an oncoming Imperial warship. The body of the ship exploded under the bombardment of more artillery fire. A sheet of fire spurted out from both sides of the ship, instantly sweeping across the front of the battle patrol. In the starry sky, the Dark Mechanicus warship rushed forward, rushing towards the huge fire cloud.

But suddenly, a huge shadow outline was outlined from the flames, and soon a golden line larger than all the battleships present sailed out from the surface of the flames. Its huge hull headed directly towards the dark machine. The teaching war patrol rushed forward, and the latter was almost unable to dodge at such a close distance.

The battlecruiser turned to one side to escape, and the giant ship suddenly hit the side of the battlecruiser. The ship's shining void shield instantly collided with the battlecruiser's, and was shattered by the stronger void shield strength. On the battle patrol's shield, the ship was instantly split in half by the majestic golden warship, and a rapid explosion exploded in front of the hull.

The giant golden ship broke through the waves from the flames of the explosion. The light spear turret above its body flashed instantly, and a huge golden light beam shot out instantly, directly sweeping across the body of a chaotic warship on the side of the warship. A huge glowing wound opened up.

The warship instantly exploded in space, and the light illuminated the towering huge hull on the side of the giant ship, as well as the multi-layered macro cannons arranged on it. A hundred macro cannons fired at the same time, and the rows of The muzzle of the cannon roared and sprayed out a wall of fire, and within it, raindrop-like macro-cannon shells hit the Chaos fleet on the side, and they all exploded violently.

The explosion flames of those battleships shone on the hull of the golden giant ship. The battleship roared and spurted out a long thrust of flames, and above the flames, the light spear turrets on the back of the ship rotated to the side and lit up the beams of light. At the end of the array of weapons with countless roaring barrage and missiles, above the tall and huge fortress building, the fire also illuminated the space inside the bridge.

Captain Rena stood on the high platform of the bridge. She raised her head and looked at the explosions all over the sky. Then she turned around and strode to the edge of the captain's high platform. "First officer, how is the progress on the battlefield?"

"Two-thirds of the forward fleet has been lost, but the preset mission has been completed. The Chaos Fleet's formation has been completely disrupted, and the remaining fleet is completing the cutting mission." Ye Ta, standing under the captain's platform, stood on a screen surrounded by She said between the holographic images, her eyes staring at the interfaces around her, and the green flash mixed with the explosion fire lit up her face.

"Very good, order the forward fleet to start retreating, helmsman, the whole fleet will accelerate to take over the offensive position and penetrate the chaotic front." Reina stood on the armrest and stared ahead and said loudly. Old Bobasa below her nodded, and then fiercely The ground pulled down the golden handle, and the violent machine spirit in the engine was instantly released.

The huge plasma thruster propelled the flames, and as the Fantasy's main thruster turbofan spread out in all directions, it instantly sprayed out. The huge fire flow pushed the huge battleship from the side of the astrolabe into the battlefield, and the magnificent giant ship roared. Rushing towards the chaotic orbit of the planet, the light spear above its head turned around and instantly fired a dazzling beam of light forward.

The void shield of the Chaos frigate that was firing forward in the far orbit of the planet disappeared almost instantly. The shield did not even last for a moment under the bombardment of the Dream's powerful light spear. The shield surface flickered and disappeared. But the light spear did not. It continued to shoot and directly penetrated the hull of the ship. It shattered the warship with one shot and then hit another Chaos warship below.

The giant pillars of light spears shot down in succession instantly penetrated all the Chaos fighter planes in the entire straight line. They lit up countless fireballs in the night sky, and among the lit flames, the Fantasy had already rushed in. Forming a battle formation, countless weapons on both sides of it roared and fired, multi-layered macro cannons fired continuously from end to end, and countless explosions lit up both sides of the Dream in an instant.

Reina stood on the high platform, staring closely at the roaring barrage like raindrops shooting from the front. The explosion instantly lit up a flash of light on the void shield on the front side of the battleship, and on both sides of the bridge, those billowing The smoky Imperial battleships were also sliding out from both sides. They retreated from the Dream, and the latter took over the assault position.

"Order the rear fleet to continue dividing the Chaos fleet, prioritize destroying their more maneuverable small and medium-sized warships, and leave the large warships for hunting. The main attack mission is now under the command of Admiral Speyer. How are they doing?"

Reina asked from a high place overlooking it, while Yeta below her pulled up a holographic screen, and she scanned it, "The Gothic fleet's attack went smoothly. They have defeated the Chaos flank fleet, and the Eldar's The fleet intercepted and dispersed the Chaos assembled fleet on the back of the planet. They suddenly appeared and caught Chaos off guard. "

"Our active attack obviously exceeded Chaos's expectations. Everything went smoothly. Admiral Speyer is commanding the hunt. He took over the command of the fleet by receiving signals."

"Very good, now we go to carry out our mission. The whole ship can open fire freely and move forward at full speed." Reina said calmly. The bridge crew members immediately pressed the buttons on the terminals in front of her on the consoles on both sides below her. , as the program was executed, the Fantasy rushed into the front of the Chaos Fleet. The light spears flashed and shot out in all directions, strafing and pulling out a straight line of light in the air.

The macro cannon roared and opened fire on both sides of the cavalry. The Dream was passing between two Chaos battle patrols at this moment. The chaos fighters on both sides were hit by hundreds of macro cannon shells in an instant. The void shield was unable to survive the violent explosion. The support flickered and disappeared, and then it was the turn of the two battleships to meet their doom.

In a rapid explosion, the huge hull of the Fantasy rushed through it. The magnificent ship broke away from the empire's offensive echelon, and penetrated deeply into the terminal defense line composed of dozens of warships in the entire Chaos. The defense line that should be strong enough to block the empire's sudden attack was instantly torn open, and the Fantasy rushed in through it.

Reina stood on the high position of the captain, her eyes looking around at the explosion range. The entire hull of the Fantasy was filled with countless explosive fireballs, but the void shield still defended the ship firmly, even if it faced several times. Focusing on the enemy ships, the powerful void shield generator has been supporting the entire ship's defense.

Reina lowered her head, but just as she lowered her head, she heard a huge explosion. The explosion shook the entire bridge and shook everything here. Reina suddenly raised her head and looked forward. A shining explosion, amidst the fire, a huge beam of light hit the battleship's shield.

"Report the situation." Reina asked calmly from a high place. She supported the handrails and stood amidst the shaking. Below her, Yeta was shaking on the flat ground, but she remained calm after crossing her legs. Standing firm in the shock, Ye Ta immediately raised his head and searched on the data interface in front of him.

"The bow and sides of the ship were hit and bombarded by the Nova Cannon of the Dark Mechanicus Fleet. It seems that they have mobilized the general reserve team to deal with us." Yeta said as he suddenly saw the bird radar coming from the emergency jump. The interface flashed red light crazily, and several rapidly approaching red dots appeared on it.

Yeta looked at the red dots, quickly clicked on them, and a line of information icons flashed, "The Astartes strike cruisers are approaching rapidly, and they are trying to gang up on us."

"Weapon array, destroy them." Reina punched the armrest and said sternly. Her order was immediately implemented. The automatic cannon on the side of the battleship turned quickly, and a light spear also turned. Three Chaos Space Marine strike cruisers were speeding in.

The three battleships rushed towards the Fantasy. The shining propellers pushed them like meteors in the night sky. The rotating light spear turrets were aimed at them. The muzzles of the guns instantly flashed with golden arcs of light. , and then fired a shot and bombarded the leading strike cruiser.

The battleship's void shield disappeared in an instant under the firepower of the Fantasy. The light spear penetrated from the side of its back, burning through the buildings on the back of the battleship to create a straight tunnel. The gap in the steel flickered. In the bright high-temperature light band, the strike cruiser burned with raging fire, but it still rushed down towards the Fantasy.

All the automatic cannon muzzles on the back of the battleship were raised, and dense barrage instantly rose from it. The raindrop-like barrage bombarded the advancing strike cruiser that dived down from above, and countless explosion flames rose on it. He stood up and tore it into pieces in the blink of an eye.

The shattered strike cruiser turned into countless wreckage and fell from the sky. The fragments of the battleship roared and hit the top shield of the Fantasy. The shining void shield blocked all the falling fragments. They burned and exploded on the back of the battleship. For the shattered remnants floating in the universe.

After the exploding strike cruiser, the second Space Marine battleship rushed down. It dived towards the Dream. Reyna looked up at the bright spot of the battleship and raised her arm to point at it, "Gunner! Destroy it."

Behind the front light spear turret, the second light spear slowly lifted up. Its muzzle rotated and aimed at the roaring strike cruiser. With a flash of light, the light spear fired instantly. He went up and penetrated the rear propeller of the strike cruiser from the side of the inclined plane.

The strike cruiser instantly lost its balance. The exploding propeller instantly caused a fire throughout the ship. The burning hull vibrated violently in the air and roared as it crashed down. Reina looked up at the battleship that hit her. It didn't. He dodged, did not evade, but rushed straight towards him, staring at all the firepower of the Fantasy as it hit the back of the battleship.

The huge strike cruiser crashed into the void shield. A huge plasma explosion rose from outside the bridge. A powerful shock wave spread along the back of the ship to the entire ship. There was a strong tremor in the entire bridge. The feeling made Reina lean on the armrest for a while.

"The whole ship is reporting the situation!" Reina stood up and said loudly, and Yeta stood up from the ground again. She reached out and pulled down the floating interface and looked at the warning window beating on it.

"The flank void shields have been weakened and the system is being recharged. It is expected." Before Ye Ta could say anything, a violent explosion flashed beside the bridge. It was a precise macro-cannon salvo.

The only remaining third Space Marine strike cruiser swooped down from above the battleship. The huge hull quickly lifted up when it arrived beside the Dream. The recoil engine in its belly was ignited at full power, crushing almost all mortals on the ship. The ultra-high overload force completed the instant stop, causing the diving battleship to stop instantly.

The moment the battleship stopped on the side of the Dream, the macro cannons on the side opened fire. The fierce fire bombarded the side shields of the battleship, and the corner of the void shield on the side of the huge ship flashed and shrank in all directions. Opening, a circular gap appeared on the blue shield, and the strike cruiser also seized this opportunity.

In the blink of an eye, countless flashes of light were shot out from the side of the ship. They were more than a dozen Space Marines jumping into the landing module. They were all shot out from the belly of the ship, spitting out fierce fire at the end and smashing into the Dream. Side armor, at such a close distance, the defensive firepower has no time to intercept in time.

The automatic cannon on the side of the ship quickly turned around and fired violently at the landing cabin. The whizzing barrage instantly hit several landing cabins, and the empty heads of the Death Claws instantly exploded into burning fireballs in the starry sky. , the Space Marines among them were also killed instantly.

But nearly ten landing pods still smashed into the inner layer of the battleship's deck. The melt jet ports at their fronts ignited instantly, and the melt rays opened a channel in the armor for them to smash in headfirst.

Yeta looked at the internal system of the battleship that was warning in front of her. She clicked on the provoking window in front of her, then raised her head and looked at Reina above, "Captain, decks No. 7 and No. 3 were gang-jumped. Interstellar Soldiers invaded the interior of the ship. Do you want me to contact the marshal and the Wailers? "

"No, there is no need to contact them. They still have their own mission. Notify the Sun Auxiliary Army and go to eliminate the invading traitor Astartes." Rena said while leaning on the armrest. He turned to look at the side of the battleship hovering aside. Strike cruiser.

"Captain Bird, have we arrived at the scheduled location?" Reina asked loudly. The Captain Bird below also scanned the screen in front of him, then raised his head and looked at Reina's position and nodded sharply.

"We can reach the coordinates, but the void shield needs to be recharged. Captain, we need time to reorganize our defenses."

"We won't stay here for long, Yeta, tell Vito, I found him the ride he wanted." Reina said and looked at the strike cruiser on the side.

"Inform us to land on the torpedo launch deck and prepare for everyone to jump in."

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