Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 406 The Road to Expedition: Boarding the Express

The piercing alarm sounded intermittently with the red light above the head. The long and torturous siren sound was enough to make anyone's ears feel uncomfortable, and it was even more painful for people with sharper ears and more sensitive hearing.

The red light flickered at the end of Iyangna's sharp ears. The long and pointed ears rose and fell regularly under the red light. Her shoulders also shook up and down with the clacking footsteps. The corset with the Fiery Phoenix painted on it then spread its wings and flew above her breasts. The golden feathers seemed to be flapping their wings up and down.

Iyangna strode through the corridors of the warship. On both sides of her, she kept passing by the navy crew members sideways. They passed by the Eldar Phoenix Prophet sideways, while the latter continued to walk straight forward without any intention of giving way.

Fortunately, the corridor was not very long. After a while, Yiyangna reached the end of it. It was a tall doorless archway with a high door frame arched above her head. At the top of the door was a roaring dragon. The red dragon lay on the top of the archway, stretching out its slender neck and roaring at the huge French window in front.

The flashing explosion fire outside the window instantly lit up and illuminated the dragon's face. The dark red scales reflected the light, and below it, Yiyangna, whose bra also reflected the red light of the explosion, also passed under it. She walked quickly into the door and walked towards a Death Claw airborne pod not far ahead.

"You brought us to this hellhole surrounded by a bunch of Chaos, and let us board. Now can you tell me what's going on in your muddled head?"

Iyanna walked straight to the platform where the airdrop pod was located. On the steps in front of the diamond-shaped steel object, Vito was standing on the ground at the top of the first and second sections of the stairs. He held a grenade launcher in his hand, and it seemed like he was checking the weapon.

"My lord, do you need us to suppress the traitors?" The Malakin commander standing on the ground at the bottom of the stairs next to Vito raised his head and asked. Vito, who was standing above him in a golden power armor, shook his head. He suddenly pressed the button on the side of the grenade launcher, and the bolt instantly bumped forward and returned to its position.

"No, the Sun Army will handle it. We will continue the mission and get everyone ready." "Yes, my lord, in the name of the Emperor and the Supreme Marshal." "In the name of the Emperor."

After nodding to Vito, Malakin turned and walked past Iyanna. He strode past her with his helmet under his arm. The latter slowed down and looked back at Malakin. He strode to the airdrop pods lined up on both sides, where the Weepers were gathering in teams.

Almost all the remaining people in the entire Weepers regiment came here. The Astartes in yellow armor were fully armed. They gathered in teams in front of the airdrop pods lined up on both sides. Everyone checked the weapons at hand, or held incense burners to perform the appeasement ceremony.

As Iyanna walked through the wide airdrop hall, she glanced to the side and saw a tall weeper wearing a Terminator. He stood alone in front of an empty cabin. On both sides of him, the servos were holding incense burners and walking around him. The incense burners in their hands were constantly swaying and releasing a faint fragrance.

The Terminator warrior stood there with his head held high, and the servo skull on his head was ticking around him. The sound speaker played the Mechanicus's requiem poem.

Iyanna walked past the tall giant and dodged a weeper priest who was walking towards her. He passed by Iyanna wearing a silver skull helmet. The winged priest war hammer hanging on his waist swayed left and right with his footsteps. Behind him followed several servos holding incense burners and holding heavy scriptures.

Servo skulls kept ticking and flew over her head, passing through the pungent smell of armor maintenance oil and the smoke from the incense burner mixed in the hall. Iyangna strode to Vito.

"You old man, give me a reasonable reason for you to rush into the Chaos Fleet with us to die." She pointed the Phoenix Scepter in her hand at Vito. Above the Phoenix Scepter, which was burning with blazing flames, there was a blazing fire below the carved golden phoenix with spread wings.

"How do you know I'm dying?" Vito looked at the bolter in his hand. He rotated the gun body and seemed to be looking at the dual logos of the Mechanicus and the Imperial Sky Eagle branded on its back with interest.

"There's an explosion outside the window, and the shrill alarm is ringing in my ears, so, yes, I know you're doing it again, old man." Vito smiled at the pointed scepter, and he inserted the grenade launcher into the holster on the side of his leg, "It looks like you're ready, by the way, you're really suitable for this kind of clothes that can show off your figure." "Take your eyes off me, you old pervert, now tell me what's going on in your head?" Iyanna stood in front of the stairs and slammed the scepter on the ground beside her. With a burst of sparks, she glanced at Lilith, who stretched out a seductive long leg and sat at Vito's feet. The latter smiled and greeted her, looking not surprised at all. Iyanna rolled her eyes and looked up at Vito, "You even told me about this bitch, and everyone in this hall, but you didn't think of telling me?"

"Do you mind?" Vito lowered his head and glanced at Lilith, who was sitting at her feet. The latter smiled charmingly and shrugged her shoulders. She held her chin and looked at Yiyanna in front of her, "I think, bitch It’s a compliment to the demon of Slaanesh, right, my little sweetheart?”

Lilith said and licked her tongue, and the purple tongue tip that briefly turned into the Slaanesh demon's long tongue came out from behind her lips, but immediately retracted it. Iyana looked at him and rolled her eyes, and then stared at him. Vito.

"Immortal, give me an explanation immediately! What did you do when I contacted Irio?!" Yiyanna asked, staring at Vito, who smiled and shrugged, his huge armor heavy It went up and down for a while.

"Of course we are going to the temple. In fact, we are already there, even though we are on top of it. Captain Reina is responsible for sending us here, and then we go down."

Iyanna was stunned for a moment, then raised her scepter and pointed it at the empty cabins in the row behind her, and also pointed at the entire Weeper chapter company assembled in front of it, "You have no idea when you go to bed with this Slaanesh bitch." Is it broken? Do you know how strong the gravity of this planet is? Once these airdrop pods enter the atmosphere, they will quickly crash into the ground under the gravity slingshot effect."

"Do I still need to remind you that we are still sitting in there? You old retard." Iyana cursed skillfully in standard Gothic with a Latin accent exactly like Vito, especially In the end, the old retard scolded him directly in Latin, which made Vito particularly kind.

"My dear, you call us by our names, aren't you afraid of being eaten?" Lilith sat at Vito's feet and said with a smile. Her eyes looked at Yiyanna in confusion, and her tongue gently licked her lips. It's like looking at a plate of delicious snacks.

"I'm standing right in front of you, right? Why don't you worry about your eggs, Slaanesh bitch." Iyana retorted quite directly, scolding her with a courage that would make a Dark Eldar call her awesome. Dao, and didn't even seem to hesitate.

Lilith laughed when she saw the girl. She raised her head and looked at Vito with a smile on her face, "You really brought her here. I like this girl. I really hope Helena is here too. They are sisters." The two will definitely get along well.”

"Next time, this kind of family gathering that obviously involves killing a lot of people and blowing up a lot of things should be done next time when I go to deal with aliens, like the Tau."

Vito said with a smile and looked at Yiyanna in front of him. He knocked on the Deathclaw drop pod behind him with his power claw. The steel prismatic armor made a clanking sound after several knocks on the back of his power fist. "These things are just a shuttle bus. The thing we are going to take is also in the sky. That thing is the express train that takes us down."

"Express? What's going on in your head?" Yiyanna raised her eyebrows and asked in surprise. Then she saw Vito smiling and pointing to the window nearby. She turned her head hesitantly and looked over, and saw that A strike cruiser levitated next to the bed.

Yiyanna understood it immediately when she looked at that thing, almost instantly. She turned her head with wide eyes and looked at Vito with a playful smile on his face, "No, no, no, you idiot! Have you lost your mind? !”

"I hope that when Perurabo builds things, it's still the same as before. Its void shield and structural layer are still strong, so that when it hits the planet, it should at least not fall apart. We sit in it, just like we did in Vinlusen That's what happened."

"Then do you still remember that time we fell almost to death?" "Believe me, honey, it's no problem." "You said the same thing last time, and I broke an arm!"

Vito glanced at the annoyed Iyana and laughed. He waved the power claw on his right hand, "Then believe in the emperor's blessing." "I'm an Eldar!"

Yiyanna cursed angrily, but Vito in front of her showed no sign of remorse. He smiled and glanced at the red light on the side of the empty cabin behind him. A smile appeared on the corner of Vito's mouth, and then he raised his head. He came and raised his iron fist towards the mourners in the hall.

"Everyone board the plane and prepare to jump into gangs. May the Emperor bless you."

"Live up to the blood of Sanguinius!" Malakin turned to his brothers and drew his power sword and shouted. A group of warriors on both sides behind him drew their weapons and shouted to the sky. The entire hall was filled with people. The thunderous roar of the Astartes.

"Let's go!" Malakin suddenly raised his sword and pointed at the landing cabin aside. The soldiers on both sides of him immediately turned around. They quickly turned around and strode into the door of the landing cabin. In an instant, the whole The hall was filled with heavy footsteps. After making sure that everyone was ready, Malakin nodded to Vito behind him.

The latter stood on the high platform in front and nodded to Malakin. The latter immediately put away the power sword and strode aside into the login cabin. As the Chapter Leader entered the outer heavy cabin of the Death Claw, The door also slowly opened.

Vito bowed his head to Lilith at his feet, who also smiled and stood up with her legs stretched out. She drew her hands from the side of her almost perfect waistline, turned around and stepped onto the top of the stairs towards the login cabin. Vito then turned his head and smiled at Yiyanna.

"Are you coming?"

Yiyanna looked at him stunned for a moment, then held her forehead and sighed silently, then walked directly up the stairs and strode past Vito and hit her chest with the burning scepter. Going up, the spreading flames made Vito's head dodge back.

With his peripheral vision, he glanced at Yiyanna who stepped into the landing cabin with her legs raised. Next to her, Lilith smiled jokingly as she leaned against the cabin door. She slightly tilted her head towards Vito, who shrugged. He looked up at the control terminal standing at the bottom of the steps. There was a servitor standing there.

"Prepare to launch." After Vito said that, he turned around and entered the landing cabin. He lowered his head and got into it. The huge bulletproof iron door behind him also roared and slowly lowered, accompanied by a burst of negative pressure. With the jet of gas, the door body and the login cabin were firmly locked together.

The servitor turned his stiff head, and glanced left and right at all the death claws that had fallen down the hatch. The servitor turned around with a dull closing sound, and suddenly used his dry arm filled with mechanical hoses to pull the door. Remove the lever on the terminal.

As the lever suddenly lowered, all the landing cabins around the servitor fell down instantly. The diamond-shaped death strike landing cabin fell from the exit that opened instantly below, and then quickly passed between the winding sliding rails. The rails on either side of them spattered bright sparks in the dark tunnel.

Under the beating of Mars, the front armor of the landing cabin flickered in the firelight, and then the firelight disappeared instantly, because the landing cabin had drilled out from the exit at the end of the tunnel and plunged into the endless cold void. , the twinkling starlight from overhead shines on the back of the landing cabin,

Above their heads, countless flashes of light lit up on the side of the Chaos battleship floating around the Dream. The macro cannon roared silently in the vacuum and fired a row of rapid shells. The roaring warheads suddenly bombarded the ship. Above the heads of the landing cabins, the Dream's void shield instantly shone and caught a violent explosion.

The light spear turret above the hull slowly turned around, and a bright beam of light lit up instantly. A huge beam of light whizzed past the heads of the landing pods, and the light of the light beam also instantly illuminated the landing pod rushing forward. their backs.

The shells fired from the far-end battleship bombarded the shield side of the Long Fantasy, and the flames that exploded instantly lit up all the landing cabins launched from the belly of the ship.

Countless flashing landing cabins sprayed bright flames from the end, and they rushed towards the strike cruiser in front. The death strike landing cabin passed by the jumping gang landing cabin from the opponent's warship, and hit each other head-on. On their respective departing battleships.

While the side deck of the Fantasy flashed with countless hot-melt cutting lights, the Wailers' landing bay also smashed into the back of the strike cruiser. They smashed in from the dome of the glass windows of the towering black hall on the back of the battleship. The landing bay The colored glass was shattered, and in the reflection of the falling glass debris, it hit one side of the wall in the church.

The steel impact surface at the end collided violently with the black church wall. A statue of an Iron Warrior standing there was instantly shattered. The wreckage of the collapsed statue fell from the air. The huge boulder wreckage hit the ground and raised a cloud. dust.

The mortal servants of the Iron Warriors on the ground of the circular church suddenly stepped back. They avoided the countless rubble of church walls that fell around them. The wreckage of the collapsed statue suddenly crashed to the ground, and in The landing cabin crashed down instantly behind him, smashing the remaining body of the statue on the ground.

And there was more than just one login cabin, there were more than a dozen login cabins that rained down from under the dome. They all hit the ground in an instant, and stopped in the midst of a shattering and dancing floor. The plasma thrusters The extinguished smoke is rising from below.

The mortal servants of the Rebel Legion looked at the landing cabin in front of them with their guns in hand. They stared at the dim hatch surrounded by a dark church, staring at the hatch branded with the Imperial Sky Eagle, the golden eagle in the dim The space seemed low and dark.

But everything soon changed. The cabin door crashed down, and a roaring bomb was fired from the door. The flying bomb instantly shattered the body of a mortal, and his body exploded in an instant. It sprayed out in all directions. The mortal traitor beside him was startled and raised his gun to aim forward, but his body was blown apart instantly.

A wailer strode out of the darkness in the login cabin. He opened fire violently with a bolt gun, and behind him, more wailers also stepped out of the login cabin. The moment they came out, they headed towards There was fierce fire all around, and the flashing bolter muzzle lights lit up countless fires, illuminating the Imperial Skyhawk symbol on the landing bay above their heads.

Amidst the sound of gunfire, several mourners took a few steps to both sides to make way. They continued to fire and shoot. The flickering light of the gunfire illuminated Malakin who came out from behind them. He wore a He put on the chapter leader's winged battle helmet and walked out from behind the warriors with a power sword in hand.

Malakin looked around and saw a large group of mourners walking out of the surrounding landing pods. They walked out of the death claws and immediately formed a fire line and fired forward. They stood on the central ruins of the church. A whole row of mourners, their guns constantly firing, stretched out a straight wall of light all around.

Amid the constant gunfire around him, Vito also walked out of the landing cabin. After getting out of the hatch, he raised his head and looked around at the soldiers who kept firing. The flames from their muzzles illuminated Vito. His face also illuminated Malakin’s helmeted face in the distance.

Vito looked towards Malakin, who nodded to the marshal and then clenched the power sword in his hand. Vito then suddenly pulled out the Phoenix Sword from his waist. The burning blade was instantly raised, and the fire blinked. In an instant, the long sword was lit and burned in the dark church.

"Sons of Sanguinius, follow me."

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