Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 69 Vulkan—Lord of Fire Dragons

Chapter 68 Vulkan—Lord of the Fire Dragon (please order first, monthly tickets please)

“This is truly a beautiful place.”

Kano somewhat admired himself for being able to maintain humor in such a harsh environment.

He was standing in the storm bird's cabin, his left hand firmly grasping the gravity net above his head, and half of his body stretched out from the open hatch.

The whole world was enveloped in flames, and the earth was black and red. Black represents the solidified magma, while red represents the part that has not yet solidified in the hot state.

The light of the stars was completely obscured by the lead-gray volcanic ash.

But even so.

Some dim light can still be seen in the sky.

Those lights may look like inconspicuous fireflies at first glance, but they actually represent beacons of human civilization.

Even in the harsh environment of Atum.

Humanity is still tenaciously taking root here, establishing military bases and necessary communication facilities.

This is a beacon watching the darkness. Once the war spreads along the dark route to the Talas galaxy, the human legions stationed on Atum can buy precious time for other planets in the galaxy.

In Kano's eyes, the Milky Way is so vast.

But it's incredible that war can actually fill it up.


A powerful hurricane is coming.

Hot volcanic ash choked Kano's face, and he was thankful that his breathing grille was not blocked by the dust.

The violent airflow hit the Stormbird, and for a moment Kano felt like he was free falling. The engines then recharged and the pilot regained control of the aircraft.

"This world brings us no less threats than those greenskins."

Kano said with a frown.

"Then let them try." A ferocious voice like a fanatic came from behind Kano.

That was Amit, the commander of the fifth company.

He wore blood-stained Terminator armor, covered with dense bullet marks and scratches from various melee weapons.

He was not wearing a helmet, and the expression on his face was somewhere between the ferocity of a butcher and the elegance of a killer. In Kano's judgment, Amit must be one of the most dangerous people in the Ninth Legion.

Fortunately, they are comrades.

It must be terrifying to be an enemy of such a monster.


Another hurricane struck.

The Storm Bird, which had finally stabilized, lost its balance again, and its body shook violently.

The left wing is raised upward, as if it is about to turn 360 degrees in the air.

On the other side of the volcano.

The center of the volcano is erupting crazily.

Nearly a quarter of the mountaintop was blown away, sending huge volcanic debris roaring down to the plains below.

A huge piece of molten rock as big as a meteorite flew towards the Storm Bird, and even the most skilled pilot could not avoid it in such a harsh scene.


Violent vibrations came from beneath my feet.

Kano heard the sound of something colliding and cracking. The engine was instantly overloaded, and a large amount of thick smoke billowed out from the damaged cabin below.

"Servos out of control!"


The pilot's voice sounded in the cabin, full of despair and urgency, "We have lost all visibility, we are falling!"

The sky was filled with flying volcanic ash, and the burning gas engulfed the Storm Bird.

Rubbles fell from all directions, and ashes hit the cabin like hail, making a dense sound.

at a certain moment.

Kano saw a giant wave of magma tens of meters high tearing through the thick fog, roaring past at speeds exceeding hundreds of kilometers per hour, destroying everything in its path.

The whole world is wrapped in red and gray.

Continuous muffled sounds came through the burning clouds in front of me.

The crimson earth was rapidly enlarging as the sky was spinning. Kano saw Amit walking quickly past him, and then jumped off the open hatch of the Storm Bird without hesitation.

Kano was shocked by such crazy behavior, but he had no other choice at this time.

All I can do is grit my teeth.

After selecting an open landing spot, follow closely behind.


When his legs touched the solid ground, Kano's hanging heart finally relaxed.

He probably fell from a height of about fifty or sixty meters.

This height is not fatal to the Space Marines. What is really fatal is to fall directly into the magma lake.

Even wearing fully armed power armor cannot survive for long in the magma at thousands of degrees. The fatal high temperature will suffocate the Space Marines into delicious canned meat.

Amit would definitely like——

Kano thought hummingly in his heart.

Because by chance he encountered a scene where a soldier was suffering from blood thirst, Kano was now considered a "core" member of the Ninth Legion.

He knew that the original Ninth Legion soldiers had a tradition of feasting on corpses.

And it has a long history.

Amit and Azkelon are among the representative figures.

After the angels returned to the Legion, this inheritance was not completely eliminated.

It's just that it was moved from the bright side to the dark side. The Feast of Corpses still exists in the Legion, but it has become a secret that will not be actively talked about.

Kano landed on a towering cone-shaped volcano.

It stands on a piece of molten lava, the hot magma is shining with dazzling firelight, and the golden river flows through the ancient shadows.

The initial slope of this huge volcano was extremely steep, but halfway up the mountain where Kano is located, the terrain suddenly eased.

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The flanks here are extremely open, and there are basically no traces of magma flow.

Even a new recruit like Kano can tell.

This place is easy to defend but difficult to attack. One man can guard the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it.

Perfect for building a fort.

In fact, the angel had the same plan.

The first batch of heavy armored units had been placed on the hillside by a heavy transport ship, and the remaining storm birds entered from different angles.

Their engines roared to enable them to land as smoothly as possible against the harsh local natural environment.


Kano heard the violent sound of the explosion.

He followed the sound and saw that the Storm Bird he had just been riding on was being swallowed by the rolling magma.

A large number of bubbles rolled up and popped up. Thinking of the desperate cry of the pilot when the Storm Bird crashed, Kano's mood suddenly became gloomy.

Until now.

He didn't know if any of his companions had escaped from the cabin before the crash.

The harsh natural environment did not stop the determination and will of the Ninth Legion and the Eighteenth Legion to conquer the world and resist the orcs.

More airships arrived one by one, and a large number of shadows appeared above Kano's head, with different shapes.

There was the roar of overloaded engines everywhere, and flames fell on the black ground.


The volcano erupted again.

The surrounding visibility dropped to zero, and the full battlefield perception system on Kano's helmet screen showed a dazzling red.

The surrounding environment became increasingly hot and unbearable, and Kano felt like a shrimp trapped in a can that would soon be opened to enjoy.

But even the environment is so bad.

In front of Kano, the towering fortress walls were still built at an astonishing speed, and thick black gun barrels extended outward from the reserved shooting holes with a daunting momentum. Kano's ears were filled with static and intermittent shouting from the communication channel.

As the ground continued to shake and bulge, Kano felt that the wall in front of him might collapse at any time.

But no.

as Kano placed his fingers on the hot steel.

He could feel its solidity and the determination of every soldier in the legion.

Finally, as the dim days of Atum gave way to even darker nights, every aspect of the fortress was ready.

But the soldiers of the 18th Legion will continue to strengthen the fortress before the arrival of the orcs.

The soldiers of the 18th Legion are not like the 9th Legion who only know how to kill people. Not only are they powerful warriors, they are also excellent craftsmen.

Legend has it that the bolters and power swords they used were made by themselves with hammers. This craftsmanship is truly admirable and can play a great role in complex battlefield environments.

Most of the soldiers stayed in the fortress making final preparations for the upcoming war.

However, the Archangel Sanguinius, the chief commander of the Holy Blood Guard Azkelon, the fifth company commander Amit, and the 18th Legion's Vaughn, Nomin and others were discussing something outside the fortress.

What surprised Kano was that Radolon, the chief company commander, was not here at the moment.

When Kano came over.

The Archangel and others are discussing the name of this fortress.

"Just call it Dragon's Blood." The Archangel looked at the lake formed by the magma in the distance and said softly: "If we can win this war, then this will become a monument."

"A monument to the friendship between the two regiments."

Vaughan said solemnly: "We will be honored by this, if we can survive."


A small assault craft came down with the roar of its engines.

The hatch opened, and Radolon walked out of the flashing red cabin first, followed by more than a dozen mortal commanders behind him.

"Archangel, I have brought people here." Ladoron nodded in greeting.

"You're just wasting your time."

Amit frowned and said: "These mortals have exhausted all their energy just by living here.

Bringing them here will only cause us more trouble. "


The angel's soft voice sounded, "Please don't be so rude to our comrades."

She patted Amit on the shoulder to calm Zi Si's emotions, then came to the mortal officer and bowed slightly, saying, "Thank you for coming here and helping us."

Angels act naturally.

Her humility comes from the bottom of her heart and her gratitude is beyond words.

A living Primarch appeared before him, so humble and courteous.

The mortal officers seemed a little at a loss. The speeches they had repeated dozens of times in their hearts were thrown out of the sky, and they had no idea what to say at this time.

It was Radolon who took the initiative to help them rescue the siege: "These imperial commanders have been stationed on Atum for at least ten years. They are very familiar with the environment here. With their help, we will be able to help them in the next step." We can take advantage of the situation in the war."

"Every volcano here is like my wife."

One of them, a dark-faced veteran with gray temples, hesitated and said: "I know their nature well, I can clearly judge the time and scale of each volcanic eruption, and there have never been any mistakes in decades. "

"If what you say is true, the harsh environment of Atum will become an excellent weapon for us to defeat the orcs." A look of joy appeared on the angel's face, "You will play a key role in this war. ”

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"We just hope to survive this war."

The mortal officer sighed slightly, "Only the living victories can be remembered."


On the other side of the starry sky.

Nocturne, the ancient world of death.

The earth groaned under the shadow of the volcano, and the huge volcano woke up from its shallow dream.

The whole world trembled because of His awakening, and huge cracks thousands of meters wide appeared on the plains.

The flesh and blood of the earth was exposed, and the pulse of the Nocturne stars reflected them red.

Pale yellow sulfur clouds floated over the plains, and the boundless sea of ​​ash lit up red in the night.

A tall giant appears in the dilapidated town.

His complexion was dark and he only wore a simple dark green leather jacket.

Large pieces of strong and powerful muscles were exposed. His body seemed to be hotter than the rolling magma not far away, and the surrounding air was naturally distorted by his appearance.

He walked straight towards the giant obelisk that stood in the center of the town, letting the scalding heat waves and flames beat on him.

Huge basalt rocks tower into the air dozens of meters high.

But its foundation in the ground is more complicated. Vulkan carved the stele and buried it in the land of Nocturne himself.

This stone monument has stood here for several natural reincarnations.

It is a beacon on the steppe and a shadow pointing to the fire of death, where the ashes of countless warriors are buried.

"It's been too long."

Vulgan said calmly: "I have been working hard since I was separated from you last time. I have changed, Nocturne Starry Night has changed, it has changed too much. Our people are now better than ever. All are safer. The Dark Eldar that harassed us were eliminated by me, and the whole world was wrapped in a shield from outside. "

“In Nocturne, my mission has been accomplished.

But across the galaxy, my mission has only just begun. Just like protecting Nocturne day and night, more terrifying threats are impacting humans throughout the galaxy, and other planets need our protection. The Great Crusade needs us, the Emperor needs us, and all of humanity needs us to realize its dreams. "

The Primarch thought of all the hells he had seen while following the Emperor, and he said in a low voice:

"When darkness comes, I must stand up. I have such power that I cannot stand by. I must make a place for the innocent."

The flames struck Vulcan again.

He could feel the familiar geological movements coming from Nocturne.

Violent tremors deep in the earth passed through Vulcan's flesh and reached his spine. But his steps were extremely steady, not affected by the trembling surroundings at all.

He has two fathers.

The father who raised him is dead, but another father still needs him.

"Father, I have learned what you taught me. It's time, it's time for me to join this great cause." He pursed his lips and showed a smile, "My Nocturne Star Army is ready to go. Can you tell me to go out? When is that date?"

A golden light descended from Vulkan's side.

He turned and saw a large figure walking towards him through the flames and ashes.

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