Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 70 Jumping gangs to fight against the moon!

Chapter 69 Jumping gangs to fight against the moon! (Please make your first order and monthly tickets!)

Although it was already night, the golden armor on the visitor still shone like the sun.

He is Vulkan's other father, the Emperor of Mankind.

He looked pale.

The body appears translucent.

Vulkan could see through him the deathfire on the volcano in the distance.

But even if it was just a projection, the majesty emanating from the Lord of Mankind was equally strong every time Vulkan looked at the Emperor. He was always humbled and inspired by this great being.

"My child, it's time."

The Emperor's projection was taller and more radiant than Vulkan's.

Light up the whole town.

His voice drowned out the thunder of distant volcanoes and echoed clearly in Vulkan's ears:

"Look at what's happening in the Starfield of Talas today, my son," the Emperor said. "Look at the world of Atum, which is under threat."

"May I ask where I can find something?"

"Your sister, your other half. They are fighting against the orcs raging from the Andros galaxy, and now they need your help."

"Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" Vulcan's face was full of confusion.

"Because you were not ready at that time, and you had not yet mastered the power you should have." The Emperor warned his heirs, "But now, it is time to leave Nocturne. Now set out for Atum to meet See your sister and save your children."

"I will win this victory for you!" Vulkan promised.

"You will return in triumph with your legion and your sister." The emperor's figure disappeared into the night.


"This group of orcs are coming, brothers, please be alert!"

The voice of Nomine, the second company commander of the 18th Legion, sounded in the high-priority communication channel. This cousin's voice is very unique, full of vitality no matter how harsh the environment.

He never seems to be defeated by the difficulties before him, nor does he ever feel tired.

But Cano was beginning to feel tired.

The war on the planet Atum has lasted for dozens of days and nights. The greenskins continued to fall from the battle moon like hailstones to the volcanic ridges bordering the southern plains. Rushing forward, like a green wave that never retreats.

Are their numbers really infinite?

When will this war end? Will he die on this savage planet?

Kano raised his head.

At the moment when the volcanic cloud was torn open by artillery fire, above the pale yellow sulfur cloud line, a huge and bright moon hung in the dark night sky.

That was not a real moon, but a super giant battleship of the orcs.

Set against the dark red volcanic magma, the Battle Moon, which occupies almost half of the sky, actually has a unique beauty.

Under the dim light of the battle moon.

Countless orc warships flew in from a distance like buzzing swarms of flies.

Kano quickly retracted his divergent thoughts, marked the location where the orcs appeared with the full battlefield perception system, and then passed it to the technical sergeant in the fortress.

The towering walls of the Dragon Blood Fortress have been dyed dark green by the blood of the orcs, and there are many mottled marks on the thick barrels.


The heavy laser cannon fired violently.

The war horn was sounded again after a brief interval. Kano, led by the commander of the fifth company, Amit, shot at the orcs. Groups of barrages fell from the sky with brilliant tracers, like the sword waved by the god of death. Harvesting the lives of the orcs like a scythe.

But their number is endless -

The orcs used the remains of their companions to flatten the trench filled with lava.

Brandishing the crudely made live ammunition weapon or the rusty melee weapon in his hand, he charged towards the Dragon Blood Fortress.

The two sides entered a hand-to-hand combat mode. They fought each other on the cracked mountain. Rolling torrents of magma spewed out from the cracks in the mountain as the volcano shook.

Kano first raised his hand and threw a black thunderbolt, turning the orcs into ashes.

In the midst of a brutal war.

Kano became increasingly skilled in the use of his psychic powers.

The power erupted from the center of the psychic lightning is the most destructive. Even a fully armed Space Marine will be severely injured and his activities will be restricted for a certain period of time.

The lightning can also spread outward in a chain, causing damage to enemies in large groups.

Even the attenuated thunder cannot instantly kill an orc with a savage physique.

But the destructive power contained in it is still enough to cause the orc's muscles to spasm and fall into a state of paralysis unable to move.

A large piece of green skin twitched in place.

Kano didn't even need to use his bolter to finish up, and the orcs were torn apart alive by the impatient comrades behind them.

"It's really barbaric." Kano swallowed, feeling dizzy.

After becoming a Space Marine.

Kano's psychic power has increased significantly, and this growth is still continuing.

But the continuous overuse still made Kano feel an uncontrollable fatigue. Fatigue means that reaction speed begins to decrease, and the perception of the surrounding battlefield becomes less sensitive. In such a brutal war, even the slightest mistake can lead to fatal consequences.


Amidst the deafening roar, a huge beast suddenly jumped over the lava group and rushed towards Kano.

The beast was holding an ax in its hand. Although the blade of the ax had become rusty, it was still big enough to break an ordinary person's limbs as easily as branches.

The orc hit Kano's head with a tomahawk. Kano only felt his head buzzing, his eyes were spinning, and he didn't even feel much pain at the first time.

Fortunately he was wearing a helmet.

Although Kano had already flown seven or eight meters away, the parts on his body were still intact.

When the orc boss saw this scene, he became furious.

Its terrifying figure is much taller than the fully armed Terminator Astartes. It is covered with simple metal plate armor, and its muscles like the roots of an old tree are exposed in the red light of the burning flames.

He roared and ran towards Kano like a mountain of flesh, vowing to take away his life.

But a scarlet figure stopped in front of the orc boss.

It's Amit, he--

He turned sideways to dodge the orc's powerful and heavy blow, and followed the trend with a roundhouse slash across the orc's trembling chest.

The buzzing chainsword tore through the rusty armor of the orcs, leaving a bone-deep scar on the monster's body, and large amounts of crimson blood spurted out.

He licked his lips and swallowed the orc's smelly blood like nectar.

Some memories welled up in his throat.

The huge battle ax slashed towards the front door with the sound of tearing cloth, and Amit raised his head to avoid it.

He was not wearing a helmet, and the feeling of the wind rushing through his throat made him ecstatic. In return, he thrust out the chainsword with his backhand and accurately hit the orc's jaw.

The orc's iron teeth collided with the sharp blade of the chain sword, and sparks spurted out along with plasma, splashing all over Amit's face.

Thick and warm blood!

Amit didn't care that his handsome face was stained with scarlet.


Violent explosions from volcanic eruptions.

The golden-red lava roared past at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, and the mountain below them shook violently.

But this had no impact on Amit, he only regarded it as a tribute to himself. While the orc boss fell sideways, Amit struck again.


This time he took away the orc's eyes.

The dying beast fell into darkness, hysterical with rage.

Amit nimbly dodged every blade swung by the orc, and silently circled behind him.

The chain sword spit out a sharp blow like a poisonous snake, and the scorching single-molecule blade cut open the Achilles tendon on the orc's foot.

The huge body he was proud of turned into a drag. He couldn't control his body and fell forward - in front of him was a rapidly flowing river of lava!

When flesh and blood came into contact with lava, the orcs' turbid roar sounded.

Amit fires to silence the guy.

Kano was dazed not far away and was stunned. The fighting skills displayed by Amit at this time were simply like a dream.

It seemed that what he had just faced was not some giant orc boss commanding an army, but a piece of meat steak on the chopping board.

Kano's shock only lasted for two breathless seconds.


Amit noticed his little brother.

He stepped forward unceremoniously and kicked Kano hard on the butt, making a clanking sound as the steel collided. "Get up if you're still alive. The war isn't over yet!"

Kano gritted his teeth.

He climbed up from the ground with a groan.

As the orc boss was easily killed by Amit, the war on the Dragon Blood Fortress was gradually coming to an end.

But on the other side.

In the due south direction, about seven or eight kilometers away.

On a volcano called Crucible No. 2, the war is in full swing.

The two leaders of the Legion, Vaughn and Azkelon, are leading the most elite warriors of the Ninth and Eighteenth Legions to fight against the tide of orcs on this volcano.

They just relied on simple defenses to repel the ferocious attacks of the orcs again and again.

More orcs were drawn to the volcano by the war.

Viewed from a distance.

The huge volcano seemed to be covered with a layer of dark green moss, and as the barrages fell, bloody flowers bloomed on the surface.

"Give our cousins ​​a little support."

Amit gave the order, and his voice became calm and cold, losing the madness from the battle just now, "Don't let these reckless guys die somewhere, otherwise my mother will be sad."


Vaughn was fighting among the hordes of orcs.

He was holding a composite twin-linked heavy bolter in his hand. This heavy weapon should have been installed on an infantry fighting vehicle and could only be used by an extremely strong Astartes like Vaughan alone.

Accompanied by the recoil that shook the chest, the orange flames tore apart any green skin that dared to approach the position.

Orcs were everywhere.

The bloodshed and chaos of war are interpreted to the extreme at this moment.

Everyone on this battlefield was in a state of darkness, and Vaughn's overheated brain was not even sure whether his teammates were still alive.

at a certain moment.

Everything in front of the chief company commander's eyes seemed to turn into a huge whirlpool.

He was sucked into this whirlpool of red and black, and everything around him lost its original shape.

There was a chaos of artillery fire and green-skinned flesh and blood everywhere. He had lost his sense of distance. There was only a large amount of flying volcanic ash in front of him, with a few beams of fire flashing from time to time.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

All his senses were being stripped away, and he felt like he was sinking deeper and deeper into the whirlpool of war, almost unable to breathe.


Accompanied by a cold red sword light.

Groups of orcs suddenly disappeared from sight, and the desperate sense of oppression disappeared.

Vaughn felt that he could breathe again. He was panting violently, and an angel came from nowhere and landed beside him.

"Retreat now!"

The angel gave the order, "I'm here to buy you time!"

A blood-red Stormbird appeared behind him, the hatch opened outwards, and Vaughn took his soldiers and left quickly without hesitation.

But when the opportunity came to Azkelon, the warrior hesitated. He argued loudly: "I am your guard, how can I leave before my master?"


As he spoke, he accurately shot the green-skinned one close to the angel in the head.

Sticky blood shot out along with the broken skull, and the orc's tall body fell helplessly.

"Go, go, go!"

The angel urged, "You don't have wings, don't waste your life here."

Azkelon gritted his teeth and followed Vaughn.

The Stormbird soared into the sky with a roar of engines and disappeared into the clouds, while Angel remained alone on Crucible Two, fighting against the hordes of orcs.

Her martial arts skills are unparalleled in the world.

The Orks were slaughtered with speed and precision that even the Space Marines could not distinguish.


The moment a huge vibration came from the mountain.

The angel spread his ice-white wings, caught the storm, and disappeared into the clouds into a blur of white light.

The firelight in the thick fog became brighter and brighter, and the whole world shook.

Scarlet lightning flashed in the dark clouds, and millions of tons of hot magma spewed out, rushing towards the surroundings at a storm-like speed.

The orcs were engulfed by the crimson wave, and most of the orcs turned into ashes without even screaming.

Only the largest and most WAAAGH orcs can survive the short time in the magma.

But this doesn't change anything.

Hundreds of thousands of orcs were struggling in the magma lake. It was a purgatory-like scene on earth, but it made every Astartes who saw this scene feel very happy.

The Storm Bird landed on the landing pad behind the Dragonblood Fortress, where Amit, Nomin, Radolon and other commanders had already been waiting.

When Azkelon and Vaughan walked out of the storm bird, the angel also descended from the sky and returned to the crowd.

"It's good to see you're okay."

Azkelon looked at the angel up and down, breathed a sigh of relief, and then naturally took out a clean towel from his power armor to help the angel clean up the ashes and blood stains on the feathers.

"Once again you saved our lives and we admire your strength and kindness."

Vaughan looked at the angel and spoke dryly.

For a rough guy like him, these two sentences are the highest compliments he can think of.


The angel nodded slightly, her cheeks stained with ash and engine oil.

These filth did not damage the angel's appearance, but made her look more lovely.

"We won, but this victory is only temporary." Amit spoke in a deep voice, interrupting everyone's greetings. He looked up at the huge moon hanging in the night sky, "Unless the fighting moon is removed, this war will never end."

"Everything we did in this war was to get rid of it."

Radolon spoke.

The plan is simple, through high-intensity battles on Atum planet, weaken the battle moon's defense power.

When the time comes, gang up on this savage creation.

Since the Storm Torpedo cannot cause damage to the Battle Moon externally, find a way to ignite it internally.

"But I have to say that such an action is too crazy." Amit said again.

His stern face was full of worry: "The Storm Torpedo is a behemoth half a kilometer long, and there are endless orcs in the Battle Moon, and its internal structure is as complex as a maze. And an orc of this size must have warboos inside it Sitting in charge..."

"But it's the only solution we can think of."

The angel said with a serious expression.


There was a sound in her communication channel, and the angel's attention was attracted by it.

She paused briefly, then a bright smile broke out on her face.

The angel's eyes fell on Vaughn. When the chief company commander heard the next words, his two hearts almost stopped beating due to excitement.

"Vulkan, your father has arrived with an entire fleet. Our plan will be successful!"

Thank you everyone for your monthly passes and subscriptions!

These two chapters are almost 10,000 words, so I’m going to bed now, and I’ll continue to update the follow-up plot when I get up tomorrow!

Good night!

I wish you all a happy Children's Day and be as happy and carefree as children every day!

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