Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 1 Bao, are you, the Queen of Glory, loyal?

Roaring, resenting, struggling.

Memory carries tears, trust delivers deception.

The bound shell has only revenge.

This is an indescribable shadow.

The lotus is in full bloom.

Where no one knows.

The powerful existence that was tearing apart the fallen flame suddenly stopped.

A jet-black feather, a trace of the essence that does not exist in this world, was stripped away and taken away.

Like the sinking of an abyss, on a starless night, as if you can't see it, what's the name?

The shadow opened countless eyes, and the colorful irises rotated on the eyeballs.

Darkness begins to hunt.

who is it? who is it? Who is stealing again? Who intends to deceive?

The hunting claws tightened.

The lotus falls.

There was only a hint of ancient charm left on the claw tips, which were scattered into ashes.

In the distant and dark forty-first millennium, there is only...


Lamizane reluctantly opened his eyes.

Some kind of built-in timing device "told" him that his eyes recorded the scene here 1.52 standard tera seconds ago.

On the retina, strings with strange fonts and syntax are still flashing crazily one after another.

But he “understands.”

It was very strange, and very... He didn't know whether he should be afraid, because an inexplicable intuition told him that fear should not be his emotion.

The unfamiliar yet familiar furnace smoke rushes into his nasal cavity, leaving waves of irony taste on the tip of his tongue.

He can even taste the trace components of each element... Wait, what kind of animal does this smell like?

No, no, his smell shouldn't be here...

Lamizane closed his eyes with the last bit of luck.

The picture unfolds, every program, every code, a look, a gesture...

See everything but see through nothing.

The beeps of warning messages, the light spots that wrap around the dark planet like dewy spider webs, the subtle but numerous changes and messages like swarms of bees all over the giant ship...

Countless data streams continued to flow towards him, and the giant ship and her captain "breathed" silently together.

He can hear *every* message within communication range.

Thinking about it, the outsider carefully tried to immerse himself in this huge data complex for a second.

One second shouldn't be anything...?

In an instant, he realized that "he" was floating in a vacuum, but this vacuum was both pure black and colorful. Starlight traveled through time and space in a twisted way. Under his feet, a huge dark planet was like a living thing. Beating slowly like a heart.

Lamizane suddenly opened his eyes.

He panted violently and took in big gulps of air, even though he naturally knew that his body didn't "need" to breathe like this at all.

The moment he saw the planet, more communications, information and data flooded into his vision and mind, too much. His spirit told him that he would feel collapsed and suffocated at this moment, although another part of him told him His body functions are functioning normally.

Like a drowning person, Lamizane desperately floated "up" in the endless ocean of data. He somehow knew that he could not stay because there were countless shadows waiting under the abyss of the starry sky like eyes.

This time, the vast data flow seemed to finally realize his urgency. It automatically cut off most of the data flow and "considerately" moved a blank area in his vision. The picture presented to him was still the huge, An empty studio with the charm of the classical era.

This is a domed hall with only an entrance and no windows. Its walls and floors are forged from fine gold and other materials engraved with text.

Static niches on the wall contain exquisite relief fragments made of gold and silver, and white marble statues - most of them are in a state as if someone had carefully excavated the fragments from the ruins and then carefully removed them. Glue it bit by bit to bring back the old look as much as possible.

One wall is decorated with ancient and complex mosaic collage murals, depicting a crowd surrounding a person with a golden disk behind his head; faded paintings hang in a static position, and you can see mothers and children, hugging each other. A woman of unknown animals and a man accompanied by a lion.

Various magnificent or magnificent architectural plan drawings, protractors, T-rules and other measuring tools, and stacks of scrolls may seem chaotic but are piled up in an orderly manner on the side of the heavy workbench. Sculptors, engineers, and naturalists The tools and supplies of generals, soldiers, and politicians are listed at the same time.

If there is anything more compelling to look at on these stunning workbenches, it is the hundreds of decorations and models made of various common and precious materials.

It includes mini jeweled eggs that open with several layers of scenes, ancient plucked string instruments made of extinct shellfish and wood, movable dolls with human, mechanical and alien appearances, and models of automatic robots that are so exquisite that you can see the details with a magnifying glass.

However, these exquisite objects now show a feeling of being neglected for a long time. The latest works on the workbench are all products that serve the war.

There is an unfinished sword blade on the charred anvil, and the unextinguished fire shines with a bright golden-red light.

And he - currently sitting on the chair in the center of the workshop, a long-handled war hammer that looks very heavy is leaning on his hand. It is as long as a mortal, with lightning-like veins all over the hammer body, and it is decorated with gold and amber. The sparkle makes this murder weapon appear even more ruthless in the luxurious aesthetic taste of the maker.

The pressure from his torso and limbs suggested that they were all wrapped in thick layers of specially-made Terminator power armor. He was not wearing a helmet, but a massive amount of data flashed across his retinas every microsecond at a speed that would make a mortal faint. torrent.

Lamizane blinked, trying to ignore any hints about "false emperor, plan, warmaster, Abaddon, expedition, Iron Warriors" among the many messages that he didn't want to see at the moment.

No, why here? It's time for me to wake up!

He pursed his lips, tightened his face, screamed inwardly and secretly clenched his fists, hoping that this damn nightmare that had been going on for a long time would end immediately.

The heart beats too fast.

Even scarier is the feeling of more than one heart beating.

Those who are not of this world sit there.

He gritted his teeth.

Let the dream wake up.

The response to this command was an even greater flow of data, questioning inquiries, and warning beeps that bombarded his brain—his brain was fine, but his spirit/mind/soul/or something similar was like a flood. A rocking boat.

"He" was dizzy inside this huge and suffocatingly sophisticated power coffin - the power armor, floating and sinking.

The inanimate people seemed to be about to notice something. They looked and whispered, and their eyes were filled with darkness.

The newcomer is confused, and his instinct is making him rise from the embrace of the dark night.


A white furry paw moved from the input device next to the seat and patted Lamizane's leg armor angrily.

The rich smell of animal fur, rough warm flesh pads and hard nails bring a variety of all-round sensory experiences to the sensitive armor sensors and dutiful alarm system. After a thrill, the person in the armor is successfully pulled back. A reality that I don’t want to face.

"Ah, ah, my treasure! Pepe (PEPEA)! Why are you still in this ghost place?!"


Lamizane hugged his furry pet border collie at a speed that was extremely disproportionate to its huge size.

"I just took a nap... Why did it look like this when I woke up? Why?! I've obviously already joined the library and can fish comfortably until I retire! Why are you here?!"

He tried painfully to grab his hair, but the dense tangle of cables within his fingertips only made his scalp sting and sparkle.

Then the newcomer screamed again, this time as the biodata cable from his nostrils to his brain was ripped out, and he jumped to throw it aside.

The bleeding stopped instantly, and he realized at the same time that the internal wounds were beginning to repair at an unnatural speed.

Alarms echoed throughout the space.

The huge giant hugged the sheepdog with a mournful face, and frantically called the void with various titles from Emperor to Big E to Old Man and King in Yellow, trying to call the Golden Throne Traveler Miracle Hotline, but the result was just It’s the blaring sirens and the increasingly panicky mess of communications.

Bian Mu, who was completely shocked by his crazy operation, came to his senses, raised his paw and viciously slapped his own face, which was crying like a bastard.

A majestic and rich bass sounded clearly in Lamizane's mind.

"Fortunately, I activated the backup protection in time... Can you figure out some key questions before you go crazy, such as whose body you are using now?"

"Who's talking?! Pe... Pei?!"

When finally, under the guidance of telepathic communication from the border shepherd who claimed to be Perturabo, he witnessed his own appearance projected from the mechanical eyes of the iron ring guards - wrapped in a body with traces of thousands of years of conquest and yellow and black stripes. When the Fourth Primarch, now the Demon Lord of Undivided Chaos, was inserted into the huge iron coffin-like armor with a head full of pitch-black cables and a complexion as pale as a corpse, Lamizane succeeded in using the tyrant's vocal cords to utter the words. The strangled drake crows.

"Uh uh uh... uh uh..."

"What's your reaction?"

"(Gutella swears and yells) I found myself inexplicably falling into this cesspit. The universe didn't scream like a fart right away. It's interesting enough. (Gutella swears) Seeing me dressed as a demon... After that, Perturabo turned into a dog and talked to me. I feel like I can’t breathe now, baby!!!!”

"...What's wrong with becoming me?" Bian Mu took a deep breath, as if he was resisting the urge to bite the throat of the person in front of him. "It's not my wish to become a demon...don't use my voice to make duck calls! Shut up you idiot!"

"...Even if it's a dream to fall into this universe, it's still too much. How can you name your pet dog Perturabo and then find that he actually starts giving you orders in Perturabo's tone?"

Ramizane, or Perturabo's shell, muttered as he tried to stroke the dog's head through his power armor gloves.

The border collie looked like he wanted to tear Ramizane's soul out of his body and replace it.

"Listen, I'm your dog...No, I'm not your dog! I'm Perturabo!...I've had enough! Lamizane Carosini! You are the most Accept me at once, Perturabo, Lord of the Iron Warriors, Lord of Iron, in this...animal body, and you, a weak, foolish mortal, have the privilege of stealing this in my extraordinary body. Fact! Now, calm down!"

A duet of deep spiritual growls and barks of sheepdogs echoed beneath the high dome.

Lamizane gasped and forced himself to calm down. He was shocked and his face wrinkled. This move pulled many biological external cables on his scalp and forehead.

Seeing that the pure black eyes that had not yet wiped away the tears had now lost the gloom, hatred and majesty that were originally filled like burning stars, and were filled with clear stupidity and laughable trust, Bian Mu turned his gaze away unbearably and said Low curse.

A moment later, inside the studio.

"Okay, okay... So, then I am Perturabo now?"

"...Yes and no, you are only temporarily occupying my body, and 'I' am 'Perturabo'!"

"But you are a dog now."

"Shut up!"

"Okay, okay, what about my dog ​​Perturabo?"

"..." Bian Mu reluctantly flicked his tail, "Sleep in my body."

"That's great..." Lamizane let out a long sigh of relief, "Where are we now?"

"On my flagship, the Iron Blood," the dog said angrily.


"Anyway, look at this terrible situation. First, send a clear message to Walter. The content is that everything is safe. Let the Iron Blood continue to maintain orbital synchronization. No one is allowed to come and disturb you."

"How...how to send it? By the way, I have another question..."

"What's wrong!" Perturabo, who looked at his body making squirming gestures, wrinkled his nose and exposed his canine teeth, growling irritably.

"Bao, will you, the Queen of Glory, remain loyal?"


Well, we start with a dog, persecuting Perturabo, and many questions will be revealed slowly (really)

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