Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 2 Why should I be weakened if others are cheating?

"Of course I am loyal to you! Of course I don't mean that loyal!"

After a lot of scrambling - the verbally instructed Primarch Bianmu commented on this as "an Ogryn who can count is better than you" - Lamizane finally found a way to send a clear text communication to the bridge.

After confirming that all the protective shielding measures in the Primarch's private workshop were working properly, one man and one dog (the dog protested fiercely at this pronoun) sat beside the still-extinguished fire of the forge and began to list one by one what they had done so far. Know the information and try to find some reasonable explanations or useful parts.

First of all, they have no clue why such a sensational replacement happened, and they have no memory of the specific process.

The last scene in Lamizane's memory was of him staying up late to finish playing with the chess pieces he just acquired, and then falling asleep.

Perturabo had a gloomy face and obviously didn't want to talk too much. He only said that he opened his eyes after the sudden sleepiness hit him and found that he was in the same situation as his body.

"Pepe, why are you so good at being a dog?"

"Shut up." The dog knocked out a code with his paw skillfully.

Secondly, their minds and bodies have not experienced any super-enhanced changes, nor have they acquired the ability to answer all questions.

Lamizane now has a blind eye to the data stream that has been refreshing in front of his eyes, and he may even feel mentally and physically uncomfortable if he looks at it for a few more times.

"Pepe, I think I may be a bit dizzy with data."

"Weak. Just do it a few more times."

In other words, this uninvited guest with ataxia in all four limbs is still able to move against Perturabo's body, all thanks to the original demonic primarch's meticulously crafted Terminator Armor that has been carefully crafted for decades. ——The powerful self-discipline program and customized servo of LOGOS.

"You might not even be able to beat a new recruit when you fight against people now." Perturabo commented, with an indescribable expression on his face covered with black and white fur.

"You think highly of me. I think I can't even defeat a Seleucid cuirass." Lamizane replied sincerely.

As for Perturabo, he has no other powers except for telepathic communication with Lamizane. His physical form cannot be changed and he cannot use any spiritual powers. Lamizane was horrified to discover that if The distance between them exceeds a certain span, and the feeling of tearing and pulling between the souls and bodies of both parties will become extremely obvious.

He doubted that something very bad would happen if the distance was too great.

LOGOS also thoughtfully calculated various tragic situations of death and pushed them to him.

"...Pepe, can't you block part of the logic rendering calculation function of your armor?"

“You can give me the computing power you don’t need.”

No matter what observation methods and detection methods are used, Perturabo, the Fourth Primarch, the tyrannical ruler of Medrungard, the Lord of the Iron Warriors, the Iron King, the Daemon Lord of Undivided Chaos - today's The physical body is just a beautiful, fluffy, barking ordinary black and white long-haired border collie.

The sounds emitted from his physical vocal cords are always canine syllables that humans cannot understand. The demonic Primarch Bian Mu made a bad comment about this in his telepathic communication: "Burn the Galaxy! Burn the Galaxy!", and if he If you want to use the various functions and data links on your body and the armor of origin, you can only use them indirectly by teaching Lamizane how to activate the pathways.

Because "Sorry, the verification interface you are using does not support this type of organism, please switch to the correct genetic detection mode."

Next, I can’t say whether it’s good or bad.

Lamy Zane's mind was filled with various widely circulated 2K rumors about the 40,000 hammer, 40K hell jokes, fragmented speculation about private goods settings and at least eight different apocryphal fragments on the ancient Internet.

There is probably not even 1/100th of the official content from Nottingham.

And Perturabo has searched the mind of the body he is in, and has come to a conclusion that makes him feel very bad or even extremely bad: Although he generally retains a small part of the common sense from his original body, it is obvious that this time he is completely During the incredible exchange and time travel, the dog's limited wetware brain capacity caused him to lose much more knowledge and memory than he could remember.

Lamizane's comment on this was, "Don't worry, look at Dora... Oh, no, didn't Beliselius Caul forget about it all the way? I think it's much easier for you to communicate like this, and everyone He is very good at talking to cute dogs.”

"Shut up."

Finally, it was unusual for the two of them to be sitting here talking after this exchange, since Lamizane's actions in the beginning were like setting off oversized golden firework flares in the Eye of Terror.

Everyone and one dog had many guesses as to why no one noticed this huge movement, but at least it seems that there is no problem so far, and part of it is probably due to Perturabo's original distrust of living creatures.

"I have a feeling," Perturabo sat on the workbench, unconsciously placing his paw on Lamizane's outstretched hand and thinking, "there must be some involvement of my blood relatives in this matter. , I just don’t know how.”

Thanks to their presence in the core area of ​​the Iron Lord's flagship when the incident occurred, the automation of the Iron Blood's core area and the level of security in the subspace were as strict as fixing the problem.

The shielding protection of Perturabo's studio is particularly strict, and the Primarch Guard is composed of iron-ringed intelligent robots.

As long as the two of them are still within a certain distance, the robot's program seems to judge that there is no problem with the Iron Lord.

All this has largely prevented the person and dog involved from encountering the situation of "taking a Chaos Egg Will Determination when they first arrived before they could figure out the situation" or "being ambushed by the original body guards as soon as they opened their eyes because they thought something was wrong." Such a famous scene.

"Thank God, I thought there was a blue mollusk watching the live broadcast slapping the top of his thigh and laughing out loud while we were talking. Now that's a little better than my worst guess."

Lamizane raised the huge iron glove of the original power armor and drew a precise "thread", pretending not to see the border shepherd Perturabo angrily biting a piece of scrap metal and shaking his head because of toothache. And gave up the picture of this kind of venting of anger.

"But I still want to say, why do other people come here to wear the original body or something like that? They are fathers, sons, filial piety, and then worship gold fingers and cheat and kill everywhere. I am..."

Lamizane closed his mouth under Perturabo's dark gaze.


Lamizane folded his hands in embarrassment and watched Perturabo busy up and down in the studio.

"Pe...Pe...er I mean Perturabo, can you please tell me when we are now after the Heresy?"

Border Collie Perturabo hurriedly jumped onto another workbench and tapped the input device with the tip of his paw, "No. In the Eye of Terror, the timeline is meaningless, you forgot."

"..." Lamizane swallowed his original question silently. "Then what should we do now? In other words, we can't hide here forever, right?"

Bian Mu tilted his head, his bright dark brown almond-shaped eyes looking intently at the messages flashing across the screen.

"Of course, we can first check the recent situation reports of each fortress to check their recent activities in the galaxy, and roughly infer the situation based on this. This report... Tsk, I can't see clearly!"

Lamizane used a novel and somewhat clumsy way to "extend" through the neural link to open the report.

"It's very clear... "Hydra Heart Operation Voyage Log II", there are many appendices and statistical data that can be linked out at the back. - Wait, although I don't know exactly what will happen, but, I I vaguely remember that if it were this time, Robert Guilliman would not have been awakened, the Great Rift had not been opened, and we were in Medlengard... The battle for the Heart of Hydra has ended... so the key person's name is... Hong So?"

Lamizane racked his brains to recall, and the sensitive LOGOS data center immediately delivered the relevant information to his retina, and because the person involved was not good at processing it, it was thrown into the to-do block.

"Honso." The border collie gave him a stern look, wrinkled its nose, and tapped the input device impatiently with the tips of its paws, adding files related to Honso to the search.

"Dogs are color-deficient, and the background colors of the text of this report and its highlight bars are inappropriate green and yellow. Honso... I hear his name mentioned all the time, even though I have never met this half-breed. "

"...I really didn't expect you to inherit all the functions of a dog's body. Why are you so used to it?"

"Ha." Perturabo blew out a big breath of hot air at Lamizane with his dog face, "Do you feel you are used to stealing this extraordinary body of mine?"

"To be honest, I'm really not used to it. I have to throw things into the to-do partition and the recycling bin all the time."

Lamizane raised his hand and scratched the numerous biological cables on his head. The touch of the iron armor on his fingertips and the skin was still unfamiliar.

"For example, these cables keep tugging at my forehead and scalp. It's very easy to pull them when I want to make an expression, ugh! And it feels really weird to have no hair."

The daemon primarch sat up on his dog's hind legs, looked at him coldly, and crossed his front paws. "Just be content, you pathetic mortal! I'm not even complaining about having hair all over my body now."

After painstakingly sorting out the work information for about two Terra hours, Lamizane decided to ignore the remaining pending matters and deal with something else first.

"Although the original you was so omniscient and didn't like to go out, you may not need a navigator so much that now we can only find some semi-mechanized brains, organs and nerves soaked in amniotic fluid chambers. "

Lamizane pointed at the ship's personnel list, while Perturabo tightened his ears and turned his attention to another screen.

"But now we need a navigator who can eat, walk, and is familiar with the latest imperial route conditions."

He opened the latest situation report.

"Here, there happens to be one in Honso's warband."

This is my first time writing an article, and I haven’t fully understood the principles of the writer’s platform, so please bear with me about the formatting (eyes moved)

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