Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 3 Romance is drinking coffee on the bridge of a space battleship

Chapter 3 Romance is - drinking coffee on the bridge of a space battleship

"Anyway, I don't want my children to see my current appearance. Is this understandable to you?"

Lamizane nodded cautiously, "Although I have methods in my mind, I have never actually operated a lathe..."

"What's the use of you!"

"Be your mouth substitute."



Finally, under the command of Perturabo and the help of the Iron Ring Guards, Lamizane successfully installed a life-sustaining backpack cabin on the back of the Armor of Origin that could accommodate a border collie, as well as some suspicious-looking " Necessary subspace protection device”.

This makes this super magically modified finely crafted Terminator armor now look more and more like a giant silver-gray "sarcophagus" with yellow and black stripes.

"It's too crude." The dog sniffed around and commented dissatisfiedly, "I can't do this kind of work with an ordinary hammer."

His fingertips brushed the cold black material at the core of the protective device that seemed to be able to swallow light. The name of the ingredient "Black Stone" immediately jumped into Lamizane's mind. For a moment, the eyes of one person and one dog exchanged. Perturabo looked at him as if nothing had happened. Jumping into the backpack compartment, but with his pair of dog ears pressed tightly against his head, Lamizane raised his eyebrows and did not mention the matter again.

"Then..." Standing in front of the thick adamantine door of the workshop, Lamizane subconsciously exhaled a deep breath from his lungs, "Is it really okay to go to the bridge to inspect like this? Baht Walter The captain is so familiar with you..."

"Short of showing up there, I don't see any other way to calm the confusion you caused three Terra hours ago."

Perturabo's impatient and cold voice came from the teleportation.

"Bring all Iron Guards near the bridge, command, auto-combat codes and each crew member's lock biometrics which I have pre-transmitted to you from backup. Warm up Primordial Armor's stasis stance generators and weapons System, if he or they say something inappropriate, this can solve unnecessary trouble as soon as possible."

"...It's not necessary..."

There was silence in the backpack, and the suppressed angry bass rumbled in Lamizane's mind again, "You have to remember that on this ship, 'Perturabo' is the *only* commander and decision-maker. And the king.”

The tall "Devil Primarch" sighed again, "Okay, I understand. Are you sure all your internal monitors are connected to the external sensors of the power armor?"


Lamizane—nodding in the shape of Perturabo, the thick adamantine doors parted on both sides, he walked towards the bridge, the fully armed iron ring robots divided into two columns, silently surrounding him around.

They walked in the passage of the giant ship, which was like a steel tomb.

Everything here is plain steel gray and the color of the object itself. The exposed cables and pipes are like the metal blood vessels and inorganic guts of the mechanical colossus. They are sometimes painted with iron skull emblems and yellow and black warning stripes. , more often it is dull raw iron and rust color.

The artificial air was filled with the smell of cooling steam, engine oil, promethium, incinerated inorganics, and unpleasant servitor life-sustaining fluids, but nothing else. In the Eye of Terror, this environment can be called "tidy and clean". There are no side windows on either side of the long passage, and only the cold and dim lights overhead cast a dry white light on the cement-colored ground.

The uniform footsteps of the iron ring echoed in the corridor. In a dull atmosphere like a funeral, they arrived at the bridge of the Iron Blood by the elevator.

IRON BLOOD, the Glory Queen-class battleship, the vehicle of the Iron Lord, and the former flagship of the Fourth Army, is now floating quietly in the outer deep space orbit of Medlengard.

Its ancient bridge now feels more open than when it was first commissioned: some time after entering the Eye of Terror, this huge battleship finally had a real bridge porthole, allowing the bridge crew to Observe the situation outside visually.

Permanently standing at the command throne on the bridge of the Iron-Blooded is its cyborg captain, Baht Voight.

After modifications and repairs that may have taken dozens of centuries, his body was connected by large and small cables to "grow" on the command throne. Except for most of the head, there was almost no biomass left to show the ship. The original race.

The smart robot guard at the door informed everyone of the arrival of the original body. The mechanized transformation restricted the movement of the captain's body. When Walter turned his head slightly to look at the entrance, the few staff on the bridge all lowered their eyes slightly. Maintaining just the right amount of obedience, silence and caution.

The tall body wrapped in the armor of origin stepped into the command space. The steel giant with black moonstone-like irises and pale skin did not say a word, but slowly moved his gaze.

The consoles and power system servos were humming, and one could feel the Primarch's eyes scrutinizing them one by one.

There is a rhythmic ticking sound from the electronic operation of auguries and other devices.

Thinking of the large amount of garbled code that just came from the central response, more than one person held their breath.

In the Eye of Terror, such unspeakable and incomprehensible sudden chaos is all too common. Could this be a sign that the Iron Lord will lead them to a more extreme depravity?

They don't know when the Sword of Damocles will fall.

People were just in awe, obedience and silence.

In addition to the crew on duty, there is also an Iron Warrior waiting on the bridge at this moment. He has a relatively young face and weathered eyes. Aharin, the current war blacksmith of the 99th Battalion, the beloved youngest son of the original body, the new An advanced member of the Trident.

Perturabo also told Lamizane the name and position of the other party in a relatively calm tone at the beginning.

"Humph, Balban has become a demon, no surprise." The Border Shepherd tried his best to express his contempt in the psychic communication, "Frix... was blown into pieces... Dantioch, oh, Dan Teok! What about the heroes of the empire? He also died for that *deep-minded* politician in the end."

The Primarch of the Iron Warriors suddenly made a comment about the Primarch of the Ultramarines, which made Lamizane at a loss for words. He thought about it and walked to the command throne. As a habit - according to his habit when he was still a mortal, he first talked to Captain Vaught. Say hello.

The demonic primarch's frighteningly easy-going attitude made the well-informed cyborg captain tense his body and return the favor. The people on the bridge were walking on thin ice and there was an atmosphere of despair.

Lamizane didn't pay special attention to this. He was busy talking to Perturabo in the psychic communication.

"Looking on the bright side, maybe Balban Falk's demonic upgrade this time can make you less noticed in the subspace." Perturabo even let out an angry snort in his depression, as if to replace his predecessor. His men prepared the hell beast in advance.

"Really, you see, after all, his talent in how to obtain the favor of Chaos has attracted the attention of many inanimate beings. This also meets our need to keep a low profile, doesn't it? Besides, the more important thing now is, How can we properly separate Honso from his war gang after we deceive him... and get him on board the Iron-Blooded?" Lamizane suggested, and then gestured towards the trident.

The other party received the signal and immediately walked forward, maintaining as much calmness and respect as possible. The short black hair on the War Blacksmith's unhelmeted head made his skin paler.


The Daemon Primarch called.

"Father." The Iron Warrior wearing a cavalry-style Terminator armor responded, without a trace of pride or offense in his tone. "The latest communication received by Captain Voight shows that the war blacksmith Honso of Kallan-Gol claimed to have Upon your summons, he will bring you the navigator you want and apply to board the ship after a standard hour; a progress report on the latest alien weapons research, I guarantee it will appear on your desk within three hours .in addition……"

Lamizane nodded in a very relaxed manner, walked over with the body of the demon primarch, and circled the command throne twice. This made the captain's eyes rarely show a little surprise and anxiety.

Then he felt this emotion when he saw "Perturabo" found a large spacious chair next to the command throne and sank into it *without any image*. While listening to the reports of the heirs, he began to drink the food brought from the iron ring* When I was making hot coffee* with milk and milk, I reached an emotional peak where I thought I was completely crazy.

The huge Glory Queen-class battleship suddenly jolted for about three microseconds.

"Perturabo" made a gesture, causing poor Aharin, who could see that he was starting to collapse more and more when facing his genetic father, to stop and turn to ask Captain Walter a question.

"Is there any problem? Bakht." He narrowed his eyes, "The Iron Blood reported that the error correction rate of its shipboard system increased by an astonishing 742% in just 2.61 microseconds. - In other words, you almost let it go We plunge headlong into the atmosphere of Medlengard. What do you have to say about that?”

Part of the captain's logic circuit was still frantically calculating the reality of the scene in front of him, which almost boiled his remaining brain. The other part confirmed that the demon primarch in front of him had unquestionable control over the ship, which made him immediately lower his eyes and maintain a tone of voice. With just the right amount of calmness and humility, he said, "Yes, sir, the system is indeed overloaded. Please forgive me for my mistake. I will conduct a self-check again and eliminate such problems."

"Perturabo" looked at him deeply.

The cyborg captain felt his non-existent sweat glands breaking out into a cold sweat.

"Of course, it would be best if you did, Bakht. You'd better start getting used to me drinking coffee on the bridge. It's a romance."

The entire ship body trembled.

"Romance, romance, romance... Of course, I will follow your orders...!" For the first time in the dozens or hundreds of centuries since he began serving the Iron Warriors, Bakhte Walter spoke with an extremely rich expression. The stammering tones of human emotion managed to answer.

Lamizane turned his face to the son who could barely control his expression of "Am I crazy or is my father suffering from Slaanesh?".

"Go on, I'm listening, little Aharin."

No more today┗|`O′|┛Ouch~~

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