Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 104 Nie Shangtuo whispers in the medical room


For this group of life forms that began to evolve 4.6 billion years ago, the perception of light was a feature that appeared in the Cambrian period more than 500 million years ago.

The perception of light is therefore often a sign of some kind of restoration of consciousness.

White light pours down from above.

Imperial Fist's eyelids trembled. He felt that control of his body had disappeared from every nerve in him, and he couldn't even open his eyelids.

Something cold and clammy smeared on Lysander's eyelids, causing one of his eyes to feel heavy.

His last memory included the gap in his power armor being pierced by lightning claws extending from the shadows. These vicious claws also pierced one of his heart and part of his lungs, and his stomach wall must have also been scratched, because He felt the burning sensation as gastric juices flowed into his abdominal cavity and corroded his other internal organs.

There was also Shanto's expression of ecstasy that turned to surprise and anger, and the power ax he mercilessly tried to hack into Lysander's forehead at the same time - oh, it was the place where something was stuck now, maybe it was a solidified blood scab.

But before he lost consciousness, he still used his last strength to smash Dorn's fist into the disgusting and crazy face of the cruel and perverted Iron Warrior.

Damn the soothsayer, damn the traitorous crow!

His Lyman ears and sensory nerves are gradually returning to work, and he is beginning to judge his environment.

The First Captain of the Imperial Fists found himself lying naked on some kind of cold stone slab - no, some kind of smooth synthetic surface.

Some of the moisture of the mist, and the smell of cold, disinfectant water began to invade his nasal cavity, and the memories of past spaceship crashes began to flash before his eyes as clearly as yesterday through the memories enhanced by the Space Marines.

The corpses of the Draven brothers who were taken away alive, cut in half when seen again, with their intestines hanging on the flagpole to show off as trophies, died in the nightmare of Devil's Reef when he came back for revenge, without any power or glory to fight back. The Scorapis brothers, as well as most of his comrades from the original elite first company, were losses that the Imperial Fists could hardly bear——

He was dragged into the anatomy room, the condescending ring stands, full of aliens and mutants, the scalpel and bone saw stained with blood, the bone saw cut open his skin with the alien's emotionless explanation, and let him His body was straightened and his spine was arched——

The double-edged sword almost reached the depth of slicing his throat——

"Look here, if we cut and remove the fused rib plates inside his chest," he heard the voice of the alien dissector in a trance, "we can see the entire modified organ system and genetic glands in his body cavity. , continue to cut open, and you can still see the legendary gene seed, oh... yes, it is here. Look, this is the important source that can give the space warriors all the unique and extraordinary powers. It is also the most powerful source in the galaxy. One of the most valuable and potential things out there.”

The cold and sticky fingers followed the muscles and skin, opening his muscle flaps inch by inch, and sawed open his chest bone plate with a round blade, exposing everything inside Lysander's body to the viewer's sight——

Then his memory in the darkness switched to being immersed in some kind of nauseating fragrance, and a voice that made him sick to the point of vomiting seemed to be talking to someone very close to him;

"Do you want to use mine? Of course, I'd love to...hehehe...cluck...how wonderful...I must admit...Hong...genius...blessed..."

The scent and heat approached him, and Danat Lysander tried to turn his head away in discomfort and unconsciousness.

The voice whispered, "Giggle... you will be willing to listen to more stories from me this time... Lysander..."

Then darkness engulfed his consciousness again.

White light pierced the darkness again.

The rage of revenge now filled Lysander's chest, and his eyes were bloodshot. With a roar like a dying beast, he gathered all his strength, roughly used his eyelid muscles, and struggled to hold himself up. they. The Space Marine's broad, muscled body struggled violently, trying to free himself from the handcuffs and shackles that imprisoned him. He had done it before, and he could do it again if he could -

"Pong dong!"

His unrestrained hands and feet kicked the lid of the medical cabin violently and suddenly, and then his whole body fell hard to the smooth floor of the medical room due to the unexpected feeling of failure and the momentary muscle imbalance.

Lysander couldn't stop coughing.

Then he propped himself up alertly. This was not the first time he escaped naked from the fortress and planet controlled by the Iron Warriors. Now that many of his powers have returned to his body, Lysander is ready to find anyone who can help in this devil's cave. He escaped from birth——

"Hey, I must say, old friend, it's quite pleasant to see you regain your energy so quickly." A voice, a demonic voice with a somewhat pleasant ending suddenly sounded in the room. .

In the blink of an eye, Lysander rushed to an empty medical cabin in one-fiftieth of a second. He was still holding the medical instrument he had just touched - it looked like a hemostatic forceps. He did not have time to find the scalpel. Such a sharp weapon, but this is enough.

He watched the situation outside with the bright chrome surface of the medical tray alertly.

Everything seemed peaceful and normal, too abnormally normal. The smell of disinfectant and healing potions passed through his nose again, and the captain's taste analysis nerve even reminded him that their ingredients were disturbingly consistent with what he had smelled in the Phalanx's infirmary.

This was of course impossible, so Lysander thought it necessary not to dwell on these chaotic contaminations, but to just be firm in his heart and never waver, he said to himself.

He was in a medical room that looked quite advanced, neat and bright. The detail that was different from the apothecary room he was used to was that there were few things like prayer candles, purity seals and cherubim here, but he still looked at it. He arrived at some equipment that he recognized, such as the cogitator and the medical bay, and the door had just come from the direction of the sound.

A tall figure with his whole head wrapped in some kind of strange metal ball was standing there. Although he couldn't see the other person's face at all, Lysander knew who it was. He had remembered that disgusting tone forever. It must have been It was Shanto, this lucky bastard who dared to appear in front of him so arrogantly at this moment.

"Lysander, old friend," Shanto said with a hint of schadenfreude and strange joy in his tone, "I'm glad you're awake. I came just to visit you."

visit? Visiting for what? Was he cut open and eviscerated?

He turned the bright side of the tray slightly to see the weapon Chanto was carrying and where he was standing, and tightened his grip on the hemostat in his hand.

Even if he sacrifices himself here this time, he will send the war blacksmith who has done many evil deeds and sins to hell.

The war blacksmith took another step forward.

Lysander saw that he wasn't even wearing power armor, but a hospital gown. Hey, the Chaos traitors are still so pretentious, it's just a ridiculous painting.

"Lysander? My dear brother, don't hide, come out quickly. Our medical officer hasn't finished today's examination for you. You still need more treatment. Hee."

The Imperial Fist couldn't help shouting angrily, "You beast! Shut your mouth that should be rotten in maggots!"

"Oh, that's too rude of you to say that, but for the sake of the owner of this place, I will endure it, tsk tsk." The disgusting thing shook its metal head, as if it was about to walk over and grab Laishan. De pulled out from behind his cover.

The scarred Lysander prayed silently in his heart, and he listened alertly to the movements outside.

Great, take two steps forward, no, one step...


I was caught in the middle of writing and went to visit relatives for dinner ()

There's a next chapter, come back tonight

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