
Calixis sector

Makanyi Machis sub-sector

About 690,000 miles beyond Mandeville Point in the Belacane System

Surrounded by the expedition fleet headed by the Raging Storm, it was the Destiny Steel that was still leisurely using its own ordinary thrusters to cruise gracefully in deep space.

The Imperial Fist fleet surrounding it had to accompany it. From a distance, it looked like it was escorting the silver-white ship in the center.

The current silence is not because the remaining Battle Brothers of the First Company or Captain Philip Vian have given up on rescuing the First Company Commander and the Titan Demolition Team. It is just that the void shield energy of this strange cruiser seems to be endless, and the expedition fleet is smaller. The ammunition reserves of the ships have even begun to run out.

——Yes, very, very, very unreasonably, this moon-class ship uses some blasphemous heretical or alien technology energy source as the supply of the reactor in its small size. The macro cannon and torpedoes can never overload the void. Shield, and lance - in the end, with no other option, Captain Vian ordered all ships equipped with lances to fire at the "Destined Steel" at such a close distance under the cold supervision of Brother Liklon. Main weapon light spear——

Multiple pulsed light balls were converged at the focal points of several light spear array lenses into beams of high-energy pulsed laser torrents shining like stars, striking straight towards the Destiny Steel from all directions——

These deadly lights of destruction directly hit the thin shield of the Kozuki-class cruiser.

At first, nothing happened.

Suddenly, the shield that could never be broken flashed from the place where it was hit, like a precursor to some kind of crack. The entire hull behind seemed to shake, and subtle light began to shine from every part inside. The construction seams bulge from the inside out.

Captain Vian has even begun to pray for Captain Lysander who unfortunately died in battle——

An extremely ancient, terrifying and huge energy wave bubble swept through the entire fleet in a microsecond, and then burst and dissipated into the void.

Everyone felt a bone-chilling chill in their souls, as if they had lost a part of "themselves" forever at that moment, feeling dazed, empty, and cold.

Astropath Chief Kael'Thasi screamed wildly, uncontrollably, and continuously, scratching at his clothes. When his clothes tore, he began to scratch at his skin, and blood spattered on the glass shield of his capsule. on the top, slowly flowing down along the arc; and the navigator Lord Cavallo has completely collapsed on the ground - streams of thick plasma are constantly emerging from under the exquisite embroidered belt on his forehead, which is originally his The third eye.

The fleet became a mess, and only the simple silver-white hull of the Destiny Steel had returned to its original state, elegantly reflecting the light of the stars in the distance.


The flowing air blew in from outside, and the smell of the war blacksmith's scent mixed with disinfectant became stronger. Lysander frowned in disgust.

Suddenly, a new sound coming from far and near joined the extremely keen and alert hearing of the First Captain of the Imperial Fists.

It was the ceramite boots falling on the ground, undisguised, calm and steady steps.

Lysander noticed an Astartes approaching the room behind Shanto.

For some reason, even though it was just a blurry shadow glimpsed in the reflection of the tray, Imperial Fist felt that some invisible string in his body was being mysteriously plucked, and his soul was shouting to his heart. His mind was trembling for this vague shadow, and an inexplicable commotion rose from his tailbone to the base of his skull and even to the depths of his brain. Damn chaos! The first company commander thought to himself, and forced himself to remain calm and continue to observe.

The second Astartes who appeared was wearing a helmet, but his power armor was painted white like the standard Apothecary of the Chapter. The red spiral was eye-catchingly marked on the position of the Standard Apothecary of the Codex. A silver skull emblem bearing an eerie resemblance to the Iron Warriors and their desecrated eight-pointed star skulls shines on his pauldrons.

Don's hands! Why is there such a standard Chapter Pharmacist deep in the lair of the Iron Warriors... It must be the pollution of Chaos!

In order to resist the feeling that made his soul tremble just now, Lysander silently recited the sacred prayers he had been taught since he was a baby, praying to the Emperor and Dorne to maintain his purity, and asked them to give him strength. and courage, allowing him to use his devotion to the Gene-Father and the Emperor as part of his weapon.

The newly appeared Astartes, who looked like a pharmacist, was wearing a full set of power armor. The captain knew that although the pharmacist brothers in the team were usually the ones who were well protected, anyone who dared to think that the pharmacist brothers were not Enemies who are good at fighting will eventually pay the price for their slights.

Therefore, Lysander will never have any unnecessary illusions about this.

Life and death, nothing more than that.

However, the noise from the visitor also caused Shanto to stop before entering Lysander's intended attack position.

"Oh, isn't this Honso's good apprentice Parogov?" the war blacksmith spoke, and he spoke in a voice that was neither hoarse nor crazy. The Imperial Fists had never heard it before, except for a trace of normal range. He greets visitors with a tone and tone that is both frivolous and ordinary but also creepy.

The person who looked like a pharmacist also nodded towards Shanto, and began to take off his helmet because he entered a familiar area.

Lysander suddenly realized that the Iron Warrior turned his head to the person at this moment. He was covered in flaws, and the second person's sight was obscured by the helmet he took off.

And Shanto was not wearing power armor, nor was he holding an obvious weapon.

This is the moment! !

"For the glory of Dorne and that saint!!!" Lysander burst out from behind his cover like a swift Fenrisian wolf, his heart pumping blood, his unusually strong tendons Inciting the grave to rise, he clamped the hemostat tightly in his hand muscles to use it as some kind of awl. He used his right fist with a sharp metal jaw to hit Shanto's strange metal sphere headgear and neck. The aorta at the boundary——

"it's me."

Lysander's eardrums began to buzz.

He felt dizzy for some reason.

The pollution of chaos!

Damn it, Dorne, please give me strength, I can't--

The war blacksmith turned his head with some secret joy, disappointment and surprise to look at his old enemy who suddenly lost strength during the attack, and his own muscles also quietly changed their charging status.

"Oh, although we have known each other for so long, it should have been longer than you and all your comrades have known each other-"

A ridiculous and happy smile appeared on the corner of the war blacksmith's mouth, "But it is really inappropriate to throw yourself into my arms like this in front of 'this'. My dear brother Lysander."

The Iron Warrior said this, and stretched out his arms to catch the legendary first company commander of the Imperial Fists who fell into his arms as if he suddenly lost strength.

Lysander's eyes almost lost all courage and brilliance. He couldn't care about anything or think of anything. His only focus was tightly focused on the face of the visitor who took off his helmet.


Under his short white hair and eyebrows, Danat Lysander has been seen countless times in Holy Terra, on the Phalanx, in the chapel of any Imperial Fist or even Black Templar ship, and in any Imperial Fist monastery fortress. On the face he had passed countless times, the calm pale iris blue eyes were looking down at him.

The emblem of the Iron Skull glowed silently on the pauldron next to the face, as if in mockery of his past life.


Okay, I deleted the title and pressed publish. It seems I couldn’t make it up and was eaten by the tengu. That’s it. [

There are many holidays and special events in the coming days, which should trigger the leave event. If there is something wrong on the day and the first update is not available at 6:30, it will be updated at night. Book lovers can enjoy the time before and during the New Year during the day - —

I heard someone wants to see pictures of Pepe?

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