Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 107 One after another

"Dear Brother Likaiwen, the current situation is very wrong. Perhaps we should temporarily retreat to..."

"Watch your words, Captain. We are the Imperial Fists, and we will not retreat in despair, leaving our heroes, the First Captain, and an entire squad of elite Terminators behind."

Hidden behind his skull mask, Reverend Brother Likaiwen's eyes were full of anger, "We must at least find out what happened to them on that ship."

"But you have to know that the entire fleet's attack on it has lasted for more than twenty-four standard Terra hours! And we can't even overload its void shield!" The experienced captain finally admitted with some collapse. , "I don't know what the hell this thing is, but it's definitely not a moon-level modified barge!"

He stretched out his gloved hand and pointed at the picture on the front side of the bridge, "Look! Look! Many of the key weapon array positions of this thing are even hidden! It has never fired a weapon at us once. But I have a strong hunch that it only needs to be launched once to directly destroy any ship in our fleet with ease."

"There is currently no such warship in the Empire. You are a bit over-considerate. Captain, please remember that you serve the Emperor and the Chapter. Where is your courage?"

"I...! Well, if I have to say it, my inference is not alarmist, because the shield that can support it consumes the reactor energy with ease. I have no doubt that it can also be used to launch the weapon array."

Captain Philip Vian took a deep breath to calm down, "No matter what it is, respected Brother Li Kewen, as an experienced naval officer, I will suggest that we should return immediately to the Imperial Navy, Chapter Master and It is wise for all company commanders to report and ask for help, and to bring more and larger armed forces to explore the truth."

Just when subtle signs of anger at the Captain's negative attitude were about to begin to show up in Brother Chaplain's body language.

The communications officer's joyful report suddenly sounded on the tense bridge of the Furious Storm.

"Report! The signal has been captured! The array has captured the contact signal sent by the Terminator...!"

"Whose communication code is it?"

"Yes...it's Lord Lysander!"

The chaplain stood next to the communications officer.

"Put him through for me immediately."

Under the interference of a burst of noise that was either noisy and disorderly or distorted like a whimper, the sweating technical officer and his assistant tried their best to operate the communication cogitator. Finally, before the patience of the chaplain and the captain ran out, just now The signal they received was again captured by the Wrathstorm's communications array.

"Ziz-zi-here is-Titan-Team-and-the-Laishan-Wrath-Storm-If-Hear-Reply-Channel-"

"Brother Lysander! Praise our glorious saint and the father of genes!" Brother Battle Priest chanted the sacred prayer loudly, "Is it you?! Brother Lysander?!"

There seemed to be silence on the other side, or was the communication network that was finally connected going offline again? Many people's hearts are in their throats again.

Fortunately, Lysander's response came. "Zizi——Li Kewen...?——Zizi——It's me——Lysander——"

"God-Emperor and Dorne are on hand! How wonderful! I almost have to use the last resort! Brother Lysander, report your situation and location, and if there is anything you need us to do."

"Currently - Zizi - is located outside the engine room - remove the protective device - the interference here - is very large, the protective layer is extremely tight - technical sergeant - is debugging -"

Brother Likevin didn't look so angry now, and Captain Philipvian was secretly relieved in his heart.

"Zi-Okay, the power has been amplified at the correct frequency, and it should be fine now. Wrathful Storm, can you hear it?"

The voice of their company commander now appeared more clearly on the communication channel, and the priest Li Kewen asked somewhat strangely, "Brother Lysander, is this you?"

"It's me, what's wrong, Kevin Li?" Then the company commander fluently reported his personal identification code and the special contact password for this operation to the brother priest.

"I was overly worried. I'm sorry, brother Lysander, but everything that happened after you arrived on this ship was too weird, so I had to be more careful."

"Prudence is a... virtue," Lysander paused, "Yes, a virtue, Likaiwen. Now reporting the current situation, the loss rate is zero, and the team has encountered almost nothing decent during the advance. resistance. They collapsed at the first touch.”

"What? Then what caused the abnormal contact that occurred when you boarded the ship and the long-term loss of contact later?" Brother Li Kaiwen kept just the right question in his voice, but Captain Wei'an saw that the Space Marine Chaplain had already His hand rested on the cover of the Book of Psalms at his waist.

"We also observed no signs of a firefight taking place inside the ship from the outside. This Moon-class barge is still sailing normally. Tell me, Lysander, have you taken down one of the bridge, engine room or armory? ?”

Indeed, Captain Philippian thought to himself, Captain Lysander seldom spoke like that with a vague nasal voice and hesitation. He was determined, indomitable, and born only to seize the only victory and become glory. The kind of warriors and legendary heroes of the Imperium of Man who are champions in the name of the Emperor.

"What are you talking about, Brother Likaiwen," Lysander's voice on the opposite side sounded a little uncomfortable, but it could also be considered as surprise, "How long? We haven't been more than thirty standards since we boarded this ship. Terra points, to be precise, I show here that only twenty-four minutes have just passed."

"What?!" Even Captain Philip Vian, who had been listening in, couldn't help but exclaimed.

After some mutual explanation and communication between them and Lysander, the final information received by the Furious Storm and other members of the fleet was that Lysander's team had broken through to the engine room, but the unknown technology protective force field here was extremely thick and heavy. Many, they had a little trouble with the violent demolition and it slowed down.

And this weird ship seems to use some kind of ancient and blasphemous alien technology as energy sources of all sizes. Perhaps it is the function of this alien technology energy that creates the strange defensive strength of its void shield, because they The result of the exchange between the two parties is that its main impact seems to be that the speed of time in the ship and the layer of space around the ship is different from that in other parts of the universe. To be precise -

When Pastor Li Kaiwen told Lysander, his voice was a little solemn.

"To be precise, we found that the flow velocity here is exactly sixty-six times that of where you are now."

“That’s—wait a minute, Kevin Li, we’ve broken through!”

Those on the bridge heard the sound of the Terminator squad's weapons firing before a heavy exchange of fire interrupted communications.

About eighteen more anxious hours passed.

They saw that the conventional propellers of this strange silver-white moon-class barge finally stopped working. It floated quietly in the void, the iron-wall-like void shield began to lower, and the sensor array showed that there was an explosion on its front bridge. Produce extremely violent high-energy psychic fluctuations.

At this time, they received another communication from the first company commander.

"We have basically captured this ship, but there is a psychic enemy on the bridge who has started a summoning ceremony. If he wants to resist stubbornly, he may harm the fleet and the galaxy. Therefore, the first company, the terminator and the centurion press the teleport beacon I set. Teleport in the hope of defeating the enemy in one battle.—For Dorne!!”

The remaining soldiers of the fully armed First Company had already finished praying for their weapons and equipment. With the priest's blessing, they stepped into the teleportation room, and then, one by one, disappeared in the teleportation flash to the Destiny Steel.





Happy New Year’s Eve everyone! Then this astrologer is preparing to take Pepe for a ride

Attached is GW’s official New Year’s greeting picture, borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha (●''●)


One after another, put a lemon into a sack [No]

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