Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 108 Determination is a double-edged sword

Sixty-nine thousand miles into deep space beyond Mandeville Point in the Belacane galaxy.

It swims freely among the stars.

The siege trend of the Imperial Fist fleet has become much more cautious to the naked eye, although because they were told by the first company commander who led them before, "Don't worry, the outer shield has been lifted, and the residual influence of the time flow will soon disappear." It is suspected that he sent all the Imperial Fist monks and their equipment on board the "Destiny Steel".

But at this moment, anyone who trusts him should feel deep fear and doubt in his heart.

Didn't it mean that the special shield has been lifted? Why is there still no communication returned? !

Sitting on his command throne, Captain Philippian once again asked the communications officer to contact the remaining strike cruisers and rapid strike vessels (Rapid Strike Vessels) in the fleet in order to organize a withdrawal or possible counterattack. Communications within the fleet were still available, but Technical officers reported that all communications to the outside of the fleet had been cut off, and what was even more outrageous was that they found that their ships could not escape the range of a certain "field".

According to reports sent back in panic by two fast strike ships heading in different directions and trying to leave, they were blocked by a layer of unobservable but real "bubble" in a nearly perfect spherical area. The center point of this "bubble" is the "monster" that has swallowed all the Imperial Fists Space Marines on board the Wrathful Storm.

When receiving this report, the captain suddenly remembered the scene where they fired a salvo of light spears dozens of hours ago.

They didn't even know what the fighting situation was like and whether there were any survivors.

Of course, shouting "For the glory of the Empire and the Emperor!" and leading the whole ship in a corner charge at full engine speed is indeed a very advanced option. The captain fully has the courage to order such a charge, but to be honest, he does not I like to lead everyone to make completely useless sacrifices like this.

Hunting grounds.

Or fence.

Sweat caused by stress slipped quietly from Philip Vian's forehead.


Danat Lysander breathed heavily, and while he was thinking with his brain, which seemed to have been blunted by the events of the past two days, he allowed himself to walk openly in the tomb-like passage of the Iron Blood.

The residual pain of the electric whip on his flesh was still stimulating his nerves, but the former Imperial Fist didn't care about it. On the contrary, he was somewhat grateful that this level of pain allowed him to concentrate and think.

After successfully teleporting all the soldiers of the first company - including thirty centurion armors and the priest brothers Li Kaiwen who were worried about coming with them, their disbelieving eyes and unspoken curses , scolding and questioning - after "sacrifice" every one of his former comrades and loyal brothers to his father and the Iron Warrior who descended on the living saint - Danat Lysander has an expressionless face at the moment , there is even a kind of broken jar, "This is it, let it be like this". The pain is so extreme that it makes everything feel empty and light, and is an unreal hallucination.

"Why!! Lysander!! Why is it you?!" Reverend brother Li Kaiwen was stunned. He waved the priest's scepter and charged towards the evil steel warriors and iron ring robots that surrounded them——

"In the darkest moment when you returned to us from subspace, you clearly passed the most thorough purity test and test! Why?!"

Lysander tasted the blood in his mouth. He did not speak. His Fist of Dorne swung down silently and powerfully, preventing the priest from trying to make a heroic sacrifice. Li Kewen's wrist armor was struck by the force field. Broken, his wrist hung limply, and a melta bomb was reluctantly dropped to the ground, and then slid to the side.

"Why are you among them...?"

Lysander didn't speak. The pained and sober look in his eyes when he looked at the battle brothers he betrayed made a cloud of ominous premonition float in Likaiwen's heart.

"What the hell?! Tell me! Lysander!"

Kevin Li's scarred facial muscles were stagnant with his pupils dilated due to disbelief throughout his body, and his twisted expression from anger to joy and then to fear and horror in an instant.

Lysander knew he had seen it, because he also heard the footsteps of someone coming behind him.

Garuda spread his wings and let out a low cry.

"Send them all to the apothecary's laboratory."

There was some commotion among the Iron Warriors. Someone seemed to want to say something, but was stopped by the veteran among them.

Judging by his pauldrons - oh my God, Lysander. He thought bitterly, how could you accept their classification of behaviors and signs so quickly! Well it’s the Codex Group, there’s not much to say, damn it! Why are these despicable rebels...the Iron Warriors painted based on the standard Codex regiment? ——This stopper is their second company commander.

The Iron Warrior wearing a breathing mask even nodded slightly to Lysander very calmly, and then ordered others to drag away the Imperial Fists in the stasis cage one by one.

The former legendary captain of the Imperial Fists turned the Fist of Dorn upside down, leaned on it, and stood quietly on the spot, watching and listening to the sound of the collision and friction of the ceramite fading away.

It's all over now.

Lysander even began to think a little indifferently, after all, from the moment the Eternal Crusade left, what are we left with? Father was actually right, to some extent we are no different from the Iron Warriors.

His genetic father had reaffirmed his identity and told him many things, and there was still more for Lysander to witness...or even do.

Firm determination is a double-edged sword. It makes loyal people more loyal, but when the cracks of betrayal are knocked open, it leaves no room for change.


Danat Lysander half-knelt down and saluted the descendant of the Gene Father.

"My father, please guide me."

"I said, don't kneel down, and don't worry, they will join you." The voice added a soothing tone, "You did a good job."

A strange joy surged up again from Lysander's dry and ashen heart, pouring into his cold limbs and bones.

"Remember what I told you," the majestic, noble and slightly cold voice continued, "When I am not here, if you encounter any 'incident' that you cannot solve by yourself, don't try to solve it yourself. Carry it through, don’t suffer it in silence alone, don’t try to make yourself suffer it for everyone.”

So what should I do? Everyone tells me that I should be like this, because this is the foundation of the Imperial Fists.

As if hearing his voice, before leaving, Rogal Dorn's voice left him a seemingly clear prompt and an even stranger teaching.

"If necessary, go to the Hall of Omens and talk to the first mortal you meet. He will help you."

"Also, Lysander, remember to bring your hammer and shield when you go to the officers' mess."


I continue to be arrested to visit relatives for dinner...

Then I said that I determined the number of centurions here based on memory. I seem to remember that Lysander, in order to retaliate against Tieyong and Shanto, persuaded (...) a council composed of other company commanders and chapter masters to give him thirty With a centurion uniform, he probably doesn’t have much left in the Imperial Fists (…) (turning his eyes)

Chapter 2 Wait for me to come back——(waving arms)

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