Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 132 This is the true form of the Eternal God’s Chosen One

After bathing and disinfecting multiple times ("Although maybe no one will get sick, I still feel that a sense of ritual is needed mentally, otherwise I really always feel that my palms are sticky and my scalp is itchy." - A certain big guy who is more than three meters tall said .) and changed their clothes and armor (and cars), Lamizane, Perturabo, and Usselma Atla are now sitting together with "Sade" to study the runes and spells of the psychic consultant. The saloon receives the soldiers returning to the mothership.

"The strong book atmosphere and artistic atmosphere here remind me of some of the past days."

The Contemptor, who had very consciously and dexterously used the workshop and materials of a certain original body to manually add golden wings to his helmet and the outer armor of the crew compartment, said so, and then professionally commented on some of the salon's items in just the right language. Artwork, and successfully used several cornfield and corn can jokes to make the expressions of the two companions, except Lamizane, look slightly changed from gloomy to sunny.

In the hall in front of them were some temporarily moved planetary stereoscopic projectors, real-time sandboxes and other supplies. Well, the reason why they are not in the command room now is because they can't accommodate so many people there (after all, they now have two The Contemptor is Fearless), and the equally suitable Hall of the Twelve Temples - well, for some well-known reasons, it has been temporarily closed, and cannot be reopened until the Armory and the Apothecary Laboratory notify them to fully confirm that the space is clean. Open to the outside world.

And here Uselma Atla can also provide them with free temporary decoration services, such as using spiritual energy to directly pull up thrones with several heights in the room that can suit each person's body shape. In short, someone The psychic power is indeed very new and very convenient, but the owner of the salon refused someone's tentative inquiry to use this place permanently.

Under the steps of the throne where these four noble men were sitting, two teams of competitors stood neatly, and at the front of the square stood two commanders who came to report the results of the battle.

The first one on the left is Soltarn from the Iron Warriors.

The Stone Forger was not wearing armor, and his pale and taut skin was red from repeated scrubbing. Even his breathing mask was replaced with a new one - because he had to take them all off before returning to the Destiny Steel. It was handed over to the powerful and pure (?) Brother Julius, and the priest took all their power armor and weapons to purify them until they could be reused; of course, the blond and black-armored priest brother himself was Convincingly clean and unstained from head to toe, standing out from all the plagues, not even a single disease has touched the body.

This time, both veterans of the eternal war and his novice brothers held high the Book of Holy Words (burned with gold-rimmed black flames) to the Reverend Julius, with a halo (cannot tell how many rays it was) and a laurel wreath shining on the back of their heads. The brow flashed (with psychic thorns), the great sword was brandished (with a suspicious orange-red scorching light), and the great blaze burned away all corruption and filth as he roared, "For the glory of my Lord, obey or die!" The golden-red flame of the object indicates deep impression and sincerity.

Regarding such unheard of legendary deeds, the veterans' private evaluation is that this is truly the appearance of the Eternal Chosen One, while the new recruits' discussion view is that they estimate that the Emperor's Champion is nothing more than this.

——It would be nice if the powerful priest brother Julius could be a little more restrained during his happy moments of praying, praying, killing, burning, burning, and not burn down the place they planned to raid.

As a result, because his sword directly cut out the main body embryo of the entire rotten summoning and resurrection ritual, stabbed him to the core and burned it into a pile of white ash, the underground cave where they were was immediately revealed to be even worse than when they stepped in. The terrifying true face: That damn huge underground cavity turns out to be a super-large demon womb of Nurgle!

That was truly a memory that not even experienced veterans like Soltarn and Dassadra, who had experienced much in the Eye of Terror, wanted to recall again.

Oh, maybe only the pharmacist Honso was the one who expressed that the idea of ​​​​the devil's womb was quite creative when he was disinfecting other people.

With the help of Julius's golden and red flames, everyone managed to crawl out along the remains of the tower that fell from the upper level and turned into a semi-biomass umbilical cord before being turned into a demonic embryo sac. Then they discovered——

Yes, although the tower where the entire Belakahn Mechanical Council is located has lost its command ability after being broken, it is in a state of being polluted by Nurgle and is spreading yellow-green plague gas outwards!

The shocked and angry group of people found the remaining mechanical sages on the ruins and the body of the great sage Daedus who had been dead for a long time and turned into a puddle of muddy water and metal sludge. The remaining part.

Fortunately, for some reason, the Skitarii here have become a mess, and one of the biggest obstacles in the original plan, Bella Kahn's "Lightbringer" Titan Army, and the Planet Orbital Defense Star Ring have not organized anything towards them. In order to launch a large-scale attack, the Iron Warriors and their team smoothly killed the remaining sages who were the intended targets of the trip, and then began to search for the Thinker Center of the entire planet.

Then they knew why multiple companies of Astartes were making such a big noise under the Mechanical Council tower, but there was no organized resistance to control their rampage.

Because in front of the entrance to the treasure house where Bella Kahn's Planet Forge Heart is located, they met a group of Imperial Fists commandos who came with the same purpose and were also secretly wondering about their good luck.

In front of the goal of ultimate victory, the fire union seemed to be on the verge of breaking out.

Of course, in the end, they still swore to each other to "greet" every screw and brick that the other party touched, and almost pushed each other with every step they took (thanks to the four young soldiers from the 10th Company who followed them. After bravely acting as a buffer between them) miraculously opened the treasure house door and rushed in together.

The first person standing on the right was not Pastor Li Kaiwen. After the pastor brother returned here, he went straight to the chapel to perform his confession and whipping ceremony. It was said that even though he had accepted it, he still could not believe himself. The fact that the Iron Warriors actually joined forces to fight requires meditation in pain.

The first person on the right is Danat Lysander, whose face has returned to its former firmness. His skin is also exuding the heat of fresh scrubbing. The Imperial Fist, who is a head taller than the others, is wearing a new Olympian robe. It seems that Came here in a hurry.

Parogov has returned to the apothecary laboratory, and Lysander, after receiving all the data sent by the Likevin brothers, rushed here to fight for the best interests of the brothers he brought.

Since both parties arrived at the heart of the planet's furnace at the same time and began to control it, more other content became the key to evaluation.

"Okay, let's take a look at the contents of the recorders you each carry. In this way, it will be very fair and intuitive." Lamizane announced.

In full view of the commanders and soldiers of both sides.

The battle path and content as agreed before the two teams met (except for Parogov's part that was processed) were all played out.

An awkward silence hung in the air.

"Oh. I must say." "Sade"'s elegant tone was the first to break the silence condensed in the air. He sounded strangely pleased, "Your cooperation is really exquisite and efficient. A person like this A perfect company, everyone. It is an honor for me to serve as your company commander."


Oh yeah(?)

Although I still have a lot of three-dimensional things to do

Oh, by the way, it seems that there has been another outbreak of respiratory diseases recently. Book friends, please take care.

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