Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 133: Dantioch Interlude Five Odes

Chapter 133 Dantioch Interlude·5·Ode

Border Collie wrinkled his nose critically.

"[Dantioch.]" The old blacksmith nodded towards his father when his name was called, while the other Iron Warriors who gathered here after hearing the news seemed a little uneasy. Even the tall, sacred and fearless Westover brothers, who were covered with camouflage black paint and had just hidden themselves well among the steel sculptures, were the same.

"[Are all those guys who were so stupid that they didn't even realize they were being used as gunmen here?]" Sitting high today, the black-and-white dog was finally able to dedicate the steel to the person who wanted to dedicate it - well, it should be a human being. On the throne of the altar, he proudly looked down at the corpses lined up below. The blood of the betrayers was splashed all over the chapel, as if it had laid a thick scarlet carpet here.

"They're all here, ahem! Ahem! The great Perturabo."

"[Really?]" Perturabo BC looked at the corpse of the Son of Horus, whose head and limbs had been torn off, and the mechanical sage Gratus, who had been carefully dismantled into a package. He casually moved away from the "corpse" of a bag of parts, "[That's good, then should we talk about the last 'outsider' here before all the internal affairs of our legion begin?" ]"

Everyone's eyes turned to the blue-gold cassocked mortal priest who had been abnormally stable amidst the cold and swift slaughter of the Iron Warriors, the horrified cries of the traitors, and the flying fragments of flesh and ceramite.

"Dear...my lord, but please forgive me: at such a sensitive and strange moment, based on all the information I received before arriving here, it is difficult for me to judge your purpose without permission, and therefore I cannot be the first to do so. Time salutes you.”

Dantioch coughed, "In any case, I have patiently covered it for you for a long time, and I have listened to what you have to say. I think we should maintain due respect in front of this adult. Let's first remove your Let the disguise begin.”

The priest, who had arrived at Schadenhold (Fortress of Pain) and had just informed everyone of the betrayal of part of the Legiones Astartes and the destruction of Olympia, nodded and reached into the depths of his robes. , some kind of hallucination force field or similar camouflage engine device made a soft sound as it started to operate as he moved, and then the force field began to slowly fade away.

When this relatively successful disguise completely disappeared, what finally appeared in front of everyone was a Space Marine who was impressive in his gorgeous glory.

The ultramarine power armor has gorgeous golden edges, red ribbons and cloaks, and fine and exquisite U-shaped crests and branches and leaves are distributed among them. The Macragge-style dagger with leather sheath and precious metal decoration is fixed on his belt. Above the belt, there are various dazzling battle medals of honor made of a large number of gems, gold and enamel. Their brilliance on the outside of his ceramite armor shows this person's identity: Ultramarine, the original member of the Thirteenth Legion. One of the Body's Honor Guards and the Heroes of Ultramar.

The Space Marine from Ultramar bowed cautiously and reservedly towards the stuffed black and white dog on the throne again, "Ta'olo Nicodemus, Champion of Salamanth, salutes you. "

"[Hmph. It seems that our little brother Guilliman's hobby of dressing up is still so blue and flashy.]"

"Allow me to remind you that I will defend the honor of my Primarch and the Legion no matter what." The elite warrior, who wore the same short hair style as his Primarch, expressed his views fearlessly.

"[Really, hey, Dantioch did not let anyone blow you and your mouth into a thousand pieces from the city wall, which fully reflects the hospitality of my descendants here.]" The border collie said His eyes turned to the old blacksmith who was being supported by Taraski. The latter had to lean on his younger adjutant due to his excitement and standing for a long time.

Despite this, he still rose up and replied to the Border Collie, "That's it, my lord." Then the old blacksmith immediately added, it was hard to tell whether it was to promptly remind the uninvited guest on the throne or to save the person under the throne. The head of an uninvited guest, "I made a bet with him about the murders, betrayals and slanders he told us about our... Legion and you, but Krendel's stupid visit just now has confirmed it." I listened to his words, so..."

"[Okay, Dantioch, no need to say more.]" The dog turned his bright and intelligent eyes to the Ultramarines hero below, "[So my good brother Robert Guilliman gave you a mobile medal stand like this." What message did Big Baby send here to convey to my sons?]"

The Iron Warriors were shocked by the speech of their genetic father who suddenly appeared in animal form and used sarcastic language so skillfully to directly express the views of most Iron Warriors on the Brotherhood. The Iron Warriors gasped in their helmets. Gasping, the mortal colonel looked like he was clenching his teeth desperately to suppress his laughter.

The Ultramarines Elite Lord was also panting, but seemed to be suppressing his anger.

"Lord Guilliman hopes that the defenders here, composed of the Iron Warriors and the Unbroken Oaths, can delay part of the traitor's army for as long as it takes. Every minute, day, and month you delay the traitor's army here is a violation of your will. Lord Guilliman's help in counterattacking the traitors and returning to the aid of Holy Terra may provide more opportunities for counterattack."

The dog patted his furry white-tipped black curled tail thoughtfully on the throne, and many Iron Warriors found it difficult to take their eyes away from the big, plush, silky tail.

"[So, he plans to let the Iron Warriors fight the Iron Warriors in this corner, and then lead the team to Holy Terra to shine on the glorious stage of the solar system?]" Perturabo calmly said stated, but tremors swept through everyone's spine like a rolling storm, "[Robert Guilliman! And your damn plan (just a **** plan)!]"

Some pressure from the invisible vastness made the exquisite power armor of the Ultramar champion warrior creak, and Nicodemus was trying to get in front of the suspected blasphemous clone of the primarch of the rebellion who had appeared here very suspiciously. Maintaining his majesty with the Legion, he was forced to his knees towards the black and white plush tyrant of Olympia as the bursting sparks of his armored leg servos overwhelmed him.

"[You are very lucky, Taolo Nicodemus.]" Perturabo looked at the hero who stubbornly raised his head with a look of humiliation on his face, "[If it were me on the other side of the universe now, you would It has long been stuffed into the macro cannon and fired at the fleet of Holy Terra or the Imperial Fist.]"

Dantioch listened with all his concentration within his iron mask.

"[But I am not another me, I am no longer what I used to be. Therefore,]" the sheepdog narrowed his eyes, "[No matter what Guilliman or Barabas' original plan was, I, Perturabo, can do it Get better.】"

In the deepest part of the earth, in the great chapel of the Fortress of Pain, the Iron Altar sang for the first time a hymn to welcome someone who would never arrive in the first place.


The second is more, code

Also don’t worry about 41K Lami and Pei Gou (should)

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