Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 136 Fearless Phoenix The Facts of Impact

During the silent confrontation in the office, the video on the projector continued to play.

Both Primarchs, now far removed from their original bodies and images, could hear the conversation coming from them.

"...The Emperor apparently believed it to be true and sent assassins to prevent me from asking you for help...I would have died like Ferrus...*(1)"

The Fearless Phoenix let out an angry roar, not very beautiful, but very real. "Shameless!!!"

"I'm glad to hear that you have a fair evaluation of yourself here." Primarch Bian Mu nodded, "So do you want to continue to look back? Fulgrim?" He also added, "What's next? There are also some wonderful shots of yours, I personally think... well... they are very unforgettable."

The hilt of the poor finely crafted power sword made a cracking sound on the verge of disintegration in Phoenix's big steel hand, and a voice of gritted teeth came from the fearless voice, "No need, thank you for your explanation! Petula Bo! You can go ahead and tell me everything I should or have a right to know.”

"Okay." If Bian Mu showed a regretful expression on his face, then the black and white dog hair and plush muzzle could indeed greatly modify this inappropriate expression of emotion, especially the Purple Court Phoenix in front of him. When he was using his various honors and scars to swear that all the unworthy sinners in this galaxy who had stained the name of Fulgrim and his heirs with depravity and filth would be completely destroyed in body and soul——

"Well...actually there is still you."

"What?!!! What do you mean?! Perturabo??!! Tell me!!! Tell me everything!!!"

Fulgrim's voice was almost hoarse and stern with despair, and the decomposition force field of the blade in his hand was buzzing. It seemed that the fearless Phoenix was using its best efforts to control its anger.

"Are you sure you can handle it?"

"I am certain that if we know that this evil exists in the world and cannot bring about the death it deserves, then their existence is a blasphemy against the name of the Emperor's Children!"

"All right."

At this time, the dog looked at the rising numbers on his report and was very satisfied with his gains today.

"That's what it means," the handsome and cute four-legged plush demon in black and white said slowly, "You have a very... well, very capable and indeed some kind of brilliant genius. He is in this galaxy, the Great Rebellion. After that happened, well, with his cruelty, ruthlessness and paranoia, he was able to learn from Comoros..."

When Perturabo said the name of this place, the fearless Fulgrim made an extremely terrifying sound, like the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, with billowing anger like glaring scarlet magma spewing out. Servers and life support systems were overwhelmed and issued overload warnings.

"—The Haemonculi of Commorragh—", the hilt of Fulgrim's finely crafted power sword made a loud noise and was completely damaged. His fearless hand crushed it, and the blade slashed across the floor and flew into the room. On the other side, "And used Ferus's body to clone countless Ferus for... use, and a clone of 'you' and he sold your clone to the alien."

The stuffed demon quickly finished the rest of his words and turned on the shield generator on his desk before that happened.

Most items in the office were then subjected to a powerful shockwave, until many of the Contemptor's Dreadnaught's systems were rendered immobile due to overload damage.

"It's good to see you regaining your composure, Fulgrim."

The furious and sparking Contemptor Dauntless could only move slightly in response, and Perturabo jumped onto the table so that he was eye level with the other man.

The dog curled his big tail and was about to say something. At this time, his brother from a foreign land interrupted what he was about to say in an extremely rare and rude way.


"What's up."

"Tell me." There was a hint of hope and a hint of fear in Fearless Phoenix's words, "Since this is the video of the traitor who has fallen to the deepest place at the feet of the Dark Goddess, then why are you with him and it seems that you are 'Negotiating' instead of fighting?"

"Oh, first of all, I want to correct you. I wouldn't call it a negotiation. In fact, the snake thought he could fool me from the beginning to the end with his performance and poor flattery, but - well, I was still right at that time, General interpersonal relationships still lack some more realistic understanding. But basically, the self-respecting snake demon and his descendants regarded themselves as masters at that time, and regarded me and my descendants as servants and tributes. Primarch Bian Mu replied calmly, "So my answer is that I was indeed dissatisfied with our father and his ideal country at that time, so I chose to stand on the other side."

Fulgrim began to gasp, "And now?! What now?! Magnus is with you too—"

"Oh, he also has a demonic self to deal with. Maybe you can talk about this."

The fearless eyepiece went off and on again, "Wait a minute, so are you? Perturabo." Phoenix's voice was lowered, like a whisper, "That, I mean, the one who pretends to be your name in your body what exactly is it?"

"Before I answer this question, let me ask you a question, Fulgrim."


"After 'you' arrived with us and woke up in this broken body, did you find that you had some 'offset' changes?"

"Wait, you mean?"

"Forgan, have you ever felt that some of your words and deeds seem to be unlike yourself in some details? The impression of some traits that were originally insignificant or even impossible to become traits has been strengthened."

Fearless Phoenix quickly controlled his emotions and began to think, he thought thoughtfully, "Yes, and although I can recognize this change, I don't feel anything is wrong at all, and I even subconsciously regard it as It comes down to the most logical explanation, but yes, when you pointed it out to me, I could feel that a mere mortal might not even realize this. For example, I always want to drink gracefully Afternoon tea, as well as my unusual lightness and naturalness in fearlessness, the physical performance of this ordinary Contemptor should not have been able to support my swordsmanship, but it did - does this have something to do with 'him'?"

"That's it." The original body, Bian Mu, nodded, squatted down on the table, put his four white fur paws together, and flattened his fluffy long tail. "That's it. In fact, every one of us here Individuals will be changed by this 'offset', more or less, but if the final calculation shows that this 'offset' is beneficial to the development of this galaxy and ourselves, then I think his' influence 'Success in this life is possible, but everything must be under control and not let things get out of control. Stay true to your heart, Fulgrim."

"Stick to your heart? This is not a problem for me now, but for you -" Phoenix's soul that has been tortured, hurt and fought but still shines like a diamond looks at the black and white dog from behind the fearless eyepiece. "As for you, are you the *fucking* Perturabo I know? Any Perturabo I know - who would be willing to be a 'dog' for any being?"


(1) These are the original words of Fulgrim deceiving Perturabo in "The Exterminating Angel".


Who dares to say that the author is the Riddler!

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