Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 137 It’s your turn to play your cards

The lumens in the office turned towards the warm light of the setting sun, the tips of the dog's paws made a slight clicking sound when moving on the table, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt circuits and life-sustaining fluid, which made Petula, who has a keen sense of smell, Beau frowned.

"What do you know?" Primarch Bian Mu looked at his brother from the other side coldly. "You are just a stranger here."

"I really don't understand the rules here, but I know very well that when in Rome, do as the Romans do. So even if you still have doubts about your current position, I am still willing to listen to the Thai man I know. Talk to the Imperial Guard." Fearless Phoenix's voice may not be polite and elegant, but it is sincere and plain enough.

An obvious look of confusion flashed across Perturabo's face.

"So, the Guards of Terra you know are the glorious Perturabo and the Iron Warriors."

"Yes, what's the problem?"

"No. And part of the answer to your question: dogs can cheat, so dogs."

"I don't understand you."

Perturabo made some kind of unhappy whine, and Fulgrim noticed that his ears and tail were clamped, but the Primarch Border Collie further explained to Phoenix, "I want to, too. I know why, but the underlying operating rules of this galaxy are to be unreasonable and have a very rare, but indeed exist, leniency towards 'dogs'."

"Open the net?"

"Correct. When I prepare to implement our plan, the dog form can help me avoid some memory and ability losses that will inevitably occur during the execution process, as well as enough good luck." Perturabo added , "Not all dogs can. Only dogs with the name 'Peturabo', and a few other elements, and must be smart enough to realize every time they become a dog - I am me .”

The fearless Phoenix, whose intelligence is as sharp as his perception of beauty, immediately grasped the elements of the other party's words.

"Every time? How many times have you tried?"

The dog fell suspiciously silent.

Fearless Phoenix noticed the other party's attempt to evade.

"Perturabo, what exactly are you trying to do? Can you tell me?"

The atmosphere became very quiet, but finally Bian Mu spoke, "Well, since your arrival is indeed a small accident, I can talk to you."

The dog tightened its ears and licked the tip of its nose.

"Trying to own something that I've passed by countless times," he said, pretending to be nonchalant, even shrugging, "or to use a way of saying it, I'm trying to save the part of me that I don't hate. Humanity and the Galaxy.”

Fearless Phoenix visibly froze for a moment due to the actual weight of this suspiciously understated answer, and then a question was thrown out, "...does it have to be in the form of a dog to save humanity and the galaxy? ?Can’t try another way out..."

"How dare you assume that I haven't tried?" These words made Perturabo furious. He growled lowly and raised all his manes. "How many times have I had to die with my own hands for this? Brother, how many galaxies have been consumed, how much chaos and order have been used as fuel, how can you know?!"

The sheepdog roared, and for the first time the fearless Phoenix discovered in this animal the angry characteristics of its brother who were as permanent as steel and unshakable, and also felt the burst of magma that had been buried under the extinct volcano for an unknown length of time.

"This is the last resource, the last chance. I put all the remaining soul in this, and use half of my last life to achieve him. The result of this time is the only person who is most suitable for this position ( PERSONA). Each of the previous ones was either too similar to humans or too dissimilar to humans. The result of every previous attempt was destroyed or destroyed at the moment of creation due to similar reasons. Only this one! Fogg Rem! There’s only one! He’s just the right distance from humans, he’s passionate enough to be able to taste the joys and sorrows of sentient beings, but ruthless enough to not fully understand all emotions!”

The dog's voice became low and calm again.

"And he really loves me."

Fulgrim was silent in his fearlessness. Even the soul of the original body needed enough time to digest the astonishing amount of information in this passage and the even more astonishing things that could be drawn after thinking about this information.

Finally, the phoenix from the foreign land spoke with difficulty, "Perturabo." He said, "You know, it sounds almost like you are trying to be an ideal version of our father for yourself and everyone else."


In the workshop on the other side, on a large full-size sofa that spans the room, Lamizane's huge demigod body is lazily lying on one end, and Uthelma Atla's thin body is sitting on the other end. , the cards they were playing were placed on the small side table between them. Of course, naturally, among the three characteristics, they are basically known for "always having accidents" and "the intention is good, but the result is a bit crooked" - —The abbreviation may be that a certain original body who was somewhat of a swine teammate felt an idea coming from somewhere.

Then Maatra, who was counting cards, spoke.

"Uh, Lamizane?"

"Huh?" The person who was choosing cards responded.

"Aren't you unhappy?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"It's that, uh, Perturabo wants to talk to, uh, our brother who arrived unexpectedly, but you are not allowed to observe this matter?"

"Then what's there to be unhappy about?" The ice-blue eyes that were the same as Magnus's memory but completely different glanced at him strangely, "Is it normal for everyone to have their own little secrets? We are all adults. ”


"Don't say that this Nirvana Phoenix can't be completely regarded as his brother. Even if we are a family, we must respect each other's wishes and privacy? Isn't that what we should do?"


"Although I personally think that if he doesn't want to say it, I can wait for him to say it, but if something is not communicated properly, misunderstandings can easily occur." The body of the Fourth Primarch began to lower its eyes and insert the card he just got into his hand. " Especially if there are many brothers and sisters, and there is no regular communication between the whole family or there is no one to mediate, something will happen no matter what."

"...Please stop talking, I shouldn't ask."


Utherma Atra showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

"It's okay, I just feel like I understand why Perturabo asked me to play cards with you."

The giant opposite shrugged, "You always make such a fussy move, but I'm used to it. That's how this universe is."

Magnus knew that he should give it up and not continue. You see, as the holder of Magnus's soul logo that continues to this day, he knew from looking through the ancient cellar treasure house that Perturabo wanted to achieve his goal. Eternal Tie's efforts are also somewhat aware of the price that he and his brothers have paid for today's results.

The final fruit is so hopeful, so amiable, and he has already given him such a smooth step, why not go down it? But another part of Magnus, one of the sources from which he was created, the deepest part of his essence, the fire of thirst for knowledge from beyond the nine heavens, burned him so strongly at this moment, driving him He opened his mouth again.

*The Lord of Destiny’s ecstatic scream came from the highest silver tower in the maze, “That’s it!”*

"So, this is why you don't ask too many questions or get to the bottom of things to find answers? Do you think everything is fate?"

The man holding the cards in his hand put down the cards and stared at Uselma Atla with his ice-blue eyes.

"What, what's wrong?" The psychic consultant swallowed nervously.

The person opposite made a face.

"Think heresy, Ma'atra, I say, it's your turn."


Wu Fen Wonton Black and White Flower Demon Lord just wants a little love and takes the human galaxy with him, what's wrong with that?

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