Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 15: A skillful hand with a kind heart, hanging a pot to save the world (Thank you all book f

Destiny Steel

(Newly added) Chapter Master’s Office

The data stream emanating from the Primarch had taken on an eerily nostalgic tone earlier today.

The door to the Chapter Master's office is visibly guarded with more iron rings than usual. All the Iron Warriors - the Silver Skulls are keeping silent and trying to find excuses not to approach this place. No one will seek death or take a gamble at this time. Will the Lord of Iron be lenient today?

The last order issued from the office was to summon the Chapter Apothecary - Honso, the Primarch's personal apothecary - to come and see him immediately.

Some were secretly betting on whether their new apothecary would end up shoveled out or packed into a Dauntless, and some even breathed a sigh of relief in anticipation.


"What the hell is this new situation?"

Lamizan muttered a curse and dropped the latest medical status report on the 10th Company on the table, then picked it up again.

He raised his head, and half-kneeling in front of the Iron Lord's new desk was the newly appointed pharmacist, Hong Suo, who was very favored recently.

"What do you want to say about this?" Lamizane held back his anger and waved the data pad in his hand.

"Father - Chapter Commander, I think I have written all the data clearly in the report submitted to you." Hong Suo held his head high, his mechanical prosthetic body was polished and his complexion was rosy. Decorating his pale skin, instead of reducing his dangerous feeling, on the contrary, he has solidly gained muscle. This former war blacksmith and current pharmacist now looks so strong that he seems to be able to snatch back any needed goods. The seed can destroy the Tyranids or WARBOSS with one punch.

"I gave you status and appointed you to be my personal pharmacist," "Perturabo"'s voice suddenly became low and stressful, "I didn't let you use my flagship laboratory to do this without permission - that would Dangerous human experiments that shake the very foundation of your existence.”

Elder Khadomo, who was sitting on a special seat beside him, made a sound of agreement.

This unknown but ancient fearless veteran of the Contempt was recently awakened from the stasis vault by the order of the Primarch. As soon as he woke up, he was appointed as the guardian of their new ancient chapter and the tenth. The position of company commander.

Although it is strange for Dreadnought to be the Lord of Defense when there is no First Captain, considering the previous example of Berossos, Dauntless was able to be a war blacksmith and leader of a warband for thousands or nearly ten thousand years. Not many people dare to openly object to this.

Privately, combined with a series of previous signs, the Iron Warriors have some pretty terrible speculations and rumors about this person and this matter.

"My Tenth Company! It's true!" The fearless electronic voice added a few words heavily, "Acting without authorization! Unforgivable!"

The charging sound of the built-in molecular disintegration cannon of the power claw is quite special. Hong Suo, who was so powerful just now, is now covered with sweat on his forehead.

"Okay." "Perturabo" turned to the former war blacksmith who was already a head shorter. "You can answer my questions one by one now. Don't be vague."

"I obey your command, my lord."

After ignoring the protests in the psychic communication, Lamizane frowned and picked up the data pad and began to ask questions one by one.

"First of all, where did you get the gene seeds for this experiment? I don't remember receiving a report from you about applying for extra seeds."

"……be mine."


"It's my seed." After saying this, the mixed-race man felt very calm, "I picked one of my own seeds myself."

Wow - it is indeed said to be full of medical spirit, and it is made of steel both inside and outside. This means that he did not use any anesthesia or only used a very small amount of anesthetic when removing it. This may not be more difficult than cutting out his own inflamed appendix. Lamizane sighed in the spiritual communication. Perturabo said that this particularly thoughtful heir should use this steel spirit in a more useful place.

"Is your seed not contaminated?"

"Although it is very strange, it is a qualified seed that can be used."

"What about the extra unrecorded differentiated tissue culture specimen?"

"A slave on the lower deck gave birth - the child was a fetus that had just been brain-dead. I used it to catalyze and cultivate it."

Lamizane raised an eyebrow, "What a coincidence?"

"...I just happened to pass by, and that mortal - a new maintenance servant ran out and begged me on his knees to save his wife, saying that he was willing to pay everything for it."


Hong Suo took the Lord of Steel's silence as acquiescence and continued, "Originally this was just an insignificant noise made by a mortal, but at that time my heart moved and I looked over with him. It was amniotic fluid embolism and massive bleeding. Although the fetus was healthy, it was already dead. She was suffocated and the woman was dying, so I told him that I could stop her bleeding and asked him to give me the umbilical cord and the stillborn fetus, and they almost agreed to whatever I said."

Neither the Lord of Iron nor the Fearless Elder made a sound. In fact, one person and one dog were exchanging opinions through telepathic communication.

[I have really seen a ghost, Hong Suo, the wonderful doctor with a wonderful hand and a kind heart, how could I have such a dream. 】

[Then have you ever dreamed of yourself becoming the demon prince Perturabo, and Perturabo becoming a border collie? 】

【you're right. Let's keep listening. 】

"So what did you do next?"

"After everything was prepared, I selected among the remaining twenty-nine people and selected Parogov as the experimental subject. His genes are the most consistent match with my seeds." Honso continued thinking.

"It's actually very stable. It relies on the strong protective barrier of the Iron Blood Laboratory and an inspiration I suddenly had recently." The pharmacist's eyes lit up again. "Thanks to the pharmacist's guide you gave me. I finally completed the experiment on Parogov successfully."

[I told him not to give Fabius Bayer anything he wrote! Even deleted ones won’t work! ! ! ! (Gutella swears)]

[The book itself is indeed well written! Those were all works written before Fulgrim returned! And I personally deleted and re-wrote it! ! Are you doubting my vision and ability? ! 】

[No, but I wonder if every word written by this damn old Chinese medicine doctor will cause additional problems! 】

[That’s just your assumption! Let's hear it out. 】

"So what did this experiment end up being?"

The Lord of Iron asked him as if confirming again.

Honso cleared his throat, "Parogov left the cabin after Julius. After all my tests and verifications, his genetic purity exceeded 94%, and his stability also exceeded 94%. It is consistent with the map. After comparing the genetic sequence and organ morphology that have survived in the body, I can say with absolute certainty, my Lord," he bowed again, filled with a strange joy.

"After fusion and surgery with my seed organ, we now have a complete Imperial Fists Astartes that is closest to the sequence of the Seventh Primarch and is capable of producing normal seeds."

One person and one dog cursed in the telepathic communication at the same time.

Today is gone (no more)

The temperature is about to drop again. You must dress warmly.

By the way, if book friends like this article, you can recommend a few more relatives and friends to Pepe’s Nest (no) (turn your eyes and whistle)

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