Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 16 Strong claim! Strong claim!

a little while ago

Destiny Steel

Hall of Omens

Psychic Ceremony Venue

Emmenut waved his skull staff decorated with eagle claws, and a character pattern was summoned from the void, lighting up the air near it with a dense blue-gold illusion.

Although this is not the direction of his talent at all, at least he can still act like it - Julius is lying there curiously watching him cast the spell, while Honso and Dassadra are not far away as a ritual Supervise, well, supervise, Emmenute was letting his psychic intuition try to ignore the two eyes that were patrolling the vital points of his body.

The candle flames swayed on the lamp stand and the ground, like waves of flame, rising and falling with the smoke. Twelve choir servitors murmured vague litanies written in ancient script, and the smoke of ancient and expensive incense curled up and spread throughout the space.

As the supreme wizard of the Secret Cult of Knowledge, his pride did not allow Emmenut to flinch or fail in the slightest in this carefully planned ancient secret ritual.

For today's test, he has used nine of the best incense (materials reviewed by the Lord of Iron, of course), meditated for nine days and nine nights, and carefully selected the most suitable moment and time from the nine omens. position.

but. Damn it.

He thought, I even have to use a staff to better release the power, which is even more desperate than asking me to summon a pure energy shield with my toes. I am not good at this at all!

But the Son of Magnus would never fail to complete a project because of such a trivial obstacle.

He glanced at the person who was about to become his apprentice again, oh, my God, even though he had seen it several times, he still felt that he could not look directly at this face immediately.

Why has the Architect of Destiny not yet sent down His blessing? Just thinking about it is enough to create a new All-Changing Demon Lord.

Emmenut opened the relic box. The Lord of Steel's workmanship was too ingenious. If he hadn't personally felt that it had some fresh debris when he took it out, he would have thought that it was a corpse. their sacred objects.

Inside lies a complete set of Emperor Tarot.

This set of liquid crystal sheets was made so sacred and perfect that Chaos Astartes had a false illusion for a moment: if his fingertips touched the Corpse Emperor's tarot cards, golden flames would come from the touch. Start to ignite your whole body.

This truly terrifying vision caused him to pause for a long time, until Dassadra tapped the table impatiently. "Emenute—brother, time is passing."

The awakened Thousand Sons quickly glanced at the golden hourglass and then began to shuffle the cards.

While chanting the incantation with the hand gestures, Julius felt something being slowly drawn out from the depths of his body——

The runes on the magic circle were ignited one by one. As more and more runes and circles were ignited, the still abundant spiritual power made the Supreme Wizard of the Thousand Sons gradually become ecstatic, "So pure! So powerful! So powerful. Stability! In the name of change—in the name of the sacred throne!"

After the psychic power finally reached a stable threshold, Honso and Dassadra had a brief conversation, then walked over and put a stack of documents that needed to be filled out into the wizard's hands.

"I have to leave," he said quietly.

Emmenute's black-blue eyes were now emitting a faint lake-blue light, and he focused his gaze on the pharmacist.

"What's so urgent? You should have stayed until the ceremony was over."

"An urgent call from the Chapter Master. Remember to finish writing these forms and reports and send them on time." The pharmacist left the things to him and left from the hall.

The Thousand Sons Wizard looked at his back and turned over a tarot card while pondering.



Destiny Steel

Office of the Chapter Master (Primarch)

After a few words, they escorted Honso to his own room with a team of iron rings and ordered the security force in the area related to the pharmacist to be doubled again. Ramizane and Perturabo were relatively speechless in the office.

"Now the true Imperial Fist orthodoxy is mine in Tie Yong. Do you think we can claim the power of the Mountain Formation?"

"Damn Honso! This restless half-breed! Put him in a torpedo tube and launch him!! I don't want to see this Imperial Fist at all! Let him disappear from my flagship!"

"That's not necessary. According to the report, for stability reasons, his hypnotic brainwashing training for Parogov was specially strengthened, and the results were very successful. Honso also said that he was prepared to accept him as an apprentice. I believe he will be a good pharmacist apprentice. .”

"Really? Then why doesn't he study how to reserve more seeds of real steel for the Chapter?! What I need is more real! Pure! Steel!!! Ouch!!!!!!!!! Luo The only use for G. Dorn and his ridiculous lemon-yellow cubs is as foot pads!"

"You actually use such gentle words... Well, I mean, isn't it because our current demon body cannot provide suitable materials? Pepe, you are here again. I am the Chapter Leader, and I have the final say. "

"Don't call me Pepe like that! And I am Perturabo!!"

"And I am the Chapter Master -" Lamizane threw the data pad into the pile of files, "What the hell is this (Guterra's expletive)? Why did we have Chaos on the Iron Warriors' flagship? The pharmacist finally cultivated the purest Imperial Fist for us?"

The Border Collie roared angrily in his fearlessness: "Don't mention that word!"

"Okay, okay, don't mention it." Perturabo turned to pick up a new data tablet, "This matter must be kept strictly confidential. No matter from which aspect, the veterans now think that all these brats have been added. It’s the seed organ of the Iron Warrior. Thanks to Honso’s strict mouth, God knows and earth knows, you know and I know. - Doesn’t the Thousand Sons’ collar have enough psychic self-destructive primers?”

The dog replied angrily, "It's enough to turn him into an extra-large psychic nuclear bomb before any spell can save him, and then restore it to basic particles. I packed the medicine myself."

"That's good, maybe when we really run out of ammunition, we can put him in a torpedo tube and launch him." Lamizane lowered his head and began to deal with today's work in pain, "This guy is too curious and can run around too much. The riddles on that wall have to be updated every day... Although the request for voluntary service he agreed to at the beginning was to feed him new knowledge regularly..."

"What he lacks is a quenching test from real steel, I am convinced." The Contemptor Fearlessly raised its power claw and moved it flexibly a few times. "His thirst for knowledge is what makes him strong, but it is also his strength. The gate of life."

The mechanical joints made a slight friction sound. Perturabo fastened his helmet and the fearless eyepiece lit up. "You work hard, I'm going to see the new recruits."

"Good luck to them, poor lads."


The door to the Chapter Master's office opened, and Perturabo heard the buzzing like a swarm of bees on the nearby dedicated Astartes channel.

have a look! I told you so! Strong will forges faith, and faith forges strong iron! Comfort only brings rust! The Iron Warriors huddle together and gossip like a nest of oversized Macragge bumblebees! They should also be tightened sooner or later.

Perturabo - Elder Khadomo walked towards the tenth company's station with two iron rings.

Before that, take a good look at these Dornish bastards.

Hehe, the Imperial Fist is barely adequate as a teaching tool.

The dog's canine bared beneath its fearless helmet.

Gua, the author received the platform information. Although I don’t understand it very well, it seems that I need everyone to help recommend or support this book?

Anyway, thank you in advance for your enthusiastic comments. The author really likes the screams you make after reading it every day - Love Comes from Iron Blood and (DATA EXPUNGED)! (Compare your heart)

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