Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 17 Codename U


Destiny Steel

Hall of Omens

Julius, who had finished the ceremony, had taken off the electrodes on his body and was sitting on the side of the hall, wiping his body with a soft cloth.

Dassadra walked to the other side and packed up the things that Honso had left behind.

While Julius was wiping, he looked at the prophet think tank master who was so happy that he almost spun and jumped with his eyes closed and tiptoed.

Well, Master Emmenute turns out to have such a lively personality. No wonder he always seems to be incompatible with other serious senior monks...

On the other side, he finally successfully completed the entire psychic testing ceremony (with the help of a new book he had just written called "The Work Manual of the (Deleted) Trial") and gained many unprecedented new knowledge experiences, so The Supreme Sorcerer of the Thousand Sons, the Prophet's Think Tank, was in a very good mood. He hummed an ancient Terran tune and wrote down line after line of comments on the document.

"——The test subject is codenamed U. He was conscious throughout the process, had high tolerance, and had good cooperation."

"——The test subject's perfectly constructed body can smoothly carry psychic guidance that is multiple times that of ordinary people."

"—psionic power level assessed as," his lapis lazuli quill paused.

"The assessment for the first contact was Zeta Zeta level, but with the revelation of the first talent, the test subject's psychic level changed (an encryption code is used here, only the Chapter Leader can view it: for personal reasons In my opinion, this *extremely unreasonable* growth rate of psychic energy cannot rule out the possibility that test subject U was blessed by a supreme power. If necessary, more psychic control and protection devices should be added in a timely manner .), as of the test ceremony, the psychic level of Experimental Subject U is Delta δ, but it is fully qualified to continue to improve after training."

He pondered, dipped some bone powder ink, and continued to write, "Based on the actual situation of the ceremony and the biochemical monitoring information, the possibility of reaching Alpha α level psychic power cannot be ruled out."

An Alpha-level psyker trained by himself! Like an unsuspecting fine meal! The wizard was intoxicated with his discovery, such an excellent and pure spirit and body. What could be better than the day when such a corpse worshiper was trained as a think tank, and through the most painful betrayal, he passed through carefully constructed plots and rituals. Sacrifice to...

"That...Master Emmenute? Master Emmenute?"

Lapis Quill paused, and he turned angrily to the one who dared to interrupt him——

Robert Guilliman's face burned as he gazed upon the Chaos Astartes.

Both of Qianzi's hearts skipped a beat.

The Son of Vengeance reached out to him.

——patted the ashes from his shoulders.

"...Strange, it looked like a blue feather just now..." Julius Robert Omar retracted his hand in surprise and looked at his fingertips. There were only a few slightly shiny feathers left on them. ash.


The think tank apprentice put down his hand curiously and cautiously, "Sorry? Master Emmenut? Ah, no, should I call you teacher?"

"...No, no, no, no, no, no," the Master Seer's voice had a strange change of tone, "You can just call me Brother Emmenut."

A gust of cold breeze blew, and the ritual candles on the magic circle swayed and dripped candle tears, and then they were extinguished one by one, leaving only the weak candlelight in front of the tarot card table.

The think tank director glanced at the last tarot card turned over.

As if emerging from the black water, a pattern gradually appeared on the LCD card: a corpse, browned by old age and blackened by death, locked in a huge throne made of gold, steel, and brass. above. The corpse's mouth opened, and his screams echoed throughout the invisible planes of the universe. Before the howling corpse, a legion of angels knelt and wept violet tears.

The heat of the golden flame came to his fingertips again, and he thought in a daze, burning Tizka.

The dizziness disappeared. He closed the file and uploaded the data first.

"Come, follow me, young Julius, take this candle, don't let it go out, let it always hang over you. Then follow me, and I will first take you to a suitable psychic head. hoop……"


Destiny Steel

Tenth Company Station


The twenty-eight recruits of the tenth company had all put on new armor earlier with the help of ordnance slaves and machine soldiers.

They gathered together in the front hall to wait, each armed and neatly arranged in four lines.

That mortal restlessness has long since been surgically stripped from them, and what now drives them to talk over the helmet's built-in comms is a logical, deductive style of groupthink.

"Do you think Brother Soltarn will be sent to concurrently serve as our company commander?" The person who spoke was Igor. He originally had thick flaxen hair, but now it has been shaved into a short round shape. inches, making his head look like some kind of fluffy oval fruit.

"I don't think it's possible. Although Brother Soltarn's golden service nails are really admirable! But he really doesn't like to talk, and he seems to be quite busy recently." Marco from the third team suggested while thinking. Hypothetically, "Perhaps, could it be Brother Dassadra? He reminds me of the company commanders I have seen before. That kind of manager's demeanor feels good."

"Brother Dassadra should not be free either. He has been sent to assist our think tank chief, Master Emmenut. Now they are inseparable every day."

"Maxim, why do you sound so strange when you say this?"

"Have it?"

"It's true, but I can't say what's wrong with it."

"Doubt breeds heresy, my brother."

"Then Brother Aharin is impossible," Vitalier from the first team interjected at this time, "Brother Aharin is now serving as the herald for the Chapter Master. He will not be sent to the Tenth Even here."

"Indeed, it is true, but Brother Aharin looks very depressed. It seems that there are no battle brothers in our first company?"

"I don't know much about the organization of our regiment's first company... Maybe everything will be answered after our new commander arrives. It's not appropriate for us to discuss it in private."

"I think you are right. By the way, what is the honor of our Chapter Master?"

There was a sudden silence in the communication channel.

The air in the hall carried the invisible behemoth and passed over their power armor painted with silver-gray skull emblems.

Suddenly, the door opened to the left and right, and heavy metal footsteps stepped into the room uniformly. The premonition of danger caused everyone's adrenaline to suddenly surge——

"Huh, no more chatting? You guys look very energetic."

Like a huge burning star being compressed into this hall, an ancient Contemptor, decorated in the style of shields and leather tassels dating back thousands of years, strutted in fearlessly.

An unprecedented pressure swept through the depths of everyone's soul, arousing the most instinctive and deep awe in the ancient genetic spiral.

"I! (I!)" Fearless roared, "I am your new master! (AM YOUR NEW MASTER!)"

Wow wow wow, I woke up today and saw the news. Thank you very much for your enthusiastic and warm support to the author who is being attacked by the magic of winter. I give you a hug for the black and white hairballs growing on the quilt!

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