Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 157 Not a big problem

"Our instruments have now detected the sixteen capital ships of the Chaos Fleet. Their fleet has no intention of concealing its whereabouts. All the enemies are coming here, Your Highness."

Above the planet, Admiral Dregan of the Avalons system fleet is reporting to the Lion King. Now they are all on the bridge of the fleet's flagship, the Silver Moon Knight. The admiral tries not to look at the Emperor. Looking at the side of the emperor's legendary heir's shoulder armor - a black and white long-haired animal that is hard not to notice is lying there, between the shoulder armor and the neck guard, looking at Aierzhuang from the same level. Everything Sen could see.

Perturabo's position certainly didn't come without a price, after all, Kai's buzzing head had been reawakened as much as his powerpack.

Although the technical maintenance personnel had no idea how to deal with the Space Marine power armor from 10,000 years ago, and were so trembling that they even knelt down and prayed in fear before this sacred mechanical armor, in the end, fortunately, it did not affect the most experienced among them. , the most courageous person (after kneeling again and loudly reciting a whole hymn to Perturabo) completed the basic restarting work of the reactor under the impatient guidance of the black and white dog, and then performed first aid and life support in the power armor. The system performed automatic first aid on the Knight Commander.

"One hundred and eighty-four. I would call them an extremely poorly disciplined formation."

The lion just glanced at the image panel, the dog opened his mouth and yawned, and the admiral nodded, "Yes, Your Excellency, their total number is twice ours, and we only have six ships in total." It is a battleship-level ship. Your Highness, and we are on the defensive side. This disparity in number and tonnage in a naval battle means that we have no chance of winning."

"Yes, then will you surrender? Drigan."

The admiral expressed his determination angrily and restrainedly, but his answer to the subsequent question, "Will you run away?" obviously made Leon not so satisfied. The Lion King was about to say something——

"I bet there will be a finale where the Terminator jumps and teleports. You'd better prepare in advance." The dog spoke, and even though he had been told that the black and white dog could talk and that it contained "the soul of a venerable", De Admiral Regan still quietly averted his gaze, and secretly crossed his fingers behind him in an exorcism gesture.

The lion keenly noticed something from his brother's words, "What? You...?"

"I have to leave for a while," Perturabo replied succinctly. "I hope this bridge will still be intact when I come back later. Good luck to you, Leon. It's not a big problem. I have full confidence in you. "

Then the dog's figure began to overlap, flicker, and blur until he completely disappeared.

The warmth and smell of the animal fur left the side of the lion's face, leaving only the place that was gradually getting colder and seemed inexplicably empty.

Look, I will never let any brother be alone, not even you, Perturabo.

Leon El'Jonson took a deep breath.

"Then let us fight! Soldier, put me on all channels." He turned to the Admiral and the Bridge Communications Officer.


On the desk aboard the Destiny Steel, the half-drunk Reca coffee with the flavor of red wine was still steaming.

[Welcome back, Pepe. 】

Perturabo blinked. This kind of dramatic flash-like serial shuttle has two major drawbacks. One is the adjustment problem caused by the time flow rate on both sides of the continuous shuttle. The second is that the shuttle itself is very easy to be confused between the mind and the body. His continuous thinking was directly affected. Fortunately, his experience was rich enough, and he had a reassuring anchor point here. Haha, he won’t be like those internet drama Riddlers...

【how are things going? 】

[Very good, I was already in the main palace when I appeared, and then I found Leon El'Jonson in the middle of the garden. Our tough, cold and arbitrary eldest brother has now become like a kind old grandfather, I don't even want to give a warning to some of his sons who may have hugged the wrong ones. In addition, a naval battle is about to start there. I hope that the next time I go back, I will be on the ground. Their in-ship air conditioners are really The quality is so bad. 】

[Is this really the Leon who has become good-tempered? God, I wish I could meet him in person. ] There was a little "wow" look on the Lord of Steel's face, [I'm glad to see that what I've seen can be of some help, Pepe, so where is the progress? Fleet battle still? 】

An Iron Ring soldier opened the door and walked in. In his hand was a steamed meal of liver, diced meat, yogurt, berries and something similar to pumpkin.

"Ah, thank you, Magna, for getting it for me so quickly. Also, if you can, would you like to thank the chef of the officers' mess for me?" The robot stood there, its mechanical eyes looking at the person behind the desk. One person and one dog flashed several times, indicating a response to the command.

Lamizane used the sensor to scan the temperature of the food, and then pushed the bowl in front of Perturabo, who had just returned from his "travel" with satisfaction.

[Eat something, Pepe, we don’t need to use our mouths to talk anyway. This is when I mentioned that the coffee had a strange alcoholic taste and asked the 'chef' if he could make a special meal for you. Apparently he did a good job. 】

The dog sniffed the bowl of food, and curiously showed its disgust in its eyes and saliva began to appear around Mao's mouth. Of course, he ate it reservedly in the end.

[When I left, the enemy fleet had just entered the scanning range and had not yet entered the shooting range. 】

[If we haven’t entered the shooting range, I remember that there should be a Nova Cannon in the Avalons garrison fleet? 】Satisfied, Lamizane leaned back into his seat.

[There are too many ships on the opposite side, and one of their Nova Cannons cannot play a decisive role. It should only be able to slightly disrupt the formation to create a battle momentum before the start. 】

[Hmm...it's okay. I remember that I ended up joining the Jump Gang anyway, and then the kind Lion King got a bunch of new fallen angels. 】

[Yep, it’s the same principle as before on the Iron-Blooded Ship... So I judged that Leon could handle this on his own, but I still reminded him a little before I left, because one of his four sons who was supposed to be guarding everywhere was I'm afraid I can't even stand up after being educated. 】

【Well? ! ] Lamizane suddenly raised half of his body in surprise, and then fell back, [If you can't get up, you haven't been killed. It's not a big problem. Poor man. Which one did you hit? My guess is it's either Kai or Avoca. 】

【It’s Kai. I think Leon should send this son to serve in the Third Army. Of course, I mean, before. 】

【It would be too pitiful to be here now. 】

The Iron Ring soldier, who was not asked to leave immediately, stood quietly by the table, watching everything with its mechanical eyes and radio equipment.


I want to write about someone else again (you)

Edit: I read the comments at the end, hehehehe, then the next chapter will be a little...

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