Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 158 Carrying the gray belly of a domestic chicken

At first, everything was silent.

Snowy white and cold thick frost condensed on the surface of the metal coating.

There was no sound, no light.

This is the secret and forbidden realm of the dead.

Then, the small pendant swayed slightly.

The eyes began to move ever so slightly.

The sound of metallic friction came quietly, breaking the silence of death.

His key was injected into him.

The first time, the reboot was unsuccessful.

The second time, it wasn't hot enough, just a little bit.

For the third time, amid his relentless attempts and the roar of the reactor that sounded like a sigh, he opened his eyes.

This is where?

It was unusually dark here. He blinked. The sensor did not detect any light wave signal at all at first.

But at least the other sensors are still working.

The feeling coming from the sensors at the end of his limbs as he gradually regained consciousness told him that this place should still be on the surface of a certain planet, because this obviously directional and relatively normal gravity field showed that he was not suspended in the void.

His feet were also on some solid hard surface, flat, not wobbly, solid, rocky texture.

He tried running more of the sensor system, and okay, there was still some air here, although the quality was bad - pretty bad, oh, and there was moderate radiation, which was seriously interfering with the sensor scans, which The environment in this place could no longer be expected to contain any unprotected ordinary humans, he thought. But why are there so many metal components used by humans?

The subsequent working feedback of the other sensors allowed him to "taste" the smell of ceramite, steel, alloys, engine oil, promethium and other inorganic substances with concentrations thousands of times higher than that of the Iron Blood... and something that made him extremely disgusted. The smell and feeling of death are very faint, but they are definitely there.

This made him frown.

The readings of the reactor continued to rise slowly and steadily, replenishing the energy slots of each of his servo and power joints that had been consumed at some point. The energy levels of all systems had bottomed out and were in urgent need of replenishment, including his. Shields and weapons systems are offline.

Looking at it this way, fortunately he woke up in time, thanks to the high degree of self-sustainability of the upgraded life support system, which seemed to have saved his life in the end.

A large amount of high-heat gas ejected from the exhaust melted the frost covering his body, and chunks of frost fell down, hitting the ground and turning into debris and ice water.

It's strange, why doesn't he remember that he did something that used up all his energy and reserves?

He pulled up the records and looked at the most recent system log projected in front of him.

There have been no mission logs for any new actions recently, and there has never been a need for such an action.

And for him, a handy weapon is enough. After all, he is——

Suddenly, there was some kind of cold, terrifying, intense, tentacle-like stabbing pain from an indescribable thing that reached deep into the band gyrus and basal ganglia of his brain, making even him unable to help but curl up - —

The pendant shook, his eyes moved again, the metal feathers shook, and the gray black ice fell down.

The numbing pain began to subside, and he began to take back the initiative in thinking. He found that he could think again.

In view of the strange sting just now, he was highly alert to the movements around him and did not make any rash moves. Instead, he patiently waited for his shield and weapon system to come back online. Finally, the energy tank turned green, and these two systems were in his It was brought back online with the highest priority upon request.

He tried to lift one foot, and the heavy steel fell to the ground, stirring up a layer of smoke filled with fine radioactive dust.

At the same time, he noticed the different weight distribution on one shoulder. He turned his head with difficulty and met a pair of metallic mechanical eyes.

The golden mechanical Garuda was staring at him.

Finding that he turned his head to look at it, the big metal bird spread its wide wings, opened its sharp beak, and made a silent chirp, which seemed to express some - well, the joy of seeing him wake up?

He thought for a moment where the familiarity of this thing came from.

Finally, from countless memories, he pulled out a figure wearing white power armor and a golden eagle-shaped iron halo located on the back of his head - so it seems that this is not an iron halo, but a mechanical pet bird?

As his brain gradually regained its temperature, he recalled more bizarre scenes and scenes of life and conversation on the Iron-Blooded Ship in the sky, which were not in line with his previous knowledge. After all, the appearance of this mechanical bird allowed him to at least be sure that those were not him. A depraved fantasy or a crazy dream in this endless tomb-like silence and darkness.

"Well, bad news, you're not a companion, good news, you're from the same place as me... something that can move."

He muttered to himself, and was surprised at the breadth and height of the echo of his ordinary speaking voice that was captured by the sensor and spread in this place.

Garuda gave a small chirp in response.

"It's so good that you can still respond to me on your own. It's very good. Then just stand here."

The bird's sharp metal claws gripped the armored edge of the back of his helmet.

"Maybe you can stand somewhere else, clever bird."

However, the other party obviously did not intend to change places obediently, and simply put away his legs and squatted directly on top of him. If this situation was seen by a Gutera coffee lover, he would definitely say that the current situation of their group is very similar to that of a certain Gutera coffee lover. A blue cat with a gray belly and white paws holding a chicken.

"Okay. Let's see what's going on here. I have an extremely bad feeling, and it's getting stronger."

There was no trace of light or life signal in the scan, but the vague scan results told him that there were obviously many large metal statues around. Such a strange situation made him finally choose to turn on the shield generator first. , and then turn on your own searchlight.

The moment the light illuminated the large, silent tomb-like cave, he and Garuda both hissed.

Under the bright beams of searchlights, everything here is——

The whole hall of a cave that was obviously man-made - where the end of the light beam extends and the bottom is still not visible - is all -

Rows of silent, pure black Terminators of various models bearing familiar yet unfamiliar legion emblems and abnormally large heavy weapons—yes, terminators that were too huge to be right, not Terminators. Power armor, and also Dauntless! But he was absolutely certain that there was no life signal in this place until just now!

And these seemingly normal things made him feel very abnormal! Garuda flapped its wings and let out a series of uneasy chirps.

So what the hell is here (High Gothic expletive) (Chemos Factory expletive)? ! What happened to the Hand of Steel here? !

Fulgrim Ishtar finally couldn't help but cursed when he saw such a terrifying and strange sight in front of him.



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