Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 166 But I don’t allow it

Chapter 166 But I don’t allow it

"To avoid any misunderstanding among the audience, a more accurate statement is that when the main biochemical computing component defined as 'Rogal Dorn' still refused to control the program and process after a series of cleaning and purification processes, It responds more actively to external stimuli, refuses to maintain the normal physiological work of this part, and does not cooperate with the regulation to improve efficiency. As a result, it does not meet the work requirements I need at first. In view of this, the genius of me, in order to solve the problem of computing power The virtual program built with extra code in the loop to coordinate the contradictions successfully solved the problem at the time. However, due to the essential characteristics of Dorn, this virtual program that should have been deleted later became stable and formed in the center of the Iron Blood. He has a non-artificial intelligence form similar to a machine spirit personality, but I kept him in a dormant program before."

Lamizane's eyes were blank but he seemed to be patiently listening to Perturabo's lengthy explanation.

he said at last.

"Perturabo, do you know what I feel like I'm hearing?"

"What do you think."

"I feel like I'm listening to what you're saying about Fabius Belisarius Caul's behavior blended version, plus the revenge spirit machine spirit of the iron-blooded version, and the fact that you It expresses the meaning that you rescued Rogal Dorn from Chaos or someone else, and you also healed and kept him for thousands of years."


Perturabo's electronic sounds and eyepieces looked completely offended and angry, "When I started building this great work! I absolutely! Never thought of! Any! Of these things you said!"

"I believe, I believe... But all historical records tell us that people in the world are always repeating the actions of their predecessors, and things in the world are always so amazingly similar..." At this time, the Iron Ring Robot's mechanical eyes were aside. Flashing green light of certainty.

"Besides, I can almost understand this person," Lamizane nodded towards this "young Dorne", "What's the situation? In this case, you can tolerate him wandering around and... I can understand the idea of ​​​​not installing a pronunciation system on him... So," he looked at the sleeping person in the amniotic fluid chamber, "What state is this most gracious Dorn in? According to my understanding He understands that he is not a character who can sit here and share the computing power and be a large psychic battery for you? The silent Seventh Primarch was actually responsible for the siege of Terra before and after. This kind of The level of loyalty is beyond words..."

"Haha..." The Primarch of the Iron Warriors sneered, "You don't need to say this, because I was so wishful thinking at the time and deceived myself, thinking that it would be a glorious final showdown between me and him, but in fact As more and more chaotic variables were added to the equation, my calculations revealed what a crappy ancient Greek drama it was, and no one knew it better than me."

"So you decided to retreat after calculating the results?"

"I even checked it. If you don't retreat, why do you still choose to join? Even if you choose to fight back on the spot, I don't think that most of my brothers will turn a blind eye to what I and my heirs have done afterwards, and take it lightly. Let it go. As for expecting our 'father' to be responsible for explaining this matter to everyone for me?" There was a certain bitter sarcasm in the dog's tone, "You have to know that in his mind, everything in the world is Most other things have a higher status than most of his 'sons'. I mean, except for a guy who was pampered to the point of being arrogant and greedy, most of us could only expect nothing more from him. A stupid, naive six-year-old fool - me too! Phew!"

"Uh... I'm sorry to hear this. Besides, I think if you decided to help Terra at that time, you wouldn't have a good end, and they wouldn't be able to accept you right away... But the time in the solar system at that time... It seems that I Do you vaguely remember that you were either stagnant or could never get to where you wanted to be?”

"Yes, no one can come in, no one can leave, but I can navigate my fleet, as I said, because I am Perturabo." The black and white border collie said calmly, "But unfortunately, At the time I couldn't understand that I could do this because of who I really was. The veil of promise, falsehood, and self-deception I had been torn apart on several occasions, and what lay beneath was disgusting and disappointing. .So the best option at that time could only be to retreat first.”

"What you said is a bit strange..."

"It's not surprising. Also, don't you want to hear why Dorn came to my place and needed an additional virtual personality to run his essential power?"

"Ah, indeed, we shouldn't have digressed. So what's going on? Oh my god, I feel like I just met you today. Peppa baby, can you please stop sitting in your fearlessness? I really need to touch the hair on the back of your neck.”

The Primarch of the Iron Warriors only paused for a moment before opening his crew cabin, jumping out quickly, landing on the ground and licking the tip of his nose. Ramizane leaned over and picked up the black and white border collie into his arms. Inside, he inserted his fingers into the thick fur and rubbed the long mane on the back of his neck.

Primarch Bianmu adjusted his voice input slightly, and then continued to speak in this huge treasure house that was visited by others for the first time.

"Actually, when I saw this unpleasant guy's state on Sebast IV, I felt bad, but my own state was also very bad at the time - there was Fu Geli who couldn't be avoided. Mu's reasons," the dog shook his head, "but this is..., in short, the old proverb says that the person who knows you best is your opponent. What's more, we were originally created as each other's backup, and what happened later A lot of things, and I was very weak, but fortunately the psychic mark I left on him finally worked..."

"...I have nothing to say about this. How could he not notice it? Didn't anyone around him notice it?"

"Because I had not hurriedly transformed myself into a demonic state at that time, the unactivated psychic mark I used at that time retained its normal state and would not be detected. The characteristic code of each primarch is Part of it is almost the same," the dog sighed, "As for the demon transformation, if there was no other way, I would not choose to do this. Drinking doves to quench my thirst, but it was indeed the best solution at that time... and Pretty much the only solution. I would rather die than accept the other solution."

"Anyway, at the end of his final battle, because of this mark, I was the first person to arrive at the scene and then leave every time (EACH). Since I had to completely avoid being observed, I had no time to retrieve it. His last hand."

"Every time shouldn't be used here, Pepe, I guess you meant even (EVEN)?"

"Yes." Sheepdog replied calmly, "Thank you for your correction, Lamy Zane. And the answer to the last question. The need for an additional virtual personality for surface operation is because he himself 'refuses to wake up'."

"...Is that what I think it means?"

"Yes," the dog turned his dark brown almond-shaped eyes to the crystal coffin where the brother he hated the most in his life was sleeping. "The only time in his life to be willful, without taking any responsibility at all, the most relaxed final relief, he was very happy with this The world’s only surrender.”

Pertura bared his teeth, "But I don't allow it!"

He said word for word, "Rogal Dorn can only be defeated by me, and his surrender can only be accepted by me, Perturabo, not any damn thing or even the world!"


My lumbar spine was very painful. I went to sleep after walking the dog. Good night!

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