Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 167 Helping others in times of need

They remained a moment longer in the treasury at the center of the labyrinth, and Perturabo repeatedly and emphatically declared that:

"I saved Rogal Dorn because I didn't allow him to die without authorization."

"Rogal Dorn's life can only be ended by me personally in a head-on confrontation\

,""Let me tell you, Rogal Dorn's bad words made him only allocate my Iron Blood to serve us as a service robot. Yes, sometimes he is also included in the training servitors hahaha\

,""I definitely didn't put him on the Iron-Blooded Ship because I had the slightest expectation of brotherly love."

"I said it! In the past and in the future! Rogal Dorn is the only brother I hate! What? You mean the sixteenth brother? He doesn't even deserve to be hated by me!"

——After this series of extremely classic speeches.

Three people who may each have some personal connections but who are not strictly personal are now on their way back to the office.

Stepping out of the strange and magnificent door, inlaid with the moments of death and death of stars, Lamizane discovered that the passage they took when they returned seemed to be somewhat the same as when they came, but also somewhat different.

When he voiced this question, Perturabo replied of course that among all their primarchs, only Perturabo could completely plan and build this magical labyrinth form.

Therefore, there is no need for additional defense forces, nor are there many traps, robots or automatic cannons, because other than the builders, other people’s brains cannot distinguish from these overlapping forms of geometry and counter-intuitive mathematical architectural forms. The specific route of the maze is constructed in it, and of course it is impossible to reach the end of the maze. The walls and lighting here all look uniformly confusing without any features that can be marked by the trapped people.

It's as if these featureless iron-gray walls and chemical lighting move randomly on their own as people walk by.

"This maze was originally designed by people from Florence, and then we unearthed these manuscripts during our archeology on Holy Terra. Based on the manuscripts, I built and optimized this maze more than once," Black and White Shepherd Still sitting in the Contemptor Fearless, he used mechanical walking legs to move forward, "This is the third one, and thanks to you, Lamizane, I can build it more calmly, so I can build it More perfect than the previous two.”

The person mentioned scratched his head, not quite understanding, but the meaning of Perturabo's words was not misunderstood, so it's not a bad thing, right? Then it'll be fine.

"So are there two more mazes like this? Where are they?"

"Yes, there is one...I don't want to mention its final fate now, and the other one was built on a void ship by me at the request of the Eighth Legion. It is also the only Unbounded ship that is not built on the earth. maze."

"The Eighth Legion? The Eighth Legion is the Night Lord?"

"Yes, I was invited to build that maze for a special...prisoner."

Lamizane thought for a moment and found it difficult to associate Perturabo with these terms. "I have an intuition that this prisoner should probably be one of your brothers," he looked at it suspiciously. To Perturabo, "Although I don't know exactly, I always feel that it should be."

"Haha. By the way, don't you want to ask me why there are so many psychic booby traps installed in the walls even though there is no need for defensive measures here?"

"Ah, yes, why is this?"

"Because this can be a good way to end in time the behavior of certain psychic races and psychic individuals who think they have been inspired by fate and then come here to cause trouble." The dog manipulated Fearless to turn around, "In addition, before the jump begins, I Already seen, stop punishing my old-fashioned sons for now, they are not the business material yet, come on, I have a suitable candidate here, just in time, before I leave next time, I will make him introduce to you."

"Wait, it turns out that you actually have a reserve of administrative personnel on the Iron Blood? This is really a timely help, as expected of you, Perturabo!"

"No." The black and white dog seemed to want to admit this compliment very much, but his strange pride as the original body still made him tell the truth, "Originally, it was not reserved as an administrative staff, but now it is like this here. There’s no need to hide it.”

The boundless steel maze suddenly opened up as they turned a few corners, and a similarly unmarked corridor appeared in front of them, with rows of different doors here.

Lamizane noticed that a door they had just passed looked very... very much like the exotic decoration style of the two psychic advisors' residences at the front and rear of their ship, with gold, onyx, turquoise and lapis lazuli as the base. Inlaid into the shapes of flowers, plants, water birds and various animals, a flaming sun disk-like pattern is made of morning glow-colored lotus corundum, held up by a scarab beetle with outstretched wings, shining brightly over the desert pyramid inlaid in the center of the door. .

"Is this here?" As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to pull open the door handle that seemed to be made of sparkling red and sapphire.

"Don't touch it. And it's not this door," Perturabo warned. "It's here."

In the monotonous gray maze passage, even the lighting lights with the same angles all jumped together, as if for a moment, they flashed past like black moths flapping their wings.

Lamizane blinked and found that he was standing in front of an antique stone-framed dome-shaped door.

The style of this door easily reminds him of the main door of a chapel or a monastery hall or a library. The door itself with a double-opening door panel is made of a single piece of wood that is polished and coated with a transparent lacquer. It is made of precious hardwood. Other equally valuable but different colors of wood are also used to inlay and collage exquisite decorative patterns and pictures.

The traces of the passage of time were faithfully retained on this wooden door. When Lamizane went to pull it, he noticed that the carved patterns on the enamel door handle had been smoothed and blurred by countless uses. .

"It actually made me a little nervous to be honest because I thought I smelled old books and anti-moth spices - oh!"

At dusk, the warm Tyndall effect light shines slantingly into the room from the tall carved flower window. The ancient chandelier hangs from the ceiling, emitting a not very bright but soft orange light. The high dome ceiling It is painted with some faded ancient sky and mythology.

"There is such a big library here!" Lamizane said in surprise, "Pepe! This is great! You should have told me earlier!... Wait, is that the administrator here? "

A mortal, an old mortal wearing elegant dark civil official robes, was sitting in what looked like the borrowing and registration desk. The old man closed his eyes and meditated in a comfortable work chair behind a large long desk. , obviously, he was still reading just now, but at this moment, the ancient book has been bookmarked and put aside.

Time has left a deep mark on his face, and he has no intention of erasing it, just like the library itself.


Wow, I’m really surprised because I’m a completely stupid new author and I don’t have enough level to post Easter egg chapters, so I didn’t bother to rush... I thought I wouldn’t reach a round number this month, but as soon as I finished my work, I opened the page and saw that the number was just a few votes short. I almost had an obsessive-compulsive disorder attack (you)

Fortunately, a fairy book friend soon filled it up for me! You are so awesome!

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