Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 168 It doesn’t matter

This old mortal man, who seemed to be a civil official, was lying in a comfortable armchair with his eyes closed. This made Lamizane's footsteps unconsciously become softer. They stood at the long table and waited for a while. , until a certain black and white plush tyrant growled impatiently, and the voice even caused echoes under the dome - the old man just opened his eyes, as if he had just noticed the visitors in the library.

"Hey, whose child is disturbing an old man's rest? Oh, it's you, we meet again, Perturabo. Although you are extremely rude, I still want to say hello to the guests next to you. Hello, good evening, everyone."

Primarch Bianmu snorted, while Lamizane was a little embarrassed, "Sorry, it's our unexpected visit that disturbed you, Perturabo, shush." ​​He lowered his voice very low, "In the library Be quiet."

[Don’t believe his pretentiousness, Lamizane, he already knew we were coming. He knew it the moment you opened the door. He did this just to lower your momentum at the beginning of the conversation so that he could follow up. Remain in control of the conversation. 】

【Well? Pepe, I have never met him and have no interest in him. Why would he do this? 】

[Ha, because he has always been like this, he just likes and is used to doing it. 】

While communicating with Perturabo in his mind, Lamizane turned his attention to the old man. He took off his helmet and showed his usual sincere and honest smile to the old man who looked knowledgeable and shrewd. Apologize emoticon.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

The lines of wisdom on the old man's face shrank all of a sudden along with his facial features. His kind and gentle mask seemed to be cracking at that moment, and it was like Lamizain's cruel smile with just one smile. He punched him hard in the stomach.

"Are you okay? Do you need help?" Lamizane looked at the other party with ice-blue eyes sincerely and worriedly. He leaned down and reached half of the long table, as if he wanted to reach out to help the old man or help him——

Iron Ring Dorn's mechanical eyes flashed with yellow-green light of interest, and even Perturabo unconsciously moved his gaze away from the body of this Iron Warrior Primarch who cared for the old and the weak——

"No, kid, I'm fine." The old man's waist straightened miraculously in an instant, and his weak cough immediately disappeared. He stood up from the armchair and announced that he had never felt so healthy and well. , based on this, he immediately declined Lamizane's suggestion to lend him a hand, asked their purpose of coming, and introduced himself to the visitors at the same time.

"Welcome to the big library, you can call me Kadu'er." The old man said.

"I am responsible for the borrowing and return registration of books here, daily maintenance, registration, destruction, etc. The lending regulations of this library are: 1. Each person is limited to borrowing a maximum of nine volumes or volumes at a time. No other books can be borrowed before all are returned; 2. You cannot borrow or browse books on the bookshelf that you cannot take out; 3. If you want to borrow a book, you must first come to me to register and get a stamp before you can leave from the door. ; 4. If you see anything moving except me and myself in the library, you must leave immediately and come here to notify me; 5. Make sure you are not alone in the library; 6. This library There is only one exit from my place, do not leave from any other exit; 7. If you need to check the books temporarily, you can read them on the table against the wall over there. Each person can only read nine pages per day; 8. Ten thousand pages. Do not take away anything other than books from this library; 9. I am the only administrator in this library. If you find other administrators, do not have any conversation with them and come back to me as soon as possible."

"Okay." The old man who called himself Kadu'er finished the rules in one breath, "So what books do you want to borrow when you come to my place today? If you haven't decided yet, you can go inside and take a look for yourself. Whatever you need, I'll be here waiting for you."

"Ah, thank you for explaining the detailed rules to us, Kadu'er." Lamizane pondered, and Perturabo was making a weird low laugh in the spiritual channel, which made Lamizane very strange, and When he pressed, the furry Fourth Primarch simply replied, "Nothing, it doesn't matter, you just talk to him normally and we go back to the office together." He is the executive candidate I would like to introduce to you. 】

[I see, okay, if you say so...] "But the last rule... It's quite a coincidence. I want to say, Kadu'er, I'm also a librarian, hahaha, that counts. Not counting other librarians here, haha?”

An extremely complex and weird expression quickly passed over the face of the old man in front of him: surprise, surprise, disbelief, madness, joy, pain, endurance, helplessness, relief, despair, hope... mixed in every expression of his expression. The wrinkles and every inch of skin finally turned into a sigh.

"Well, I guess," he drawled, "it does count as 'I' have talked to the other administrators."

He took one last longing look at the library and the comfortable armchair, and then put his skinny hand under the long desk - and took out a slender staff, which looked very... It is old, but it is very long when lifted up, almost taller than the old man himself. A golden, somewhat broken eagle is entrenched at the top of the staff.

"Let's go. What are you waiting for?" he said to the three visitors with different attitudes. "I think you are definitely not coming to me to borrow books. When I am not here, this library will be temporarily handed over to you. Managed.”

"Me...? Me?"

He said to the surprised Lamizane, "Yes, you. If you feel you don't have time, you can assign someone to manage it temporarily. But don't leave it unmanaged. Books are very fragile things. They require constant care and maintenance.”

"That's true." When he said this, the other librarian's expression became solemn, "I think maybe... Magna? I'm still used to calling you Magna... Well... Dorn is still a bit... …”

Young Dorn in the iron ring expressed his understanding with a few flashes of green. "Great, Magna, can you please allocate some of your resources to temporarily take over this place? For example, send a team of mechs to patrol here and keep it clean."

The iron ring robot's mechanical eyes flashed an affirmative green.

"Great," Lamizane happily turned his head towards Kaduru, who had a complicated look on his face, "Then let's go, I have something urgent that I need you to do..."


It will rain for ten days, and the long-haired large dog will have to be wiped for twenty days, and then we will start preparing to go to the elders’ home to accompany them during the New Year (because the nanny will also go home for the New Year, and the biggest problem is that there is no Internet, so we can only wait and see the situation first) try my best)

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