Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 174 Shanto is wonderful

"Ah~~What a boring time, it makes people miss the old days."

His adjutant lowered his helmeted head numbly and submissively, and fearfully removed the architectural design plans and annual looting indicator financial statements that had been reviewed by the leader - even though these leather drawings and statements made their entire war gang loot and command. In addition to the construction, I had to work overtime for six weeks, and the War Blacksmith just gave it a cursory glance with mercy - but this time he did not ask to go back to the first plan and redo it! The Chaos Iron Warriors are grateful for this.

The war blacksmith was sitting on the new throne of his new palace. Well, he was bored and watching the alien ghosts, aliens, mutants and other monsters here through the biological monitors covering two entire walls. Under the supervision of whips, boots and bolters, he diligently began to level the square in front of the palace for him.

In order to create this monitor within the time limit he required, the remaining dimensional blacksmiths and mechanical scavengers under his command consumed about one-third of the brains, spinal cords, and optic nerves of the aliens here to make the main external connections. Monitor, sensor and link signal path, driven by fear and DDL, the final image quality of this monitor is quite clear and restored. Shanto is quite satisfied with this matter.

His new lieutenants, warband warriors, Mechanicum subordinates, and the scum and slaves of the planet now fear him more than ever, and many believe that he has actually become demonic, though the only thing they are not sure about is that he The reason why he is already a demon king is entirely why he can still stay in the real universe instead of leaving for behind the curtain.

The War Blacksmith is actually aware of the rumors that people are spreading about him privately, and has absolutely no intention of breaking their new impression of him. This is good and convenient. This allows his orders to be implemented faster and better, and also It can save a lot of explanations. Ha, if a tall and strong former Imperial Fist were here, he would definitely use his poor brain that should not be used to think for a long time and start torturing himself. Hey, he is too I don’t know how to enjoy it. A man so ascetic, self-disciplined, averse to chaos, and full of righteous anger that he thought was noble. Well, fortunately, the last time he saw the other person, it was obvious that the other person had learned some ways to relax his muscles. What's the use of making yourself miserable? If you want to live a happier life, you must learn to transfer this internal pain to those who always want your life to gain power or who are displeased with you——

After all, well, Malodarax was originally a world that had been completely "polluted" for a long time. The torture the planet itself suffered gave it the shape that makes it difficult to observe Malodarax from space. The event itself became a test of willpower and mental strength.

Due to being completely invaded, corroded and infected by the power of subspace, the original color of Malodarax is difficult to describe with a specific normal adjective. It can only be said that what appears in optical vision will be a certain color. A very dark color that is very close to black, like a clot of solidified rotten blood or something similar.

Anyone looking at the southern hemisphere at first glance would think they were looking at some horrific, planet-sized super-cancer tumor that was inflamed, necrotic from ischemia, and if that unfortunate person could take a second look, To the north of the planet, he or she will see the bright purple fox fire laughing at the fissures in the earth that are flowing with the blood of corruption like living creatures, burning from time to time, turning any living thing passing nearby into a into something awful and insane, which then ignites their bodies, and finally their souls.

And now——

After the war blacksmith disappeared from his original ruling area for a short time - no one knows exactly how long it was, this can only be judged through the comparison of the completely different Shanto who appeared at a certain point in time - things happened. It started to become more chaotic and out of control.

When the leader of the warband walked out of his throne room wearing silver-black imperial power armor, carrying a glittering ribbon, a medal, a skull eagle wing on his chest, and waving his power hammer, at first, all The warband members and the "guests" of the Black Mechanicus all believe that the War Blacksmith has gone completely crazy. This will be the beginning of a new competition. Who can be the first to kill Shanto and obtain his head and survive to the end? Then who will undoubtedly have a greater say in the subsequent division of spoils and territory.

Thinking of this, they rushed forward immediately, ready to immediately take out their long-cherished trump card to kill their boss and master. The six idiots and unlucky ghosts immediately learned their last lesson as living creatures: not every Chaos Believers all have the opportunity to eat integrated micro-corona cannons and power hammers with strange black and golden crack magic powers - not the glittering and flaming effects common to the false emperor's lackeys, but the stronger the power against the power of chaos. The stronger the influence of the Dark Believer, which is manifested in the form of death and death. If you are particularly favored by the God of Chaos, then the terrifying unnamed power will wipe off the layers of skin on you from three feet away - and there is also a relic technology pistol. of baptism.

Of course, their despair reaches its climax when their bodies turn to ashes and their souls take one last look, which makes their respective recipients quite satisfied: they throw or fire ammunition, rays and rays at the proud warsmith. The weapons were intercepted by a strong surrounding personal void shield. Shanto himself was unscathed, showing a standard eight-teeth smile to his first batch of training targets, and then blew his pistol. mouth.

After the second batch of unlucky ghosts also died, the order of the ruling class here immediately began to automatically restore, and under Shanto's scolding, they immediately organized an army to kill aliens and aliens in large numbers at all costs. As cannon fodder, the colors of the northern and southern hemispheres of the planet quickly began to become the same. Tumor-like hills and malformed blood vessel-like tissues were burned away, and foxfire and bloody cracks were filled with countless corpses and molten iron. , fill in level.

A new palace was built under the will of the War Blacksmith. The War Blacksmith personally buried the severed head of the Red Widow in the outer space reef of Malodarax into the foundation stone, and placed it in her eyes. Knock in two special enchanted bullets that will never burn out, cursing her to become a guard here forever, until the female ghost's power is exhausted by protecting this palace.

So now, apart from cleaning up the gray hungry beasts in the space reefs and supervising the construction of new weapon defense platforms and other chores, Shanto suddenly feels that there is nothing to do, but his strength is still not enough... He still needs to save up strength.

Until he saw two of his men walking in with the results of a new round of looting.

Oh, this is the noble navigator of the pseudo-emperor...

A smile appeared on Shanto's lips.

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