Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 175 Two accomplices

When a certain war blacksmith accepted without any hindrance that he had inexplicably appeared at a certain point in the past, and happily began to make "necessary preparations" for his "little surprise", in another period of time that passed by In time, the water of the river of time is also flowing slowly over the pebbles formed by each special node.

Ahriman and his twin brothers were walking on the deserted path at the far end of the Great Pyramid. They had just landed from the airport, with helmets, staffs, scimitars, many scrolls, spice bags and new rune trophies on their waists. The magnetic lock swayed with the rhythm of walking, and the Thousand Sons Warrior's long black hair was tied back by a ribbon. The still young Azek narrowed his narrow dark blue eyes and asked with some worry. , "Ormuzd, are you okay?"

The Thousand Sons warrior in question has the brown skin and noble appearance of a typical Achaemenid aristocrat that is almost exactly the same as Azek Ahriman. The only difference is that he looks a little pale, which is different from an Aszek Ahriman. A sickly tiredness rarely seen in Tate loomed in his brows.

"I think it's okay, brother." Olmuzd and Azek share the same surname. In fact, they are twins, and both brothers passed the tests and inspections and were selected into the Thousand Sons Legion. After undergoing surgical transformation, they are now both twin brothers and brothers-in-law. Therefore, they are inseparable most of the time, and they are always aware of each other's changes immediately.

"I should just be a little tired after using too much strength..."

"But we shouldn't be tired," Azek looked at his brother with increasing worry. He looked really bad, thinking of the recent increasing number of flesh-and-blood mutations and the fewer and fewer companions in the legion. , Qianzi pursed her lips, "Maybe we can go back and take a rest first. See if incense and meditation can make you feel better."

"You are right...Azek...maybe..." Olmuzd murmured and swayed. His power armor servo stabilizer helped him correct his posture, allowing him to barely support himself. Azek's enhanced vision allowed him to see with horror that there was something bulging like a living thing that had just wormed its way under the skin of his brother's cheek and penetrated into his neck "quickly and slowly" back. He looked around in slight panic, hoping that no one would notice anything strange about them.

But how to help his brother return to their residence and then go to the Legion Apothecary immediately or let him first...

He hesitated for about a second. At this time, Lyman's ears captured the footsteps of other people. The last thing Azek Ahriman had time to do was to remove the outline of eyes, eagle feet and teardrops. The golden-faced helmet was buckled onto his brother's head, hiding his increasingly twisted expression of pain.

Just when his hand left Olmuzd, Azek turned around and saw the visitor clearly. His heart sank suddenly. The visitor was also wearing the red and red uniforms of the Fifteenth Legion. With the golden armor, Azek's excellent magic perception could sense that the opponent's surging power was steadily flowing out, and vaguely "trapped" him and Olmuzd within a certain range.

What does it mean? Who is this? Is it some newly established position in the legion? I don't remember anyone in the Legion who has mastered the power of the vast ocean to this extent. Even though it was already such a critical juncture, Azek couldn't help but habitually make a rough assessment of the opponent's power fluctuations and spell skills.

One side of the shoulder plate of the powerful uninvited guest was painted with the legion's emblem of the Burning Sun, and the other side showed his identity as an officer. The bright blue eyepiece on his helmet stared at the Ahriman brothers quietly for a while, but did not move. .

There was a sound of hurried footsteps and the friction of clothes that were obviously untrained in combat, and a mortal appeared, a thin mortal who was only as high as the chest of the warrior next to him.

This newly appeared mortal has a honey-colored face that looks extraordinarily beautiful and full of magic under the hood. He or she has slightly curly black-purple hair hanging down from both sides of the face. The person is standing holding a staff. Standing beside the tall and silent legion think tank, what is this? His mortal servants? Or is it a slave girl that some newly conquered nobles like to give as gifts? Or the mana reserves or ritual sacrifices he raised——?

Azek Ahriman casually glanced at the exposed fingers of the mortal attendant. He was about to speak and find a reason to move away from this comrade who seemed to be very concerned about them, so that Azek could help his fellow brothers first. At least have the decency to go back to your room. But his eyes suddenly froze: his memory has always been very good since he was a child, especially after becoming an Astartes, so he will not admit his mistake. Although he is dozens of sizes too small, the mortal's hand is still the same. The shape and pattern of the ring, as well as the shape and color of the gemstone on the ring, no matter how you look at it, belong to the one they just met - their genetic father Magnus.

Because it is a very special huge flame black opal gemstone. The characteristics of this gemstone determine that it is ever-changing and there will never be an identical second one, so——


"Look, I'm just saying that without any fighting process, Azek Ahriman will definitely be caught by this ridiculously simple trap."

"...Your wisdom and your understanding of you are indeed better than before." The Thousand Sons Supreme Wizard, who successfully relied on his "wisdom" and experience spanning ten thousand years to act as a cover, vaguely complimented.

"Although I didn't understand it, I have reason to think that your words are not respectful to me, Emmenut." Uthelma Atla wiped the gem on her ring, which now showed the same appearance as The colors were completely different just now. The colored part of Opal changed from golden red to pink, purple, blue and dark colors, and it was changing all the time. "Azek Ahriman always noticed too many things at the same time, And there is such a complete unwillingness to abandon anything that it is difficult for him not to be attracted to details that others would not notice and to be targeted and trapped in them.”

The two accomplices next turned their attention to the other remaining person present, Olmuzd, who was horrified but could no longer control himself and almost fell to the ground.

"Stop testing your legion communication channels one by one, Olmuzd," the psychic consultant sighed and walked over. "It is impossible to connect within the scope of our magic circle now, even if you are in all channels." No matter how loud you scream, it’s the same.”

The desperate Thousand Sons warrior reluctantly reached for the scimitar at his waist, but the seemingly long and beautiful fingers of a mortal grasped it out of thin air, and the strong ceramic steel on his body was easily torn apart like a thin silk shirt. , the squirming and twisted chaotic flesh and blood wrapped inside was nakedly exposed to Prospero's gentle sunset.

Emmenut stared unblinkingly at the mutated features that had accompanied most of his comrades in the legion to the end of their lives, his expression hidden by the helmet.

"The situation is indeed not optimistic. Let's deal with it for a while and then take him back."

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