Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 176 A blind eye

"I still don't understand, our noble father, why have we been sent here by the vast waves and have the power to change our destiny, but we still have to watch the next series of tragedies happen?"

When Uthelma Atla straightened up from the unconscious twins, knocked her waist and sighed, Emmenut cautiously and humbly asked this question to his monarch in a low and curious manner. , and at the same time carefully maintained the hidden magic circle in the room with his psychic power that has not been fully studied by this era.

"You call this open-minded?" He has now become extremely petite and rich... He is not human. Why does he feel that he has become somewhat secretive and unusually confident? The genetic father raised his hands stained with blood, ritual dyes and incense ash. , the light of psychic energy flashed by, and the hands became clean again.

"This can't be called open-minded, ignorant Emmenut. Sometimes trivial things may be the turning point of the fate of the universe. Well, I admit that arriving at this point is indeed a bit unexpected, but considering now What kind of situation is Prospero in? It makes sense that he would run into an accident."

His mortal father began to murmur to himself again. The Supreme Wizard of the Thousand Sons instinctively sensed the power contained in these inadvertently spoken words. He quickly increased the power output of the magic circle. Fortunately, Magnus gave He had to give him another psychic gem, otherwise the consumption would also make him very difficult - this kind of psychic gem that is both powerful and stable enough to be carried casually in his pocket. The well-informed Emmenut is still the first The first time I saw it, well, I always felt that something incredible happened in this universe while I was in coma.

"That's right, it's normal that you can't understand some things outside the world based on your thinking." The psychic consultant, who seemed to be a mortal, thought for a while and walked away from the twins who had finished casting the spell. "It's over with Ahriman. When they open their eyes, they will only remember the false memories I added for them. Let's leave quickly. When we return to your place, I can teach you, poor Emmenut! In my It seems that your combat skills are passable, but your other magic skills still have a lot of room for improvement."

Uthelma Atla seems to have just completed a big plan and can't wait to show it off - as some kind of mysterious connection, at the same time, Perturabo and Lami Zane are on the Iron Blood. He began to sneeze desperately, and Lamizane was about to start thinking about the questions "Can the original body be allergic?" and "Can the original body be infected with the influenza virus?" Fortunately, Perturabo stopped him in time. .

Although according to Perturabo's habit, he certainly warned Magnus, "You must be tight-lipped about our plans, don't say things that others shouldn't say, and don't think that it will be fine, but You must have a backup plan ABCD!" He also warned this brother, but obviously, as long as some people stay away from the Iron Blood, they will more or less start to lose control of their loud mouths.

So together they returned to Emmenute's residence on Prospero, and made some sweet tea flavored with rich orange blossom syrup, and then Magnus's private lesson began.

"I know you have many questions, Emmenute."

"Indeed, great Magnus."

"For example, the first one must be: 'Now that we are all here, and we know what kind of series of tragedies will happen next, why don't we go find my dad and stop the current me from doing the first stupid thing, so that later The incident wouldn't have happened, right?'"

Emmenut nodded, indicating that he was listening carefully to the primarch's wisdom.

"Well... it's very simple. Why don't you think about a basic question first: you are here, and you are yourself at this point in time, so Emmenut will not see Emmenut. Such a paradox of your own, right, so why does Prospero have two Magnus existing at the same time at this moment?”

Before being reminded of this obvious fact, the Supreme Wizard of the Thousand Sons, who was completely subconsciously avoiding thinking about this fact, realized these two points at the same time. He jumped up in horror and put his hand on his weapon.

The fifteenth principle, who had broken through his confusion, sat cross-legged on the cushions and laughed like a child who had succeeded in his prank.

"Aha, you see, just like this, this is a small spell, but it is very practical and great, isn't it? There is no need to even risk modifying the memory deep in the target's mind. It only requires the power of one..., one Complete hints and a little psychic shadow, bang!" The psychic consultant snapped his fingers, "A blinding leaf! Although powerful magic can make up for the gap in most spell skills, it is even more miraculous that it can work on gods. Spells cannot be accomplished only by strength and brute force.”

"Okay, sit down, Emmenut, now that I've told you this, you don't have to worry about anything. Before the answer is revealed, you can think about the second point: Why don't we go find... Well ...my emperor father, should I talk to him about what happened next, so that he can take precautions or make amends? Right?"

"That's right." The Thousand Sons wizard who put away his weapon and returned to the seat opposite Usulma Atla replied, "If it's because I can't meet the other you, meeting will lead to paradoxes or big problems. I can understand why you avoid it because of the outbreak. But why you didn’t contact and catch up with your father who just left here not long ago is beyond my understanding. According to the records of the Legion’s history and my personal knowledge, your soul is Enough to be able to contact your father in the vast sea of ​​​​stars after they leave."

"That's right." Uselma Atla sighed after taking a sip of sweet tea, "But that's a public channel."


"If we look at it from another time dimension, I have already been targeted at this time, and the content of my communication with my genetic father at this time is basically nothing like a book open in front of the Lord of Changes. Both. I can't explicitly reveal my existence here, but you can, who have already taken your 'own' position here, so I need you to always be my 'guise'."

"Then you can't contact...your 'father' secretly?"

"No." The psychic consultant replied expressionlessly, "When I say 'can't,' it's not something wrong with me, but something wrong with him."

Emmenute looked truly shocked this time.

"What?! Could it be that..."

"Oh, don't get me wrong, my son," Uselma'ala shook his head, "I mean that his reception of psychic messages cannot be completely avoided at the moment from the interference or prying eyes of the Lord of Changes. I can't take such a risk. I don’t want to do it again.”

"Then with all due respect, my father, apart from dealing with Ahriman's problem, what is the point of coming here? Is there anything else we can do?"

"Of course, this is the main flow trend of the river of destiny. Changing the general trend rashly will only lead to a future that is more unknown and makes the Lord of Changes more powerful. But since we are here, especially since I am here, then At least when the shadow falls, we can slightly change the angle of the destiny river, or remove some pebbles that could not be retained."

Uselma Atla's blue-green eyes flashed, "For example, this time we can definitely..."

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