Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 177 Try and die

Lamizane looked worriedly at the border collie who was setting off to install some "it's time to make them work" in his collar and small backpack, while the young Magna Dorn was very interested. To help him, for some strange reason recently, he put himself into an idle cavalry-style terminator. Well, the kind with no one inside, but this Dorn still went there in a disciplined manner. An amniotic fluid chamber with a cloned brain was connected to it, and then I was downloaded into it.

Lamizane privately thought that Magna might try to download himself into normal-sized power armor next time.

After the last adjustment, Perturabo had limited the number of wetware modules allowed to be used by Dorn, the actual machine soul of the Iron-Blooded, to less than 49%, "which is generally enough." So said the sheepdog.

The hands on the small golden timepiece in the office indicated that Perturabo's next jump was coming soon.

[Hmm...are you sure this device experiment won't cause any other problems? Pepe. 】

[How will you know if you don’t try? 】

[But what if you die after trying it? 】

[Be more confident, Lamizane Carosini, didn’t I teach you how to look at those pictures and operate those instruments? Things won't develop to the point of no return, be more confident! You are sometimes so cautious that even I feel you are a little too cautious. ] The dog sighed loudly again, [Except for the psychic call at the beginning, you were right to be cautious about everything! But do you really not know what you can do after the Great Rift opens, so you are so cautious in the first place? 】

[If it weren’t for my caution, you wouldn’t know where to go in and out of the pet hospital. ——You always think that I am too cautious, so tell me, what can I do? If you don't tell me, I can only tell you that my habit is to build high walls, and only by hoarding food can I feel at ease! 】

[First of all, the ignorant person in your mouth is not me, I am not your dog! I am Perturabo! I have enough self-control and self-awareness. Besides,] the dog added, [the scars from fighting here are also a symbol of honor. 】He did not answer the following questions.

[Really...Okay. ] Lamizane obviously didn’t agree with the second half of the sentence, [I don’t care what the scar means here. The scar is just the result of an event that cannot be prevented at the time. Regardless of whether it is compensated for afterwards, it happens to you. Scars mean pain and hurt, Perturabo, and I don't like them happening to you. 】

[...] The dog licked its nose desperately and began to turn its eyes in other directions. [Well, yes, well I mean I don’t like them happening to you either. Let’s take a look at this. If this new device works, then maybe you and I can reach a certain jump point at the same time, or At least bring more extra items with you to jump together. If you can succeed, the operable range will be much larger than if I jump alone. 】

[It sounds like a very good development prospect indeed. ] The demigod giant's wrinkled black eyebrows and the suspicious look in his blue eyes were obviously not a sign of approval.

[To be honest, in this universe of the 41st millennium, this feels like a device that can easily go wrong. 】

【There will be no problems with my design! ] Perturabo stared at his body, [You have to believe this. 】

[Well, of course, no one wants it to go wrong, especially if it involves me. I just have some predictions to prepare for unexpected events. Is that normal here? 】

[Try to be optimistic. ] The dog took one last look at the pointer that was about to jump to the starting mark, [I beg you. 】


Leon El'Jonson sat in the room specially set aside for him on the Terra Glory. Even if it was the largest room on a mortal ship, it was still a bit low and narrow for a primarch, but it was still bearable. Since waking up in the dense forest of Camas, the lion has become more calm and smooth, just like the best golden wine loses its impetuousness after enough years, retaining only a mellow and soft taste—— But if anyone wants to despise the intensity that still exists within it, then he must pay a price for it.

The Terra Glory is an Endeavor-class light cruiser. Its original temporary flagship, the Silver Moon Knight, is working with other members of the Avalons fleet to rest, repair and prepare for the next unknown battle as quickly as possible. When comes the battle to replenish energy and supplies.

After the gang-hopping battle in the last naval battle, the Lions undoubtedly received unexpected help and achieved the final victory.

A pirate fleet jumped out of the fog and entered the final battlefield. It consisted of five ships. They were just some small military ships and some civilian ships equipped with weapon systems, but as a viable force, they were enough to tip the balance of victory towards The lion is leaning this way.

Although Admiral Dregan warned that this was not the Empire's aid, but some interstellar pirates who had been entrenched here for decades, and made a living mainly by robbing ships on the Empire's routes, and were very good at resisting the Empire's encirclement and suppression, but when When the communication was connected, Leon knew that he had found some new helpers.

A total of five Dark Angel veterans wearing broken black armor led this pirate fleet. After hastily confirming each other's identities, they were still able to accept and fight under the command of the Lion according to the ancient Legion combat code.

Just as the Emperor intended when he designed his eldest son, just give Leon El'Jonson a little more opportunity and resources, and he would be able to seize them tightly and make it his own. Transform it into your own opportunities and victories.

There is no doubt that the leader of the First Army has proven himself once again.

Therefore, while other ships were resting, the original leader of the pirate fleet - now he became Knight Commander Byrds, provided more clues. Leon was riding the Terra Glory with most of the pirate fleet brought by Byrds. Together, we travel to a new location.

Due to the influence of the Great Rift, it was impossible to use the star torch for navigation during the voyage. The pirate captain, a former knight commander, used an extremely risky method to conduct interstellar voyages, that is, each trip was only for a very short time - as short as a few lights. He jumped around for years, but it was already the limit that today's ships can bear. Then he jumped out, counted the number, regrouped, and jumped again - this extremely time-consuming primitive navigation method went to the place he guided.

This method of navigation is not impossible, but just gathering the ships scattered after the jump will consume several times the original navigation time.

Originally, Leon's plan was to use this time to meditate, and he originally tried to visualize some Caliban forests... and the like.

Well, originally.

Now he was sitting by a misty river, staring at his furry black and white brother.

"Hello, Leon, it seems that the blessing I gave you before has taken effect, which is good."

Perturabo said grimly, "But it doesn't look very good here. Could you be more careful next time? How did you just imagine that the sunlight in the treetops was a spear of light shooting at Caliban and something worse?" ?It almost burned my fingernails off."

The dog raised his front paws, and Al'Jonson inevitably noticed that the tip of one of the paws was indeed scorched.

"Oh I'm sorry."

Before he could react, a silky apology floated in the air.

The dog looks satisfied.

"Okay, I've recorded it..." He shook his tail and pointed his muzzle at the lion's back.

"Let's go in and take a look."

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