Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 178 Sheepdogs passing by

"Why do you look so interested in going into this castle?"

Out of some subtle and strange rebellious mentality after seeing the dog, Leon El'Jonson folded his strong arms - since he didn't know that he would appear here, he was not carrying any weapons. Wearing only the robes he was wearing at the beginning of the meditation, and not the power armor he woke up in because it was in the previous gang fight, due to the Chaos Terminator attack and a fight with someone who just loved killing. It was seriously damaged in the battle of the Mighty Champion. Part of his voyage was to find someone who could repair it - he resisted his curiosity to go in and this cold-toned building. The appeal of stone castles to him.

His furry brother gave him a sideways look. "It's not because I'm interested, Leon, it's because 'it' is interested in you."

At the same time, the black-and-white dog began to disguise himself as busy as a human being: he stuffed some small pendants or other things that looked too inhuman and technological into the hidden compartment of his collar, and used his magical vocal equipment. The ground was inserted into the mane on the back of his neck - the lion suspected that the back might be connected to some technical parts that were forbidden to be used by imperial technology.

This made the lion frown. As we all know, the First Primarch believes that alien technology and products are usually harmful and should not and cannot be allowed to be used by humans. Of course, the First Legion and his own personal ordnance on the Indomitable Truth There were indeed some dangerous artifacts in the library, some even dating back to the Dark Night Age - but those were known to his father and allowed Leon and his heirs to use them, unlike this, of course, so Pettu Labo was the one who used the alien products casually.

However, the Lion King did not say this, because he knew what his brother was going to do now. Even after Leon was told a lot of content, it was difficult to imagine and understand. If it were ten thousand years ago, The Lion would have scolded or at least pointed it out, but now, well, the Emperor wasn't here, so what could Leon El'Jonson do? Their father's grand dream about the future and mankind had been shattered by their brother thousands of years ago, leaving him with only the broken, ignorant, precarious and decaying galaxy now.

All the lion can do is to catch any human around him and lead them, that's all. He doesn't know where the way forward is. He feels very lonely. He feels that everything is ridiculously poor... but he can't express it. Out—before Perturabo shows up.

Thinking like this, he turned his attention to his four-legged brother with a furry tail. To be honest, the tip of that white furry tail dangling always makes people want to reach out and catch it regardless of dignity...

"Leon? Hey, wake up, what are you doing?"

Perturabo, who was finally dressed up, looked like a harmless passing sheepdog. It was very appropriate to appear in this forest, the kind that reminded people of the pasture outside the forest.

The lion took back his hand as if nothing had happened.

"...Does it mean anything for you to dress like this? Perturabo, mortals can't discover your true identity, and people who can see your true identity won't have any... um... sense of improvement for you dressing like this. .”

"As long as it has some meaning, it has its own meaning," the dog sneered, "If you don't plan to go in, I will go in by myself. But you may not like to be left outside alone."

Well, even a dog, even Perturabo, but at least he's not alone, right?

Leon El'Jonson shook his head and walked into this strange and quiet castle with his brother.

"This isn't the first time I've seen this."

This is a building that looks very much in line with the lion's impression of the mortal castle on Caliban. It has an ancient wooden gate made of steel and has traces of vicissitudes of life. It has a long and dark gate aisle with many shooting holes and overhead. They were all used to block and kill intruders at the city gate, but now there was no one here, everything was quiet, one person and one dog passed through the gate like people returning from hunting at dusk, Arrive at the castle courtyard.

"The last time I came here, there was someone... I think it was the old king, fishing on the river outside. I also saw... some old friends who gave me warnings."

"It's those Dark Watchers," the black and white dog sneered again, and expertly pronounced the word in Caliban's local dialect, "Come on, Leon, you have nothing to hide from me, and I I think we'll see that person you're talking about again soon." He raised a front paw and pointed in a certain direction ahead.

Although this castle is not very small to a mortal, to a primarch who is several meters tall and once owned an entire planet, it looks like some kind of miniature model with all the internal organs. Every part here is It’s just like one person’s understanding of Caliban’s Knights’ Castle, with low and close-knit houses along the street, mini gardens, cemeteries or orchards, various crowded shops with signboards hanging out next to each other, and the castle. The large kitchen, which is very important to the residents, will of course not be missing from the main building and the tower, which occupy the largest area.

"According to normal logic, I would say that we can find the most difficult... and most important person in the main hall, and there may be some rare... clues in the tower, so we Where to go first?”

"You've said it all, why don't you decide?"

"Because it was 'here' that found you, not me."

The lion carefully used his eyesight to look at the main hall and the tower. He found that there seemed to be flames looming behind the window of the main hall. He subconsciously grabbed his weapon, but then realized that he was bare-handed and only had one weapon on his body. A robe, a belt and shoes. In this case, it is not really appropriate to risk peeking at possible monsters - but fortunately, he also has a (fully armed) dog, right?

Finally, they walked into the main hall safely.

They passed dusty banners of honor and tapestries of victories, their designs delicate and blurred, ornate and faded, the only thing that made one aware was that they represented past victories; there was no firewood in the stone fireplace. Or other fuels, only the real leaping flames burned on the empty stones; apart from them, the hall was still empty, except at the end of the long wooden table, at the end of the hall, an old and ancient high Sitting on the back chair was the old king that Leon El'Jonson had seen when he first woke up.

The dog's snout twitched, and the tips of his paws made a soft crunching sound on the rough stone ground in step with his brother's steps. The lion and the shepherd dog approached, watching them with eyes open from the beginning, But the king remained silent and motionless.

Withered gray hair hangs down from his thin cheeks. The golden crown is just a few simple golden rings, but it is still gold and shining. The old king's sharp eyes are fixed on someone. point.

The lion noticed that he never blinked once, and that his gaze even penetrated them and could even see further——

Oh, no, the old king withdrew his eyes and focused them for the first time, but he didn’t stay on the lion for long. His eyes met those of the shepherd——

The vague look of expectation on the old king's face turned into an expression of extreme annoyance and terror, and was then twisted and suppressed by something.

The dog seemed to make some kind of expression towards the king, but its furry face would become very cute just by shaking its head, so the lion's attention was still on the old king in front of him.

As Perturabo said, it is "here" that attracts Leon.

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