Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 185 More new information

"Kahn." Leon El'Jonson, as the former leader of the First Army - and of course he will be now, has not heard of this name in the history he knows. Combined with the motivation of the newcomer Armored, the Lion felt his head begin to buzz for the first time in ten thousand years, more so than when he learned of his adoptive father, his mentor, his... betrayal. The illusory mist began to float thinly and thinly around the ruined battlefield, "Ka...en...?"

"Yes, Kahn." The black and white dog took over the conversation at the right time, "Well, let me introduce to you, Leon. Captain Kahn is also the champion of the Chapter Commander of Iron Heart - Iron Heart is The current name of the Twelfth Legion - (the dog stepped on his eldest brother's shoulder very hard to tell him not to do anything extraordinary now), I know you can figure out many metaphors and allusions, so you might as well take a look at him There are so many... um... testimonies of glory and medals of courage on his body."

In fact, without his reminding, the Lion and his heirs can also see every identifiable detail symbol on the armor of this company commander and champion: this strong warrior has many merit marks on his shoulder armor, chest, etc. The armor and the entire right arm were covered with old and new kill marks.

They were of all kinds and densely packed. As far as the lion could see, they included the killing of fallen knights and attendants, the killing of two titans, some kind of strange large mechanical killing symbol that Leon did not recognize; The killings of clan warriors and mages, the numerous victories against some kind of living metal alien known to Leon, the ruthless end to the Ork heavy-armed boss and the boy, the violent destruction of some insect-shaped creature he didn't recognize. , the symbols of the fatal blow to the Chaos Terminators and Dreadnoughts, the Hellbeasts, the destruction of various vehicles before him, and, of course, the most powerful followers of the Dark Forces of Chaos in the Warp that Leon knew of. Various kill marks.

The champion warrior himself calmly accepted the suspicion, scrutiny and even vigilance of the original body and his cousins.

It was still the black and white dog who spoke first, "Captain Kahn, since the leader of the First Army has just woken up from his slumber, I think he still needs some time to digest more new information."

"Please don't worry, Venerable Kaidomo," the warrior opposite took off his helmet. Under the helmet was a weathered face, with battle scars all over his head. He did not wear service nails, but he had eight service nails. The remnants of the nails crossed the top of his eyebrows, and Leon found that even his own observations could not temporarily penetrate the worry and deeper determination about something projected in his eyes. "I'm very familiar with this situation."

Kahn once again paid tribute to the Lion King, "Please don't worry, distinguished Lord of the First Army, my fleet has obtained the orbital control of Saibu, and our Storm Bird will land in a while. I will take the first step to correct it." It’s to get you up to speed on this as quickly as possible.”

"I already know through the communication, you guys fought... well." Someone in the Dark Angels pile seemed to make the sound of power armor clashing.

"Thank you for your compliment, sir." The champion warrior replied, "But I know that what you need most at this moment is still face-to-face conversation and confirmation."

The Lion King did not answer, but this may also be a kind of acquiescence. Being so welcomed and assisted as soon as possible will indeed make him feel better.

Kahn is very calm, and has strong judgment and self-control. The Lion made a judgment immediately. Unlike the rumors he knew, the Kahn in front of him has an experience that is extremely rare for any Astartes. The sense of eldership shows that he seems to have led his warriors in fighting for an extremely long time, which even makes him look more or less like the Lion King today.

At the same time, he inevitably noticed that Kahn looked older than any Space Marine he had ever seen. Although the vigorous vitality and indomitable spirit still surged in his eyes and limbs, the Man of Steel The roots of the Heart Champion's hair on his temples had completely turned silvery white, and the wrinkles that usually only appeared on old mortals had quietly but comprehensively crept onto his face.

"Perhaps we can take a rest first," Perturabo suggested. The black and white dog looked at Kahn, who nodded. "Three Stormbirds will arrive in ten minutes to transport you to wherever you want to go." ship. Our team of incinerators will be responsible for burning this place again with flamethrowers, and the ritual creation in orbit will be pushed into the atmosphere and burned up."

The lion looked deeply at his stuffed brother, "You'd better explain to me better later."

The dog tilted his head, "Well... I think so too."


On the Ironblood and the renovated orbital platform above the forge world of Belakarn, today's artificial lumens are still adjusted to the bright afternoon sunlight. Even if the shortage of food has not yet arrived, the mortals' bellies only have hot water and A little pitiful starch porridge to comfort them, but with the promised hope of food delivery and the warm sunshine in front of them, the people who can come to work up there still feel unprecedented comfort.

"I still like working here." A slave worker who was carrying a large number of mechanical parts packages whispered to his companions during the handover. Their bodies had all been strengthened and modified so that the human body could afford it. The weight is several times more than the body weight. "At least everyone here knows what they should do. The air is very good. My nose no longer bleeds. My throat is very comfortable. These lights make my body warm. Although those tall steel angels look like It was scary, but I also felt safe.”

His companion, who was a strong woman, had her hands transformed into detection and stamping equipment, as well as thick and crude related cables, and her eyes were equipped with biochemical counters. "Who isn't?" she said. Shrugging, "I exchanged two days of rations for a job opportunity. Although it's really uncomfortable to be hungry, I feel unprecedented peace. I think it's worth it."

The heavy, uniform footsteps of the iron ring robot patrol came from the other end of the transfer hall. The slave workers lowered their heads, regained their composure, and continued to work diligently on their assigned tasks.

Magna Dorn glanced at the progress of today's work and found that the slaves had done a good job, so he nodded and let the patrolling robots continue to move forward.

The whispers that the slaves thought were hidden had no privacy for Magna, but after he consulted Lamizane and Perturabo respectively on how to deal with the matter of mortal management, he decided that the main thing was Adopt the method that Lamizane taught him: let them carry out some small communication activities within the scope of efficiency, only need to monitor this, and resolutely eliminate the signs of corruption once they are found. This work It's actually quite interesting that Magna Dorn would admit that she's been waiting with interest for a few people teetering on the edge to make mistakes.

After being awakened, the new Dorn liked to put part of his mind in the Chapter Master's office all day long, and do some small jobs for them by the way.

There is a strange attraction about Lamizane that he likes very much, even though his plush black and white teacher often complains to him while communicating and teaching in thought form in the depths of their Iron Blood database, This man "didn't use one thousandth of the power and terror of my body! What a waste! Unprecedented laziness!" and "He should have stormed into Terra! Burned down the palace! Turned all the corn into popcorn." ! Kick the skeleton and go fishing! Make the Iron Warriors great again!" Weird words like that, yes, but usually Magna would use a very well-behaved voice and posture to coax his teacher.

His black and white plush teacher especially liked to hear him say nice things to him in his most primitive, original voice, and he was not allowed to tell anyone else about it. It was a strange hobby, but Magna Dorn felt that this It's harmless. If Perturabo is not coaxed, he will suddenly get angry and spill the coffee, bite the cushions, scratch the curtains, and knock over the green plants... which will more than triple the workload of cleaning the office. Compared with this, So what if you say a few words to make him happy?

At this time, part of his thinking tentacles received a new flow of data information from the far end of the sensor array: a fleet arrived at the Mandeville Point outside the Belakane system.

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