Warhammer: Start with a dog

Chapter 186 This is too outrageous

After receiving tentative contact calls from the fleet's lead ships that kept jumping out from the Mandeville Point on the edge of the galaxy, the young Magna Mart Dorn allowed his mind to stop on one of his iron rings. The robot pondered for a while in the wetware. For a being like him who could perform verification calculations in tens of terabytes of floating-point units within one-tenth of a microsecond, this was a good idea. It is extremely rare to think for a long time, which shows the special degree displayed by the guests of this fleet.

Then he carefully tried to avoid the key areas of a certain monitoring maniac, and used the maximum computing power and database retrieval capabilities within his authority as much as possible, setting off a "brainstorm" among the cogitators in the entire Iron-Blooded Ship and the entire forging planet. "Storm", finally came to a result that made him not very relieved.

Young Dorn was like a child who had just been entrusted with an important task. He started with great ambitions and soon found that he had encountered a problem he had never encountered before. He wandered there confused and somewhat tangled for several microseconds.

But in the end, he quickly made a decision based on the information he found. He first informed Captain Walter, who was a little anxious due to the lack of shipboard data and the inability to respond, of the retrieved data, and asked him to give it to the ship. The fleet's liaison officers gave a "stay put and wait for the arrival guidance notice" signal to stabilize the other party. Then he concentrated his main thoughts and projected them onto the iron ring robot in the chapter leader's office.

Perturabo curled his big fluffy tail and was sitting on his usual sofa throne. He looked a little lost in thought. Magna knew that this was because his black and white plush teacher might be on some great journey. At the moment of return, Lamizane, who was sitting next to the Shepherd Primarch, seemed to be fishing leisurely in the mountains of files, but one cup after another, the hot Leka coffee was consumed at a rate three to four times as fast as before. It exposed the fact that he was not just a dishonored salted fish.

The flicker of the robot's electronic eyes made Lamizane notice Magna Dorn's desire to communicate. After the last conversation, at Lamizane's strong request, at least they were now able to communicate through text. It’s no longer about guessing what Magna wants to say by flashing lights. Magna's voice dialogue mode should only be heard by Perturabo himself. The reason for telling mortals is "in order not to cause more problems that will not end well in the future."

Lamizane blinked. LOGOS opened an area for visual input and communication on the retinal projection for the owner of the original body's power armor. Then a few lines of messages jumped out from the edge of the blank area in front of him, to the effect that he was interested in the third chapter. An assessment of the communication status, size, keel codes, firepower calculations, etc. of a fleet that received their launch array signal and rushed here.

"You are so capable, Magna!" Upon hearing this, the mecha's mechanical eyes flashed with a pleasant green light.

"I don't know why Baby Perturabo hid you for so long. If you could have come to help me earlier, we might even be able to capture one of the two important ports in the Calixis sector now... Hmm Mm...let's see...oh, it's a big job, hiss, can our manpower here guarantee the safe reception of them? This is actually a Space Marine fleet with a large number of ships? Mmm, good guy , according to the order of jumping out, the first one is the Space Marine battle barge, and the keel code is identified as 'Shebik Oasis'. It is really rare. In this era, would anyone name a battle barge with such a name? The accompanying main force The ship also has two Space Marine cruisers, the 'Golden Horn' and the 'Theodosius'. Well, these two names appear together, and they are also the names of ships. Why does it feel a bit unlucky... After that, I Look, uh, they’re all just modified cargo ships, merchant ships and charter ships of very mixed models? It’s strange, since they are a Space Marine fleet, how come they carry so many civilian ships with little combat effectiveness?”

"Wait a minute?!" The owner of the majestic demigod body suddenly sat up straight, "The last ship that jumped out of Mandeville Point and is confirming the opponent's identity is... the Queen of Glory?! Queen of Glory?! Are you sure? Magna?!"

The mech's light immediately gave a confirming green reply.

"Macragge's Glory?! Impossible, but at this point in time," Lamizane quickly began to use his memories to compare with the LOGOS database, "According to this linear time, except for us In the sky...Ironblood, the only possible Queen of Glory class that will still appear in the physical galaxy is the First Army...the Dark Angels' Indomitable Truth, the Black Templars' Eternal Crusade, the Ultramarines' Macragge Needless to say, the Zhi Yao and the ship handed over to the Nemesis Chapter should be renamed the Homomorphic Revenge? Others who are still in the Queen of Glory may not be able to escape like us..."

The Fourth Primarch couldn't help but take a breath when he thought of the military power behind these four possible Glory Queen-class battleships. "If it is Macragge's Glory, it seems that it is one of them." The best choice, then Magna, has the interference from the aftermath of the subspace jump been eliminated now? Can you confirm which Queen of Glory our visitor is?"

The Iron Ring's mechanical eyes flickered uncertainly, and Magna Dorn took longer than usual to review the identification code of the flagship. In other words, Lamizane felt that the young Dorn was hesitating and Wandering, maybe still trying to review and eliminate errors.

In the end, Magna Mart Dorn passed a few lines of messages to the two relevant people present at a speed that was not very fast.

"...Uh...I think this is too outrageous. I mean, it's really outrageous!!!"

Perturabo, who had fully recovered, tilted his head. Apart from raising his black plush ears, the Fourth Primarch did not interrupt the other two people's thinking or interject to explain, but the plush demon The Maharaja's eyes were obviously filled with a very pleasant light now, and some numbers on a screen in front of him were growing rapidly, but they were balanced within a certain range line by the black and white dog's high-speed tapping of the input device. .

Lamizane frowned deeply as he looked at the content of those few lines of message, and read it out loud. The iron-ringed Dorn's mechanical eyes flashed red, yellow, and extremely uncertain and uneasy light on the side.

"The identity code and keel code were not found in the database of this ship. The closest keel code is: the War Dog Legion's Resolute Resolve or the World Eaters Legion's Conqueror; Belaka's benefactor the Thinker Code comparisons in the transaction database identified it as: the Twelfth Legion, the former flagship of the War Dogs Legion, the current flagship of the Iron Heart Chapter, the Glory Queen-class battleship 'Desert Ark', affiliated to the noble Twelfth Legion. The Primarch, the Conqueror of Nuceria and the Heart of Both, the thunder of silver steel and the rain of life—the Merciful One with an Iron Heart—Angron?!”

Hearing this, Perturabo finally made a continuous sound similar to a hearty laugh.

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